Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 5-19-1932 The edC arville Herald, May 20, 1932 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, May 20, 1932" (1932). The Cedarville Herald. 2580. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2580 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hie Hew liings are advertised by Advertising is news, as much as the merchants nrst. Advertisements keep headlines on the front page. Often you abreast of the times. Head them! * 'Cedarville Jterald.it is of more significance to you. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 24. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY MAY 20,1932, PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR NEWS LETTER I] Church Notes Saving COLLEGE NEWS M N A . NISBET 1 It «umHuU4iimiHHmm»»uw»iiinM»»—■■‘iiHur UNITED PRESBYTERIAN FROM STATE Mis* Deroihy i f . Oolites, ’!« , was DBMONOftYEVt Sabbath School 10 A. M> Supt. J. E. appointed by Pwsfckmt MeOmanfiy to Kyle. Asst. Delmar Jobe acting Supt. ■Ji-M r e p r y s t him tmi the osUsgn at the for the month of May. DEPARTMENTS inauguration service* of Dr, William XENIA BANKER ‘Church Service 11. A, M., in charge A . Boylaa aa Preeident of Brooklyn COLUMBUS— Incomplete election of the choir, A service of sacred College, Brooklyn, Now York, John A . Nisbet, 78, president of the music will be given, which will be returns received at the office of Sec­ Xenia National Bank, formerly a res­ worshipful, profitable, and' interesting retary of State Clarence J. Brown, The Summer o f CodarvUla ident of Cedarville, died at his home, to all. show that in the Gubernatorial race. mi College opens Jauna 7 aad close# July Xenia, Monday night at 10:30, While The Youngs People are to hold a. 6? counties returned a plurality for 1 ® ! 19. Couraec will ho offer *d for high -his Kaalth had' not been good: for sev­ Union Young People’s Service at 7 P, Clarence J. Brown, 17 for David S. school students who wish tomake up eral years, he had been able to be at M, in the Methodist Church. Ingalls and three for Myers Y. Coop hack work or to takeadraaSod work the bank until the past two weeks, Union Service at 8 P. M. in M. E. er, they are Williams, Noble and Lick­ for college, also fir tha training of Death was due to sclerosis and car­ Church with .sermon by Rev. Dwight ing, the latter being the birthplace of elementary add high aehoel teachers diac asthma, with bronchial pneumon­ R. Guthrie Of the Presbyterian Mr, Cooper. That gentleman and Mr. Vf/Afc The college is rocojptisod hy the State ia which developed shortly before hie Brgwn were tied in one county, Henry. Church, Depart meatof Education o f Ohio, si death. • . Mr, Cooper carried Licking by 23. Prayer-meeting Wednesday, 8 P. so for college atudeata who wish -to leader, Mr. Fred Dobbins. w m Mr. Nisbe twas the son of Samuel advance their srprkor to make up any and Nancy Nisbet and was 78 year# of When it is recalled that Mr, Cooper, Choir rehearsal Saturady, 8 P. M .. m m deficiencies and fo r say others who age, being bom April 14, 1864. He was Ohio's Governor lesB than a year Rev, and Mrs. Ralph A. Jamieson ?Mi£ may wish te/enter. Any subject need­received his education in the local and a half ago, the surprisingly .small left by auto Thursday for Washington ed will he tahght. <4Ph*. sesmim is just schools and located and for a time op­ vote he received, can only be attribu­ Fa, Mrs. Jamieson will visit friends iVjii.V six .weeks in iength and the [tuition is erated a grocery in this place. Ini ted to the fact that the people were and relatives in and hear Washington, W t twenty dol^s-aud must he paidln ad­ 1888 he located in Xenia,- being deputy not in accord with his administration. while RevJamieson attends the Home i ,\ vance. Registration Day is June 7. under the late A . 0 . Frazier, county Governor George White* Dtemocrhtl, Missions Congress in Pittsburgh,f V' treasurer. Later Mr, Nisbet served was-opposed-by-GalehrStainrRoss, the and-the General-Assembly inrBetfverr ■ h A musical recital in the Presbyter two terms as treasurer, Governor carrying every county in Pa, They will be away about two ian Church Thursdaynight by Marion After leaving the treasurership he the state by a substantial majority. Weeks. The choir will have charge of ! .