CITY OF ASCHAFFENBURG Business Hub Aschaffenburg Bavaria in the Rhine/Main Region Central location with optimal transport connections 2 UÊÀ>vÕÀÌÊÀ«ÀÌ (40 km) UÊÊ iÀV>Ê>À«ÀÌ Aschaffenburg / Großostheim (10 km) UÊÌÀÜ>Þà A3 and A45 UÊ>ÊÀ>`à B8, B26 and B469 UÊÊ ÊÌÀ>ÊÃÌ>Ì] Rhineland – Frankfurt – Aschaffenburg – Munich line UÊi`iÀ>ÊÜ>ÌiÀÜ>ÞÊ>Ê,ÛiÀ UÊÃV >vviLÕÀ}Ê*ÀÌ - Tri-modal container terminal - Regular shipping to the ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Zeebrugge Part of the Frankfurt Rhine/Main Metropolitan Region >Û>À>ÊÊÌ iÊÊ / iÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ ÕLÊÃV >vviLÕÀ}ÊqÊ , iÉ>Ê,i} >ÊÃ>ÀÌÊV Vi The City of Aschaffenburg (approx. 68,000 inhabitants), along with the Bavarian Lower + over 6,500 businesses Main Region, belongs to the Bavarian part of the Frankfurt Rhine/Main Metropolitan + high employment rate with approx. 62,000 people gainfully employed Region and therefore to of one Europe’s major economic areas. About 5.5 million + central location in Germany and Europe people live here today, and that number is likely to increase. + excellent transport connections by air, train, car and ship "ÕÀÊ«ÃÌÊÃÊVi>À\Ê 7iÊ>ÀiÊÌ iÊ >Û>À>ÃÊÊ + low taxes ÊÌ iÊ, iÉ>Ê,i}t + great workforce potential at stable population level + Bavarian education centre: Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences with over 3,000 students + low unemployment rate + high rate of investment by local businesses + central shopping and recreational area + location of various European head offices Business Development fast – business-friendly – flexible – efficient Business Development Strategy 3 Ì>VÌ\ Stadt Aschaffenburg Büro des Oberbürgermeisters Wirtschaftsförderung Dalbergstraße 15, 63739 Aschaffenburg Networking of new businesses Phone 06021/330-1739 Location marketing Fax 06021/330-380 Incentives for settlement E-mail: [email protected] Support for existing businesses Favourable conditions for start-ups Internet: www.aschaffenburg.de Facebook: www.facebook.com/ The business hub ASCHAFFENBURG wirtschaftsfoerderung.aschaffenburg A place promising quality of life and good business ÃV >vviLÕÀ}ÊqÊ >Ê`ÕÃÌÀiÃÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ ÕLÊÃV >vviLÕÀ} /«ÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ ÕLÊÊ vviÀ}ʵÕ>ÌÞÊvÊvi Manufacturing -ÕÀÛiÞÊvÊiVVÊÃÌÀi}Ì Retail ,>i`Ê °Ê£ÎÊÊ ­LÞÊ *Ê«iÀÊ >LÌ>ÌÊÓä£ä® Health and Social Services Cologne Institute for Economic Research, 2013 Transport and Logistics ¹Ài>ÌÊ«ÀëiVÌÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊvÕÌÕÀiº Construction "ÛiÀ>ÊÀ>}\Ê °Ê{ÈÊvÊÊ {äÓÊÃÕÀÛiÞi`ÊÀÕÀ>Ê>`ÊÕÀL>Ê`ÃÌÀVÌà “Zukunftsatlas” (projected development Bundesagentur für Arbeit