PDST Junior Certificate School Programme Recommended materials for PDST JCSP Initiatives Initiatives 2020/2021 1 Recommended Resources for PDST JCSP Initiatives 2020/2021 Range of video and audio files to support JCSP in schools is available at: www.mediaconcepts.ie/jcsp/index.html Here you can: - view aspects of a whole school approach to literacy and to numeracy in action - watch a series of short training videos for Paired Reading - and listen to stories and poems written and recited by JCSP students. JCSP Resources related with Initiative to be ordered Initiative JCSP Co-ordinator's Recommendations by JCSP Co-ordinator (optional) Max An Ghaeltacht Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. CDUSTKW022 Gaeilge Certificates of Achievement Landscape (pack of 20) 1 pack A Gúm www.gaeilge.ie/maidir-le-foras-na-gaeilge/an-gum ABC Teach - Educator’s online www.abcteach.com/directory/research-reports-maps-countries-485-2-1 resource (print free maps) Aillwee Cave www.aillweecave.ie Association of Geography Teachers of http://agti.ie Ireland Boyne Fishermen's Rescue & Recovery www.boynefishermensrescue.ie Service, Co. Louth Bróga Bríomhar Dance School www.facebook.com/BrogaBriomhar Butler's Chocolate Factory Experience www.butlerschocolates.com Cahir Castle www.heritageireland.ie/en/south-east/cahircastle Camharchumann Rath Chairn www.rathchairn.net Causey Farm www.causey.ie Cavan County Museum www.cavanmuseum.ie Coláiste Acla, Irish Adventure College Acaill www.colaisteacla.com Co. Mhuigheo Colaiste na bhFiann, Droim Ri, Contae www.colaistenabhfiann.ie na Mi Coláiste na Rinne www.anrinn.com Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne (Irish Courses for All) www.colaiste.ie Baile an Fheirtéaraigh Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí Comhar na Múinteoirí Gaeilge http://www.gaelport.com Comharchumann Ráth Chairn Baile Átha Buí https://www.rathchairn.com Condae na Mí Des Bishop - ("In the name of the www.desbishop.net fadá") Freedom Surf School Tramore www.freedomsurfschool.com Co. Waterford www.gaeilge.ie www.gaeilge.ie Max Artist in the Classroom Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. n/a Artist http://www.shanesutton.com/ Art Zone, Dublin www.artzone.ie Breda Marron www.bredamarron.com Clonmacnoise Pottery, Offaly www.offalytourism.com/businessdirectory/clonmacnoise-pottery Cork Arts Supplies www.corkartsupplies.com Cork Printmakers www.corkprintmakers.ie Craft in Ireland - website www.craftinireland.com Crafty Hands www.craftyhands.info Dowtcha Puppets www.dowtcha.com Fabricate Ireland www.fabricateireland.com Feltmakers Ireland Studio www.feltmakersireland.com Frameworks Films www.frameworksfilms.com Film production company, Cork Galway Art Academy www.galwayartacademy.com 2 Greenmantle Arts Studio - LYNN www.lynnkirkham.net KIRKHAM THE GREENMANTLE Mayfield Arts Centre, Newbury House, www.mayfieldarts.ie Old Youghal Rd, Cork Monkey Jam software www.monkeyjam.org Paper Panther Productions www.paperpanther.ie Irish Animation Company Print Artist in Galway Print Studio www.galwayprintstudio.ie recreate.ie www.recreate.ie Sligo Graph website www.sgeducation.ie Smidirini Mosaics www.smidirinimosaics.ie Specialist Craft Galway www.specialistcrafts.ie Vibes and Scribes Art Shop in Cork City www.vibesandscribes.ie Max Author in Residence Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. n/a Balor Community Arts www.balorartscentre.com Cork Art Supplies www.corkartsupplies.com Dave Rudden - Author & Storyteller www.daverudden.com O'Mahony's Bookstore, Limerick www.omahonys.ie Poetry Ireland No. 2 Proud's Lane www.poetryireland.ie off St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 Contact: Max Being Active Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 - - Max Being Aware Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 - - Max Being Creative Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. https://ncca.ie/media/1148/beingcrea New Initiative 2020/21 https://ncca.ie/media/1148/beingcreative_april_2015.pdf tive_april_2015.pdf Max Being Literate Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 - - Max Being Numerate Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. https://www.pdst.ie/sites/default/file New Initiative 2020/21 s/DEIS%20NUMERACY%20BOOKLET.p https://www.pdst.ie/sites/default/files/DEIS%20NUMERACY%20BOOKLET.pdf df Max Being Resilient Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 - - Max Being Respected Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 - - Max Being Responsible Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 - - 3 Bodhrán - Traditional Instrument & Max Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address Bodhrán - Traditional Instrument Top- qty. Up n/a Bodhrán Instructor - Barry Keatley www.facebook.com/barry.keatley Carlow Music Centre Shamrock