19005 Coast Highway One, Jenner, CA 95450 ■ 707.847.3437 ■ [email protected] ■ www.fortross.org Title: Flora Named as a Result of Russian American Activities Author(s): Various Published by: California History Center i Source: Fort Ross Conservancy Library URL: www.fortross.org Fort Ross Conservancy (FRC) asks that you acknowledge FRC as the source of the content; if you use material from FRC online, we request that you link directly to the URL provided. If you use the content offline, we ask that you credit the source as follows: “Courtesy of Fort Ross Conservancy, www.fortross.org.” Fort Ross Conservancy, a 501(c)(3) and California State Park cooperating association, connects people to the history and beauty of Fort Ross and Salt Point State Parks. © Fort Ross Conservancy, 19005 Coast Highway One, Jenner, CA 95450, 707-847-3437 t~ctluunua ru:lLOr · venler --r- TAFF (Plants collected and named by him alone, with a co-author) oonaid McArthur Dlr.ctor Sharen Metz Family Co11111on Name ~munlty Relation•· ·velopment Officer Kathi McDavid Bayberry Myrica cal iforn.ica Cal ifonria' wax-ntYrtl e KJ!a-lnttructlonal Borage Allocarya chorisiana Forget-me-not Alllttant David Rickman Buckwheat Polygonum paronychia Sand jointweed Curatorial-Art Figwort Scrophularia californica California bee plant Department ..ley McCortney Frankenia Frankenia grandifolia Frankenia ·nmunlty S.rviCII Hornwort Ceratophyllum demersum Hornwort .Jary Jane Givens Mint Stachys ajugoides Hedge-nettle '>ocent· VoluntHr Coordinator Stachys chamissonis Chamisso's hedge nettle Satureja chamissonis Verba buena Mustard Erysimum franciscanum . Wall-flower Orobanche Orobanche californica California broom-rape Pondweed Potamogeton americanus Pondweed Poppy Eschscholzia californica California poppy Rose Fragaria californica Wood-strawberry Potentilla californica Silverweed Rosa californica California rose Rubus ursinus California blackberry Rubus vitifolius Grape-leaf blackberry St. John •s Wort Hypericum anagalloides Marsh-St. John's wort Sunflower Agoseris apargioides California dandelion Ambrosia chamissonis Chamisso•s beachbur Artemisia californica California sagebrush Artemisia pycnocephala Dune sagebrush Erigeron glaucus Seaside daisy Eriophyllum artemisiaefolium Li zard-1 eaf Haplopappus ericoides Mock-heather Helenium puberulum Sneezeweed FOUNDATION Jaumea carnosa Jaumea A.RD OF TRUSTEES Less i ngi a··-germanorum Lessingia Morton I Levme Pres1denr Tanacetum camphoratum Dune-tansy Anthony Loptna Waterleaf Phacelia californica California phacelia V1ce-Pres1denr Phacelia malvaefolia Mallow-leafed phacelia eonaiCl McArthur <ecut1ve D~rector Arrow-grass Triglochin maritima Arrow-grass Sharen Metz Buckwheat Rumex salicifolius Willow-leafed dock Secret11ry Polygonum punctatum Water smartweed W•ll W Lester Treasurer Dogwood Cornus californica Creek dogwood usten Warburton Figwort Veronica americana Speedwell Legal Adv1sor Diplacus aurantiacus Sticky monkey-flower Manon Card Trustee Castilleja latifolia Indian paintbrush .r Carl Estersohn Hazel Corylus californica Hazelnut· Trustee Oak Quercus agrifolia Coast live oak adele.ne Malovos Trustee Najas Najas guadalupensis Water-plant Carole Pavlina