? (AStU. J. 10 (6 WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE AND CHARITY FOR ALL. VOL, V. NO 10. LOWELL, KENT COUNTY, MICH.. AUGUST 1897. WHOLE NO. 215 "RBDDY" WILLIAMS Death of Thomas Charles. ExcnrsloM ,o B"aum « j ^ ^ ll0FcOTipIr6i Ladies ana uentlemen. Thomas Charles died at his home Show; Special Troin j ],OWpVer( with the nut that»» foldl iinn to flrand Rapids- 0"r owp oounrty, but It h®8 securea Charged With Neglect of nnd in this village, Thursday, July 29, Cruelty to Children. Mondaay August f)thptli,, the Du. Gli.. R. Yue market fropi the Afripan peanut, Before buying a pair of fine alter an illness of ten weeks. Fun. «fc W. will run a special train from which only q. few years ago was the only nut which was sqld in Europe. eral services were held at the resi- Elmdaleat 8<40 u. m., arriving at, —. —- . t-— -r_T shoes, be sure and look at our On cumplaiut of Humane Agent Grand Rapids at 0:25, in time for the ln the O* Europe torday the chil- dence, Sunday afternoon, Rey. <, r n 11 Randolph of Grand Rapids, Orlin D. stfppa front paradenar-llp . ReturUpturnn traitrainn willl I t « «»" ted' * American peanuts to Mr. Mange oflluiating. the animals, a« well as eatipg them, line. We are selling all colored Williams, better kuown as "Reddy," leave at 5 p. m. Round triu rate Mr. Charles was born in England, the peanwta, I meant themselves," with his family, were taken to the 41,00 whjch includes admlsalon to shoes at prices which ARE way March 13. 1835. When hp was but the jhow. Geo. DeHaven, G, P. A. A powerful Bnttif Ship, depot by Deputy Sheriff Morse, two years of age his parents came to The piost formidable addition down. Monday, and started for the Probate this country and settled ip Lockport, A Warning p:ade to pur new navy is the battle repip YOURS TO PLEASE, court, where Williams and hie wife will low a, which has repently had her official N. Y., where they lived for several Js herphy given to all that the steal- trial off the coast of Massachusetts. She have an opportunity to explain their years. Thomas was married in ing of boards from the fair ground i* the first vessel ofQoially classed as • method of caring for little children. must cease pr trouble will follow. Geo. M. Wlnegar. to Joanna Taylor, and six childrep sea-going battle ship. As compared Serious charges are made of neglect I. B. MAI.COM, with the Massaohusetta and her two sis- were born to them. A few years la- ter ships, the Iowa is of l,eoo tons larger and cruelty and some strong affidavits ter they removed to Greenville, this displacement, and Is one knot faater. made in support of same, Neighbors Itate, and alter six years residence QRCAT DAY FPft H|||. Her battery is of about the same living 40 or 50 rods away are said to strength as thidrs, and her armor, there come to Lowell, which place Pp Prop***# by Letter and C«l«|irata|} though pot quite so heavy, is praatically have beard blows and childish voices Whem Her lleplr Cppe. Pure has since been their home. as effeptlve. The contract required of pleading fur mercy. Besides this, •Tm one of the men that proposed by He leaves a wife, two sons, Fred her a speed of 16 knots an hour, and a POTATO failure to provide clothing, fuel and letter," admitted the captain who came bonps of $50,000 was promised for each Paris Green and Burt and one dahghter, Mrs. out of the war to saccessfuiiy win in the quarter of a knot in excess of that limit. food is charged; and one of our good harder struggle of the business world, Cora Barnes, all of whom reside in She made 17 knots, and thps earned for aaya the Detroit Free Press. "Though citizens who made investigaticDB and her ntyilders, the Cnuups, of Philadel. this village and are well known. Be- a bashful youth, 1 think 1 would hare Guaranteed. secured the affidavits, but who mod- phia, ^ bonus of $200,000. BUG sides these two sisters survive, both mustered oourage to have put my fate estly desires to avoid publicity, had living in Lockport. to the teat in thp uauqi way, but I WQS Braeelcts for Dog*, L. H. HUNT & CO., tears in his eyes more titan once away up in the pocUiweat when a letter The French poodle has set tbp gab- Mr. Charles, though not a member while securring the evidence, on the from piy adored was received, ppd one ion for the wprld-s aristocratic lap POISON! of any church, was aji, 'upright, of it« sentences gave such ap inviting dogs in the way of 14-carat gold braces Druggists. strength