E-GOVERNMENT SERVICE ACCEPTING MODEL FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES CASE STUDY FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIAN RABIU IBRAHIM Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information & Communication Technology Faculty of computer & Information Technology Al-Madinah International University 2017/1439H E-GOVERNMENT SERVICE ACCEPTING MODEL FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES CASE STUDY FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIAN RABIU IBRAHIM PIT133AV115 Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information & Communication Technology Faculty of computer & Information Technology Al-Madinah International University Supervised by: ASSOC.PROF.DR. SHADI M. S. HILLES October 2017 /MUHARAM 1439 i ii CERTIFICATION OF DISSERTATION WORK PAGE The thesis of student named: RABIU IBRAHIM… Under title E- GOVERNMENT SERVICE ACCEPTING MODEL FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES CASE STUDY FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIAN … has been approved by the following: Academic Supervisor Name/ …………………………….. Signature/ …………………………….. Supervisor of correction Name/ …………………………….. Signature/ …………………………….. Head of Department Name/ …………………………….. Signature/ …………………………….. Dean, of the Faculty Name/ …………………………….. Signature/ …………………………….. Academic Managements & Graduation Dept. Deanship of Postgraduate Studies Name/ …………………………….. Signature/ …………………………….. iii DECLARATION I declare that the work in this thesis is my original work; it has not submitted previously or concurrently for any degree or qualification at any other institutions. And I hereby confirm that there is no plagiarism or data falsification/ fabrication in the thesis, and scholarly integrity is upheld as according to the Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU). Name: RABIU IBRAHIM Signature ……………………….. Date: …30…/..05…../ 2016 iv PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in fulfillment of the requirements for a postgraduate degree from Al-Madinah International University, I agree that the University Library make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for copying of this dissertation in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly purpose may be granted by my supervisor or, in his absence by the Dean of Faculty of Finance & Administrative Sciences or the dean of Postgraduate Studies. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this dissertation or parts thereof for financial gain shall be given to me and to Al-Madinah International University for any scholarly use which may be made of any material from my dissertation. Request for permission to copy or make other use of materials in this thesis, in whole or in part should be addressed to: Dean of Faculty of Information and Communication or the dean of Postgraduate Studies. 40100 11th floor –Plaza Masalam Sec 9, Shah Alam Malaysia v Dedicated to To my Beloved Parents; My Wife and Daughters Wonderful family and Friends; and in memories of my late beloved Brothers vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praise to Allah, (Arrahmanu-Rraheem, Malikul Quddusul Hakeem). My deepest heart appreciation goes to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shadi HOD IT Department who kindly and gently took me through the rigors of this research work bringing it to a logical conclusion. To Prof. Al-Tamimi the CEO Al-madinah International University and all other board member for their effort toward the success of MEDIU project. To the Al-madinah International University, I could not find the perfect words to acknowledge all you did to me. You remain dear to my heart and I will forever remain loyal. To. Prof. Dr. Najib Dean IT Department for their moral supports and motivations. To all the respondents and anonymous commentators, I say a VERY BIG THANK YOU for providing your valuable time and useful suggestions for improving this thesis. You have added value to my life in no small measure. I am immensely indebted to my parents and my beloved brothers and sisters for all the support rendered selflessly to me. To my wife and my relatives, I must commend their high level understanding and tolerance during this study period. I shall not fail to pay a very glowing tribute to all my very dear friends, and colleagues; you people have truly been friends worth having, and I pray this friendship is one we shall keep and cherish as long as we live. The memories of the time we shared together shall ever remain on my mind. I will miss you. vii ABSTRACT Due to the fact the Internet developed into distinguished technological processes, the start Web 2.0, initiated several authors to investigate and also to imply theories as well as models related to technology acceptance to have the ability to forecast as well as explain user behavior along with technology through consideration rapid change