Gli.inpsi~g • • ASUH Elections Set for Friday the T M la v 0 c M. AW A I N .ews VoL. XVI UNIVERSITY OF HAWf..II, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1938 No 46 With Jane Christian John Halliday ·May Take NORMAN K. CHUNG Students. Ballot. UHTG Diction + Wins AWS Reins Leading Role·In Tovarich (The 'writer of this column is given :. For Officers Awards Won By Wide latitude in expressing his per· N F •d In Election ----'-"~~---~-~--~· 80n&l Opinions, and hiS COmmentS On I current events given below do not ext· n ay World-Famous necessarily represent the editorial 1 Miyaki, Foster John Halliday policy of Ka Leo. Contribution~, Jane Christian, TC student, poll- criticism and general comment will Cl C t"ti ed 84 votes to Ellen Stewart's 60 Actor Wires· ·. be welcomed-Editor.) ose ompe I on. - at the Associated Women Students Winners Announced At "" · + Heavy Balloting election "yesterday to gain the Convocation; ASUH News· To Wyman , .pOLITICS pervades every· Is Expected presidency of the sister organiza- newspaper that one reads.: tion of the ASUH for next year. Candidates Presented Broadway Star Will Make !he Den;iocrats h~ve just fin- . In what is expected to be one of She will succeed Lucia ·White. Home In Hawaii; Has Bouqht Sarah Horswill, Muriel Swift, lshed the1 r C o n vent ion. The R e· the liveliest and most colorful of Howard, Miyake, sophomore, and ·Property At Kaneohe publicans are ·about to start' ASUH elections, student body of- and Ah Mee Young were swept John Foster, freshman, were pre- h · Th CIO into the offices of vice-president, By James Carey t eirs. · e is considering. fieers will be selected next Friday. secretary, and treasurer by com- sented the U:niversity of Hawaii' Possibility of securing the ser:.. entering. Hawaiian p o 1it i cs .. Close contests in an races plus ac- fortable margins. Their opponents Theatre Guild Diction award for vices of John Halliday, nationally ASUH elections are coming off tive student interest have formed were Eunice Leong, Peggy Kange­ their outstanding performances in prominent stage and· screen star, soon. the basis for the prediction that ter, and Erna Soares, respectively. guild productions this year, at the as either the male lead or director · Yet, average opinio~ is lacka-. the largest vo~e ever cast will fea- Miss Christian is a senior this of the play Tovarich, was an­ daisical about it all. The aver· tur e the election. semester, but she will return to Music Week convocation held in nounced by Director Arthur E. age person sits back, pays his: T. h o m a s ~aulukukui,. Lucia take over the reins of the group the amphitheater Thursday morn­ Wyman today in an exclusive in­ taxes, squawks about this and tWheh1teelaenctd1· onEdiscoonmnuT~tnteew. illOhtehaedr next semester. ing. Molly Webster, president of terview with Ka Leo. Results of the election as tabu- tfie guild, made the presentations. The announcement comes a~ a that, bu.~, never. votes; And· members will be chosen at a later lated following the close of the result of a wire from Actor Halli­ though its gettmg trite, we date according to ASUH presi- polls at 4:00 p.m. yesterday were: iv.uyake, wno p 1 a y e a unuer day telling of. his leaving for Ha­ might point out that. a citizenry· dent Kaulukukui. President: Arthur Wyman, director, for the waii May 14 and arrival here May aroused to a realization of its: Stu.dents will exercise their Jane Christian. ............... 84 first time this year, enacted the 19. role of Iwaji in the Japanese play, responsibility can elect a clean, privileges as members of the As- Ellen Stewart ................ 60 This development, according to "The Quest . of the bhimosak:a," Dii;ector Wyman, 1s 'the culmina­ popular, good administration. sociated Students of the Univer- Vice-President: given in January. It's been done in 'New York· sity of H;awaii" next Friday when Sarah Horswill... .......... 103 tion of a series of efforts to in­ City. they go to the polls to cast their Eunice Leong ............... .41 A freshman in Applied Science duce the actor to come to Hono­ • • • , votes for next year's student body ·secretary: majoring in engineering, Foster lulu to play· the' lead in the play ghve a brilliant performance as ' MILLION Methodists officers. The booths wi~ be open Peggy Kangeter ............ 55 which he starred. in when it was . EIGHT at 8 a. m. under a tent m front of Muriel Swift .................. 88 Alpheus DeWitt in Maxwell An­ Tei;nporarily giving up the presented on the Broadway stage. have merged their differ­ Hawaii hall. ' • Treasurer: derson's "High Tor" which was stage for the lures of Hawaii Nei, Illness, however, made it impos­ ences and combined. It is Candidates for president are Erna Soares ·. ...................53 presented in April. this noted Thespian may direct sible for Mr. Halliday to make any heartening· news in these days· James Carey., present junior class Ah Mee Young........ ........ 88 · The University of Hawaii Thea­ or play lead in the UHTG's com­ definite promises of coming to his when petty squabbles make a president and prominent student, tre Guild is offering "Tovarich" as ing production "Tovarich." long-time friend, Director Wyman. His last minute decision to come mockery of Christ's teachings. and Katsuso Miho, junior and tne final production of the year. YMCA president. · The assembly which was under to Honolulu is interpreted to mean ' Various movements are under· that Actor Halliday intends to foot to merge all Christian Three student council nominees Berndt Deadline the direction of the ~sociated ~nd one ruruiing by petition will Women's Association opened with Beatrice Tsui · supervise the construction of his faiths t 'o g e t h e r - some even go on the block. Norman Chiing the presentation of candidates for home at Kaneohe. On his last visit hope to include the Jews some and Bert Nishimura,·. juniors, and Extended ASUH offices; James Carey and to Honolulu,. in January, 1936, he day. All of which points to a Kenneth Powers, sophomore, are Katsuso Miho, president; Norman To Head YWCA purchased a piece of property out greater harmony and friendli­ the council nominees. Robert Only Seven Enter Speaking Chung, Bert Nishimura, Kenneth -- ' Kaneohe way on which h'e planned ness among people of like faiths Stafford, sophomore, is a candi­ Contest; Only Two Phases Powers and Robert Stafford, vice­ Six To Run In General to build a home when he retired -a definite step from the dog· date by petition. president; and Kaliko Burgess and from active stage and screen Included This Year Elections Slated To work. matic, narrow-minded religious· Two former Kamehameha Girls' Ellen Stewart, secretary. Close This Afternoon school students are candidates for Mr. Halliday also visited Hono­ ly fanatic attitude of the past. Extension of the deadline for The Hui liwi, girls' chorus, un- lulu in August 1929, and ever secretary. Kaliko Burgess, junior the sixteenth annual Berndt Ex- der the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Beatrice Tsui was elected out­ • • • class secretary, and Ellen Stewart, since has been one of Hawaii's ad­ temporaneous Speaking contest ·Kahananui, sang. Campus talent right in the YWCA elections held mirers. THE present CIO-SUP fight pn TC junior, were nominated for the was announced late yesterday by on the program included Mary the San Francisco waterfront secretaryship. last Wednesday and Thursday. In his years of acting, he has Herbert Choy, ASUH debate Lee, Sam Randall, Majorie and essayed leading roles in a host of smells to high heaven. When This year's officers are Thomas manager. The new deadline for Helen Carter and Som' On Lee. The new president is a junior at Kat.ilukukui, president; Edison Teachers college and is a mem'.ber plays, too numerous to mention. unions fight to get their lawful entries is May 9. Lucia White, A WS president, pre- Aside from his last starring role rights, we a; e back of them. But Tan, vice-president; and Lucia Reason for the extension was sided. · of Yang Chung Hui. She has been White, secretary. in. Tovarich, he wori high praise when they tie up a nation's the small number of entrants, ac­ the chairman of the YWCA com­ in such plays as Jealousy, Sky commerce in a fight for indivi­ cording to Choy the most discour­ mittee on religion. Pilot and the Gilbert and Sullivan aging, perhaps, since the inception., dual power and glory, even the St. John Leads Elections for the other officers light opera, Pinafore. YWCA To Hear of contest. will close today in Hawaii Hah most ardent liberal must shake Only seven students of the his head in disapproval. The· 201. The candidates selected in ·"Ciceroean"' bent of mind have the primary elections were Isabel SUP is not noted as a company cast their forensic gauntlets into B~tanical Trip, Companies B, K 1 Yuki Kimura __ 'Hustace and· Aiko Maeda for vice­ union ; it supported . 0th er the "ring" that constitutes THE Scientist Will Study Plant pres.ident, Elsie Au and Marilyn unions in the recent maritime International Secretary Will speaking event of every Univer­ Young for secretary, and Rosie Life of Rotumci; Trip Backed Lead· Regiment strike. Yet, it is now fighting a Present Report On· Recent sity year. They are Henry Choy, Chook and Eleanor Matsumoto for Norman Chung, John Foster, Fen­ By .Carnegie Corporation secretary. fight for its very existence. Too Student Conference Captain Kinii Kanazawa often is labor forgetting that wicke Holmes, Bert Nishimura, Edison Tan and Thomas Yee.
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