THE MAIN TEA ETA US 20180036360A1MAI MULT LA MA MA MAIT ( 19) United States (12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10) Pub . No. : US 2018 / 0036360 A1 Wilmanowicz (43 ) Pub . Date : Feb . 8 , 2018 ( 54 ) IMMUNOLOGICALLY ACTIVE A61K 36 /32 (2006 .01 ) PHYTO - MIXTURE AND ITS USE IN THE A61K 36 /68 (2006 . 01) PREVENTION AND IN A METHOD FOR (52 ) U . S . CI. TREATMENT OF EFFLORESCENCES CPC .. A61K 36 / 28 (2013 .01 ) ; A61K 36 / 32 (2013 .01 ) ; A61K 36 /68 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 36 /85 ( 71 ) Applicant : Renate Wilmanowicz , Düsseldorf (DE ) ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 36 / 886 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 8 / 97 ( 72 ) Inventor : Renate Wilmanowicz , Düsseldorf (DE ) ( 2013. 01 ) (57 ) ABSTRACT ( 21 ) Appl. No. : 15 /550 , 600 The present invention relates to an immunologically active (22 ) PCT Filed : Feb . 10 , 2016 phyto -mixture comprising at least one plant extract selected from the family a ) Asteraceae , b ) Verbenaceae , and / or c ) ( 86 ) PCT No .: PCT/ EP2016 / 052836 Burseraceae , preferably at least one plant extract from the genus a ) Bidens , b ) Stachytarpheta , and / or c ) Bursera . $ 371 ( C ) ( 1 ), Particularly preferred species include a ) Bidens alba , Bidens ( 2 ) Date : Aug . 11 , 2017 pilosa , b ) Stachytarpheta jamaicensis , Stachytarpheta cay ennensis , Stachytarpheta indica , and /or c ) Bursera (30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data simaruba , Bursera microphylla , Bursera glabrifolia . The phyto -mixture optionally comprises d ) at least one further Feb . 12, 2015 (DE ) .. .. 10 2015 102 020 . 3 biologically active plant extract, such as Aloe vera and /or Stemodia maritima . The afore -mentioned phyto -mixture Publication Classification according to the invention exhibits good antimicrobial and (51 ) Int. Ci. anti - inflammatory efficiency and is particularly suitable for A61K 36 / 28 ( 2006 . 01 ) prevention and treatment of efflorescences . Therefore , the A61K 8 / 97 ( 2006 .01 ) present invention also relates to a preparation for oral and A61K 36 /85 ( 2006 .01 ) topical administration for prevention and treatment of efflo A61K 36 / 886 ( 2006 . 01 ) rescences of the skin and the mucous membrane . US 2018 /0036360 A1 Feb . 8 , 2018 IMMUNOLOGICALLY ACTIVE ucts, such as plant extracts , shall be provided , which may PHYTO -MIXTURE AND ITS USE IN THE individually be mixed for the user . A further object is the PREVENTION AND IN A METHOD FOR provision of a phyto -mixture for the production of prepara TREATMENT OF EFFLORESCENCES tions for preventive use or therapeutic use in the treatment 10001 ] The present invention relates to an immunologi of efflorescences . For this purpose , pharmaceutic composi cally active phyto - mixture comprising at least one plant tions , care products , nutritional supplements , as well as extract selected from the family a ) Asteraceae, b ) Verben medical products comprising a phyto -mixture from total aceae, and / or c ) Burseraceae , preferably from the genus a ) extracts of plants shall be provided . Moreover , the present Bidens, b ) Stachytarpheta , and /or c ) Bursera . Particularly invention provides the object of providing a natural product preferred species include a ) Bidens alba , Bidens pilosa , b ) as alternative to synthetically produced products . The object Stachytarpheta jamaicensis , Stachytarpheta cayennensis , is to provide a natural product from plant sources , in Stachytarpheta indica , and / or c ) Bursera microphylla , Burs particular for humans , in which the synthetically produced era glabrifolia and Bursera simaruba . The phyto -mixture products known from the state of the art exhibit strongly optionally comprises d ) at least one further biologically reduced or no more efficiency and /or increasingly cause side active plant extract , such as Aloe vera and / or Stemodia effects . The afore -mentioned plant products and their prepa maritima . The afore -mentioned phyto -mixture according to rations comprising the phyto -mixture shall be provided for the invention exhibits good antimicrobial and anti - inflam prevention and treatment of efflorescences . matory efficiency and is particularly suitable for prevention [0008 ) The present invention therefore provides a natural and treatment of efflorescences . Therefore , the present product from plant sources, having both antimicrobial, pref invention also relates to a preparation for oral and topical erably antibacterial , and anti - inflammatory effect . administration for prevention and treatment of efflores [0009 ]. Therefore , a subject matter of the present invention cences of the skin and the mucous membrane . is an immunologically active phyto -mixture comprising at [0002 ] In modern medicine , comprehensive synthetically least one plant extract