The Swedish Transport Administration 2017 Annual Report CONTENTS Performance Report The Director-General’s Report 4 The Swedish Transport Administration in brief 6 Results of the operations 8 Operating areas 8 Planning measures 13 Planning traffic 27 Maintenance 30 Traffic management and other operations 38 Investments 42 Disbursement of operational grants and other support 58 Contract work 61 Research and innovation 65 Other reporting requirements 68 Competence provision 74 Internal governance and control 78 Financial report 80 Statement of financial performance 81 Balance sheet 82 Appropriation account, including presentation of authorisations83 Cash flow analysis 86 Summary of key figures 87 Notes 88 Signing of the Annual Report 98 Auditor’s Report for the Swedish Transport Administration 201799 Board of Directors 102 Management group 103 About the annual report: Certain figures are followed by a further figure within brackets. Unless otherwise stated, this refers to the previous year’s figure. As the annual report includes many monetary amounts, the abbreviations SEK thousand (thousand kronor), MSEK (million kronor) and BSEK (billion kronor) are used. 2 The Swedish Transport Administration 2017 Annual Report PERFORMANCE REPORT The Swedish Transport Administration 2017 Annual Report 3 Performance Report The Director-General’s Report The Director-General’s Report In 2017, the future issues characterised our operations. On 31 August, we submitted our proposal on a national plan for the transportation system in 2018-2029. The premise of the contents is to contribute to a modern, effective and sustaina- ble transportation system. The measures in the plan should also vehicles can be used to develop winter conditions are created for commuting address six prioritised social chal- road maintenance so that the right skid to work and for housing construction. A lenges – convert to fossil-free fuels, prevention can be applied at the right seven kilometre long section of the E18 increase housing construction, improve place at the right time at a lower cost. west of Karlstad has been converted to conditions for business, strengthen This winter, real time data was gathered an intersection-free four-lane highway, employment throughout Sweden, use the from 200 vehicles in a pilot programme which both increases accessibility and possibilities of digitalisation and create and we are now moving further with safety. We have also completed many an inclusive society. It is very positive our contractors to be able to use the smaller projects, for example walkways that we can now propose extensive new technology in practical operations. and bicycle paths in Luleå, Leksand and investment in railways to be able to Another example near at hand is that Karlshamn. ensure robust installations and reliable we are introducing an analysis tool that transports. Altogether, there is no doubt gathers different data at one single loca- Everybody arrives environ- that the plan proposal can contribute to tion, which provides an entirely different mentally friendly major benefits to society on the way to overview and control of how the road In order for the transport sector to be the Swedish Transport Administration’s maintenance has been done. fossil free, coordination and commit- vision that everybody arrives smoothly, The capacity of the transportation ment are required from many parties. It the green and safe way. system has increased through several is therefore very valuable to have partic- completed projects. On 10 July, the ipated in the work with SOFT (Coordi- Everybody arrives the safe first commuter train departed from nation of the transition to a fossil-free way the new commuter rail station Stock- transport sector) together with direc- An important prerequisite to achieve holm City. The two new tracks of the tor-general colleagues from five other accessibility in a sustainable society is to Stockholm City Line in a tunnel under authorities. Under the Swedish Energy make use of the possibilities of digitali- central Stockholm mean that capacity Agency’s management, a strategic plan sation and to manage its risks. I see huge on the stretch has been doubled. This was prepared that contains measures potential in technical development and is of major significance to the entire that will contribute to fulfilling the the positive effects that can be provided transport system since the tracks above climate objective. There is still extensive by being online, using automation and ground for regional trains, long-distance interest in electric roads as a comple- electrifying the transport system. trains and freight trains are provided ment to the future’s fossil-free transpor- One example of new technology that relief. The new double track through tation systems. The tests in Sandviken helps us better adapt road maintenance Gamla Uppsala opened and the Sträng- with overhead lines above the road are to needs is digital winter road condition näs-Härad railway project is in the final under way, and in the autumn, a section information. An analysis of data from phase. With these two projects, better of road was built outside Rosersberg 4 The Swedish Transport Administration 2017 Annual Report Performance Report The Director-General’s Report where a technology with an electric rail and introduce automatic sobriety checks in more areas. We are also rapidly train- in the road will be tested and evaluated. in Sweden’s ports. In the railway system, ing newly arrived engineers to meet the I have also signed a German-Swedish the accident statistics have remained needs in the railway field. With the aim cooperation agreement on electric roads at a relatively constant level in recent of improving inspections of the railway to stimulate the development of various years, with around 100 deaths per year, contractors’ deliveries, the Government technologies and lay the foundation for including suicide. We have continued has decided that the Swedish Transport a competitive future market. Among our the work on fencing and surveillance of Administration shall carry out deliv- road ferries, several ferries have transi- critical sections of railway, which is now ery follow-up under its own direction. tioned to electric power by cable, and the beginning to have an effect. According to During the year, recruitment therefore use of the biofuel HVO has begun. preliminary data, 64 people died in 2017, began of new employees for this task. To contribute to biodiversity, we con- which are 17 fewer than in 2016. The Swedish Transport Administra- tinued the work of reducing the barriers I take a serious view of the collapse tion’s research and innovation activities to aquatic animals and building fauna that occurred in connection with the were given a new structure. This new passages. In our proposal on a national casting of a section of bridge over the structure is based on a need to improve plan, there is room to further strengthen railway in Ludvika in July. In collabora- today’s transportation systems, as well these kinds of measures. tion with the industry, we must there- as a need to identify solutions that can It is important that the transport sys- fore continue to secure the work envi- lead to renewal at a system level. This tem is not only sustainable and function ronment in our construction contracts. means both more direct connection well, but is also aesthetically pleasing. We and our contractors must put lessons to the operations and management to During the year, the Board of Directors learned from this event to practical use. develop the transportation systems of established a new architecture policy The Swedish Transport Administra- tomorrow through strategic initiatives, that describes the manner in which the tion conducts operations that make a knowledge building and tests – the architecture perspective should per- central contribution to total defence and future issues are thereby placed in the meate our activities, from planning and civil preparedness. An important task is foreground. construction to operation and mainte- to ensure a robust transport system even We are continuing to develop the nance. when society is subjected to strains, and digital authority service with the aim our mission was expanded during the of “digital first”. During the spring, the Everybody arrives safely year to include coordination of crisis Swedish Transport Administration The safety issue is very broad. It con- preparedness and total defence planning joined the My Messages service, where cerns safety in the transport network, as in the entire transport area. We also citizens and businesses can choose to well as safety at construction sites, elec- lead development work with so-called receive their post from authorities digi- trical safety and information security. geo-fencing, where digitalisation makes tally instead of on paper. The area also includes protection from it possible to limit access for vehicles to I am proud of the results that all of intrusion and sabotage and prepared- various geographic areas, such as city our committed employees achieved dur- ness for accidents and crises. I see this centres. We have concentrated our han- ing the year together with our coopera- as a very important issue – especially in dling of provisional emergency bridges tive partners. But there is still a long way light of the denial-of-service attacks that and tracked vehicles by transferring to go until we can be satisfied. We need have struck us and other actors in the these kinds of assets to the Vehicle Man- to continue to develop the operations transport sector – and have decided on agement profit centre. The systematic and the transport system, where the pos- an action plan for strengthened security work on information security is continu- sibilities of digitalisation in particular work, which includes measures to create ing in accordance with the Swedish Civil are an important piece of the puzzle. We a stronger security culture. Contingencies Agency’s regulations. must therefore make space for innova- It is now 20 years since the Swedish tions and have a courageous approach.
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