Business Park - Graiguecullen Carlow Charles Byrne Musik Instrumente www.charlesbyrne.com Comhaltas www.comhaltas.ie Future Sound and Vision www.fsvltd.ie www.gear4music.ie/?campaign=*Own+Brand+- +Rest+Of&medium=paid_search&network=google&adgroup=&gclid=CK_5jfDs8s0CFRD Gear 4 Music Limited hGwodxFMFzQ#Gear4music+Terms+%E2%80%93+Rest+Of&matchtype=p&keyword=ge ar-4-music&device=c&creative=70909988845&adposition=1t1&mobile=&desktop=Yes Irish Music www.mcneelamusic.com Irish Music Instruments Shop www.ceolas.org/instruments KnB Music https://knbmusic.wordpress.com Opus II Galway www.opus2galway.ie Pro Musica Oliver Plunket Street www.promusica.ie Cork Reynolds Music www.reynoldsmusic.ie Gortlee, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal Roundstone Music & Crafts www.madeingalway.ie OR www.bodhran.com Rhythm & Shakes www.rhythmandshakes.com Sound Out Rhythm - Drumming School www.soundoutrhythm.ie Studio Tempo Music School 5 Ormond Road, Drumcondra, Dublin www.tempomusicschool.ie 9 The group Rhythem and Shake www.rhythmandshakes.com Waltons Music Supplies www.waltons.ie 4 Max Book Review Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. CDUSTKW204 My Reading Journal Booklets 25 JCSP Library Project Digital Library www.jcsp.libraryreserve.com CUDV18974 Keyword Bookmarks (pack of 40) 1 pack Book Station Gorey www.bookstation.ie/bookstation_gorey_wexford BookNest - books supplier www.booknest.ie Co. Sligo Chapters Bookstore, Dublin www.chapters.ie Coughlan Bookshop www.coughlansbookshop.ie Clonakilty, Co. Cork Dubray Books www.dubraybooks.ie Eason www.easons.com O'Mahony's Bookstore www.omahonys.ie Limerick Ransom Publishing - Books for www.ransom.co.uk Reluctant & Struggling Readers Setanta boolclub www.shop.scholastic.ie/catalogues The Book Centre www.thebookcentre.ie The Clifden Bookshop www.clifdenbookshop.com Waterstones Bookstore www.waterstones.com Max Christmas Celebration Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. n/a Animal Magic www.animalmagic.ie Cineworld Parnell Street, Dublin www.cineworld.ie Decobake - Cake decorations www.decobake.com Jump Zone, Dublin www.jumpzone.ie Musgraves www.musgravemarketplace.ie Quiz People www.quizpeople.com Red Balloon, Cork www.redballooncork.com Scarva Pottery Suppliers www.scarva.com Sit and Sip Cafe, Our Lady of Lourdes, www.ololcsg.ie/?page_id=31 Rosbrien, Limerick Swords in Ice www.swordsonice.ie The Animal Roadshow www.theanimalroadshow.com Local shop, cinema, ice skating ring - etc. 5 Max Communicating Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. ncca.ie/media/1149/communicating_a New Initiative 2020/21 https://ncca.ie/media/1149/communicating_april2015.pdf pril2015.pdf Max Dance (incl. Ceili) Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. "Beat It" - Music Shop CDUSTKW022 Gaeilge Certificates of Achievement Landscape (pack of 20) 1 pack www.beatitmusic.ie Dundalk, Co Louth Ballina Arts Centre www.ballinaartscentre.com Blackrock Academy of Music Main Street, Blackrock, Dundalk, Co www.blackrock-academy-of-music.music-schools.education.community.dundalk.tel Louth Break Through Dance Company www.breakthroughdance.ie Bunclody Academy of Dance www.bunclodydance.com Dance Hall Academy www.dancehallacademy.com Dance Ireland - website www.danceireland.ie Dance Theatre of Ireland - website www.dancetheatreireland.com Devenney Office Supplies www.devenneys.ie/main-page.html FB page: Limerick Hip Hop Intervention Project https://www.facebook.com/LimerickHipHopInterventionProject/info/?entry_point=pag e_nav_about_item&tab=page_info Mullingar Arts Centre www.mullingarartscentre.ie Mundo Capoeira - Dance School www.capoeiraireland.com School of Dance www.schoolofdance.ie Soundworks Limited - Sound Hire - Pa www.soundworks.ie Systems- pa hire- pa rental- soundhire The Cabin, New Ross www.facebook.com/TheCabinarthubcafe The Irish World Academy of Music & www.irishworldacademy.ie Dance - University of Limerick The Wobbly Circus www.wobblycircus.ie Waltons New School of Music www.newschool.ie Wassa Wassa Workshop - website www.wassawassaworkshops.ie X Music - Music Xperts www.xmusic.ie 1 pack Bróga Bríomhar Dance School www.facebook.com/BrogaBriomhar Cló Iar-Chonnacht www.cic.ie/en Eason www.eassons.com Irish Language Author- Ré Ó Laighléis [email protected] Mr Price www.mrprice.ie Seachtain na Gaeilge www.snag.ie The workshop run by Coimicí Gael www.coimicigael.ie udar.ie - website www.udar.ie 6 Max Digital Device Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 Max Digital Portfolio Item Code JCSP Resources Name Website Address qty. New Initiative 2020/21 Teacher CPD.ie https://teachercpd.ie https://www.pdsttechnologyineducati on.ie/en/Training/Courses/Introductio https://www.pdsttechnologyineducation.ie/en/Training/Courses/Introduction-to-
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