January 6-12, 2017 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents SERVING THROGGS NECK, PELHAM BAY, COUNTRY CLUB, CITY ISLAND, WESTCHESTER SQUARE, MORRIS PARK, VAN NEST, PELHAM PARKWAY, CASTLE HILL SCHOOL GIRLS SUE FOR $40 MIL Claim they were racially abused on bus BY ROBERT CHRISTIE American teenage males be- In addition, police arrested Four teenage girls and gan to hurl raceially-charged a 15-year old girl on charges of their parents are asking the comments at the girls. 3rd degree assault but did not MTA for more than $40 mil- The boys yelled things such release her name. lion in damages following a as, “Oh, white girl got money!” The fi rst two girls were racially biased attack the girls and “Oh you go to St. Cath- both charged with 2nd degree suffered on the Bx8 bus in No- arine’s? What, do you have gang assault. vember. money? Go drink your coffee, Seskin said the monetary Scott Seskin, the girls’ at- white girl and go shopping.” reward won’t help the girls torney, fi led four notices of The boys allegedly threat- easily recover from this at- claim against the MTA re- ened to urinate on the girls. tack, but it is a remedy the sys- questing damages of $10 mil- When the bus got to its tem provides. lion for each girl and $2 mil- Westchester Square stop, “Under the system that we lion for each parent. three African American teen- currently have,” he said. “The The notices of claim, which age girls arrived at the behest only method that we have to were fi led in early December, of the two males. go ahead and compensate any- are a precursor to any lawsuit The girls allegedly be- body is monetarily.” that would come against the gan an altercation with the “Obviously we can’t take MTA. girls leaving them with cuts back what happened as much A hearing following the bruises. A knapsack contain- as we would like to,” he contin- claims is scheduled for later ing a laptop was also taken. ued. “No one wants this case this month. Police offi cers later ar- and no one wants to have this On Tuesday, November 22, rested 17-year old Miracle Rat- happen to them.” the white girls from St. Cath- tray and 16-year old Mollychi Following the alleged at- arine High School were on a Rattray in connection with Diaz Hosts Festival Of Lights city bus when two African- the attack. Continued on Page 48 Bronxites’ holiday spirits shone bright when Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. hosted the “Festival of Lights’ pre-Chanukah cel- CB 7 considers Mosholu Pkwy. downzone ebration and Menorah lighting ceremony on Thursday, Decem- ber 22 at Riverdale YM-YWHA. Rabbi Michael Miller (l) lit the me- BY ROBERT CHRISTIE The two community organi- hood four decades ago - it has norah’s fourth candle as Congressman Eliot Engel watched. See Community Board 7 had zations are asking for a down- an almost country-type atmo- more photos on page 21. Photo by Silvio Pacifi co an executive meeting on Tues- zoning to R-5 which would sphere.” day, January 3 to discuss the permit residential buildings “Mosholu Parkway was possible recommendation for of up to six stories. known as ‘The Gateway to the the downzoning of Mosholu According to a press re- Botanical Garden,” he contin- Parkway. lease from the NWBx Demo- ued. “I would love to keep that Residents and community crats, community members preserved.” advocate groups, such as the are worried that Moshulu will In 2011, CB7 recommended Northwest Bronx Democrats be eaten up by developers hun- a rezoning of Webster Avenue and the Bedford Mosholu gry to take advantage of the from a commercial zone to a Community Association, have current attractive zoning. residential zone. joined forces to convince CB 7 “I have lived off Mosholu At that time the NYC Plan- to recommend a downzoning for over 30 years,” said An- ning Commission said they for Moshulu Parkway. thony Rivieccio, president of would return to the area later As of right now, Moshulu the NWBx Democrats. “One of to review Bedford Park includ- Parkway is zoned for R-7/R-8, the things that keeps me here ing Mosholu Parkway. which allows residential build- today is the same reason I fell ings to rise to ten stories. in love with this neighbor- Continued on Page 48 A CNG Publication • Vol. 37 No. 1 www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, JANUARY 6-12, 2017 BTR P.S. 14 expansion meeting cancelled again BY PATRICK ROCCHIO ing the next couple of years of sion, arguing that the streets The community is crying construction.” around P.S. 14 were already foul over