Source: atlas) of Prognos AG, 2013 *«Õ>ÌÊ`iÛi«iÌ ¹- ««}Ê ÌÞÊvÊÓä£Î°º ϲϴ͘ϯϲϭ ϲϴ͘ϲϴϮ ϲϴ͘ϲϬϳ ϲϴ͘ϳϬϯ ϲϴ͘ϲϰϮ ϲϴ͘ϲϲϰ ϲϴ͘ϲϰϲ ϲϴ͘ϳϰϳ ϲϴ͘ϳϮϮ ϲϴ͘ϲϳϴ ϲϳ͘ϴϰϰ °Ê£ÊvÊ£äÈÊ­VÌiÃÊÜÌ ÊviÜiÀÊÊ ϲϳ͘ϯϱϵ ϲϳ͘ϲϴϭ Ì >Ê£ää]äääÊ >LÌ>Ìî Gesellschaft für Marketing und Absatzfor- schung (GMA) (Association for Marketing and Market Research) City Ranking, 2013 ¹ ÕÃiÃÃvÀi`Þ ÌÞÊ ÕVº >Û>À>Ê+Õ>ÌÞÊÜ>À` Bavarian Ministry of State, 2010 ϮϬϬϭ ϮϬϬϮ ϮϬϬϯ ϮϬϬϰ ϮϬϬϱ ϮϬϬϲ ϮϬϬϳ ϮϬϬϴ ϮϬϬϵ ϮϬϭϬ ϮϬϭϭ ϮϬϭϮ ϮϬϭϯ Source: Statistisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung iÛi«iÌÊvÊLÃÊÃÕLiVÌÊÌÊÃV>ÊÃiVÕÀÌÞÊVÌÀLÕÌà 4 ϱϬ͘ϬϬϬ ϰϴ͘ϬϬϬ ϰϲ͘ϬϬϬ ϰϰ͘ϬϬϬ ϰϮ͘ϬϬϬ ϰϬ͘ϬϬϬ ϯϴ͘ϬϬϬ ϯϲ͘ϬϬϬ ϯϰ͘ϬϬϬ ϯϮ͘ϬϬϬ The decrease in jobs in the city of Aschaffenburg that are subject to soci- ϯϬ͘ϬϬϬ al security contributions in 2013 does not mean an overall loss of jobs. ϮϬϬϭ ϮϬϬϮ ϮϬϬϯ ϮϬϬϰ ϮϬϬϱ ϮϬϬϲ ϮϬϬϳ ϮϬϬϴ ϮϬϬϵ ϮϬϭϬ ϮϬϭϭ ϮϬϭϮ ϮϬϭϯ Rather, an Aschaffenburg logistics company had in the past registered its entire workforce nationwide under the company number of the Aschaf- fenburg establishment. This has been corrected. Bundesagentur für Arbeit Source: Business Hub / iÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ ÕLÊÃV >vviLÕÀ}ÊqÊ Ê`Þ>V]ÊV«iÌÌÛi]ÊÛ>ÌÛi Aschaffenburg is an innovative high-tech service and consulting location which functions as a logistics hub. The automotive supply industry, which is focused on vehicle safety, is just as much at home in Aschaffenburg as is one of the world’s leading manu- facturers of forklifts and warehouse equipment, which at the same time is one of the most important producers of hydrostatic drives is. For example, the majority of steering wheels installed in Germany come from the Bavarian Lower Main Region. The two industry sectors produced UÊÇxä]äääÊvÀvÌÃÊ>`ÊÛiÀ UÊÇxÊÊ>ÀL>}ð -iÊvÊÌ iÊV«>iÃÊÜÌ ÊÊ i>`ÊvwViÊÀÊ>ÊÃÕLÃ`>ÀÞÊÊ In addition to major international corporations, it is the SMEs that are ÊÃV >vviLÕÀ} the backbone of the Aschaffenburg corporate landscape. The trades and the local retail business are still very important for the UÊÊ * Ê Þ>VÊ*>ÀViÊ ÃÌÀLÕÌÊ economic development of the City of Aschaffenburg. LÊEÊ °Ê UÊ -6Ê,>`ÊL UÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>ÊVÀiÊ UÊÊää{Ê iÀ>ÌÕ}ÃÊÕ`ÊÊ UÊà >ÀiÊvÊÌ À`ÃiVÌÀÊ`ÕÃÌÀiÃ\ÊÇί iÃÌiÃÌÕ}ÃÊL UÊÛiÀÊääÊ`i«i`iÌÊÃi`ÊÌÀ>`iÃÊLÕÃiÃÃià UÊ«ÀiÃÃÊÃÕÀv>ViÃÊL UÊ } ÊV>ÊÛiÃÌiÌ UÊ>Õ«ÊLÊEÊ °Ê UÊ`iÊ>ÌiÀ>Ê>`} 1ÃiÊÕÀÊVÃÌÊ>`Û>Ì>}ià UÊ}ÜÊÀÕ« The City of Aschaffenburg has been committed to low taxes and fees UÊ*--Ê ÃÕÌ}ÊÀÕ« for years. The business tax rate is one of the lowest of the main centres UÊÊ*iiÀÊÃV >vviLÕÀ}Ê in the Frankfurt Rhine/Main Region. LÊEÊ °Ê UÊ*-Ê UÊ ÕÃiÃÃÊÌ>ÝÊÀ>ÌiÊ{ää UÊ -Ê-Ì Ê*>«iÀÊ iÕÌÃV >`ÊL UÊ*À«iÀÌÞÊÌ>ÝÊÊÓää