Vol. 8 No. 1 January-February 1998 $5.95 s of .-••:1 m• ~-~ education & =HarperCollinsReligious An imprint of HarperCollinsPubli5her.s- Special Book Offer FROM A ROMAN WINDOW BY ROSEMARY GOLDIE Rosemary Goldie has had a remarkable life by any account. For over forty years she has been an insider in the Vatican and was one of two women 'auditors' at Vatican II. In 1967 she became the first woman ever to hold an official post of authority in the Rom an Curia-Under Secretary of the Council on the Laity. From a Roman Window, her autobiography, is a fly-on-the-wall account of some of the most significant developments in the church. It is an affectionate and insightful book. Thanks to HarperCollinsReligious, Eureka Street has ten copies of From a Roman Window to give away, each worth $25.95. Just put your name and address on the back of an envelope and send it to 'Eurel<a Street Jan/Feb Book offer', PO Box 553, Richmond, Vic, 3121 . SUMMER PROGRAMS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES, LITURGY AND THEOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME JUNE 22- JULY 31, 1998 You c.m wo rk tnwa rd an ~ I . A 111 Bt hle. Litu rg} or Theology. or snnpl y takl' courses for cnnchm r nl Co ur~es, are arranged " 11h111 two thn.'l'-wrck moduks Uun c 22 to j ul) 10 and july 13 to july 31 ). lo u may choose to attend en her or hm h of these. In addi tion, eac h summ er we will offer an lntcnsin Course for s1Udcn1s who wish to rcnect on a sin gle Ca th olic th eologian. or a single his tori cal ev ent. which has signiri ca ntl y shaped the con temp orary Ca th oli c tradi tion. Cat holi c sc hool teac hers and DR E's wdl he e~ p e ciall y Int erested 111 the :,ummcr M.A. 111 Biblical Studl l'S . Teacher:, fll r th1 s n Hl n lH ra tio n '' dl be dr ~l\\ n fro m No tre Dame. national and nH cr nat ionallac ulu cs. Rcq u1rrd and r lrcll\T co ur '-ll''-1 will he oll cred regularl} c;o that th e c;a m l' p rog r cs~ 111 <1}' be mad e a" in th e Llt urgll'a l an d Th eo log tca l Studies programs BIBLI CAL FACULTY AND COUR SES IN CLUD E: THEO LOGY FACULTY AND COUR SES IN CLUDE : Jerome Murphy-O'Connor ............ ...... .. ......... Pauline Theolog y··· J. Matthew Ashley . .. .. .. Modern History · ·· Hugh R. Page ....... .. ....................... Prophets··· Michael Signer ................................. .. ... Judaism··· ~~~~ ~~o~~~~~rt . ::: : sociology ~ns:~~~~~::: Gregory Sterl ing ........................................ Synopti cs and Acts··· Regina Coli ... .. ........................................... Feminist Th eology··· Charles Curran ... .. .......... Catholic Social Ethics · LITURGY FACU LTY AND COUR SES IN CLUDE : Keith Egan ............ .. ........... History of Spiritua lity·· · Richard Gaillardetz ................................... Th emes and Texts in the Catholic Tradition· · ~~~~:;~~~~:c~l i ·:::::: ::::::::: : : : :: ::::: : : :: . ~ lt~ rg icl~;~:~~;::: Richard McBrien . .. ... .. .................. .. .. Ecclesiology' · · Edward Foley .......................... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. Liturgical. Hi story::: Gerald O'Collins . ...... The Doctrine of God · ·' Staff . ........... .. .... .. ........ .. .. .. L1turg1 ca l Law Thomas F. O'Meara . .. .... Grace··· Michael Joncas .. .. .. .... Mu sic for th e Rit es··· Kenan Osborne ...... .. ............ .. ...... .... .... .. Sac ramental Th eo logy · ·· John A. Melloh .. ... ... .. .. .. Ritu al Studies • • • Kern Trembath .. .. .. ........ Fund ame ntals of Sys tem atic Th eology · ' • Ruth Meyers .............................. ...... ...... .. .. .. .... .. Liturgi cal Year' · • Paul Wadell .. .. ................ .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. Interpersonal Ethi cs· • • Nathan Mitchell ........................ .. ............. Liturgy and Ministry·· • Karen Westerfield Tucker ............ .. ... Funeral Liturgies·· Edward Yarnold .. .. ...... Christian Initiation·· · THE 1998 I T ENSIVE COURSE: J ohn C. Cavadini Augu s tine**** Mo nday through Friday, J ul y I 3-H Tuition: $208 per credit hour plus a one-lime general fee of $35 Fo r rurthrr Information on a ll graduate program:-. (.':t UI11111 Cr , academi c )car, M.Di v. or Ph .D.) writ e: DIRECTOR OF G RAD UATE ST UDIES Dcparuncnt of Theology, Room 15 Um ve rs it y nl Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN -1 6556 Telepho ne: M.A. (2 19) 63 1-42 5-1 ; Ph .D. (219) 63 1-5732 htt p://www.nd .edu:80-t heo/ Volume 8 Number 1 January-February 1998 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology The British novelist Frank Parkin wrote CONTENTS a book called 32 The Mind and Body 4 THE ACTOR'S ISLAND COMMENT Steve Game goes on tour in Tasmania Shop over a decade and learns more than his lines. ago. It described the 9 CAPITAL LETTER 38 amalgamation of a COOMBS' COUNTRY university's philosophy 10 Christine Williams on Nugget Coombs' LETTERS department, which environmental vision. was facing fiscal stress, 14 41 with the local brothel. THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC BOOKS With Terry King, Humphrey McQueen, Andrew Hamilton reviews Alan Gill's The mind-body Dewi Anggraeni, Jon Greenaway. Orphans of the Empire and Kay Goode's problem thereby Jumping to Heaven; Race Mathews surveys 18 four recent titles on the credit union found an institutional THE THEOLOGICAL CHALLENGE movement (p42); Gillian Fulcher takes a resolution of sorts in OFWIK second look at Peter Carey's The Unusual Frank Fletcher looks at pastoral issues. Life of Tristan Smith (p44). a grotesquely pecuniary environment. In a 19 47 deregulated system SUMMA THEOLOGIAE IN BRIEF-WORDS AND MUSIC Margaret Simons on Delia Falconer's everything is possible. 