1 I i T T P O il V j REGIS %, 1934 ¿y VOLUME 9 ^ O u n t o * NUMBER 254 Washington, Thursday, December 21, 1944 % . CONTENTS Regulations TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION Chapter I—Civil Aeronautics Board REGULATIONS AND NOTICES [Civil Ai^ Regs.. Amdt. 60-3] C iv il A er o n au tic s B o /vrd: Page TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Air traffic rules, emergency reg­ P art 60—A ir T raffic R u les Chapter XI-AVar Food Administration ulations ------'— —i----------- 14803 EMERGENCY FLIGHT RULES C oast G u a r d : (Distribution Orders) Pilot rules, inland waters and At a session of the Civil Aeronautics • western rivers_____________ 14839 [WFO 42b-l] Board held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 15th day of December 1944. F ederal P o w e r C o m m is s io n : P art 1460— P ats and O il s Licensed projects, form of initial Effective December 15, 1944, Part 60 cost statement (COrr.)----- 14804 REPORTS ON PRODUCTION OF SOAP of the Civil Air Regulations is amended F ederal T rade C o m m is s io n : by striking §§ 60.95 to 60.953, inclusive, Frigid Chemical Corp., hearing- 14843 Pursuant to the authority vested in me and inserting in lieu thereof the follow­ F o reign E c o n o m ic A dministration : by War Food Order No. 42b, as amended ing: (9 F.R. 12080, 13619), and to effectuate -- Designated commodities, expor­ the purpose thereof, it is hereby ordered § 60.95 Emergency regulations. tation --- _--------- 14804 I m m ig r a t io n and N aturalization asfollows: > § 60.950 Definitions. As used in this S e r v ic e : § 1460.38 Reports on production of section: (a) The term “aircraft” means all Agricultural workers, admission soap— (a) Definitions. The terms used under special legislation, aircraft other than those operated by herein shall have the meanings set forth scheduled air carriers, the United States registration and finger­ for such terms in War Pood Order No. Army or Navy, the Civil Aeronautics Ad­ printing of aliens; imported 42b. ' V'P’i r t - %‘S ministration, or the Civil Aeronautics laborers _---------- 14840 (b) Reports. Every person who usedBoard. I nterstate C om m erce C o m m is s io n : *more than 1,000,000 pounds of fats and (b) A “designated landing area” is an Cotton shipments, appoint­ oils in the manufacture of soap during' -'area designated by the Administrator ment of permit agents----- 14843 any .year of the base period, or during as a regular base of operations for air­ Reconsignment permits, etc.: Cabbage, St. Louis, Mo------- 14844 the period from October 1, 1943, to Sep­ craft during the period of national emer­ Cauliflower, St. Louis, Mo— 14843 tember 30,1944, shall, on or before.Janu­ gency. (c) A “local flying area” is an area in Citrus fruits: ary 15, 1945, properly fill out and mail Designated Southern to the Chief, Fats and Oils Branch, Office the vicinity of a designated landing area, including any channel leading thereto, States_____________ — 14844 of Distribution, War Pood Administra­ recorded by the Administrator after co­ Florida (2 documents) — — 14844 tion, Washington 25, D. C., Form FDO ordination with all local interests, and . Tomatoes, Chicago, 111------- 14844 42b-l-l. Copies of such forms may be with the defense commander if within a N a tio n a l W ar L abor B oard: • obtained by application to the Fats and vital defense area, for nonexclusive use Wage adjustments for small Oils Branch. of local aircraft operations emanating businesses; employers in from that designated landing area. Dade County, Fla--------- — 14804 This order shall become effective at O ffic e of P rice A dministration : 12:01 a. m., e. w. t., December 19, 1944. (d) A “vital defense area” is an area set aside by competent military authority Adjustment; National Alumi­ Note: This reporting requirement has been within which the operation of aircraft is num Mfg. Co---------—■— 14845 approved by the Bureau of the Budget in prohibited or is authorized only subject Cordwood, Lake States (MPR accordance with the Federal Reports Act of to prescribed conditions. 535-2, Am. 2 )_________ 14836 1942. Hardwood lumber, distribution § 60.951 Flight rules, (a) Aircraft ' sales (RMPR 467)_________ 14827 (E.O. 9280, 7 FJt. 10179; E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. shall be based only at designated landing Linseed replacement oil (Rev. 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. 5423; E.O. 9392; areas. SR 14, Am. 196)_____ 14839 8 F.R. 14783; WFO No. 42b, 9 F.R. 12080) N ote: An aircraft is not prohibited from Logs: Issued this 19th day of December 1944. making an occasional take-off and landing Appalachian (MPR 533-3, from areas other than designated landing Am. 2 )_____________ 14836 areas outside vital defense areas. This does L ee M arshall, Central (MPR 533-1, Am. 2) — 14835 not apply to military airfields, use of which Director of Distribution. by civil aircraft requires specific authoriza­ Lake States (MPR 533-2, Am. tion by appropriate military authorities. 