UÊ-ÕvviÊÀ`iÀÌiV UÊ*À«iÀÌÞÊÌ>ÝÊ Ê{ää UÊ/>>Ì>Ê UÊ,i`VÊL UÊÛÌÕÀÃÊL 5 The location at a glance vÀ>ÌÊÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>Ê>Ài>à Aschaffenburg is well aware of its tradition as an efficient and innovative business location. We are systematically looking for and exploiting syn- ergies that are generated by our central geographic location and the fact that we belong to the Bavarian part of the Frankfurt Rhine/Main Metropo- litan Region. The City of Aschaffenburg has highly productive commercial and industrial areas with an excellent transport infrastructure that provides access by road, rail and waterway. For more information on the city’s priority development projects and industrial areas, please visit our homepage www.aschaffenburg.de and click on Business. iÀV>Ê>`Ê`ÕÃÌÀ>Ê>Ài>ÃÊÊÃV >vviLÕÀ}Ê>ÌÊ>Ê}>Vi 6 Source: Stadt Aschaffenburg Source: Education `ÕV>ÌÊ iÌÀiÊÃV >vviLÕÀ} In Aschaffenburg, you can experience the UÊ ÕV>ÌÊ>`Ê VÕiÌ>Ì qualities of the Bavarian education system: UÊiV >ÌÀVà in addition to institutions providing primary UÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>Ê }iiÀ} and continuing education and training, UÊ ÕÃiÃÃÊ`ÃÌÀ>Ì Aschaffenburg has an independent Uni- UÊ ÕÃiÃÃÊ`ÃÌÀ>ÌÊ>`Ê>Ü versity of Applied Sciences. Üi`}iÊÌÀ>ÃviÀÊÊÌ iÊÀi} 1ÛiÀÃÌÞÊvÊÃV >vviLÕÀ} The University of Applied Sciences not only contributes to the education The University was Aschaffenburg was of the students but, needless to say, also to the image of the regional founded in 1995 and has since become competences. With establishment of the University, the knowledge trans- an integral part of the educational services fer between industry and science in the Bavarian Lower Main region could in the city of Aschaffenburg and the entire be boosted significantly. For solutions to economic and technical prob- Bavarian Lower Main Region. Today, more lems, the „regional think tank“ cooperates with local companies. than 3,000 students are already enrolled The companies can additionally benefit from their project-related involve- at the family-friendly certified university. ment in current research projects. And there are likely to be more. The university offers 10 Bachelor and 1ÛiÀÃÌÞÊÀ>}ÃÊqÊ 4 Master programmes, also including / iÊ1ÛiÀÃÌÞÊvÊÃV >vviLÕÀ}ÊÃÊ>Ü>ÞÃÊ>}ÊÌ iÊLiÃÌ work-study programmes and corres- pondence courses. Other programmes The university repeatedly took first place in the overall ranking of the such as Industrial Engineering/Materials online portal ¹i*Àv°`iº° Technology are being planned. The iVÌÀV>Ê }iiÀ}Ê>`ÊvÀ>ÌÊ/iV }ÞÊ«À}À>i was ranked °Ê£ and the iV >ÌÀVÃÊ«À}À>i °ÊÎ in the Ê *À}À>iÃÊvÊÌ iÊ1ÛiÀÃÌÞÊÊ qÊ,>}° vÊÃV >vviLÕÀ} In addition