GNGTS 2010 SESSIONE 3.3 cline, 8-10 km thick at the southern end, appears variously deformed (more than previously known) but not unrooted from its basement. The top of the crystalline crust (lower and upper crust) is rec- ognized at a depth of about 20 km (8.5 s/TWT) in the northern sector; it reaches more than 20 km in the Sclafani Bagni-Valledolmo area and is imaged at about 10 km in the Iblean region. Some reflections, calibrated by DSS refraction seismic, occurring at place are related to the Moho discontinuity. A depth of about 30-32 km is calculated in the northern sector of the profile, reaching the deepest location to the south of Villalba at a depth of about 35 km; from there, it pro- gressively shallows reaching the Iblean region at a depth of about 25 km. An alternative hypothesis about the M occurrence in the northern part of the abovementioned transect is suggested. The loca- tion of the supposed M-discontinuity and the crystalline basement suggest the occurrence of a crys- talline crust thinner than previously believed as well a major thinning (?) beneath the Caltanissetta depression. Conclusion. Results from seismic reflection processing together with gravimetry, magnetotel- luric data (see different contributions) support the geolocial interpretation and are able to improve our knowledge about a) the location of the African/Thyrrhenian european boundary at depth; b) the pronounced crustal flexure in central Sicily; c) the architecture of the FTB foreland system; d) the interaction of the basement and the FTB; e) the occurrence of shear zones and transversal lines. Finally, the results confirm the role of the SIRIPRO Project in defining an optimal exploration methodology to integrate the obtained different types of data by means of a software Platform. 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The ICEfaces Component Suite encompasses enhanced implementations of the JSF stan- dard components and additional custom components. The customer accesses the software functionalities, once identified, through a userID and a pass- word. The software handles magnetotelluric, seismic, gravimetric and geological data that are georef- erenced in a common projection system. Raster data are stored and processed in a Seg-Y format whereas the standard for the vector data are the shapefile (*.shp) and the Keyhole Markup Language (*.kml). The software functionalities are released throughout a menu including items such as: file man- agement, task management, lithotype management, application case, download and link, and logout. File management allows to visualize seismic (*.sgy), magnetotelluric (*.edi) and gravimetric (*.dat) data, to query the seismic header file as well as to download them. Although these data are processed on a remote server, results can be downloaded on the user host. The task section could be considered the applicative core. It contains the main operative tasks suitable to process the seismic data: Dix’s conversion of the root mean square VRMS, into interval velocity VINT, depth grid in the time domain building up, depth to time domain conversion, export of a georeferenced file, statistical analysis, tiling and cluster analysis (K-means). The latter can be used to discover common structures in abovementioned data using an iterative procedure aiming to minimize dissimilarities within each lithologic cluster. The dissimilarities are evaluated computing distances between clusters in Euclidean multi- dimensional space (seismic interval velocity, VINT, magnetotelluric resistivity, ρ, and gravimetric density, δ). Euclidean distances can be computed not only on the raw data but also from the loga- rithmic value of the resistivity (logρ). The effectiveness of such methodology crucially depends on the information embedded within the various geophysical data and their modeling, yielding mutual, complementary information about the distribution of lithological characteristics such as the electrical resistivity and the acoustic velocity over similar length-scales and with comparable spatial resolution. These clusters identify classes in the joint parameter space (JPS) that resulted well-defined, since they represent the depth lithologic layer, how it is confirmed by independent geologic constraints. The procedure requires data previously interpolated on a common grid; these data extends for about 110 km length and ~30 km depth in the application case. Hence, the correlation between the models is examined and regions in the two-dimensional parameters, regions characterized by mutually high correlation are identified (the so-called classes). K-means clustering partitions data into k mutually exclusive clusters, and returns the index of the cluster to which it has assigned each observation. The iterative procedure runs once or more depending on the user setup values. Initializing val- ues are stored within the software depending on the lithotypes occurring within the domain. The software sector concerning the application case allows visualizing the SIRIPRO data in a 3D environment. It has been built up using the Google Earth 3D API. Raster data (e.g. the seismic stack) can be explored in their vertical dimension. Geographical information layers such as the gravimetric, magnetotelluric and seismic traces of the data, actually acquired within the project. These data can be queried and visualized on high resolution satellite images. Geological maps, developed within the project, can be explored and queried as well. Finally, some components of the software have been implemented to be installed in a stand- alone platform, these utilities or open useful tools developed by third parties are provided in a ded- icated section of the SIRIPRO platform. Acknowledgements. The SIRIPRO activities have been funded by MIUR (project n° 8127/73985). 566.
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