of which a warrant was is- straightforward man, kind and gentle opportunity to aay that I would like to lets, ablaze with jewels and spangles, sued. marry her that I oould not resist. Of with which to adorn his high-born in his family, always doing for others •AmmmiimumimmmmmmmK The examination took place before oourse, I'll never know whether wom- legs, and with a collar aud shoulder when opportunity oflejrl and was re- an's wit prepared that welcome open- harness to correspond. The cost of Judge Jewell Monday, and this is spected by all who knew him. Ing. these small trappings most, of course, what the Democrat says concerning "But when her letter of acceptance vary according to the else and number James Provan and family removed it: came I was thrown into a state of total of jewels used. Lowell Planing Mill, to Shelby this week. irresponsibility. The tidings of great "The examination before Judge W. i. ECKER & SON PROPRIETORS. Unclaimed Letters, joy were too much for me. In trying to POSTAL FACILITIES IN 1800. I" Jewell yesterday showed that Mrs. get out of the post office t fell over a AND DEALERS IN List of letters remaining in the postoffice Newfoundland dog and grasped a pretty A BbsImss Stow itaffss • Williams is all right. She has done at Lowell, Mich., for the w^ek ending young lady to keep from falling. This Oemtmrr Ago. L XJ nvn B EIR, , all she could fur the children and July 31,1897. seemed to me an act of treason, and my In 1800 not only was the field of busi- LATH. SHINGLES AND CEDAR FENCE POSTS. •' pleaded that they be not taken from Ladies, apology was so oonfused that ahe put ness enterprise restricted, but the trans- her because of the sins of the husband Ida A. Dean, Mrs. Julia Dennison. me down as intoKioated and made air action of bnainess within that field waa Manufacturers of—Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames, for slow and difficult, says the Atlantic. Gents, impo^ibje effort to freeze me with a and father. - The evidence showed look. I gave a newsboy a quarter with- The merchant kept his own books, or Doors, Windows and Screen?, Exhibition and John Williams. that Williams is an habitual drunk- out atopping to take a paper, shook ag we would have said, his own ac- Shipping Coops for Poultry, Dried Apple Boxes, Persona claiming the above will please ard and has grossly neglected his fam- hands with several people I had never counts; wrote pU his letters with a Wooden Eave Troughs, Etc. say "advertised" and give date of this Kst. seen before, beamed on all comers, ir- qujil and whpn they were written let ily. MATCRXMO, ftll'fAWXirO Airs JOB wo AX. Martin K. Hine, P. M. respective of sex, age, color or existing the ink dry; by sprinkling it with aand. When brought face to face witb^he condltiaas of servitude; and made my- TWre wej-p the^ po envelopes, no post- ' Ecker & Son, Lowell, Mich. law, and the picture of bis wife's sep- farmer's Picnic at the Agricul- self so effusive generally that the opin- age stamps, no letter boxes in the cultural College Aug. 15. ion formed by_ the young lady became streets, no gollectlop pf the mail. The aration from the children apd the prevalent throughout t" \ little town. letfer written, the pappf was carefully First time in several years that the children sent to the state school pre- At the hotel her b'g brbuler waited on folded, sealed with wax or wafer, ad- farmers and others interested in the A 480 Mile Wheel Trip. sented itself to him bis manly in- me with blood in his eye, and for some dressed and carried tq the poat office, Agricultural College have had an ex time my heightened sense of chivalry where postage was pfepald at rates Tom Murphy, Phil Althen, Art. stincts seemed to return to bim. He cursion for the sole purpose of allow- was stumped whether to fight or ex- which would nqw spepj extortionate. McMahon, Frauk McMahon and begged the Judge to spare the child- ing them to visit the college. plain. But I chose the wiser course. To send a letter whipji was a single Fred McWiUiamB returned Saturday ren and not to take them away and On above date the D. G. R. A W. It was not long nntil the entire com- sheet of paper, large or small, from Bos- will run train from Elmdaleat 8.41 a. munity knew title whole story and re- from a 450 mile bicycle trip through he would go to work ''and be a man." ton to New York pr-Philadelphia cost m.
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