Murray State's Digital Commons The rP inceton Leader Newspapers 10-30-1952 The rP inceton Leader, October 30, 1952 The rP inceton Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pl Recommended Citation The rP inceton Leader, "The rP inceton Leader, October 30, 1952" (1952). The Princeton Leader. 709. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pl/709 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The rP inceton Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. First Weekly Newspaper HE PPINCETO in Kentucky to be Granted I p„„t WINN1NO NIWIPA^I* Associated Press Membership |v«k» yta" a,ncb >*•> -IV 11 1" Princeton, Caldwell County, Kentucky, Thursday, October 30, 1952 Number 18 I do tlly Lawrence Hall Chosen tkOn Pipeline County's Public President Of The West A State Report On Kentucky FFA District !each Here In Assistance Checks County Schools Is Hvolin, . It Few Weeks Total $204,483 lence Of Pipelined Money Goes To Needy, Denied The Press y Near Princeton Needy Blind, Upkeep Report On Condition Of County School System Is iled To Increase Of Dependent Children Made By State Department Of Education; County itmas Business Public assistance payments to- Superintendent Refuses To Release The Report eton has become head- taling $204,483 were paid to resi- er a pipeline construc- dents, of Caldwell county for old Request to publish a paTtiaJ re-1 quested to see the report, that he tor «n|aged in installing a age assistance, aid to dependent port on the condition of the (Butler) did hot feel the letter Texas 1 '-as Transmittal children and to needy blind dur- Caldwell Courfty School system should be released at Frankfort! jjon's 408 miles o! new ing a nine-month period endmp, as made by Mark God/man, head Futher, he said the letter might , being placed in the September 30, according to the of .Bureau of Instruction, State be misinterpreted if released from Iftween Bastrop, La., and Department of Economic Securi- Department of Education, was his office. The state superintend- ty, Frankfort. denied yesterday the Frankfort ent added, "You know they have [f'ce has been set up here Commissioner of Economic Se- Bureau of The Associated Press a hot school board race on down H c Price Company, curity Vego E. Barnes .reported and The Princeton Leader. there." JL 363 miles ol the that nf the total payments in The head of Kentucky's educa- Mr. Butler told the Associated I d c '' : i :ld Bradln8 of Caldwell qounty, $157,679 went to tion system, Superintendent Wen- Press reporter that he had no ob- ttf-way is underway in the needy aged; $40,631 to the dell. T. Butler, refused to make j^ftion to Caldwell County gUf of Calve, t City, with upkeep of • dependent children, public a letter which he said School authorities releasing the jje following that of an and $6,173 to the needy blind. deals with recommendation for letter and added, "my depart- i-iniUllfid Texas Gas line . Average payment in Kentucky sorrections that should be made ment stands back of everything & of Princeton. Ditching, for aged assistance during the in the Cai'.dwell bounty School said in the report." K pipe, welding, and low- TOO MANY DIGITS: The six children of the Jo! n H. Browns of Holly Springs, Ark., have six third quarter of 1952 was $30.12 system. Lawrence Hall, pictured above, An earlier request to Mark je pipe into the trench is fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Operations will leave them with the proper to the old people who received County Superintendent Clifton Godman, author of the report, was chosen president of West nmediately near Calvert number of digits. Left to right are: Dianne, Dorothy, Gary Wayne, Laverne, Jerry amd John. (AP monthly checks. Under the de- Clift, who denied Monday that he for his permission to make pub- Kentucky District of Future I will continue in this Wirephoto) pendent children's program, an had received a letter, declined lic the contents of the letter also Farmers of America at ai meeting i, passing Princeton and average of $53.03 went to the Wednesday morning to make was denied The Associated Press. Slaughters in the next families each month. Blind peo- held Friday at Butler High I'm Goin' Huntin' comment on the matter. Mr. Godman said the report ple received an average of $31.97. School. Wendell Butler told an Asso- would have to be channeled with (presence of the Price Corp Tigers Top The Orange Barnes explained that public Other officers elected were H. ciated Press reporter, who re- the local school authorities giv- Ipipeliners