DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. WALDRON. 617 WALDRON is a village and parish, 3 miles south-west and will seat :rso persons. The Rev. Charles Albert from Heathfield station, 2!: from Horeham Road station, Corser I.a.ngdon B.A. of C"niversity College, Durham, on the Tunbridge Wells and Eastbourne branch of the has been minister in charge since :rgos. The children London, Brighton and South Coast railway, 6 east-by- from this place attend the school at Maynard's Green. south from Uckfield, 8 north-west from Hailsham, n Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Cross-in-Hand (Letters should north-north-east from Lewes and 50 from London, in have Sussex added).-Mrs. Amelia Jane Saunders,. the Southern division of the county, Shiplake and Dill sub-postmistress. Letters arrive 6.30 a.m. & 12.10 &:. hundreds, rape of Pevensey, Uckfield petty sessional 6. 15 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 a.m; dispatched at :ro. 10 division and union, Lewes county court district, rural a.m. 12 noon & 12.40, 4.40 & ro.3o p.m. ; sundays,. deanery of Dallington, archdeaconry of Lewes and diocese 10.30 p.m . of Chichester. The church of All Saints is an ancient Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Waldron Street.-Miss Fanny edifice of stone, in the Early English and Decorated Burgess, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Cross- styles, and has a tower containing 8 bells: in the church in-Hand, Sussex, 8.30 & n.3o a.m. & 12.45 & 8.30 are many brasses and monumental inscriptions to the p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m.; dispatched at 6.50 a. m. & 12.55 Dyke, Offiey, Fuller, Dalrymple and other families: there & 7 p.m. ; sundays, 7 p.m are traces of Norman work: the church was restored in Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Horeham Road (letters should 1862, and has 360 sittings. The register dates from the i have Sussex added).-Ernest Lemon, sub-postmaster .. year 1564. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £32s, Letters arrive 5 & 10.30 a.m. & 5.20 & ro p.m.; with residence and 38 acres of glebe, in the gift of Exeter sundays, s a.m.; dispatched, Io.xs & n.3o a. m. &:. College, Oxford, and held since 1882 by the Rev. William I2.so, 8. IS & 9· IS p.m.; sundays, 9· IS p.m John Humble-Crofts M.A. of that college. Here are Wes- Post & T. Office, Little London.-Frank Piper, sub-post~ leyan and Baptist chapels, and at Tilsmore Corner is I master. Letters arrive from Horeham Road, Sussex,. a Mission Hall. Foxhunt Memorial Hall was erected in! at 6.45 & 11.45 a.m. & 7·4S p.m.; sundays, 6.45 a.rn.; rgo6 by Joseph Lucas esq. in memory of his wife. The I dispatched at 6.45, 9-IS & II-45 a.m. & 7·45 p.m.;. Offiey charity, amounting to £2 ros. yearly, is dis- sundays, 6.45 a.m. Horeham Road, 2 miles distant, is. tributed to the needy at Michaelmas. Horeham Manor, the nearest money order office in. t}_lis parish, is the property of_ the Right Hon. Sir , Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,. ~Illiam. Hart Dyke P.C._ of Lulhn_gstone Castle, and 1 Heathfield Tower (letters should have Sussex added).­ IS occupied by ::\frs. Harnson. Possmgworth, a modern Samuel w. Daw, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive mansion, erecte_d in 1866, is the property of the , _ & . s a.m. & r. , 1.23, 5.25 & ro.ss p.m.;. trus~ees 4 12 4 4 3 of the late Loms Ruth esq. and now (1911) unoccupied. sundays, 6. 30 a.m.; dispatched IO.IS a.m. & I, 2.10, Tanners Manor is the ~rop~r~y and residence of Benden _~ , B.s, & p.m.; sundays, p.m 7 5 9 10 10 Sharvell Hassell esq.; It ongmally belonged to the Sack- Wall Letter Boxes :-White house, cleared at 7_15 a. m. villes, of Sevenoaks, and afte:wards passed i?to the hands & 1.:3o & 8. 25 p.m.; sundays, 8. 5 p.m.; Foxhunt,. of tlhe F~lers, a Sussex family of repute as 1ronfounders. cleared at s. 25 a.m. & 7.5 0 p.m.; sundays, s. 25 a. m.; Old Possrngworth, now a farmhouse, belonged to the Ro(;k Hill, cleared at 8 a.m. & _ & .IS p.m.; 12 15 7 Offiey fa~ily in the 17th century. The trustees of the sundays, 8 a.m. ; New Pond, cleared 10. IS a. m. &. late Huth esq. (d. 19os) lords_ of the manor of _ , _ & p.m.; sundays, p.m.; Holmes ~rus ~re 12 55 4 55 9 9 HiTI~ Pos~mgwor~b. The Earl of C'luchester 1s l~rd of Laugh- ~. & 8_20 p.m. ; sundays, 8. 