Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Yearbooks Archives and Special Collections 1960 The Ouachitonian 1960 Ouachitonian Staff Ouachita Baptist University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/yearbooks Part of the Higher Education Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, and the Public Relations and Advertising Commons Recommended Citation Staff, Ouachitonian, "The Ouachitonian 1960" (1960). Yearbooks. Book 56. http://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/yearbooks/56 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ) 0/fice Secretary Bu~ine~~ rfl anager _A,.f Gditor San~·a Cfti/Jerd Jim madde'l Sylvia rJe~bit Bonnie _Atchiaon :1Jiana Rodgera C/add GJitor:J Jo Jonea . Jre ~hm e n Walter Ro~e . Sophomor e~ cl£nda Surman . Junior& Janel flarper . Senior~ :1-acuft'l Gditor:J Jean U/yro~lek rf!arlj Jrancea fluljea 5'fpi:Jld J!ur4ne flardlj Judlj Jumer /Jettlj Wtheringfon Campu:J Pholog.rapher:J John Baker Jommy Van :1Juyne Jon Stpea C/a:Jd Pholog.raphel' :Jacu/t'l AJvi:Jor Put/i,fter Campbell Studio Claude Sumerlin flurfelj and Companlj cl£ule Rock Camden 2 \ , I"'.. Mrs. Clarence E. Anthony Mr. William C. Hargis, Jr. Murfreesboro, Arkansas Warren, Arkansas Mr. Ernest L. Bailey Mr. Earl M. Jones Cabot, Arkansas Texarkana, Arkansas Mr. J. E. Berry Mr. W. P. Jones, Jr. El Dorado, Arkansas Arkadelphia, Arkan as Mr. Luke Burch, Jr. Dr. T. H. Jordan Hughes, Arkansas 304 Cherry Arkadelphia, Arkansas Mr. James S. Colvert Dr. John McClanahan DeWitt, Arkansas Hope, Arkansas Rev. R. B. Crotts Mr. John Carl Meador Lepanto, Arkansas Fordyce, Arkansas Mr. John T. Daniel, Jr. Mr. Paul Meers Smackover, Arkansas Dardanelle, Arkansas Rev. Wilson C. Deese Rev. Robert A. Parker West Helena, Arkansas Fort Smith, Arkansas Mr. Tom F. Digby Mr. John Plumlee North Little Rock, Arkansas Hot Springs, Arkansas Mr. W. S. Fox Miss Emma C. Riley Pine Bluff, Arkansas Little Rock, Arkansas Mr. Charles A. Gordon, Jr. Rev. Rheubin L. South Pine Bluff, Arkansas North Little Rock, Arkansas Mr. Marvin A. Green Mr. W. I. Walton Stephens, Arkansas Arkadelphia, Arkansas ' . .. ~ormdor'1 W. J. "WIMPY" HENDRIX "Who is that fellow you see everywhere at once?" "What job does he hold?" "Where is his office?" . These are questions asked every day about W. J. "Wimpy" Hendrix, whose familiar figure is seen doing many tasks for the greater glory of Ouachita. He is always there - sporting events, concerts, theatrical productions - always support­ ing and assisting those who are interested in the ins6tution's progress. Students get the feeling that Wimpy has always been here and seemingly always will be. He is a part of the campus - like the build­ ings, like the grounds, but more like the spirit of Ouachita. that ineffable something that claims our loyalty, our efforts, and our future interest. To the person who has done so much for Ouachita in the only way he could, from whom we can learn what true Tiger soirit means, to the one who spells out in his daily life what it means to g-ive to a gTeater Ouachita, to you, Wimpy Hendrix, we affectionately dedicate this annual. Jhe Ouachdonian Stall prejenlj • • • Since the days of the court jesters, the upturned mouth and down­ ward tilted eyes have been the trademark of every clown. The exagger­ ated smiles have stood for the lightness and gaity of the clown's heart; the slightly sad eyes portray the seriousness of hi~ thoughts. The heart of every student on Ouachita's campus also has a physi­ cal trademark - a trademark 1:·ecognized by anyone who has ever been exposed to the sounds, sights, and feelings that exist in this institution. A pair of bobbysox and loafers ... a ponytail ... an OBC sweatshirt . the plume on the top of a band hat ... the jonquil blooming through the unexpected February snow . these are only a few of the many figures in the portrait of the Ouachitonian. , The ability to cause laughter is too often stated as