AUSTRALIA 1Ý:Ý250Ý000 GEOLOGICAL SERIES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA SHEET SH 51-6 Malcolm 10 km Mt Weld Homestead 23 km Burtville Homestead 39 km 121°30À 36ôôôôÜE 45À 38 40 122°00À 42 15À 44 30À 46 45À 48ôôôôÜE 123°00À SYMBOLS 29°00À ñbv Óu ñogl ñuk ? 29°00À REFERENCE Braiser W Ôa ñbm ñup ? B (abd) Ób Ód Ól RH ñg ? Óf ? Bendigo ñg MEROLIA 85 71 ? ñbm ñbp ? ñf Ób Ól MT KILKENNY ñbv ñgp Ôa Óc PYKE HILL Ód ? Sunrise W W M T M A L C O L M D I S T R I C T ñod ñg ñbv 454 m 75 ñf Óz ñup Ód 459 m 30 B ñbp ? ? Óc 60 60 80 DEWTOP HILLñgg Golden Delicious Sunrise B ñux COGLIA ? 35 87 ñbv M T M A R G A R E T D I S T R I C T Yd ? Ól ? ? Oldfield W 60 Óf Johnston W Óc ñod ? ñg ñbv ? ñuk ? 70 Geological boundary Salt W ño ? Brickey W B Guyer W 63 ñogl ñod William B ? ROAD ? Yd ñb ñs Kilkenny Sk ñf ñbv (abd) Ôa Alluvium_clay, silt, sand, and gravel in channels and floodplains exposed.............................................................................................................................. ? Yd 35 W EM 3 ? ? Óp ñbv ? Brickey Sk 83 ñogk 428 m Pyke Hill ñup ? ñux ? Christmas W 65 W Kilkenny W Óa 88 ñbv ? concealed, interpreted from aeromagnetic data........................................................... ? ? Sunrise D Ôa Óc Óp ? 20 Ni ñur QUATERNARY 55 ñbv ? ño Johnson B (abd) 4 Corners W Ôa 65 ? Sunrise Dam Ól Fault ? Gypsum W Danjo W Óu (abd) ñg ñf ? ? ? ñbv ? Extension T ñbv ? Óc ? Ôa Yd Hage B (abd) 60 ñbv ñbv Óf Óu Óf New Hages B Ód Relief W F Ób Ód Óp exposed............................................................................................................................. ? 65 45 ño 26 W 65 ? E ñci Yd Yd ñup Yd ? Óz ? W (abd) ñup ? Óc ñb concealed.......................................................................................................................... Yd Ól Sunrise ? B (PD) IR ? Yundagabbie W 88 ñog ñb ? 65 ? ? WIN HILLS ñbv ? YUNDAMINDERA Óz ñb ñbv ñbf ño ? Sunrise Dam Ób Ephemeral lake and dune deposits_evaporite, clay, silt, and sand in dunes, drainage basins, claypans, and channels surrounding major saline lakes concealed, interpreted from aeromagnetic data........................................................... ? W Ól Cleo Óc ? km 4 Outcamp Cables ño ELORA ? 80 70 ? Gordons Dam ñup ñg Vegetable W (PD) ? ñgmf D ? ? 60 Ód Dune deposits_sand, silt, and gypsum as stabilized dunes adjacent to playa lakes ? ñc ñf ? Wilga Hill Fold, showing axial trace and generalized plunge direction White W Glenorn ñgbu ñba 76 Landed at Last North Extended Freshwater ñgm 50 ñg Óa Óf ? ñup Óg Óp Playa deposits_saline and gypsiferous evaporites, clay, silt, and sand in playa lakes Ól ? ñs Western Line / Yundamindera Óf Swamp Ól 80 anticline; exposed, concealed......................................................................................... Óf Ól 77 ñb ñbv Ól ì78ôôôôÜN ? Breakaway W 72 Landed at Last West ? ñup ? Ôa Óc ? ñbv GLENORN ? 85 ñgf Pyke Hollow ñf Pennyweight Point ? ñb ñba ñu MT WELD Óp ? Yd Maori Queen Great Bonaparte East ñfv ñog syncline; exposed, concealed......................................................................................... ? Maori Queen B Óc Pennyweight Point W (PD) Ód Wilga Outcamp 50 Ól ? ñup Big Stone 59 Óf ñbv Rocky W ì78ôôôôÜN Óa Ós ño ? Golden Treasure Deeps North ? 