5 p.m.; Birch terrace, ton manor, B. S. Hassell esq. of Tanners manor, and 30& a. m. noon & _ p.m.; sundays, a. m.; 7 9 12 7 30 7 Josepb Lucas esq. of the manors of Foxhunt and Fir Grove, cleared at & r. a.m. & 8. p.m.; ~-P: s. 45 1 45 45 Herondale. Th~ pnncipal Iando":ners are t~e trustees sundays, 8_30 p.m.; Horeham Road station, .30 &. of the late Lams Huth esq. the Right Hon. Su W. Hart & & 8. p m . sundav 9p· m - . H H d f I h t Io.~o a.m. 12 . 30 30 .. ' ,s, 8 ·4o .. ,. D y k e b art. PC. F rancis . ar y esq. o sen urs ' Whitehouse, 7-IS a.m. & 1.30 & 8.2S p.m.; sundavs. Mrs. O~os~ley, Joseph L~cas and B. S. Hassell esq~s. 8_2S p.m.; Mount, 9. rs a.m. & 7_45 p.m.; sundays. The sml JS loam; subsml, sand and _clay. The chief 6.rs a. m.; SharpsCorner,8.4S a.m.&12.30 & 6-45 p.m. > cTops are wheat and hops. The area IS 6,226 acres of d m . Marle Green a & '- . bl £ ~ . th sun ays, 8 . 45 8 . , , 7· 3o .m. 12.1 5 .,.. 1an d a~d I_B of water' ratea e va1 ue, II,I_.,o' e 8.3o p.m.; sundays, 7·3o a.m.; & New Pond Hill,. populatiOn m I9II was 2,178. ro.IS a.m. & 12-SS. 4·55 & 9 p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m Verger, James Mitchell. There are also telegraph offices at Heathfield & Cross- in-Hand & Horeham Road & Waldron stations CROSS-IN-HAND is 2 miles north; St. Bartholomew's district church is a building of stone, consisting of Schools. chancel, navP: and transept, and has 220 sittings ; the Rev. Percy Rolwrt Ferris M.A. of University College, Waldron (mixed & infants), for 150 children; average­ Thmham, has been curate in charge since 1910. Heather­ attendance, Ioo ; John Bannister, master; Mrs. Ban­ den is the residen,~e of Mrs. CrosslPy. A cattle fair is nister, infants' mistress held at Cross-in-Hand on the 19th of November. Cross-in-Hand (mixed & infants), for 174 children; average attendance, 167; David John Bolt, master HOREHA \1[ ROAD is a hamlet in the parishes of Hel­ Heathfield & Cross-in-Hand Railway Station, Charles lingly and Waldron, with a station on the Eastbourne Horn, station master • branch of the Lrmdon, Brighton and South Coast rail­ Horeham Road & Waldron Station, Thomas Frederick way, equally distant a.l?ont 2! miles from those plac-es Ward, station master and s! north from Hailsham. Christ Church Mission church, a !'imall edifice of brick, was erected in IBgo, Carriers to Lewes.-Brown & Son, tues. thurs. & sat (Marked thus * should be addressed *Cauchi William Vincent, Woodlands IIFreema.n George Mallows K.C., B.A.~ Horeham Road.) tCheale Charles Joseph, Edenholme J.P. Heronsdale (Marked thus t should be addressed 11 Collins Mrs. Brooklyn tFunnell Gaius William, Heathdene Heatbfield.) *Copleston Henry E. Hillview tGodbold Bowler, Ha.wkesbury (Marked t.hus 11 should be addressed UCowie Commander John R.N.R. IIGraham Mrs. Bryckden Cross-in-Hand.) Foxhunt Green house *Granger Thomas, Fernbank tCrofts Misses, Cheneyhurst tGreen Miss, Inglenook, High sh·pet PRIVATE RESIDENTS. IICrossley Misses, Holbrook *Hamlin John, Holly Croft cottage IIAbbey Miss, Ivy cottage IICrossley Mrs. Heatherden tHarland Percy C. St. John's, Tils- 11 Allcorn ~.\lbert,Dunmore, Tilsmore rd 1 tCrump Henry T. Claremont more lane *Angus Thomas, Springfield 'IICrump Thomas, Meadowbank *Harrison Mrs. Holeham manor t Ashbv Wm. C. Rosslyn, Tilsmore rd *Cunliffe Mrs. Cottage IIHart William. Roseneath IIAtkirison Harold, Spring cottage *Denman Misses, Maybank *Ha.ssell Lt.-Col. Robert de Bray­ IIAtkinson Oliver T. Davos tDennett George, Bank ho. High st C.C., J.P. Tanners manor IIBaillie Mr·s. Whitehorn tDunton John Edwin, Natalia *Hassell Benden Sharvell, Tanners IIBarker Frank L. W. Kirby IIDurrant Thomas Henry, Barfi.eld ho manor IIBarnard John Charles, Hillside *English Thomas M. Ea.stonville *Hassell Reginald Edward, Tanners *Barnes James ~<\dam, Ashleigh HFerris Rev. Percy Robert M.A. manor tEarnsdale Nathaniel, Highland cot- (curate in charge of Cross in Hand), tHeims David W. Hazelville tage, Tilsmore lane The Gables IIHolman Thomas Edward tBean Walt~r, High street *Field Capt. Cecil Duncan,Woodlands *Holme Bryan, Verno *Eeecbing Cecil Frederic, Hornewood *Finch Otto Fitzgerald, Rockhill *Holme Misses, Whinrig tEennett Charles Albert, Heatherbrae *Fletcher Alfd. John Hugh,Hazeldene 11 Humble-Crofts Rev. William J ohm *Burden Miss, Fairview *Flowers Major Frederick, Sunnyside M . .A. (rector), Rectory tCart~r William, Tilsmore *Foster Miss, Glendalough lllnnes William George, Longmead tCastle Henry H. Bro:xholme HFrancis Charl~, Writtle house tJames John C. Waldron Thorns .
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