20 novel The Service of Clouds; -See Frank Stilwell on 'Hire FLYING DUCK LOGIC Juliette Hughes reviews four new Education' on p22. Peter Mares follows the twists instrumental CDs from the Move label. of the Asian financial crisis. Back cover, left to right: Keith Govias, B.Com./Arts La Trohe; 48 Scott Holbrow, Business 22 THEATRE La Trohe; Ben Jones, B.Sc. HIRE EDUCATION Geoffrey Milne goes where Melbourne; Ambre Pit, Frank Stilwell on the brave new world the theatre gets rough. Assoc.Dip.Bus.Ed. RMIT. of university funding. Photograph by Bill Thomas. Cover design by Siobhan Jackson. 50 25 FLASH IN THE PAN Graphics pp6, 7, 8, 18, 20-2 1, ARCHIMEDES Reviews of the films Titanic, Spiceworld: 26-27, 39, 41, 43, 45 by the movie, Seven Years in Tibet, Siobhan Jackson. Cartoon p1 5 by Dea n Moore. 26 Her Majesty Mrs Brown, The Rainmaker Photographs pp22, 23, 24, 37 by THE MOST ANNOYING and The Ice Storm. Juliette Hughes Bill Thomas. SUMMER QUIZ YET flashes back to The Tin Drum (p52). Cartoon p51 by Peter Fraser. Eureka Street magazine 28 54 Jesuit Publications OPENING PANGUNA'S BOX WATCHING BRIEF PO Box 553 There's a touch of plus 9a change about the Richmond VIC 3 121 Tel (03)9427 7311 recently released Cabinet documents on 55 Fax (03)9428 4450 PNG, argues James Griffin. SPECIFIC LEVITY V OLUME 8 NUMBER 1 • EUREKA STREET 3 EURI:-KA SJRI:-Er COMMENT A magazine of public affairs, the arts MICHAEL M c G IRR and theology Publisher Michael Kelly SJ First day of play Editor Morag Fraser Assistant editor T ,. WA' A 'MAce cwwo in fm tho opening d•y of tho Kate Manton Australia v N ew Zealand test match in Perth last November, but the organisers seem ed to have been expecting smaller. An Consulting editor excursion of about one hundred primary school children so Michael McGirr SJ swelled the numbers in the outer that the nearest food outlet ran Production Manager out of hot pies before lunch. Meanwhile, their teacher inadvert­ Sylvana Scannapiego ently entertained the crowd by trying to take a class roll. The spectators nearby answered the call and began indicating their Graphic designer: Siobhan Jackson presence or absence with increasingly obscene reasons one way Sub editor: Juliette Hughes or the other. The children enjoyed this hugely, so much so that Production assistants: Paul Fyfe SJ, I doubt if the same excursion will be going ahead this year. It's Chris Jenkins SJ, Kristen Harrison, a pity. If the point of the exercise was to expose youngsters to an Scott Howard aspect of Australian culture, then the object was surely achieved. Events on the field were of less interest to the children, but, fo r Contributing editors the record, the Australian team played like the AIF in Egypt, Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly Sf which was famous for catching everything. N ew Zealand bats­ Perth: Dean Moore m en left the arena in such rapid succession that one wondered Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor if there were going to be any work for the Australians actually to stop in the industrial dispute which loomed in the background South East Asian correspondent of the gam e. Evening came, the first day. Jon Greenaway The series against South Africa hasn't needed school excur­ sions to get a crowd through the ga te. Boxing Day is named after Jesuit Editorial Board the basic human instinct to pack a lunch and get out of the house Peter L'Estrange SJ Andrew Bullen SJ, after spending a day with rellies. In parts of the northern Andrew Hamilton Sf hemisphere, it is the traditional day for the start of the hunting Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ season. In Melbourne, 73,000 spectators turned up for the cricket, Business manager: Sylvana Scannapiego more than had been through the turnstiles for the entire New Marketing manager: Rosanne Turner Zealand series. The da y started sedately, doubtless out of respect Advertising representative: Ken Head for the hangover being nursed by m any in the outer, but at least it did start, more than can be said of the last South African visit Patrons to the MCG. On boxing day in 1993, constant rain put the lie to Eurelw Street gratefully acknowledges the the rumour that water can achieve anything for a headache.
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