INDEX A American Independent Party, 112 Abbott, David, 49, 60 American Samoa, interstate compacts, 216 Abourezk, James G., 146 Anderson, John B., xix, xxvii–xxviii absolute majority of popular vote, requiring, Anderson, Wendell, 146 488–90, 496–97 Anti-Federalist Party, 324, 367, 385, 648 Adams, Brockman, 152 Anuzis, Saul, xix, xxxvi–xxxvii Adams, John, 73, 76, 78, 80, 112, 124, 125 Appalachian Regional Compact, 214 Adams, John Quincy, 112 Arizona administrative clearinghouse, and electoral reform citizen-initiative process, 279, 299, 315, 328 compact proposal, 277 constitutional provisions, 299, 299n advertising expenditures, 12, 13t, 22, 23t, 24, 28t, interstate compacts, 211, 217, 222, 223, 228, 243 725–29. See also campaign spending presidential ballot, 89 advisory compacts, 209 protest-referendum process, 299 Aghazarian, Gregory G., xix, xxxv whole-number proportional approach and, Agreement Among the States to Elect the President 173–75 by National Popular Vote. See National Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, Popular Vote compact 316 Agreement on Detainers. See Interstate Agreement Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent on Detainers Redistricting Commission et. al., 316 agricultural compacts, 209 Arkansas Agricultural Grain Marketing Compact, 211 1968 election, 127 Aiken, George D., 145 citizen-initiative process, 335 Air Quality Act of 1967, 252 implementation of 17th Amendment, 335 Alabama television advertisements in, 729t 1960 presidential ballot, 108–9f, 262, 264 whole-number proportional approach and, 1968 election, 127 171–72 electors, 108–10, 112, 270 Arkansas River Compact, 241, 250 interstate compacts, 221 Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 251 whole-number proportional approach and, 175 Articles of Confederation, xxvii, 205–6, 208, 243 Alabama Democratic Party, 108–9 artificial crises, in winner-take-all system, 51–53, Alabama Republican Party, 109 255, 607, 608 Alaska Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact, 210, 212, Ballot Measure 4, 336 221, 228, 248 citizen-initiative process, 279, 300n, 328, 335, 336 Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act, 212 election of U.S. senators, 336 Attorney General, U.S., 215 fusion voting, 272 audits, post-election, 564–65 implementation of 17th Amendment, 336 Aveline v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and political party leanings, 54 Parole (1999), 525–26, 528 whole-number proportional approach and, 162 Alaska-Vermont interstate compact, hypothetical, B 487–88 Babcock, Lewis, 322n, 323 Alcorn v. Wolfe (1993), 532–33 Bailey, Lloyd W., 112 Amar, Akhil Reed, 281 Baker, F. A., 379–81, 398–400 Amar, Vikram David, 281, 403 Baker, Howard, 146, 147 Amending of the Federal Constitution, The Baker, James, 129 (Orfield), 309 ballot access requirements, variation across states American Enterprise Institute, 278 in, 503–11 1039 1040 | Index ballot questions Brod, Laura, xx, xxxviii–xxxix interstate compacts, 219 Brooke, Edward W., 146 pre-election judicial challenges, 339–41 Brookings Institution, 37 ballot(s) Brown, Sherrod, 271 Massachusetts, 328 Brulte, James L., xx, xl presidential, 89–91, 102f, 103, 103f, 105, 106, Buchanan, John, xx, xxxii–xxxiii 108–9f Buckson, David P., 465–66 short presidential ballots, 85–87, 88f, 121, Bugh, Gary, 60 261–62, 686–93 Burdick, Quentin, 145, 147, 152 provisional, 565–70 