1 ) ___________ - 14836 [F. R. Doc. 44-19217; Filed, Dec. 19, 1944; (Continued on next page) 8:41 p. m.] (Continued on next page) 14803 14804 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, December 21, 1944 CONTENTS—Continued TITLE 29—LABOR S ecur ities and E xch ange C o m m is ­ Chapter VI—National War Labor Board FEBEÏMlplEGiSTER s io n : P art 803—G eneral O rders \ «s« .< y Hearings, etc.: Page Dominion Securities Corp____ 14846 EMPLOYERS IN DADE COUNTY, FLA. Guardian Investors Corp____ 14845 The National War Labor Board, under Northern i States Power Co. paragraph (d) of § 803.4 (General’ Order Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, (M in n.)________________ 14846 4), has approved the following exception fend days following legal holidays, by the S elective S ervice S y s t e m : to the exemption provided for in para­ Division of the Federal Register, The National Army Epidemiological Board graph (a) of this order: Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Project, designation as con­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, (47) All employers in Dade County, Florida, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., scientious objector camp__ 14846 including the Miami, Florida area, with the ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the W ar F ood A dministration : exception of employers of domestic servants Administrative Committee, approved by the Soap, reports on production in private homes. In connection with this President. Distribution is made only by the (WFO 42b-l)_____________ 14803 exception the Board also adopted the follow- ing resolution: Superintendent of Documents, Government W ar P ro ductio n B oard: Printing Office, Washington, D. C. That no employee presently in the service The Regulatory material appearing herein is Acetate, ethyl and isopropyl of an employer in the Miami, Florida Area, keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, (M-327, Rev.)____________ 14817 heretofore exempt under General Order No! which is published, tinder 50 titles, pursuant Chemicals and allied products, 4, shall have his compensation reduced by to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as protective coatings (M-300, reason of this action so long as he remains amended, June 19, 1937. Dir. 2) _________ 14815 in the service of that employer. New em­ - The Federal R egister will be furnished by Consent order; Marliss Mfg. Co_ 14812 ployees of any such employers, shall be hired mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 in either ( I ) at the rates the employer had per month or $15.00 per year, payable In ad­ Ethyl acetate (M-300, Sch. 76) _ 14816 in effect, October 3, 1942, in respect to wages, vance. The charge for Individual oopies isopropyl acetate (M-300, Sch. or October 27, 1942, in respect to salaries; or (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the 77) 14816 - (2) at the rates properly adjusted, where’ no size of the issue. Remit check or money Newspapers (L-240)_n_________ 14812 a p p ro v a ls required, under the appropriate order, made payable to the Superintendent , general orders of the National War Labor W ar S h ip p in g A dministration : of Documents, directly to the Government Board; or (3) at the rates approved for the Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Forwarding contracts, forms particular employer by the Fourth Regional There are no restrictions on the republica­ prescribed-.,___ ___________ 14840 War Labor Board on Form 10 application. tion of material appearing in the F edhral That, regardless of whether the particular R egister. > employer has or has not been exempt under (b) No person-shall pilot an aircraft General Order No. 4, the approvable wage within a vital defense area unless the rate for common labor, in the Miami, Florida flight has been approved by the respon­ Area, in the mercantile, distribution, service, manufacturing, processing, laundry, dry NOTICE sible defense command or by the agency cleaning, pressing, hotel and restaurant in­ The Cumulative Supplement to to which authority has been delegated dustries (except in bars, night clubs, or other the Code of Federal Regulations, for such approval: Provided, That 'ap­ places of entertainment) shall be 550 an proval is not required for flights from hour; in all other industries, 500 an hour. covering the period from June 2, (Approved December 13, 1944). designated landing areas confined to the 1938, through June 1, 1943, may be local flying area.
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