Very Bad Thing's h Starr ' i Can AFG be CHristian Slater ;. is the Best!! the beasts of The Observer interview the NFL? page 14 page 5 page 19 November 25, 1998 THE STUDENT VOICE OF FORDHAM COLLEGE AT LINCOLN CENTER VOLUME xvii. issue e $80,000 Up for Fordham Honors Nobel Grabs in Student Activities Budget Peace Prize Recipient By Ron Zapata 23, Hume received a Doctor of Laws, Process honoris causa, from Fordham By Jane McGonigal As a Catholic ten-year-old boy living University for his efforts in Northern under the religious strife in Northern Ireland. Held at the McNally With student club budget proposals Ireland in 1947, John Hume experi- Amphitheater, Hume graced the stage due November 30, and the Student enced his first political lesson at a donned in Fofdham's traditional con- Activities Budget Committee (SABC) nationalist meeting with his father. vocation attire of flowing, maroon slated to meet on December 4 to allo- The meeting, dominated by enthusias- gowns ; Described by Father Joseph cate funds close to $80,000, according tic, flag-waving Catholics, called for a A. Q'Hare, president of the University, to Student Activities Office (SAO) bud- united Ireland, separate from the as a "warrior of peace," Hume may get records, club members are anx- Protestant rule of Great Britain. finally be seeing the fruition of his iously waiting to see if their requests for "I was^ getting very emotional," work. John Hume, Nobel Peace Prize Recipient financial support for programs, l#c- Hume recalled, "Then my father put In 1970, Hume became one of the tures; and publications will be accepted his hand on my shoulder and said founders of the Social Democratic apd Republican Army (IRA). ' or denied. Their fate lies in the hands of 'Son, d6n¥ get Jinvolvetf in that stuff;*1 LaBor Party- (SDLP), a-Catholfc"politi- "Over 3,500 people have lost their the seven students, three administra- And I asked "Why not, dad?' and he cal party which preached nonviolent lives and more than 30,000 people tors, and two professors who comprise said 'Because you can't eat a flag."' means for peace in Ireland. As the have been marred or injured," said the SABC and who are in charge of This lesson in politics has remained leader of the SDLP, Hume's quest for Hume, "Not a person in Ireland knows dividing up the money generated by a the focus for the 1998 Nobel Peace peace has led to several controversies, a family that hasn't suffered from the $65 activity fee charged to all registered Prize recipient's quest for peace in including cease-fire negotiations with conflict" FCLC students. Ireland. Gerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein, Hume's tireless work remained As stated in the Lincoln Center On Monday morning, November the political arm of the Irish unrewarded, as (Continued on pg.2) Campus Student Handbook 1998-1999, the SABC voting members are the United Student Government (USG) President, the USG Vice-President for The Future Of New York City Is At Stake traditional students, the USG Vice- President for nontraditional students, Scholars Hold Forum at Fordham the USG Treasurer, three students appointed by the USG President, the to Discuss NYC in the Next 100 Years Dean of Students, a student affairs By Melanie Blake public education, affordable housing administrator appointed by the Dean of and the availability of jobs, and the posi- Students, the Student Activities "We can look back on the twentieth tion of New York as a global city. Coordinator, and two faculty members century and say that New York truly "Schools are falling apart," Fuchs also appointed by the Dean of Students. was the capital of it," said Columbia said. "Fifteen hundred municipal gov- These individuals, according to the University professor Kenneth Jackson. ernments control our public schools. handbook, meet once a semester to Jackson was one of a panel of several Thafs unheard of anywhere else. You'd carry out their duties. Any additional scholars who gathered in McNally better believe that if you move within budget matters that arise throughout amphitheater last Monday, November New York, the quality of your kid's the semester are handled directly by 16 to discuss the future of New York school will change." the Dean of Students. City in light of the centennial celebra- "We will no longer be the city of the Among the clubs budgeted for at tion of the consolidation of its bor- future if we don't innovate in educa- these semesterly meetings is the USG oughs. The panel, which also included tion," Fuchs added. itself, whose members constitute a fixed professors David Hammack of Case Hammack agreed that it was neces- majority of the student voice on the Western Reserve University, Fred sary to examine the public school