Back to school supplement features stories on curriculum enhancements, renovations, special projects, pages 13-28 THE CTHEatholic OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF METUCHENSpiritAUGUST 24, 2017 • VOL. 22 NO. 15 • $2.00 Main celebrants of the Mass are from left, Bishop James F. Checchio, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien, Grand Master of the Pontifi cal Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Bishop Emeritus Paul G. Bootkoski, Msgr. Edward C. Puleo, pastor, St. Brigid Parish. —Ed Koskey Jr. photo Your next issue will be September 7 Cardinal O’Brien leads prayer for persecuted Christians By Christina Leslie \HDUEHFDXVHRIKLVRUKHUIDLWK´ ,QKLVKRPLO\&DUGLQDO2¶%ULHQTXRWHG Correspondent 7KH RFFDVLRQ PDUNHG ZKDW ZDV EH from “The Road to Character,” a book by OLHYHGWREHWKH¿UVWYLVLWE\D*UDQG0DVWHU New York Times FROXPQLVW'DYLG%URRNVWR PEAPACK — “This will be an historic day RIWKH3RQWL¿FDO(TXHVWULDQ2UGHURIWKH+RO\ explain why people persisted in faith despite for the Diocese,” noted Bishop James F. 6HSXOFKUHWRRXUGLRFHVH.QLJKWVDQG/DGLHV SHUVHFXWLRQDQGVXIIHULQJ &KHFFKLR WR WKRVH ¿OOLQJ 6W %ULJLG &KXUFK of the Order, resplendent in capes and berets, ³%URRNVUHPLQGHGXVµ3HRSOHDUHEHJLQ $XJ IRU D 0DVV DQG V\PSRVLXP RQ WKH OHG D SURFHVVLRQ LQFOXGLQJ WKH &DUGLQDO QLQJWRIHHODFDOOWKH\DUHQRWPDVWHUVRIWKH SHUVHFXWLRQ RI &KULVWLDQV ZRUOGZLGH 7KH DQG/W9LFNL'RZQH\ KHDG RI WKH (DVWHUQ VLWXDWLRQEXWQHLWKHUDUHWKH\KHOSOHVV7KH\ bishop welcomed Cardinal Edwin F. O’Brien /LHXWHQDQF\KHDGTXDUWHUHGLQ1<%LVKRS IHHOWKH\PXVWSDUWLFLSDWHWRJHWKHULQUHVSRQG RQKLV¿UVWYLVLWWRWKHGLRFHVHDQGLQIRUPHG (PHULWXV3DXO*%RRWNRVNL6W%ULJLGSDV LQJWRWKHFKDOOHQJH¶´&DUGLQDO2¶%ULHQVDLG WKHDXGLHQFHRIIDLWK¿OOHG&DWKROLFVWKDW³D WRU0VJU(GZDUG&3XOHRDQGPRUHWKDQD ³,VQ¶WWKDWSUHFLVHO\ZKDWEULQJVXVKHUH &KULVWLDQ LV NLOOHG HYHU\ KRXU GD\V D GR]HQSULHVWVIURPDURXQGWKHGLRFHVH Continued on page 7 INSIDE Archbishop from India World & Nation 5 Prelate thanks Indian and Our Faith 30-31 Sri Lankan Apostolate for generous Faith Alive 32-33 response to natural disaster Special Feature...3, 8 Diocesan Events 38 Classifi eds 39 catholicspirit.com 3 SPECIAL FEATURE of the Image Week Where in the diocese can it be found? India and Sri Lanka Apostolate hosts fi rst diocesan multicultural Mass By Stacey Daly meet together as one family in the Above, Archbishop Antonysamy prays at Correspondent Christian faith,” said Archbishop Anto- the altar with concelebrants. The Mass was nysamy. “I am coming from a far away celebrated at Our Lady of Peace Church, Last issue's image... NORTH BRUNSWICK — A bridge be- country from a different culture, from North Brunswick, home to the diocesan tween cultures and continents was built a different mentality, from a different Indian and Sri Lankan Apostolate coordi- during a special multicultural Mass language. What makes me celebrate nated by Father Antony Arockiadoss. held at Our Lady of Peace Parish Aug. WKLV(XFKDULVWLFVDFUL¿FH":KDWPDNHV —Mike Ehrmann photos 13. Archbishop George Antonysamy of \RX FRPH IRU WKLV 0DVV":HFRPH LQ Mylapore has its home in Chennai in Madras and Mylapore presided at the Christian faith.” He explained how the State of Tamil Nadu, India. Arch- Mass. The Mass and reception after- much India has changed and how dif- bishop Antonysamy was appointed wards was organized through the India ferent each region is from the next, Shepherd of the archdiocese in Novem- and Sri Lanka Apostolate of New Jersey stressing the importance of unity in di- ber 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. A na- and the Goan, Gujarati, Mangalorean, versity. While people may be different, tive of Trichy, he was ordained in 1952 Srilankan and Tamil Associations of our faith brings us together and allows and a year later sent to Rome for higher the Diocese of Metuchen. us to celebrate our differences. studies. He received a Bachelor of Phi- “Today I am very happy that we The Archdiocese of Madras and losophy and Master of Theology from Urban University, Rome. He went on to earn a doctorate in Pastoral Theology at Lateran University, Rome. Addition- ally, he holds a Licentiate in Canon /DZIURP3RQWL¿FDO8UEDQ8QLYHUVLW\ Rome, with a specialization in Canon /DZ LQ -XULVSUXGHQFH IURP 3RQWL¿FDO Gregorian University, Rome. The image, which was featured In 1987, the archbishop was re- on page 3 of the August 10 issue of The Catholic Spirit, can be found at