in each of technologies in addition to their circumstances. For that reason continues to be questioned in case the theories / models of technology acceptance which were formed, modified, as well as extended throughout the U.S. might be utilized in various other regions, especially within Nigeria. Considering the problems, must of the services developed for an e-government are not in to the users prospective, and usually the research focus in the developed countries while there is insufficient literature and framework focusing the developing and under developing nations, meanwhile most of the government are developing the services without due consideration of users prospective. This study the evaluation of e-government services explored the literature with regard to respect of 5 distinguished theories/models, assessed recent research pertaining to IT acceptance as well as utilization of four contexts related to research study as explained within the objectives as stated in chapter one are to investigate dimensions of e-government service and Technology Perception factors that relate to technology acceptance, to identify factors that usage behavior and influences behavioral intention contributes towards improving e-government process, to develop applicable theoretical framework in consideration of the multiple parameters and develop a model for evaluating e-government process in Nigeria, and to evaluate the models which will contribute towards evaluation e-government processes within Nigeria. The ultimate testimony is described as being essential focus of the study. Survey method appeared to be use to gather main data throughout this research; additionally, the complete 490 useful questionnaires have been gathered from the individuals just like known as through this study. In an effort to experimenting the validity within distinguished elements, statistical analysis approaches in addition to Structural Equation Modeling have been used. Finally the research model was founded along with five primary determinants and nine moderators. Ultimately, the modified research model titled the “e-government services Acceptance Model” could well be abbreviated as “EGSAM” has possessed the capability to explain user behavior within Federal Republic of Nigeria. viii ABSTRAK Oleh sebab Internet berkembang menjadi proses teknologi yang berbeza, Web 2.0 bermula, memulakan beberapa penulis untuk menyiasat dan juga menyiratkan teori serta model yang berkaitan dengan penerimaan teknologi untuk mempunyai keupayaan untuk meramalkan serta menjelaskan tingkah laku pengguna bersama dengan teknologi melalui pertimbangan perubahan pesat dalam setiap teknologi selain daripada keadaan mereka. Sebab itu terus dipersoalkan sekiranya teori / model penerimaan teknologi yang terbentuk, diubahsuai, dan diperluaskan ke seluruh A.S. mungkin digunakan di beberapa kawasan lain, terutamanya di Nigeria. Memandangkan masalah, mesti perkhidmatan yang dibangunkan untuk e-kerajaan tidak akan menjadi calon pengguna, dan biasanya tumpuan penyelidikan di negara-negara maju di samping tidak ada sastera dan rangka kerja yang mencukupi yang memberi tumpuan kepada negara membangun dan di bawah negara-negara membangun, sementara kebanyakan kerajaan sedang membangunkan perkhidmatan tanpa pertimbangan pengguna yang prospektif. Kajian ini menilai penilaian perkhidmatan e-kerajaan meneroka kesusasteraan berkenaan dengan menghormati 5 teori / model yang dibezakan, menilai penyelidikan terkini mengenai penerimaan IT serta penggunaan empat konteks yang berkaitan dengan kajian penyelidikan seperti yang dijelaskan dalam objektif seperti yang terkandung dalam bab satu adalah untuk menyiasat dimensi perkhidmatan e-kerajaan dan faktor Persepsi Teknologi yang berkaitan dengan penerimaan teknologi, untuk mengenal pasti faktor- faktor yang tingkah laku penggunaan dan pengaruh niat tingkah laku menyumbang ke arah meningkatkan proses e-kerajaan, untuk membangunkan rangka kerja teori yang sesuai dengan mempertimbangkan pelbagai parameter dan membangunkan model untuk menilai proses e-kerajaan di Nigeria, dan untuk menilai model yang akan menyumbang ke arah proses e-kerajaan penilaian di Nigeria. Kesaksian muktamad digambarkan sebagai tumpuan utama kajian. Kaedah tinjauan kelihatan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data utama sepanjang kajian ini; Selain itu, soal selidik yang lengkap 490 telah dikumpulkan dari individu yang dikenali sebagai melalui kajian ini. Dalam usaha untuk menguji kesahihan dalam unsur-unsur yang dibezakan, pendekatan analisis statistik sebagai tambahan kepada Pemodelan Persamaan Struktur telah digunakan. Akhirnya model penyelidikan diasaskan bersama dengan lima penentu utama dan sembilan moderator. Pada akhirnya, model penyelidikan yang diubahsuai bertajuk "Model Penerimaan Perkhidmatan e-Kerajaan" juga dapat disingkat sebagai "EGSAM"
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