in and near assistance recipients in the state T. S h 0 u s e, Jr., of Morganfield, ing their permission for publish- ing the report. m M bringing added busi- afe receiving larger checks this vice-president; Johnnie Matthews, Caldwell Soldier Is local merchants, and the 19 To 7 Here Friday month, reflecting additional of Lacy, secretary; Ray Fowler, Mr. Godman and another mem- [isexpected to increase as amounts voted by Congress at its of Trigg county, treasurer; Oli- Stationed In Japan ber of Jiis department, Moss Wal- The Princeton Tigers won a came after Butler found itself is nears. last lession plus anticipated bal- ver Noffsigner, of Drakesboro, ton, were in the county approxi- 13-7 victory over Hopkinsville with a fourth down and 15 yards the entire $33,753,000 ances of state funds resulting reporter, and Charles Prince, of mately two weeks ago to survey here Friday night for Butler's to go. McMican then passed over lion job is completed, the from case load reductions in the Caldwell county, sentinel. all the schools. His report is to first varsity football victory over the goal to Ladd to score. Kelley's three programs. Old age assist- Purpose of the meeting, besides go to the state's accrediting com- | Gas pipeline system wi^l the Orange in the last 15 years. try for extra point was wide. n to 3,000 miles. All of anee rolls have been reduced by electing new officers, was to mittee. This committee has the Last time Princeton won wae a Behind 13-0, Hopluneville un-l 13,000; aid to dependent children train officers of the different job of determining whether |t line will loop sections of 19-7 victory in 1937. r-existing 26-inch llhe corked a passing attack with j by 10,000 children; and aid to chapters in their duties. schools are to be accredited by [gjs built in 1949 and 1950 The local squad scored on a Maddox throwing quick tosses to! the needy blind by 150. Reduction the State Department of Educa- 1 tion. Texas to Middletown, first quarter touchdown drive Amy and Lawson. Sandwiched In in the rolls by efficient adminis- Patients Admitted And | and for which it built a and on a pass in the final quar- with Princetqp penalties for 15 tration has enabled the state to Dismissed At Hospital (•inch lateral section from ter after a punt return by Ron- yards for roughness and five for ] make payments more in line with Princetonian Selected [Louisiana to Bastrop last nie Ladd had put the baJl in scor- offside, the three completed pas- j current standards of living, Patients admitted to the Cald- j A'.so being installed this ing position. i • ses carried the ball 55 yards to i Barnes continued. well County War Memorial Hos- For Membership In An fc a compressor station at Hopkinsrville scored its touch- the Butler 1. Increases in average payments pital since Tuesday, October 21, Architectural Club La., and additional down with less than four minutes Hopkinsville lost six yards on i were: Old age assistance, $30.17 include Hampton Nichols, Sr., J George R. Richie, Princeton, engines at several left in the game when it staged the first attempt to swing around tu aid to the needy blind^Mrs Vera Bramlettto , iMrs. Bvelyn. has been selected for membership Son. including the ones a 55-yard drive, aided by three end for the final yard, then failed ^rzm to $36.30: and aid to de- Janies and Mrs. Leano Willett. in the Sphinx Club, professional to complete a> pass. Lawson drop- rert City and Slaughters. successful passes and a couple of pendent children, $14.88 to $17.97. Others admitted were Mrs. and social architectural organiza- : completion of the com penalties. The touchdpwn was ped back again to pass for the On the latter, Barnes said, the Arawna Kyle, Clint Ladd, Mrs. tion, at the University of Texas, [station additions and the tallied by Herb Lawson, who Oruige but found himself rushed average family will receive $64.15 Mytle Pennigar, Charles Han- Austin. ipeline. Texas Gas Trans- too much to get the heave off. for October as compared to circled end for seven yards after kins, Mrs. A 1 s o c o Fralix, Mrs. Richie, a junior, is a member of i Corporation, which has the charging Butler defensive Hv sprinted the seven yards California's hundreds of thous- $53.17 in September. Galena Young, and Robert Hayes, Ataxt Sergeant William E. Wil- Theta Chi social fraternity. He rters at Owensboro, will line refused to let him throw a around end. Fred B e 11 s place- ands of hunters will welcome in Maximum payments under the colored.
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