65 Carslake W ? 71 ? WILGA HILL Ós ? Minor fold, showing direction and plunge of axis ? ? Wilga D ñgp ? ñb Ól 487 m YU Potosi ñgmf ? Pykes Hollow ñci ? ñfv 20 N 66 ñbv A.W.A ñs Ól unspecified........................................................................................................................ 50 ? DAM 70 87 Pyke W ñb Ób ñg ñgm ñux EDJUDINA 26 ? Granite B MT KEITH McDougal T ñb Óa Sheetwash deposits_clay, silt, and sand as extensive fans; locally ferruginous Ól ? Extension T 60 ñgbu ñbv 87 ñf P Yd Ôa G R E A T V I C T O R I A D E S E R T ? IN ? 384 m 468 m ? 27 W 50 DRA ñbp Bulla Rocks W ñgg 78 87 ñbv Bedding, showing strike and dip ño ? Ós Sandplain deposits_unconsolidated yellow sand; minor silt and clay; includes stabilized dunes ? Queen of the May 82 Óc ? Yd Extension T ? Wilga W 35 Ód ? ñbmf 65 Cu Ôa Óc CAINOZOIC ñbf ? 60 30 Ób Yd Little Wonder 80 60 inclined............................................................................................................................... ñf ñog ? ñb ñs ? Óa ñg ? MT KILDARE ñg ? Óa ? ? Óf ñbv 45 YUNDAMINDRA 77 86 ñu ñbv 40 437 m French Sk (PD) Queen of the May South 70 Kurrajong D Óu vertical................................................................................................................................ 50 Mile W 75 Porkie W Apollo Hill Kildare W ño Yd Blair W 75 86 ñc ? Óc Óf Óg 50 ñba 83 ñbm ñf Ôa McAuliffe Sk 80 Gardiner W Ôa PHANEROZOIC ñbv Óc Aup? ñu 80 ? Extension T Igneous layering, showing strike and dip Black Zone ? ? Óp ? Mt Keith B (PD) ñf 64 ñbmf ñs ? Dingo Óf 74 ? Steve D ? 80 McAuliffe W Óf ? 45 Bob B Yd EUCALYPTUS Óc Aup ñci inclined............................................................................................................................... ñbf 88 76 Óc Colluvium_gravel, sand, and silt as proximal sheetwash and talus; locally ferruginous Óc W (abd) ñgm ? Creek ? Ól D ñup ROAD 77 ? Óf Ferruginous gravel and reworked laterite ñbv 82 Deep B ? vertical................................................................................................................................ N I A G A R A 40 Ôa ROAD WOOLSHED Óu Round Hill ñup ñb Bob W ? M T M A R G A R E T M I N E R A L F I E L D Boundary W Old Joe Sk ñbv Camelback Sk (PD) B (abd) 75 ñgm 77 South Extension B Óg Sand over granitoid rock_quartzofeldspathic sand; includes scattered granitoid outcrop Way-up indicator ? ñup Eucalyptus D (Govt) 45 ño Camelback B Óf ñc ? ? Ód ñg Óp ñgbu ñog Camelback D ? ? ? Óc ñb ñs ñci ? ? ñgm Pindinnis Sk 70 ? ñf ? igneous layering................................................................................................................ ñbv Boundary B Martins W (PD) Bobs D Ób Óz ? 86 Aup ? ñng Ól Óu Óz 30 W ño Pindinnis Flat B (PD) Ól ñbmf Aup 55 Crimson Bell ñba Óp Ód pillow structure.................................................................................................................. ? Óf ? ? ? ñs 86 Óz ? 82 ñb ñci Óc ñbm KILMORE HILL ñba Óa Red October ? 45 D I S T R I C T 45 85 76 Óz sedimentary structure....................................................................................................... ? 