V o l. X X I I I OCEAN GROVE, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915 N o . 7 HALF CENTURY. A PREACHER DR. BALLARD SEES SUNDAY. HANNING: FDR T HE HGHIHREPOR l ' ; WOULD MODIFY THE SIXTH WEEK OF Remarkable Record of Rev.' J. N. Great Evangelist Says It Is Impos­ e. conIference . Heilenmann. of Ooeahport. HOME FOR THE AGED : i m t l Y m MURDER sible To Come To Ocean Grove. REVIVAL SERVICE When; the ..Methodist ' Episcopal Rev. Dr. Ballard went to Philadel­ conference meets next month Rev. phia on Tuesday for an Interview t o BE TTRT.Tl IN ATLANTIC CITY. J. fF. Heilenmann,. now pastor of ANHIVEBSAHY DAY CLEARED BELL CONVEYS DISCRETIONARY with Billy Sunday in an effort to TRAIL HITTERS ADDRESS MEN’S the Oceanport church, will be as­ OFF S600 DEBT. POWER TO JURIES, have him reconsider his declination, MASS MEETING - ." - OPENING MARCH 3. signed to a new charge. of an invitation to visit Ocean Grove In age and in point of service Mr. during camp meeting the coming Heilenmapn is one of the oldest Summer. Dr. Ballard, Rev. Charles clergymen In New Jei'soy. He Is Friends Were Very Liberal With Legislators Shojv a Disposition To M. BoBWell, B. G. Moore and John St. Paul’s Church Crowded on Wed- , New Jersey Bodv One of the Oldest E. Andrus wero named a committee ' iventy-two years old and lie , has Give Civil Service the Right of In American Methodism and Was beSft- engaged in m inisterial duties Cash Subscriptions and Donations from the Ocean Grove Association to ‘nesday Afternoon, When the present to Mr. Sunday the following flfty-one years, fifty of which he has of Supplies—President of Mana­ Way—Woman Snffratre Amend­ Mothers’ Circle Bad Charge. Formerly a Part of Philadelphia Bpent In Now JerBey. In spite of invitation formulated at the annual his advanced years he is in appear­ gers Pays Tribute to Mrs. Martha ment Reported In the Senate—As­ meeting of that body: Numerous Conversions and Many Distriot—-Has Over 57,000 Mem- "Believing that in fellowship with ance and In activity as young ns semblymen By Districts. ■ '.liers in Good. Standing. most men of half his years. J. Hudson and To-E. N. Cole. i John and Charles Wesley, George Accessions to Membership. " Mr. Heilenmann is a native of Whitefleld, Dwight L. Moody ' and- Comparison of turbulence abroad In the New Jersey legislature on others of like evangelistic mission, Six weeks of continuous revival On Wednesday, March 3, the New Philadelphia. When a young man Monday night under suspended he worked as a clerk in a shoe and w ith. peace at home is made by Mrs. you are called of God to a work of at St. Paul’s church and every week 'jersey. M. E. conference will be John H. Parker in the opening para rules both houses passed, and Gov­ religious revival among the people, prolific in results! Preaching every . convened In Atlahtic City, with boot store, at that place. His em­ ernor Fielder promptly signed, a ployer was a local preacher, and Mr. graph of the eighth annual report ot the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting As­ night was the program; audiences Blahpp Theodore S. Henderson, o£ tho H°me for tbe Aged In this place, bill, introduced by Democratic Lead­ sociation at its annual meeting as- that filled tho building from night Chattanooga, Term., aa the presid­ Heilenmann frequently assisted him er Martin in tho Assembly four weeks lnrellgious work, an assistant pas­ just Issued from tho press of thb sembletf'invitea you to come with us to night the result. When tho ing officer. Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Ocean Grove Times. Mrs. Parker is ago malting an important amend­ for at least Saturday and Sunday, church bell rings all roads lead .to . •oC Philadelphia, the residential tor of a church near Philadelphia ment to and clarifying a somewhat got tired of his. job ahd left It. His president of the board of managers. September 4 and 5, of the closing St. Paul’s. bishop of tlio group of which the "The—year of 1914 is at a close befogged provision of the Walsh days of camp meeting, or as much Tho sixth week of these Borvlces New Jersey conference Is a part, whereabouts could not he . located. Commission Government law, as to Heilonmann’s work had attracted and we have much to be thankful time as you can give to us, during comes to an end with Sunday’s ser­ has beon asaigned to duty outside hla for," says Mra. Parker. “We look the vote required to make,an elec­ which dates are assembled In Its vices, which will be of extraordinary own district.. considerable: attention, and he was tion valid. " engaged