Parsley Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Marsh pennywort Trustee Pea Trifolium wormskjoldii Cow clover 1obert C Sm1thw•ck Tn $tee Lotus scoparius Oeerweed .orothy llanan Lotus eriophorus Lotus Trustee Astragalus gambellianus Locoweed •"''"''>hen Wh1te "rrustee Vi c1 a gi gantea Giant vetch <JrTOrary Trustee: Walter G Warren De Ana College, 21250 SteveN Creek lllwl., Cuper11no, c.tlfomla 15014 (401) 196-4712 A Public Entity -'2- r Family C0111non Name STAFF Pink Silene verecunda Silene >eonald McArthur Dil'llctor Plantain Plantago maritima Seaside plantain Sharen Matz Rose Potentilla pacifica Silverweed mmunlty Relation•· avelopment Offlr»r Fragaria chiloensis Beach strawberry Kathi McDavid Photinia arbutifolia Toyon 1edia·lnatructlonal Coyote-brush Aaaisttnt Sunflower Baccharis pilularis David Rickman Baccharis douglasii Saltmarsh coyote-brush Cul'lltorlai·Art Yarrow Department Achillea borealis _esley McCartney Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly-everlasting )mmunlty S.rvlr»s Gnaphalium palustre Cudweed >Aary Jane Givens Cudweed Docant· VoluntHr G. californicum Coordinator G. chilense Cudweed (hybrid) Grindelia maritima Seaside gumplant Solidago spathulata Golden-rod Solidago occidentalis Golden-rod Solidago elongata Golden-rod Solidago californica California golden-rod Wyethia angustifolia Wyethia Violet Viola adunca Blue violet Water-Mil foil ~riophyllum exalbescens MYriophyllum FOUNDATION :lARD OF TRUSTEES Morton I Levine Pres•denr Anthony Lopona V•ce-Pres•denr Seonaod McArthur Execut•ve D~rector Sharen Metz Secretary Will W. Lester Treasurer Austen Warburton Legal Advisor Manon Card Trustee Dr Cart Este111ohn Trustee Madeleine Malovos Trustee Carole Pavhna Trustee r Rob< rt C Smithwock Trustee - Dorothy Varian Trustee phen White - Trustee Honorary Trustee: Dr Walter G Warren De AnZII College, 21250 Sa-trw Creek Blvd., Cupertino, c.ltfomla 95014 (4011) 996 .... 712 A Public Entity " flfAI'P \10Mid,..., MoAitlu ,,_,,.......... ,..,.,.... Septetlber 4. 1984 '41opMMtom.t .,.,.,.,.,.,..,Kd\1A....,., Mao.ld David llllalaNirl CuntiMIMtr DlltlrMNflt ...ey MaConney ,'JitrfUMry 8IMDel Mr. ~e ,., ,.,. Glvenl T•l fn. Chafrun ,lOOifrf- VaiiNtMw Advfsor,y Committee of Fort Ross CooriMIMIOf 2259 Cobblehfll Place San Mateo. CA 94402 Dear K-.Ye: In response to your letter. •flora and Founa,• named for Russians who were active and vfsfted Russfan-Amerfca and Calffornfa. I want to add uny 110re noes. Thf s tfme I will strictly adhere to the botanical collections of Eschscholtz and Ch.. fsso who both vfsfted California at the beginning of the 19th centur,y. Both were members of Russian scientific expeditions. They acc0111panfed Captain Kotzbu _,..~~....,....­ during hfs voyages aboard the shfps Rurfk and Enterprfs;ng. Both scientists. Eschscholtz and Ch ..isso, collected a total of 82 California plants, •any of which were near the Presidio of San Frantisco. Some were found by Eschscholtz fn the vicinity of Fort Ross in October 1824. -- FOUNDATION Ch•fsso, a Frenctaan by birth, fs well known as a poet and wrfter, \RO Of TRUSTEES and when he was 34 years old, he selected his second career--botany. .,., l Leowlne He was a self-taught botanist. Cha•isso's French f ..fly •igrated to PI'Nident \nttlony L.oplna Ger.any during the French revolution. Johann Friedrich Eschscholtz va-Preeldent was a professor at Dorpat University, Estonia, Russia. >Onald McArthur ecutltle Dll'ector sn.,.., Metz Chufsso. after hfs first trip on the Rurfk. returned to Ger~~any and S.CtiMity beca~~e the heid of Herbarna fn Berlin. Willr,_,., W. Leeter .JAen Wllrtlurton J. F. Eschscholtz (he was called Ivan Fredrikhovfch by Russian L-r~al Adtrltlor sailors) ude a second trip (1823-1826.). •;.,~vhfs;-;.:f.::.tifi:l~t+:~~+i~~ llotar!on Card 1 TruatN the Russian Expedition under Captain n • sf -....--r Car1 e.ter.ohn for four to six d-.Ys whfle stud.Ying l~flora and fauna. TruatN it delelnar,..... MIIIO¥Oa On the ffrst Russian Expedition (1815- ), 69 species were ;aro~e Pevtlna gathered and fdentiffed. On the second expedition, Eschscholtz TfUf/f!N na.ed 13 species. According to Alice Eastwood's article. •Botanical kberaAildr,..._ Collection of Chamfsso and Eschscholtz fn California,• the following ,~ ot»rt e. Smithwick species were collected by Eschscholtz. Tr,.._ orOttly......... v.riln i.. -,.,......en Whltl moraty TruatN: Walter G. w.rr.n Mr. K-.ye T•1 fn Page Two Septellber 4, 1984 Eschscholtz's Species: 1. Buckthorn Cnnothus ttwrsfflorus California 1flac 2. Rha.nus ca11fornfca California coffeeberry 3. Buckwheat Erfogon• latifolf• Buckwheat 4. Four o'clock Abronfa latffolfa Yellow sand-verbena 5. Frankenia Frankenfa grandifolia Frankenia 6. Honeysuckle Lonicera ledebourii Twinber 7. Nightshade Solan• u.be11ifer• g ts 1 8. Phlox &i1ia ctaa.isson1s Ch•isso'·s gilia 9. lavarretia squarrosa Stunkweed 10. Pea Lupinus c~issonis Chamisso's sand-lupine 11. Lupinus arboreus Yellow bush-lupine 12. Saxifrage Ribes ..lvace• Wild currant 13. Spurge Croton calffornicus Sand-croton a~c.~;s~ttl\4._ (45!~".-c!) Our,talffornia golden poppy (Eschscholtz talffornfa)--a state flower--was named by Chamisso in honor of his -colleague, Eschscholtz. The activities of Prof. Eschscho1tz as a tireless collector of botanical plant species left a huge collection in St. Petersburg's Acadei\Y and the Dorpat University which was ver.y highly valued by hfs contemporaries. As I have mentioned before, Chamisso named the California poppy in his honor and also other species: Cl~tonfaJ!schscholtzii Ch ... Hfppurfs ischscholtzff Cham. Listera 1schscholtzii Cham. Saxifraga ,tschscholtzii Ch•. Also other botanists in Eschscholtz' honor na.ed a dozen new species of plants: Aphra,.u~)tschscholtzii Andrfz. Arabis ~s~cs holtzii Andr. Ranunculus schscholtzii Schlecht. Stellaria schscholtzii Fzl. This was certified by Dr. Tatiana Lukfna, a .ember of the Institute of Natural Sciences, AcadellY of the U.S.S.R. Eschscholtz dedicated two species in honor qf hfs teacher (Lonigera Ledeburi1) and in honor of hfs colleague Ch ..isso (Lu~nus Cha•issonis) in hfs botanical discovery. It is interesting to point out that when he safled on the Rurik with artist Ludwig Chorfs, he f-.ortalfzed and n.,.d the orchid (Habenaria Horfsiane) in hfs honor. 'd''" ~ Mr~ Kaye T•lfn Page Three Septerlber 4, 1M4 Collected plants by Eschscholtz tn North Allerica, KUIChatka, Alaska and shores of Bertng Strait
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