Linking Bergen, Essex & Union Counties Issue #87 Bike in for Free Soda Can or Water 201-833-0200 No purchase necessary 172 West Englewood Ave. Must have coupon and bike Teaneck, NJ 07666 With coupon. May not be combined with other offers Order on-Line at Exclude Parties. One per person. Expires 7/3/15 www.chopstixusa.com JEWISH LINK June 26-9 Tammuz 5775 Parshat Chukat December 18, 2014 - June 25, 2015 | 8 Tammuz, 5775 CANDLE Light Candles: 8:14 PM OF NEW JERSEYIssue #61 LIGHTING 26 Kislev, 5775 Shabbat Ends: 9:22 PM Rabbi Steven Burg to Build Aish ‘2.0’ By Phil Jacobs ment as Director Gener- Bergenfi eld with his wife, in 2005, thus becoming the young- al of Aish HaTorah Jeru- Rachel, and their six chil- est to ever hold that position. Bergenfi eld—If the Aish HaTo- salem and Aish HaTorah dren, brings a stellar re- It was his work in NCSY that Check out rah founded by the late Rabbi Noah globally. The organiza- sume to the position. Burg broadened the scope of the organ- Weinberg and known as one of the tion that was started by worked for 22 years at the ization’s mission, reaching many our Produce world leaders in kiruv (Jewish out- Rabbi Weinberg in 1974 Union of Orthodox Jew- thousands of Jewish teens and reach) can be called “Aish 1.0,” the now has 35 branches ish Congregations of Amer- sending many of them to summer & Prices! beginning of “Aish 2.0” will begin around the world and ica (OU). He was appointed learning experiences in Israel. Burg on July 1. hosts a highly regarded the International Direc- was also the founder of the Jew- SEE AD ON BACK COVER That’s when Rabbi Steven Burg, website, Aish.com. tor of the National Confer- 43, begins his long-awaited appoint- Burg, who lives in ence of Synagogue Youth CONTINUED ON P. 17 Rabbi Ely Allen, Rabbi Mordechai JEC Family Gershon to Make Aliyah Comes Out Team to head new initiatives to Celebrate at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah 60 Years of ORDER NOW AND GET Rav Teitz presents Rabbi Ami 10% OFF WITH CODE By Esther Hirsch and Elizabeth Kratz Neuman, assistant principal of JEWISHLINK10 Excellence Bergenfi eld—This summer, the RTMA, and Rabbi Peretz Hochbaum, www.debbiescloset.com Bergen County community bids at RTMA principal of RTMA, with plaque in farewell to two beloved young commemoration of the 60-year rabbis. Rabbi Ely Allen, director of By JLNJ Staff anniversary of the Rav Teitz Mesivta Hillel of Northern New Jersey for Academy, joined by Rabbi Eliyahu Teitz and Dr. Steven Singfer. the past 14 years, who has been an ish Studies for more than 20 years, Elizabeth, NJ—It was a night of CREDIT: ADINA ABRAMOV instructor at Yeshiva University for is making the momentous move celebration, reunion and network- the past seven years and at the Ber- ing for the over 450 parents, faculty, CONTINUED ON P. 16 CONTINUED ON P. 18 SUMMER gen County High School of Jew- Specials Ma’ayanot Rapids Win TABC’s Olam HaChochma Softball Championship SPORTS Program Broadens Its Students’ By Shalva Faber (’18) Intellectual Horizons On Friday, June 12, the Ma’ayanot What are the elements of crea- Rapids softball team wrapped up its tive writing? TABC freshman Yaak- fantastic 2015 season with a cham- ov Wieder spent the past year in- pionship win against SAR in front vestigating this question, while he of a highly-attended Rapids fan At Touro’s Graduate School also wrote two short stories and base, in Riverdale, NY. The nonstop few who managed to hit, only two Of Social Work, We Don’t a television script. Guiding him cheering surely played an impor- made it to fi rst base. Over this sea- Just Talk About Excellence. Pictured at the end-of-year banquet in his exploration was Mrs. Nan- tant role in the victory. son she struck out over 40 players, We Practice It Every Day. are the Olam HaChochma Scholars cy Edelman, who served as one of Ma’ayanot pitcher Noa Apple- and did not give up any runs during with their mentors: l to r: Yaakov the mentors of TABC’s Olam Ha- baum (’17) amassed an amazing re- the playoffs. This was her sixth shut TOURO COLLEGE Wieder, Yitzchak Tollinsky, Yonatan Chochma Scholars program, an cord of strikeouts this season. In out over the course of the season. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Sturm, Avi Roth, Yonatan Kurz, the championship game alone, she See our ad on page 17 Shlomi Helfgot and Mark Gotesman. CONTINUED ON P. 55 struck out 12 batters, and of the CONTINUED ON P. 60 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF NEW JERSEY WELCOMES THE FAMED TZADIK NNewew RRestaurants?estaurants? A VVarietyariety ooff RRecipes?ecipes? FFoodieoodie NNewsBriefs?ewsBriefs? CCheckheck ooutut oourur FFoodood & WWineine SSectionection sstartingtarting oonn ppgg 4477 See our ad on page 45 See our ad on page 13 THE ROTHENBERG INJURED? years A Proud History LAW FIRM LLP 800.624.8888 I InjuryLawyer.com of Success 201-371-3212NEW • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM YORK I HACKENSACK I LAKEWOOD I CHERRY HILL I PHILADELPHIAJune 25,A 2015 • 8 Tammuz, 5775 1 Specials good from June 28th through July 3rd Specials Deli & Takeout Aisle Israeli Salad ....................................................................... $3.99 lb Counter Assorted Fried Cutlets ..................................................... $10.99 lb Counter Mushroom Barley ............................................................. $3.99 lb Counter Chicken Deluxe Soup ....................................................... $6.99 qt Counter Spinach Soufflesmall .......................................................... $4.99 lb Counter Meats Chicken Sliders .................................................................. $5.99 lb Back wall Ginger Teriyaki Turkey Sliders .................................... $6.99 lb Back wall Corned Beef Deckel .......................................................... $7.99 lb Back wall Middle Chuck Steaks ...................................................... $10.99 lb Back wall Agri Chicken Legs ............................................................. $2.29 lb Back wall Groceries Liebers Thin Wheat Crackers .................................... $2.99 Aisle 1 Pam Cooking Spray excluding organic.................................. $2.99 Aisle 2 Guldens Brown Mustard 12 oz .................................... $1 Aisle 2 Frescorti Pasta Sauces 25 oz ........................................... 2 for $5 Aisle 2 Apple & Eve Big Bird Apple Juice Boxes 8 pk ......... 2 for $5 Aisle 2 Near East Couscous all flavors, exc. whole grain ...................... $1.59 Aisle 2 Ocean Spray Craisins 5 oz .............................................. $1.99 Aisle 5 General Mills Cheerios 18 oz .............................................. $3.99 Aisle 5 Kikoman Panko Bread Crumbs 18 oz ......................... $1.49 Aisle 5 Nabisco Oreos 14.3 oz ........................................................... $3.99 Front Hallway Dairy Silk Soy Vanilla 32 oz ............................................................ $1.99 Aisle 6 Breakstone Butter Sticks 8 oz ........................................... 2 for $5 Aisle 6 Philadelphia Soft Cream Cheese 8 oz ........................... $1.99 Aisle 6 Nasoya Firm/Extra Firm Tofu ..................................... $1.99 Back Wall Friendship Cottage Cheeseall types, 16 oz ........................... 2 for $5 Aisle 6 .NET Frozen Of Tov Extra Thin Cutlets ............................................ $9.99 Aisle 3 HENRYISAACS Macabee Pizza Bagels family pack ................................... $9.99 Aisle 3 White Rose Cauliflower 16 oz ......................................... $1.99 Aisle 3 White Rose Broccoli Florettes 16 oz ............................. $1.99 Aisle 3 Pepperidge Farm Pastry Sheets 17.3 oz ....................... $4.99 Aisle 3 1400 Queen Anne Road, ƒ Teaneck, NJ 07666 201.837.8110 201.837.6305 [email protected] 2 June 25, 2015 • 8 Tammuz, 5775 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM for an encore. We went fishing and came back with even more handcrafted sushi delicacies. .NET HENRYISAACS 1400 Queen Anne Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 201.837.8110 ƒ 201.837.6305 Ѵ- ru;vvŠ]l-bѴĺ1ol 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM June 25, 2015 • 8 Tammuz, 5775 3 WORLD NEWS BRIEFS Jewish Groups Express Sorrow, The Anti-Defamation League’s long- ing on Thursday. Law enforcement offi - Hamdallah handed his resignation to Ab- Horror Over Charleston time national director, Abe Foxman, said he cials caught alleged gunman Dylann Roof, bas, and Abbas ordered him to form a new Church Shooting was reminded of a shooting that killed four whose rampage on Wednesday came in government,” said Nimr Hammad, an advis- (JPost and combined sources) The Unit- black schoolgirls at a Birmingham church a year that has seen months of racially er to Abbas, AFP reported. But some Fatah ed States joined in a choir of grief on Fri- over 50 years ago. charged protests across the U.S. over kill- offi cials, including Abbas spokesman Nabil day as it digested news of a shooting in a “We should all be looking in the mir- ings of black men. Abu Rudeineh, have denied the reports of historic black church in South Carolina. ror this morning and asking ourselves how A man who identifi ed himself as the the resignation. Hamas said it was not in- Condemning the murder of nine, which such a tragedy could happen in America in shooter’s uncle said he had recently been formed of the dissolution of the govern- took place during a Bible study at Ema- 2015, and what we can do to ensure that it given a .45-caliber handgun as a birthday ment and rejected any unilateral moves. nuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, doesn’t happen again,” Foxman said. present
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