leased for service to the Secretariat of THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT AUGUST 24, 2017 State of the Holy See in Vatican City. Queenship of Mary parish, Plains- From 1998 through 2002, he served as boro. Vicar General, Apostolic Administra- tion Estonia, Baltic Country. He was then appointed by then-Pope, now St. John Paul II as the Charge d’Affaires The winner is... of the Vatican Embassy in Jordan. In Brenda Fernandes, parishioner at 2005, Msgr. Antonysamy was elected Queenship of Mary, Plainsboro. as Titular Archbishop of Sulci in Sar- dinia, Italy, by Pope Benedict XVI. He To be a winner, you must call Above, children of the India and Sri (732) 562-2424 after 9 a.m. Monday. Lanka Apostolate provide entertain- was appointed as the Apostolic Nuncio to Gambia, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra The fi rst caller to correctly iden- ment at the reception following tify the image and its location will Leone, just prior to his current appoint- the Mass. Left, Archbishop George receive a one year subscription, ment as Archbishop of the Madras and Antonysamy of Madras and Mylapore, renewal or gift subscription to The Mylapore Diocese. He is also currently preaches to those in attendance at Catholic Spirit. Those who correctly the liturgy. His archdiocese was great- serving as Chariman of St. John’s Med- identify an image are not eligible ly aided after a natural disaster by the ical College in Bengaluru, India, and as to take another guess for 90 days. generosity of diverse congregants. Continued on page 8 Packed church in North Brunswick greets visiting archbishop from India Continued from page 3 and when I went home I requested that the vice president of the Conference of he come to have a Mass,” said Father Catholic Bishops of India. Arockiadoss. He noted that the arch- During a meeting with the Holy bishop had come to the diocese to meet Father two months ago, the archbishop the people who donated the money. told Pope Francis that he no longer “Being here for the archbishop’s knew what it meant to be Indian. “I Mass is a special blessing,” stated Ru- used to long for myself to go back to phus Xavier, a member of St. Cecilia India to serve the people, but now it is Parish, Monmouth Junction. “This is a OUR DIOCESE 8 YHU\GLI¿FXOWWRLGHQWLI\RXUVHOYHVZLWK wonderful way to unite us,” he added, our own brothers and sisters.” He said WKHQ VDLG LW ZDV WKH ¿UVW WLPH KH KDG Pope Francis laughed and explained attended a Mass like this and hopes to how very much he understood having do so again in the future. experienced cultural diversity through Christine Jackson, a member of his own life. The pope told him to go the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi back to his diocese and tell the people, Parish, Metuchen, was invited to the “The Holy Father loves all of you. The Mass by her aunt. “I have not been part Holy Father prays for all of you. The of a union Mass since I was back in Holy Father blesses all of you.” The India, so this was really a truly a won- archbishop bestowed this blessing from derful experience — it was awesome.” Pope Francis on all of those in atten- She said it was exciting to see the arch- Above, men carrying litur- dance at the Mass. bishop and to be part of something new gical canopies process into The coordinator for the diocesan in the diocese. She looks forward to it church. Right, Archbishop India and Sri Lanka Apostolate, Father becoming an annual event. George Antonysamy re- Antony Arockiadoss, explained that the People from beyond the diocese ceives the gifts of bread idea for the Mass sprung up in response also came to worship at the Mass, in- and wine from members of to aid for a natural disaster. “Last year, cluding Arun Kulandairhn of Jersey the diocesan India and Sri WKHUHZDVWHUULEOHÀRRGLQJLQ&KHQQDL City. “I wanted to come out today Lanka Apostolate. — Mike Ehrmann photos which killed 500 people. I came from because I wanted to hear my language that city,” He said. Afterwards, a col- represented," he said. "Plus, the arch- lection was taken up and a donation bishop is from my hometown and I re- wired from the Diocese of Metuchen ally wanted to see him.” He added that to the diocese in Chennai. “The arch- events such as this will help to build a The Shrine of St. Joseph bishop thanked us for the donation, community. 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