409 m 67 Zelica Ól 55 ñg Wandarie W ? ñbp 75 ñc ñci 11 Mile B KOOKYNIE Moolyn W ñgp ? Óc Ól Ferruginous duricrust, massive and rubbly Óc ROAD Eucalyptus B ? ? Metamorphic foliation, showing strike and dip ñgg ? 4 ñf ? ñu ? Eucalyptus D 82 Óu 65 Óc Óu Silica caprock over ultramafic rock; locally includes chalcedony and chrysoprase 80 50 ñsf Óc CON LAKE ñba ? ? Óa Yd Yd YUNDAMINDRA Pindinnis W ROAD 73 ñup Gs ñs inclined............................................................................................................................... 50 31 W ROAD B ? W (abd) ñc Thin Lizzy Ól L A K E Óc Óz Silcrete; minor laterite and ferruginous gravel Homestead W and B ? ? 70 Snake B q ñb ? ñc Con Lake D ñbm ñfv 80 ? Yd ñfi ñc 58 South Soak W vertical............................................................................................................................... ñft ñfs 83 Óf ? 50 ñbv ? Yundamindra 66 Butcher Well North 65 ñng EDJUDINA 1 ñup M ? 45 60 ñgs ñg 15À T RE MT COLINDINAñbmf MT FLORENCE ? Ób 15À Cleavage, showing strike and dip 88 ?? ås Sandstone and quartzose pebble conglomerate 377 m ? ñbp 498 m ñb 55 ? 480 m Enigmatic North ñgm ? M ñbv ? Óp 45 Dairy Corner B Creek AR Aubils B ñs Hronsky 85 84 ño ñbf ? Aubils D q 80 inclined............................................................................................................................... 65 KABLE 70 Cottage B No 1 B ñod ås 85 55 PERMIAN Yd Óf ? Yd 85 ñf ñcButcher Well Óf ñc PALAEOZOIC 78 MT 80 Bore W 34 ? Ôa ? Yd Ôa ? ñup Ôa MT SILICA ñci ñgs ? Greenhills ñgm Mineral lineation, showing trend and plunge direction ? ? Ól 70 ñfi 80 70 ñfs ? Óu q ñbv ñc ? LINDEN ñgp Ól MT REMARKABLE Wilson B ñb 75 Butcher W (PD) ñfi ñc ? ño q 79 ñba Quartz Blow Sk q 75 84 80 76 ñsh ñgp Óz Yd Bullock CELIA ñci inclined............................................................................................................................... 30 Friday W ñf ñog ñgm ñup ñc 55 OlympicÊDanube 76 ? ? Torquay Leases ñbv ñg Bullock Hole W ? ñc ? Mafic and ultramafic dykes 85 70 ñc Devon ìdy horizontal........................................................................................................................... ? Cement W Stone Trough B LARKIN ñfi ñsh D ñbm 78 Ód ? 85 Cement B 70 71 ñg 76 Ødyi_Pinjin Dyke KOOKYNIE ROAD Bunjarra W Pindinnis B Yd Murphy W Yd 70 75 81 ñci ñc Hill East ñc ? ? ñgfr ? ño Óf Intersection lineation, showing trend and plunge direction Ôa ? ? Linden (abd) Laurie D ? B ñg 85 W (abd) 78 ñba ROAD White Quartz B ñc ? OWEN HILL 82 Linden B Linden Reward W (PD) ñbv Gum Tree B ñf 70 60 ñgg ? Ód inclined............................................................................................................................... 18 ? ñbv 57 ñci ? ñup PROTEROZOIC 70 Óf 12 Mile WH No 2 Middle W 65 65 ñs 75 87 ñb ñc ñc ? ? W (abd) ñgg 77 87 ñg ? Puzzle ? 12 Mile WH Homestead W horizontal........................................................................................................................... ñgda Óf B Mt Remarkable ñgg 75 ? 70 75 ñc Mud Hut W Óf ? ñup Half Way B 82 80
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