bureaucracy, federal election, 658–60 See also under specific states Burr, Aaron, 73, 80n, 124, 125 Barron v. Baltimore (1833), 232 Bush, George H.W., 144, 386, 408–9, 508 Bartlett, Dewey R, 146 Bush, George W., 12, 15, 17, 47–48, 51–53, 54n, 87, battleground states/swing states, 45, 129, 578–80 88, 93, 105, 116, 129, 185–87, 195, 271, 456, 2000 election, 14 568, 607, 707, 707t 2004 election, 16f, 16t, 18t–19t, 186–91, 188f, Bush v. Gore (2000), 5n, 67, 97, 266, 329–32, 395 188t, 190f, 190t Butts v. City of New York Dept. of Housing 2012 election, 24, 25t, 26, 27, 28f, 30t, 32, 33t Preservation and Development (1985), campaigns solicit votes based on issues of 655–56 concern to, 447–50, 452–55 Byrd, Harry F., 112 defined, 44 Byrd, Robert C., 142, 145 identifying, 12 and the irrelevance of voters in non-battleground C states, 33, 35 Cabazon Band of Mission Indians v. California spectator states becoming, 452–55 (1987), 215 whole-number proportional approach and, 184t, Cahill, William, 144 185–92 California winner-take-all system and, 54, 55 1876 election, 53, 126, 608 Bayh, Birch, xix, xxix–xxxi, 53, 128, 129, 145–47, 1880 election, 85 743, 928–39 1896 election, 85 bed-sheet ballots, 85 1912 election, 85 Belenky, Alexander S., 687–88, 690, 692, 693, 717 2000 election, 183, 183f Belle Fourche River Compact, 230–31 citizen-initiative process, xl, 292, 300, 300n, 316, Bellmon, Henry, 145–47, 149–50, 464 340 Bennett, Robert W., 60, 281 congressional-district approach and, 201, 204 Benton, Thomas Hart, 753 disadvantages of winner-take-all system, 55, 56, Bentsen, Lloyd, 113 56n Best, Judith A., 60 interstate compacts, 211, 217, 220, 222, 228, 243 Best, Judith Vairo, 60 Proposition 80, 341 bi-state compacts, 220–21, 253, 279 public opinion in, 286–87 Bible, Alan, 145 whole-number proportional approach and, Biester, Edward George, Jr., 144 178–83, 190 big cities. See large cities California-Nevada Water Apportionment Interstate big states. See large states Compact, 220–21 black suffrage, 363 Camejo, Peter Miguel, 106, 107, 277 Blackmun, Harry, 239, 636 campaign events, post-convention, 20, 21t, 22, Blackwell, Morton C., 468–69 32–33, 34t, 35f “bloc voting” proposal, Jay Wilson’s, 283. See also campaign spending, 557–60. See also advertising Wilson, Jennings “Jay” expenditures Boggs, Thomas Hale, 142 campaigns, presidential Bonneville Power Administration, 214 length of, if candidates had to travel to all 50 Book of the States, The, 218 states, 559–60 Boren, David L., 152 states receiving most candidate visits, 12–14, 14t Boulder Canyon Project Act of 1928, 222–23, 228 Campbell, Tom, xx–xxi, xxxiv boundary compacts, 209 Canada and interstate compacts, 216, 221–22 Braun, Alan G., 61 Cannon, Howard, 128, 130–33 Breaking the Deadlock (Posner), 331–32 Carrico, Charles, 679 Index | 1041 Carter, Jimmy, 47, 128–29, 456 Kansas v. Colorado (2001), 241 Carter-Baker Commission, 129 Lake Country Estates, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Case, Clifford P., 145 Planning Agency (1979), 532 Case Against Direct Election of the President, The Libertarian Party v. Buckley (Colorado, 1997), (J. V. Best), 60 324n case names Louisville Bridge Company v. United States Alcorn v. Wolfe (1993), 532–33 (1917), 242 Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Lucas v. Forty-Fourth General Assembly (1964), Independent Redistricting Commission 331 et. al., 316 McClendon v. Slater (Oklahoma, 1976), 328, Aveline v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation 328n and Parole (1999), 525–26, 528 McComb v. Wambaugh (1991), 240, 526, 528–30, Barron v. Baltimore (1833), 232 556, 643 Bush v. Gore (2000), 5n, 67, 97, 266, 329–32, 395 McPherson v. Blacker (1892), 5, 6, 7n, 67, 69, Butts v. City of New York Dept. of Housing 75–76, 82, 84, 127, 157, 318, 320, 329, 331, Preservation and Development (1985), 354–55, 359, 367, 379–82, 395, 396, 400, 655–56 412–13, 417, 627, 633, 649, 848–65 Cabazon Band of Mission Indians v. Murdock v. City of Memphis (1874), 229–30 California (1987), 215 Napolitano v. Davidson (2004), 322 Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste New Hampshire v. Maine (1976), 232, 238, 549, Commission, State of Nebraska v. 632, 635 (1995), 532, 533 Northwestern States Portland Cement Chandler v. Miller (1997), 324n Company v. Minnesota (1966), 213 Chapman v. Meier (1975), 331 Opinion of the Justices, In re (Maine, 1919), 5n, Colorado General Assembly v. Salazar (2004), 321–22, 321n, 327, 870–75 313n Oregon v. Mitchell (1970), 253, 279, 412, 628 Cook v. Gralike (2001), 313n Pennsylvania v. Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Cuyler v. Adams (1981), 229 Company (1855), 242 Davis v. Hildebrandt, State of Ohio ex rel. Petty v. Tennessee-Missouri Bridge (1916), 310–13, 313n, 315, 323n, 866–69 Commission (1959), 206 Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission Ray v. Blair (1952), 111–12, 369, 513 v. Colburn (1940), 229 Salizar v. Davidson, Colorado ex. rel. (2003), Delaware v. State of New York, State of (1966), 313, 313n 465–66 Smiley v. Holm (1932), 310–11, 313, 313n, Dillard v. Crenshaw County (1987), 656 919–27 Dover v. Portsmouth Bridge (1845), 232 Southern Leadership Conference v. Siegelman Dummit v. O’Connell, Commonwealth ex rel. (1989), 656 (Kentucky, 1944), 328–29 Stenberg v. Moore, State ex rel. (1996), 554–55 Eastlake v. Forest City Enterprises, Inc. (1976), Texas Learning Technology Group v. 331 Commissioner of Internal Revenue Ely v. Klahr (1971), 340 (1992), 410 Florida v. Georgia (1854), 232 Tobin v. United States (1962), 228 Georgetown v. Alexander Canal Company Trust the People Initiative Committee, State of (1838), 249 Alaska et al. v. (Alaska, 2004), 336n Gillette v. Franchise Tax Board (California, U.S. Steel Corporation v. Multistate Tax 2012), 526–28, 550–51, 1008–29 Commission (1978), 231–32, 238–40, Green v. Biddle (1823), 229 549–51, 556, 630–32, 634–37, 641–43, Hawke v. Smith (1920), 306, 307, 307n, 308n, 969–96 310, 312–13, 313n, 914–18 U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton (1995), 317, 318n, Hellmuth and Associates v. Washington 340n, 414–18 Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Virginia v. Tennessee (1893), 206, 226, 232–39, (1976), 409–10, 525, 528, 552 294–95, 549, 551, 630–35, 951–68 Hinderlider v. La Plata River and Cherry Creek West Virginia ex rel. Dyer v. Sims (1950), 411, Ditch Company (1938), 229, 410, 414 531, 532, 553–54 Hollingsworth et al. v. Virginia (1798), 306–7, Williams v. Virginia State Board of Elections 306n (1968), 404, 640, 1000–1007 James v. Valtierra (1971), 331n Catholic Church, 367 1042 | Index Celler, Emmanuel, 128, 142–44 Clayburgh, Ben, 89 Center for Voting and Democracy (FairVote), 12n, Cleveland, Grover, 84, 127, 500–503 24n, 62 Clinton v.
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