Total 416 5070 2020/21 205 631 Tewkesbury Borough Council 50% 901 146 25% 56 881 Quarter 4 577 177 28% 304 Stroud District Council 348 305 1089 193 5004 80 W and W Report Q4 20/21 Annex 1: Data Tables Sou06/05/2021th Gloucestershire Council 280 Table 1: Households by Local Authority Quarter 4 and 2020/21 1585 Cheltenham Borough Gloucester City Council Cotswold District Forest of Dean District Gloucester City Council Forest of Dean District Council South Gloucestershire Stroud District Council Tewkesbury Borough Unknown Cotswold District council Total Table 2: Vulnerabiliy by borough. Listied according to referrals. Cheltenham Borough Council 504 251 826 1213 1104 783 389 55% 47% 51% 44% 52% 45% 54% 20% 30% 27% 21% 25% 19% 32% 25% 23% 27% 23% 39% 30% 28% Number of referrals 32% 21% 26% 27% 29% 33% 24% 27% % health conditions % over 65 % receiving benefits % with child 1 of 11 Total 297 Tewkesbury Borough Council 23 97 Stroud District Council 163 South Gloucestershire Council 85 38 257 Gloucester City Council 246 353 Forest of Dean District Council 79 W and W Report Q4 20/21Cotswold D Annexistr i1:c tData Co uTablesncil 06/05/2021 Table 3: Main health conditions per referral 2020/21 377 Cheltenham Borough Council 94 3023933 137 35 Arthritis 24 20 45 57 64 54 33 11 Autoimmun 10 10 27 30 58 19 9 e And Immunodefi ciency Diseases Cancer 7 6 20 22 10 22 10 29 5 49 42 66 35 20 Cardiovascul ar Disease Copd 3 1060 14 4 16 60 23 86 10 56 9 65 22 Dementia 4 1 14 7 5 5 2 Diabetes 23 4 36 75 55 30 34 Limited Mobility 12 6 12 15 9 13 12 Moderate To Severe Mental Illness 18 11 18 14 17 9 7 Neurobiolog ical And Related 11 6 25 41 38 12 4 Diseases Other 46 21 695 73 2 89 4 47 7 32 0 10 7 Respiratory Disease 1002800 (other) Severe 2 of 11 Asthma Severe Learning Disabilities Substance Misusers Total 256 106 395 490 507 334 204 2292 Total 153 Tewkesbury Borough Council 546 439 73 Stroud District Council 36 South Gloucestershire Council 784 149 Gloucester City Council 368 6 Forest of Dean District Council 703 5 W and W Report Q4 20/21Cotswold D Annexistr i1:c tData Co uTablesncil 06/05/2021 1808 Table 4: Referral souce by Local Authority 5070 Cheltenham Borough Council 10 17 20 37 36 24 9 389 67 51 84 111 72 100 61 102 10 85 114 27 71 30 783 23 0 8 25 0 0 17 Local 2 2 7 3 9 3 10 Authority Google / 1104 Websearch 36 18 138 129 272 165 26 Partner referral 19 11 12 56 19 25 7 CCP Triage 1213 W&W Marketing 34 20 69 74 79 62 30 0022110826 Other organisation 36 20 124 252 168 57 46 Word of 2000210 Mouth 251 Previous contact 173 102 277 410 419 274 153 Warm & Well Flyer 504 Installer Social Media Other/Not specified Total 3 of 11 Total 7 9 Tewkesbury Borough Council 12 30 5 Stroud District Council 1 South Gloucestershire Council 1 6 Gloucester City Council 6 77 Forest of Dean District Council 68 5 78 67 97 W and W Report Q4 20/21Cotswold D Annexistr i1:c tData Co uTablesncil 06/05/2021 11 14 Table 5: Measures installed by local authority. Cheltenham Borough Council 10 9 1310110 7 3100221 1222122 19 0 1 3 18 3 529 0 11 0120101 Quarter 4 CWI 8 0001000 LI Gas Boiler 0001000 Park Home 8 insulation 2001111 Oil/ LPG Boiler 0006000 Solid Wall 7 Insulation Other 4 4 12 10 27 5 6 insulation 7 4 10 16 20 6 15 5 4 9 19 11 12 7 Minor works ESH 