sys- commitee according to the rules pre- Siegel of Cooper Union, and Ester tem as a whole. "Greater New York has scribed by handbook. Last semester, Fuchs of Barnard College, evaluated tremendously Increased its investment according to USG Treasurer Sabrina the results of the creation of greater in public education over the last one Harris, FCLC '00, in addition to the four New York and highlighted concerns hundred years. I think now we have to USG members automatically assigned that face the city as it moves in the 21st evaluate whether those investments century. The panelists pointed out that have been sufficient," he said. , to the commitee (President Zak Van N«w York City Today, What Don thi Bureri, FCLC (Continued on pg.2) Future Hold for Tomorrow! New York must address the issues of "In a recent (Continued on pg,2) News November 25,1998 prime Blotter Budget Process student voice in the process has lead mittee, the USG would never have a ! v;By Jane McGonigal (Continued from front page) the USG to consider supporting a majority. Assistant Director of Student ^ ' Tuusday November 17, 1998, '99, Vice President for traditional stu- restructuring of SABC. "There definite- Activities Tom Meyers said, "It's between 12:30 and 5:00 p.m., Law dents Anna Meresidis, FCLC '00, Vice ly has to be change," said Van Buren. "I designed to give the optimal level of the School-^-A student reported prop- President for nontraditional students Ed believe there needs to be a proper pre- student "Voice. It gives the average joe erty missing from her locker, Romero, FCLC '98, and Harris), an addi- sentation to the students about exactly student the chance to get involved in the including a ski jacket. Security is tional USG member, Senior Senator what it is so more students can be process." The 5-7 members of the gen- investigating. Adam Goldstein, was appointed. Five involved or are awaYe of it. More stu- eral study body, according to Meyers, Sunday November 15,1998,1:30 out of seven students were therefore dents should be on the committee. I apply for the position and go through an &m.ANE corner of Amsterdam Ave, representing the one club. don' think it should just be USG." Van interview process. "We select the stu- and 62nd Sf~~A female Rose Hill "If s kind of unfair that this one club Buren also pointed to structural dents this way to ensure that they can student and her boyfriend got into dominates the whole committee," said changes, such as formalizing voting be unbiased in allocating the money. We a dispute, which was overheard by Lou Ramirez, FCLC '00. "I mean, can procedure and writing an official con- don't want students approving excess 3 male residents of the nearby pro- they be unbiased creating their own stitution for the committee, as being funds for their own clubs, just because ject development. The boyfriend budget? In general, anyway, I think equally necessary improvements. they're a member." • was harassed by these 3 individu- it would be better to have more diver- The USG isn't just talking about als, hit once, and was transported sity in who distributes the money change, according to its members, \tbeJbltowFng is a list of budget*, unconscious to St Luke's Hospital. to the clubs." they're actively pursuing it. "We're try- "'allocated-to student clubs far the"' He was not seriously injured, "I think it could be a conflict of inter- ing to re-organize how SABC meetings -/Pall '9$ semester, according to, \': Friday November 13, 1998, est," said Matt Rosenberg, FCLC '00. "I are run to get more student input," said ' ",get records from the Student - between 7:30 p.m and 11:30 a.m, don't think there necessarily is one Helen Ledwith, USG Secretary, FCLC > Activities Office. the ttext morning, Lowenstetn-~~A now, but the potential definitely exists." '00. "We've been talking about it since Amnesty International $200 ,st6de«t reported property missing "I think all the clubs should get to the last SABC meeting in May, A month ; Art? Guild $9133 frtHrtlier locker, including clothing. have a say io the budget process," said or so ago, we formed a committee to ;, Asian Society $1640- • Security is investigating. Joe Muller, President of the Gaelic work on it." Christian Seekers $250' *• Wednesday November Ux 199$, Society and Pioneers, FCLC. "I think USG has been fighting for less FAMAS. $2510 5:35'p.m., McMahon Hatl—& resi- everybody should get a chance to make 1 adminstration people on the committee , French Club $120' dent reported receiving harassing their voice heard." and more students and club representa- 1 Hellenic Society $t48 phone calls from her ex-boyfriend* " Brian Crane, FCLC '01, represented tives," said Meresidis.
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