*» w O c\ Hostetler, ’82, -was well attended and Lieutenant Governor William G..Piclc- the morning service next Sabbath, the became assistant'eashier pf the Xenia Mr. Hostetler, mho .graduates this rel, on the same ticket, was unoppos­ 22nd, and on the 29th Rev, S. R. Jam­ National Bank; under Mr. Frasier,as year, acquitted himself with credit. ed.. ’ ieson of Sugar Creek will preach. V. cashier and served for a number of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Ritchie ac­ years iii that capacity. A t the re- On the Republican ticket Lee B. Pal companied Rev, and Mrs. R, A'. Jam­ The annual College Picnic this -year retirement of Mr. Frasier, he became 6 0 * b mer of Licking county was chosen as ieson to" Pittsburgh, Thursday, and O* will be given by the Senior -Class to cashier where he served for eighteen George C. Braden of Warren, Secre­ will visit with their sons who reside the faculty and students, of the col­ years. He resigned as cashier August tary of Statp.' John W. Bricker, Co- in that vicinity. (CopTrtUt, W.lt W lege over at Earlham College, where, 4, 1930, owing to ill health but stilL the candidate for lieutenant governor; the baseball team goes to play .Earl­ remained'on the board of directors. ham today. ; Following the death of George Lit­ lumbus, attorney genera], Gilbert METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bettman for U. S. Senator- George H. PUBLIC BOARDS Program For Selma CLIFTON PASTOR tle; he .was chosen president November 19,1981. Bender and Thomas J. Herbert for C; A . Hutchison, pastor. P. M. Hi Commencement INSALLED MONDAY The Crown Pin, which is the emblem congressman-at-large. Gillilan, Supt. BRING SUITS ON of the highest scholarship obtainable Mr. Nisbet was a member of the in Cedarville College, was given‘for Sunday School at 10 A- M. BONDS FOR FUNDS The following is -the program of Presbyterian church and served for Rev. Clare V. McNeel, '29, was in­ the first time eleven Tears -age. Dur­ State Highway Director O. W. Met- Preaching at 11 A. M. Selma High School commencement in some years as a member of the board stalled as minister of the Clifton Pres­ ing that time thirty-nine - girls and rell announces a highway contract Epworth League at 7:00 P. M. The Village Council having the au­ the school auditorium, May 23 at 8:15 of deacons. He is survived by one, byterian . congregation Monday night. eight boys have wonthepin. For the letting for Friday afternoon, which The Young Peoples* Societies o f the thority to designate a ^depository of P. M.: ' ' son, Leigh -Nisbet,. a -Boy Scout ex­ The installation sermon was preached past four years the winners o f the pin includes 62 miles of road improvement other local churches are invited to village funds, and The Exchange Processional — Cedarville . • High. ecutive in Boston, Mass., and a sister, by the Rev. Carl H. White. The have all been girls. - - 27 miles in Allen and Hardin counties, this meeting. v Bank being in the hands of the State School Orchestra- | Miss Flora Nisbet, with whom he charge was given to the pastor Iby on an estimate o f $1,641,559. Union Service in M- E. church. Rev. Bank department, has authorized a Invocation—Rev, jC. A. Hutchison. made his hmoe. A granddaughter, President W. R. McGhesney; the Guthrie will preach. ’ suit in Common Pleas Court through Music--- Orchestra. The Alumni Banquet committee for Nancy Nisbet, also survives. ' charge was given to the congregation H. G. Southard, M. D., Director of Prayer-meeting, Wed. 7:30 P. M. the Solicitor, Harry D. Smith, to col­ Salutatory Oratiojh, Virginia Smith 1982 have notified the faculty, seniors, The funeral was held Thursday af­ by Rev. W. P. Harriman, D. D.; and the State Department of Health,, says Choir Practice, Saturday, 8 P. M. lect on a personal bond signed by the Music— Orchestra. and all others concerned that no ternoon from the Presbyterian church, the presiding moderator was Rev. C. that probably the most exaggerated bank, directors: Robert Elder, Miron Valedictory Oration, Anita Corbin. Alumni Banquet will be given this With ‘burial in Woodland Cemetery. L. Plymate, D. D. Qestions were put form of waste in Ohio industry is of i. Marsh, A. E. Swaby, Howard S. Music— Orchestrlu year because of the 'financial stress.' Mr. Nisbet was regarded one of the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH to the, minister and the congregation man-power lost to it as the result of Smith, J, B. Rife and W. J. Tarbox Address—Dr. B. O. Skinner. best" bankers in the history of the and the installation prayer offered*by accidents and physical disabilities.
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