10 7 19 35 3 22 1 Total 0261302 2020/21 CWI 0134110 LI Gas Boiler 0104020 Park Home insulation 2226421 Oil/ LPG Boiler 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 Solid Wall 28 25 61 105 69 50 33 371 Insulation Other insulation 4 of 11 Minor works ESH Total Total 33 Tewkesbury Borough Council 3 4 Stroud District Council 40 South Gloucestershire Council 3 224 27 Gloucester City Council 7 21 Forest of Dean District Council 272 2 29 W and W Report Q4 20/21Cotswold D Annexistr i1:c tData Co uTablesncil 06/05/2021 11 Table 6: WHF First Time Centeral Heating installs by LA Cheltenham Borough Council 22 429906311 33 00200102 0002200 Quarter 4 64 Gas Central 4 Heating ASHP 49 Central 58 12 30 53 28 20 23 Heating LPG Central 0 5 15 0 2 2 3 Heating 17 Total 0 0 4 11 3 0 3 2020/21 Gas Central 58 Heating ASHP Central Heating LPG Central Heating Total 5 of 11 Total Tewkesbury Borough Council £96,264 £127,049 £31,466 Stroud District Council £20,277 £18,918 £132,892 £7,288 £54,200 £441,871 £13,139 South Gloucestershire Council £9,250 £2,613 £857,217 £46,482 £664,084 £7,562 £96,737 Gloucester City Council £30,000 £20,500 £7,500 £100,012 £71,906 £221,288 £4,504 £62,501 £13,075 £17,676 Forest of Dean District Council £22,392 £437,176£2.3 M £31,806 £77,447 £4,092 £54,958 £45,200 £13,465 £11,373 Cotswold District Council £80,500 W and W Report Q4 20/21 Annex 1: Data Tables £34,700 06/05/2021 £5,745 £24,200 £116,554 £80,500 £192,572 £89,615 Table 7: Funding by LA as recorded on CRM with Invoiced/Completed date in period £158,274 £11,506 £8,129 Cheltenham Borough Council £2,625 £3,147 £15,000 £128,966 £22,392 £303,242 £66,818 £127,530 £19,605 £14,730 £9,250 £7,500 £4,078 £222,604 £80,500 £261,950 £24,778 £150,073 £22,831 Quarter 4 £67,003 ECO £30,000 £459,073 WHF £28,058 £45,010 Glos CCG £13,986 SG-Health £523,085 LAD £144,630 £134,750 Other funding £13,775 Total £7,896 2020/21 £163,787 ECO WHF £79,872 £37,788 £97,578 £102,471 £25,260 £86,630 £7,578 Glos CCG £380,924 SG-Health LAD Other funding Total 6 of 11 Total 4.37 1.89 Tewkesbury Borough Council 10.20 0.00 0.21 21.00 Stroud District Council 1.70 5.70 0.62 0.42 1.04 South Gloucestershire Council 1.70 53.12 12.83 0.62 0.00 0.42 Gloucester City Council 0.85 76.50 110.14 0.00 0.00 2.77 42.4 0.00 16.3 82.32 Forest of Dean District Council 1.70 6.72 57.0 0.00 3.7 0.62 0.00 3.1 67.9 0.00 Cotswold District Council 7.27 12.96 6.0 W and W Report Q4 20/21 Annex 1: Data Tables 1.70 06/05/2021 16.0 5.72 3.1 1.87 Table 8: Annual cabon savings tonnes CO2 by measure and LA 0.00 1.3 0.21 10.4 18.12 Cheltenham Borough Council 1.70 9.17 10.2 532.0 0.00 613.7 0.62 16.8 5.54 4.2 333.9 0.63 30.05 9.4 0.85 7.27 117.3 1689.6 7.11 6.2 159.7 13.2 0.00 0.70 2.10 12.600.00 2.10 3.50 0.003.4 306.0 Quarter 4 21.08 16.2 35.4 CWI 0.00 1.1434.89 2.28 0.00 1.14 0.00 1.14 0.0 0.00 7.5 LI 6.6 0.00 2.1 Gas Boiler 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.0 40.51 7.7 71.8 Park Home 11.18 0.00 Insulation 2.5 127.50.0 Oil/ LPG 0.00 0.8 Boiler 13.28 3.4 95.1 236.3 Solid Wall Insulation 2.5 159.75.5 Gas FTCH 1.5 LPG FTCH 4.3 56.1 315.9 ASHP FTCH 166.8 7.0 4.9 13.3 24.5 2.1 15.4 0.7 Total 230.5 2020/21 493.9 0.0 2.365.6 6.8 1.1 3.4 0.0 2.3 CWI 0.0 LI 0.0 1.086.4 3.1 4.2 1.0 1.0 0.0 Gas