temporarily to-DU the posi­ "across the sea and to seo our sister Auditorium from 5,000 to 10,000 Interest. Rev. James D. Bills will • This Is in harmony with a plan countries in suoh sorrow and dis­ Assemblyman Peacock, of Bur, representatives from all sections of preach morning and evening, and, worked out by the Episcopal College. tion of the' assistant preacher who lin'gton county made a hard, but in- there will be reception of members had departed. The young shoo clerk tress. No one would have ever the United States, Canada, and from For.three consecutive years each thought a few short months ago that efflectual fight for his repealer of nations on the other side of our at both services. bishop" has presided at the annual liked his new duties so well and filled the automobile reciprocity law. He great ocean, and we will earnestlj Thero will be a mass meeting for his post so satisfactorily that he was so great a conflict would occur in sessions of hla own episcopal group. this enlightened age." v said the present law was enacted for pray that God will bless your work men only at 3.30 p. m. Ono ot the It baB been deemed wise” that the engaged for a year. He decided to the purpose of obtaining real recip­ at Ocean Grove as He has blessed it men who will take part In this ser­ eriter the ministry, and he was made The figures presented by the gen­ fourth year should be given to an eral treasurer, E. N. WoolBton, shov. rocity, but New Jersey automoblllsts ln tlie great centers of our land.” vice is Rev. Georgo W. Scorbor- /.■■ interchanging of episcopal presi­ n member of the New Jersey Confer­ are obliged to pay big sums for By both Mr. and Mrs. Sunday ough, pastor of Clinton Avenuo M. dency. ence In 1863. His first charge in that there was received from all sources during the year the sum of tolls on roads ot Pennsylvania, while tlie president of the Association was E. Church, Trenton. Before his Bishop! Henderson has become tho New Jersey conference was at large numbers of cars from that received with courtesy, -but once conversion Mr. Scarborough was a wll-lcnown to the general church I.umhertofi. $10,473.38. There was expended $9,063.78, leaving a balance of $1 ,- State come here, abuse the fifteen- more the evangelist said it was im­ heavyweight pugilist, but is now .as a man of unbounded evangelistic 409:60 in the treasury on.December day tourist privilege and tear up the possible for him to give any time to heard gladly in the pulpit becauso spirit. For. four years prior to Ms roads. Ocean Grove this summer. Mrs. of bis remarkable experience. Wil­ elevation to the episcopal office he COAST LIFES AVERS IN ' - ' 31, 1914. The balance on hand last year was $1,074.56. Expenses were Tlie. resolution presented by Sena­ Sunday told Dr. Ballard that at liam S. Weeden, of New York City, was at the head of the Evangelistic REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE tor Hutchinson and providing for a camp meeting time' they would be at will sing and Carruthers, the re- ■ Commission and traveled throughout Increased during the year by the erection of an addition to the Home “homo-rule" amendment to tbo Con­ their ranch in Oregon; “and so ab­ deemed traveling man who also has ' .the entire connection, arousing in­ Recently tho government life-sav­ stitution, contained too much home solutely in nee4 of jest as to-, forbid had n wonderful conversion, will terest in the movement, Bince become at G3 Clark avenue. ing service along the new Jersey Tag day, as noted in the report, rule, to stilt tho Senators, and when of filling any engagements.” toll his experience. widespread, of winning the allegi­ coast was amalgamated .with the it cn.me up for final passage it was Speaking for himself, Mr. Sunday From five to six o'clock there will ance of tho unchurched ln the great netted $856.53. The proceeds de­ federal revenue.cutter service, and rived from the supper at the Home sent back to the Committee on Judi­ said ho appreciated the compliment be a mass meeting for women only, • v ork for which the church was in­ life saving stations.aro now oificlal- ciary, because the members thought implied In the invitation, but after ill the Sunday school Temple. stituted. on anniversary day amounted to, ly designated as coast guard sta­ $87.75. A debt of six. hundred dol­ tho people of the Stato were not ful­ thrubhing out the matter he found Tlie sermons of the week just clos­ In all likelihood Rev. Melville E. tions. • ly informed as to its provisions.
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