October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6367 (34 U.S.C. 10152(a)(1)) is amended by adding Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook served as with HIV than their peers who are not in at the end the following: vice president of the American Political school; ‘‘(I) Compensation for surrendered large Science Association, president of the Asso- Whereas the Global Partnership for Edu- capacity ammunition feeding devices, as ciation for the Study of African American cation (GPE) is the only public-private glob- that term is defined in section 921 of title 18, Life and History, and chair of the Presidents al partnership exclusively dedicated to edu- United States Code, under buy-back pro- of the United Negro College Fund; cation in the world’s poorest countries; grams for large capacity ammunition feeding Whereas Duke University established the Whereas GPE eligible countries are home devices.’’. Samuel DuBois Cook Society, the Samuel to approximately 870,000,000 children and SEC. 6. SEVERABILITY. DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, the youth, which represent 78 percent of out-of- If any provision of this Act, an amendment Samuel DuBois Cook professorship, and the school children; made by this Act, or the application of such Samuel DuBois Cook Postdoctoral Fellow- Whereas GPE support resulted in 72,000,000 provision or amendment to any person or ship; more children in primary school in 2015 than circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, Whereas Ohio State University established in 2002 and a 10 percent increase in primary the remainder of this Act, the amendments the Samuel DuBois Cook Summer Academy school completion over that same period in made by this Act, and the application of and the Samuel DuBois Cook graduate fel- GPE partner countries; such provision or amendment to any person lowship, to honor the work and achieve- Whereas GPE support to partner countries or circumstance shall not be affected there- ments of Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook; has achieved a 71 percent primary comple- by. Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook died on tion rate for girls in 2014 compared with 56 f May 29, 2017; and percent in 2002; Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook is con- Whereas 60 percent of GPE’s spending is in SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS sidered to be a trailblazer who lived a life of countries affected by conflict or fragility integrity: Now, therefore, be it and helped these countries to increase their Resolved, That the Senate honors the life primary school completion rates from 56 per- SENATE RESOLUTION 285—HON- and achievements of Dr. Samuel DuBois cent in 2000 to 69 percent in 2015; ORING THE LIFE AND ACHIEVE- Cook. Whereas GPE incentivizes developing MENTS OF DR. SAMUEL DUBOIS country governments to increase their own f COOK domestic financing for education, which has SENATE RESOLUTION 286—SUP- resulted in partner countries pledging Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. BURR, PORTING THE ROLE OF THE $26,000,000,000 for their own domestic financ- Mr. CASSIDY, and Mr. TILLIS) submitted ing during GPE’s 2014 replenishment con- the following resolution; which was re- UNITED STATES IN ENSURING ference; ferred to the Committee on the Judici- CHILDREN IN THE POOREST Whereas support for GPE complements the ary: COUNTRIES HAVE ACCESS TO A United States Government’s bilateral basic education programs by fostering coordina- S. RES. 285 QUALITY EDUCATION THROUGH THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR tion among all key partners, ensuring the Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook was born EDUCATION development of national education sector on November 21, 1928, in Griffin, Georgia; plans, and building on the commitment of Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook earned a Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. developing country governments; Bachelor of Arts degree in history from RUBIO) submitted the following resolu- Whereas, on April 20, 2017, GPE called on Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia; tion; which was referred to the Com- donors and developing country partners to Whereas, as a student, Dr. Samuel DuBois mittee on Foreign Relations: fund a $3,100,000,000, three-year plan to sup- Cook was a friend and classmate of Dr. Mar- port 89 developing countries in improving S. RES. 286 tin Luther King, Jr., and a leader at More- the quality of and access to education for house College, where he served as student Whereas access to quality education re- 870,000,000 children and youth and provide body president and founded the campus chap- duces poverty, advances economic pros- education plan implementation grants to 67 ter of the National Association for the ad- perity, improves peace and security, and developing countries, covering 64 percent of vancement of Colored People; strengthens public health; out-of-school children; Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook earned a Whereas the 2016 Global Education Moni- Whereas GPE is urging developing country Master of Arts in Political Science and a toring (GEM) Report, the globally recognized governments to allocate 20 percent of gov- Doctor of Philosophy from Ohio State Uni- annual accountability tool on the status of ernment expenditure to education and phil- versity; education internationally, found that an es- anthropic and private sector donors to in- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook is a vet- timated 263,000,000 children and youth are crease their contributions; and eran who served in the United States Army out of school worldwide, with girls still more Whereas, with support from donors, GPE during the Korean War; likely to be out of school than their male will be able to ensure 19,000,000 more children Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook taught peers in most of the developing world; complete primary school, 6,600,000 more chil- at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Lou- Whereas a 2015 GEM Report found that dren complete lower secondary school, isiana, Atlanta University, the University of two-thirds of the world’s out-of-school chil- 1,700,000 more teachers are trained, 23,800 Illinois, and the University of California, Los dren live in countries affected by fragility classrooms are built, and 204,000,000 text- Angeles, before becoming a faculty member and conflict; books are distributed, bringing new hope to at Duke University in Durham, North Caro- Whereas a 2016 GEM Report found that sub- a generation of children and youth: Now, lina; Saharan Africa remains the region with the therefore, be it Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook spent his highest out-of-school rates for all age groups Resolved, That the Senate— life working for social justice and equality; and of the 61,000,000 out-of-school children of (1) affirms the leadership and commitment Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook distin- primary school age, 33,000,000, or more than of the United States Government to improv- guished himself as an educator, scholar, half, live in sub-Saharan Africa; ing access to quality education for the poor- thinker, activist, and public servant; Whereas the 2011 World Health Organiza- est and most marginalized children and Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook broke tion’s World Report on Disability has found youth worldwide, which is critical to global racial barriers as the first African American an estimated 90 percent of children with dis- stability, economic prosperity, and poverty to hold either a regular or tenured faculty abilities under age 18 in the developing world elimination; appointment at a predominantly white do not attend school; (2) supports the mission and goals of the southern college or university, when he re- Whereas a 2012 GEM Report found that Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to ceived an appointment at Duke University; 250,000,000 primary schoolchildren are failing mobilize global and national efforts to con- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook also to learn basic literacy and numeracy skills, tribute to the achievement of equitable, broke racial barriers in his field by serving 130,000,000 of whom have attended at least quality education and learning, with a focus as the first African American president of four years of school; on effective and efficient education systems the Southern Political Science Association; Whereas a 2011 GEM Report found that and strong education financing; Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook endeav- educating all students in low-income coun- (3) recognizes that United States Govern- ored to advance interracial harmony; tries with basic reading skills could lead to ment investments in bilateral basic edu- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook left an 171,000,000 people lifted out of poverty, a 12 cation are complemented by GPE’s edu- indelible imprint on Dillard University, a percent drop in global poverty; cation systems approach and convening au- historically black university in New Orleans, Whereas a 1999 World Bank study on con- thority; and Louisiana, as its president for more than 2 flict found every year of school decreases the (4) encourages increased commitment and decades; chance of male youth engaging in violent investment by the United States Govern- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook was ap- conflict by 20 percent; ment, international donors, private founda- pointed to the National Council on the Hu- Whereas a 2011 GEM Report reported that tions, and private sector donors through the manities by President Jimmy Carter and ap- an educated mother is more likely to have GPE to the global effort to ensure children pointed to the United States Holocaust Me- her children vaccinated, and girls in school and youth are in school and learning morial Council by President Bill Clinton; are three times less likely to be infected throughout the world. 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