Boiler Park Home 167.0 190.60.0 Insulation 0.0 Oil/ LPG Boiler 205.8 Solid Wall Insulation Gas FTCH LPG FTCH ASHP Total 7 of 11 Total 183.4 79.2 Tewkesbury Borough Council 122.9 0.0 8.8 630.0 Stroud District Council 20.5 68.0 26.2 17.6 37.5 South Gloucestershire Council 20.5 1531.4 256.5 26.2 166.2 17.6 Gloucester City Council 10.2 3075.1 134.50.0 0.0 55.4 0.0 1781.6 232.8 686.4 Forest of Dean District Council 20.5 145.60.0 686.1 26.2 0.0 0.0 157.2 Cotswold District Council 314.9 132.0 2037.0 W and W Report Q4 20/21 Annex 1: Data Tables 20.5 06/05/2021 183.4 71.7 190.4 114.40.0 Table 9: Lifetime Carbon Savings by tonne CO2 by measure and78.6 LA 8.8 131.0 52.8 428.5 375.0 Cheltenham Borough Council 20.5 145.60.0 122.9 11118.7 26.2 642.6 110.8 707.4 26.4 1444.1 692.3 176.0 10.2 698.5 112.6 951.7 18961.8 142.1 0.0 21.0 63.0 378.0 63.00.0 105.0 0.0 159.7 262.0 263.0 Quarter 4 0.0 977.4 140.8 0.0 13.6 27.2 0.0 13.6 0.0 13.6 1783.5 CWI 0.0 194.6 719.90.0 LI 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.5314.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 131.0 Gas Boiler 88.0 142.5 Park Home 1657.1 223.90.0 92.2 Insulation 1475.2 0.0 120.50.0 Oil/ LPG 104.8 35.2 Boiler 286.7 Solid Wall 41.0 2733.0 1864.760.6 Insulation 104.8 110.8 Gas FTCH 61.6 LPG FTCH 51.2 3532.1 ASHP FTCH 1676.1 301.8 Total 210.0 147.0 399.0 735.0666.2 63.0 462.0 21.0 2020/21 0.0 27.2 81.6 13.63731.8 40.8 0.0 27.2 CWI 615.40.0 LI 0.0 37.5 112.5 150.0 37.5 37.5 0.0 Gas Boiler 273.1 Park Home 1281.1 0.0 Insulation 3815.7 0.0 Oil/ LPG Boiler Solid Wall 4243.3 Insulation Gas FTCH LPG FTCH ASHP Total 8 of 11 Total 128 544 Tewkesbury Borough Council 672 13 54 34 Stroud District Council 67 150 12 184 69 South Gloucestershire Council 81 11 61 7 72 Gloucester City Council 7 31 30 150 Total 43 Forest of Dean District Council 181 450 73 33 82 Tewkesbury Borough Council 42 W and W Report Q4 20/21Cotswold D Annexistr i1:c tData Co uTablesncil 115 06/05/2021 64% 15 41% Table 9: Warm Homes Fund breakdown of FTCH installs and pipeline in Private and Social Housing by LA 41 Stroud District Council Cheltenham Borough Council 56 51 31% 12% 13 87 South Gloucestershire Council 15% 77 56 100 77 4 Gloucester City Council Private 23 109 Allocated 27 Instlled Total Forest of Dean District Council 55 Social Allocated Installed Cotswold District council 22 Total Table 10: Home visits completed broken down by Local Authority 2020/21 Cheltenham Borough Council 115 31% 55% 80% 52% 82% 73% 76% 27% 45% 49% 20% 55% 41% 50% 9% 32% 29% 34% 38% 45% 31% Health conditions 14% 18% 9% 9% 9% 10% 17% Over 65 41% 23% 4% 15% 0% 14% 7% Receiving benefits £6,199 £8,360 £8,888 £25,084 £8,310 £4,506 £19,557 £80,904 With child Not recorded Total Savings 9 of 11 Total 90 Tewkesbury Borough Council 10 41 Stroud District Council 141 South Gloucestershire Council 4 Gloucester City Council 27 Total Forest of Dean District Council 10 148 111 185 Tewkesbury Borough Council 444 Cotswold District council 47 25 W and W Report Q4 20/21 Annex 1: Data Tables 06/05/2021 9 8 Table 11: Park home installs by LA Stroud District Council 42 Cheltenham Borough Council 25 13 13 10 7 19 30 2 22 0 5 31 South Gloucestershire Council 37 221021211 14
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