a canceled meeting The senator said he has re- overloaded with traffi c on with the School Construction quested to select people for a school days and that the con- Authority to discuss the P.S.14 community advisory board struction would only make expansion now under con- that he wants to create with matters worse. struction. the SCA for the duration of the WLCA board member Scott The meeting, which com- P.S. 14 project. Bernard said that he is con- munity leaders said has been “We have requested that cerned about traffi c during postponed a number of times, the SCA put together a com- the project, which is very near was supposed to be a dialogue munity advisory board that his home. between stakeholders who would meet periodically to ad- He said that the school and live near P.S. 14 and the SCA dress any concerns (regard- a busy supermarket across on Wednesday, December 28 at ing) the construction project,” the street already create ma- the school building. said Klein. “We would suggest jor traffi c congestion and that Senator Jeff Klein ar- who would be on it, and the he believes the community ranged the meeting, and he SCA would have their project should have more input. said he was hopeful that it manager and their Bronx com- “I think that it is the per- would be rescheduled for later munity relations sit on this ad- fect example of how the De- in January. visory board and to make sure partment of Education refuses He also said that an ear- that over the long haul of the to face the community,” he lier meeting, on Wednesday, construction we would incon- said. December 14 was canceled be- venience the community as A DOE spokesman said Construction has already begun on the 344-seat expansion of P.S. 14. cause of the holidays. little as possible.” that the December 28th meet- Klein said that he under- Andrew Chirico, Water- Community News Group / Patrick Rocchio ing was canceled due to the stands the importance of the bury LaSalle Community As- holidays and is being resched- expansion, which will provide sociation board member, said started, said Chirico. mouth.’” uled. 344 new seats, a science room that he was dismayed because “I don’t know why they Chirico said that commu- “Community engagement and a new cafeteria. the meeting has been can- just don’t get it over with,” nity groups and other stake- is critical and we continue to “At the same time, I think celled several times. said Chirico . “There are peo- holders want a fi rm date to be work closely with the school, the community should have An earlier meeting did take ple who want to know what set as to when the meeting will families and elected offi cials been engaged, especially those place between WLCA board is going on, who live on the be rescheduled. throughout this process to who live close to the school,” members, SCA offi cials and block and are affected by the The WLCA and some in the ensure the project meets the said Klein. “Clearly, their lives Councilman James Vacca, but construction, and who want community were initially op- needs of the school commu- are going to be disturbed dur- that was before construction to hear it from the ‘horse’s posed to the size of the expan- nity,” stated the agency. THE Greek American INSTITUTE A MULTI-CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT "25#+.%2",6$ "2/.8 .9s THE Greek American INSTITUTE Welcomes all to our Pre-K For All OPEN HOUSE Thursday, January 12, 2017 6:00p.m. – 7:00p.m. 3573 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx, New York 10461 718-823-2393 Pre-K For All is available for students born in 2013. Our program runs a full day from 8:00a.m. to 2:20p.m. OVER 100 YEARS OF EDUCATIONAL AND ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE IN A NURTURING PRIVATE SCHOOL SETTING BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, JANUARY 6-12, 2017 3 around town Your Neighborhood — Your News by Patrick Rocchio Mail: Bronx Times 3604 E. Tremont Ave., The Bronx Times Reporter Of Directors Role Bronx, NY 10465 will publish your announce- Kasheena Oatman was To Subscribe: ments. Send announcements recently named to the board (718) 260-4595 along with photo, to: Bronx of directors for the Self Advo- General Phone: Times Reporter, 3604 E. Trem- cates of New York State. (718) 260-4595 ont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465 Oatman, a Longwood resi- or e-mail Bronxtimes@aol. dent, will sit on the board of General Fax: Kasheena Oatman (718) 518-0038 com.
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