September 13, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17027 member of his community. Upon his retire- emphasized that Sikhs are not Muslims. March 3, 1951. A successful businessman and ment as a history teacher, I would like to Sikhism must not be mistaken for Islam, Hin- a respected leader, B.J.’s father was elected honor his dedication and years of service and duism, or any other religion. Every Sikh is re- as commissioner of the village of Piti. Upon extend my warmest regard to Dave and his quired to wear a turban; it is part of the reli- the death of B.J.’s father in 1956, his mother family. gion. Very few Muslims wear turbans. Osama moved the family to California and later mar- f bin Laden is one of the few Muslims who ried Vicente Cruz Guerrero. does. The style in which a turban is worn by On Guam, young B.J. attended Saint EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE a Sikh is quite different from the style that is Francis School in Yona. He later graduated SENATE AND HOUSE OF REP- worn by some Muslims. In addition, Sikhs can from St. John Bosco Senior High School in RESENTATIVES REGARDING THE be identified by the kirpans (small ceremonial Bellflower, California in 1968 and earned a TERRORIST ATTACKS LAUNCHED swords) that they carry and the bracelets they Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science AGAINST THE UNITED STATES wear. These are two of the five things that and Economics from Claremont Men’s College ON SEPT. 11, 2001 identify a practicing Sikh. Tragically, some where he wrote his senior thesis on the con- people, who are ignorant of Islam and stitutional and legal history of Guam. In 1972, HON. DENNIS MOORE Sikhism, have targeted innocent Sikh-Ameri- B.J. attended the University of Santa Clara School of Law. He spent the summer of 1973 OF KANSAS cans for violence. It must be made clear that working as a law clerk for both the Federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sikhs do not hold any ill will toward America. District Court and the Superior Court of Guam. Thursday, September 13, 2001 Sikhs from around the world have always looked toward the United States as a beacon He was awarded his Juris Doctorate in May Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the of freedom to be emulated, not a nation to be 1975. Upon graduation, B.J. commenced a long world was different. destroyed. and distinguished career in government serv- Today and tomorrow and forever our Amer- Mr. Speaker, attacks against Sikhs must ice. He initially served as the Assistant Con- ica is changed. stop. I am calling for an end to this violence sumer Counsel in the Office of the Attorney Today, there are no Republicans, no Demo- against Sikh Americans and anyone else of General of Guam and, shortly thereafter, crats. any faith who was not involved in the terrorist joined the first administration of Governor Ri- Today, we all are Americans. attack on our country. I call on our nation’s cardo J. Bordallo as its legal counsel. B.J. May God hold in His arms the victims and leaders to speak our forcefully against these their families who suffered these terrorist at- served in this capacity until January 1979, attacks. I also believe that it is the responsi- when he went into private practice. Within this tacks. bility of the media to expose these attacks and Buildings and bodies may be destroyed. But period, he also served as minority legal coun- denounce them. All Americans are justified in sel to the Democratic Senators of the 15th freedom will survive. Because freedom burns being very angry about what happened on in the heart of every American. And freedom and 16th Guam Legislatures. B.J. remained September 11, but that does not justify acts of active in the promotion of cultural and political burns in the hearts of freedom loving people violence against innocent Americans. throughout the world. rights working as an incorporator and legal f counsel for a number of indigenous rights or- May God bless those who fight for freedom. ganizations and the Nuclear Free Micronesia and may God bless our United States of VERMONT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT organization. During Governor Bordallo’s sec- America. CONGRESSIONAL TOWN MEETING ond term, B.J. was chosen to head the newly f established Governor’s Washington Liaison INDISCRIMINATE ATTACKS ON HON. BERNARD SANDERS Office in Washington, D.C.—a post he held SIKHS MUST STOP; SIKHISM IS OF VERMONT until his appointment as a Superior Court VERY DIFFERENT FROM ISLAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Judge in 1984. Thursday, September 13, 2001 As a judge, B.J. was known for his fair and impartial decisions. His reputation is of fair- HON. DAN BURTON Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, today I recog- ness, firmness and compassion. For over thir- OF INDIANA nize the outstanding work done by participants teen years, he served as a trial court judge IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in my Student Congressional Town Meeting with Superior Court of Guam—the first nine held this summer. These participants were Thursday, September 13, 2001 years of which he spent with the Family Juve- part of a group of high school students from nile Court. First appointed to the Guam Su- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, on around Vermont who testified about the con- preme Court in 1997, he began his term as Tuesday, a despicable terrorist attack was car- cerns they have as teenagers, and about what Chief Justice on April 21, 1999. ried out on the United States of America. I am they would like to see government do regard- Outside the courtroom, Chief Justice Cruz pleased to see how all of us, Republican and ing these concerns. has always been involved with community Democrat, liberal and conservative, are pulling f events and organizations. Having previously together in support of our nation. That is in- served as vice president and treasurer of the TRIBUTE TO CHIEF JUSTICE spiring and it shows the greatness of America. Guam National Olympic Committee, he now BENJAMIN J.F. CRUZ At the same time, it is very unfortunate that serves as the organization’s secretary general. some Americans have been made targets of His tenure in the Family Juvenile Court un- violence simply because of the way they look HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD doubtedly led him to serve as President of the and the way they dress. That is unacceptable. OF GUAM Board of Directors for Sanctuary, Inc., an or- Despite the anger that we all share against IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ganization dedicated to the island’s troubled those responsible for the terrorists attacks, we Thursday, September 13, 2001 youth and their families. In addition, he has must not sink to their level and become a peo- been actively involved with civic and commu- ple who extract revenge indiscriminately. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would nity associations such as the Guam Chapter It appears that there have been several at- like to take this occasion to commend and of the American Cancer Society, the Miss tacks on Sikhs, largely in the New York area congratulate a distinguished public servant, Guam World Association, and the Guam but elsewhere as well, including a beating of Chief Justice Benjamin J.F. Cruz, upon his re- Beauty Association. an elderly Sikh man with baseball bats. Appar- tirement from the Supreme Court of Guam. A Upon his retirement in August 21, 2001, ently, some Sikhs are being singled out for at- highly regarded jurist, Chief Justice Cruz is Chief Justice Cruz left a legacy of achieve- tacks because their turbans and beards re- well known and respected for his commitment ments and accomplishments. The decades of mind people of the terrorist chief Osama bin to Guam’s judiciary and the important deci- service he dedicated to the people of Guam Laden. Other Sikhs are being mistaken for sions he rendered as a judge in the island’s has truly earned him a place in our hearts. On Muslims. court system. behalf of the people of Guam, I congratulate Attacking innocent American Muslims is Widely known on the island as ‘‘B.J.,’’ Chief him on his well earned retirement and thank wrong, and we should stand together in con- Justice Cruz was born in Guam to Juan him for his service to the island and its people. demning attacks on them. However, it must be Quenga Cruz and Antonia Cruz Franqueze on Si Yu’os Ma’ase’, Chief Justice Cruz. .
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