to Aschaffenburg, there are numerous universities with over 195,000 students in the Frankfurt Rhine/Main Metropolitan region. UÊ iVÌÀV>Ê }iiÀ} UÊÊ iVÌÀV>Ê }iiÀ}Ê>`ÊvÀ>ÌÊ Technology UÊ­ÌiÀ>Ì>®Ê,i>Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÊ>>}iiÌ UÊ VVÃÊ>`Ê>Ü UÊÊ,iiÜ>LiÊ iÀ}iÃÊ>`Ê iÀ}ÞÊ Management UÊÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê/iV V>Ê->iÃÊ Management 7 Q Universities or post-secondary institutions with university status Q University of Applied Sciences Q Academy of Art Q Theological College Q Administration College Source: Wissensatlas Frankfurt/Rhein-Main, www.h-ab.de Planungsverband Ballungsraum Frankfurt/Rhein-Main Q other location Cooperation *ÕLVÊ>`ÊVÕ>ÊÊ «>ÀÌiÀÃÊqÊÜÀ}Ê ÊÌ}iÌ iÀÊvÀÊÌ iÊÀi} Ì>ÌÛiÊ >ÞiÀÃV iÀÊ1ÌiÀ> <iÌiVÊqÊ<iÌÀÕÊvØÀ Traditionally, the communities, chambers, Association for regional marketing Technologie, Existenzgründung public partners and enterprises of the and regional management: und Cooperation GmbH Bavarian Lower Main region have been location marketing, Intermediary between business, working closely together. One is acutely image promotion, coordination science and politics, with the aware of the prominent role of regional and organization of regional aim of strengthening the cooperation in a Europe of regions, and cooperation. competitiveness of local companies such cooperation has been practised and encouraging innovators to successfully for many years. start up a business. >LiÀÊvÊ/À>`iÃÊ>`Ê À>vÌà >LiÀÊvÊ iÀVi ÜiÀÊÀ>V> Self-governing institution of all Aschaffenburg branch with edu- businesses in the Aschaffenburg cational centre. Represents the region except pure skilled trades interests of skilled trades and crafts and agricultural businesses. businesses at the regional level. ÛiÃÌÊÊ >Û>À> À>vÕÀÌÊ, i>] Ê The business promotion agency of the ÌiÀ>Ì>Ê>ÀiÌ} 7ÀÌÃV >vÌÃvÀ`iÀÕ}Ê,i}Ê State of Bavaria focuses on settlement vÊÌ iÊ,i} À>vÕÀÌÊ, i> policy and location marketing on behalf Coordination and implementation Coordination and implementation of the Bavarian Ministry for Business and of international location marketing of domestic location marketing and Media, Energy and Technology. and promotion of the strong promotion of the strong Frankfurt/ Frankfurt/Rhine-Main brand. Rhine-Main brand. 8 www.bayerischer-untermain.de www.zentec.de www.aschaffenburg.ihk.de www.hwk-ufr.fr www.invest-in-bavaria.de www.frm-united.com www.region-frankfurt-rheinmain.de Business Networks ÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌÜÀà The culture of cooperation in the Bavarian Lower Main region is also reflected in strategic business alliances.
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