selected from produced pharmaceutical products for prevention or treat [ 0010 ] a ) the species Bid . alba , Bid . pilosa , Bid . bipin ment of skin irritations and skin diseases are provided for the nata and Bid . parviflora , preferably Bidens alba and /or patients . These are prescribed by the doctor as authorised Bidens pilosa , from genus Bidens of the Asteraceae medicaments or are available as nonprescription medical family , products . However, due to synthetic active agents , the [0011 ] b ) the species Stachytarpheta jamaicensis , pharmaceutic compositions increasingly cause side effects , Stachytarpheta indica and Stachytarpheta cayennensis cause allergic reactions or result in steadily growing resis from genus Stachytarpheta of the Verbenaceae family , tances in infection germs causing the skin irritations or and /or diseases . [ 0012 ] c ) the species Bursera microphylla , Bursera 10003 ]. Therefore , there are more and more aspirations for glabrifolia and /or Bursera simaruba from genus Burs isolating new active agents , continuously having efficiency era of the Burseraceae family , and against resistant germs, causing few or no side effects or optionally , additionally d ) at least one further extract of a allergic reactions in human , and potentially having an biologically active plant, as described below . improved resorption in human . For this purpose , microor [0013 ]. In the case where the wording “ plant extracts a ), b ) , ganisms itself or plants may be used as source of new acting and /or c ) " is used without limitation to a specific species , it agents . shall be understood to mean an abbreviation of the afore [0004 ] In the case of plant sources , some compound mentioned wording . In the following, the name of the classes , such as, for example flavones , are isolated and appropriate genus is abbreviated a ) Bidens by “ Bid .” , b ) processed into pharmaceutic preparations . RU2412719 dis Stachytarpheta by " Sta . ” , and c ) Bursera by “ Bur. ” . closes such flavone extracts for medicaments for treatment [0014 ] Preferably , the afore -mentioned plant extracts are of liver diseases . CN102743651 discloses a mixture of 30 aqueous or ethanolic extracts ( greater than or equal to 70 % different plants in the form of a lotion for treatment of ethanol, remainder water ) cellulitis . [0015 ] The “ immunologically active phyto -mixture ” 10005 ] In the state of the art, miscellaneous plants , in according to the invention is briefly , thus synonymously , particular from traditional medicine , are tested for their termed as “ phyto -mixture ” . efficiency , their ingredients are identified , the toxicity is 10016 ) Within the meaning of the invention , " immuno analysed , but only less or no efficiency is observed logically active ” means that the phyto -mixture according to ( EP114709A1) . the invention , in particular the contained ingredients and [ 0006 ] Previously , only few analyses have been performed compounds , prevents , inhibits or reduces immune reactions for plant preparations and no one has both antibacterial and of the body. “ Immunologically active” comprises preventive anti - inflammatory efficiency . Consequently , no plant alter effect so that immune reactions of the body are not even native to synthetic active agents , such as, for example being triggered , and therapeutic effect so that the already antibiotics , or synthetic inflammation inhibitors has previ triggered immune reactions in the body are stopped , down ously been detected . regulated or reduced . Depending on administration time , the [ 0007 ] The present invention provides the object of pro beginning immune reaction may be inhibited prior to occur viding new preparations having effective ingredients from ring of symptoms, accompanying with immune reaction , and natural sources, in particular effective ingredients of plant phenotypic appearances . Endogenous microorganisms, sources. A further object is to provide a plant product and pathogens influencing in /on the body , such as bacteria , preparations having antimicrobially , preferably antibacteri viruses, fungi and parasites , or toxic and / or influencing ally , and / or anti - inflammatorily effective ingredients . In this compounds triggering allergic reactions may be trigger of context, various possible combinations of some plant prod the afore -mentioned immune reactions . US 2018 /0036360 A1 Feb . 8 , 2018 [ 0017 ]. The immune response of the immune system to an arranged at the head of a twig or stem . Further features organism , in particular microorganisms, or substance , in distinguishing from Bid . pilosa are known by the person particular toxins, is termed as immune reactions. skilled in the art. [ 0018 ] What triggers the afore -mentioned immune reac [0026 ] The afore- mentioned Bidens
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