the clown's one and only purpose, for the famous clowns of yesterday brought forth not only laughter, but stirred the deep emotions of serious and necessary thought. The echoing quietness of the classroom halls . the discreet cough during the chapel program ... the capacity-filled librarv . .. the late-burning lights in the lab rooms ~ .. the ever-growing list in the annals of success of the Ouachita graduate ... these show our hearts to be those hearts which can laugh when laughter is called for, and yet prove ourselves in the realms of the professions in the world of today and tomorrow. The heart of our clown is as big as the world in which we live, and in these limited pages, we of the Ouachitonian staff shall present to you but a few of the pulse beats, for only the student of this campus can really know all of the heart of this clown. The heart of a clown is the life-giving element that makes the daily show at Ouachita Baptist College the greatest show on earth. ADMINISTRATIVE ----------------------------- 15 Faculty _ --- .... ---------------------------------- 21 Staff ----------------------------------- 30 PHYSICAL 37 Football -- -- -- ------------------------ 38 Basketball -- ----· ----- ----· -------------- 52 Spring Sports 138 RECREATIONAL ·-··------------ 79 Personalities -------------------- -- 80 Activities 119 Drama 139 ORGANIZATIONAL 147 Publications 151 Academic 160 Religious 173 Music 181 Social __ _ 195 Military _ 211 MENTAL ___ _ 227 Freshman 238 Sophomores ___ --------------------- 256 Juniors ________ ------------------------------------------- 275 Seniors -----------· ---------------- ·········------------- 289 Graduate Students ______ ------------------------ 315 12 Preaidenl in aclion, aee patje!J 115, 116 and 117. OUACHITA BAPTIST COLLEGE ARKADELPHIA ARKANSAS CP"FI CE Of" THE December 1, 1959 PRES I CENT Dear Ouachitonians, The present school session could be characterized in many ways, but per­ haps the best would be that it i-s a year of "firsts." In the future, when we look back down the corridors of time, we shall remember this as ••• the first year the fall-term enrollment topped the 1,000 mark. There were 1,026 regular students and enough others to bring the total to 1 ,069 • .•• the first year of the graduate program leading to a Master of Arts de­ gree. Majors were offered in Religion and American Civilization as this giant step in academic progress was taken • ••• the year Blake Hall was constructed, the old dining hall was remodelled into a classroom building and named R. C. Daily Hall, and Riley Library was en­ larged to help care for a mushrooming student body • ••• the year the Music Department was admitted to full membership in the National Association of Schools of Music--the highest recognition possible • ••• the year the new A. U. Williams Athletic Field was built to make way for building sites on the old athletic plant's location • ••• the year of final planning for a new Bible Building and two new per­ manent dormitories, one for men and the other for women. It is hoped that ground will be broken for all three by commencement time in May • ••• the year that the Ouachita Band was recognized as the best college band in the state. Amidst these many evidences of academic and material progress, we do not want to forget those values which have brought Ouachita to the greatness of this hour or those faculty members whose noble sacrifice has subsidized the college with their very life's blood. Ouachita is great because she is built on great principles and by great people. My earnest prayer for every student is that you will 1 ive by these Christian principles and that your life will be characterized by the same Christian service which has motivated those who have taught you here. Yours sincerely, ~~~?.~·). President RAP/jq /Jehind everlj clown, mljriadJ o/ perJonahlitH go info lhe 6ui/ding o/ fu·J lje . ..AJ the clown needJ hiJ producerJ, direclorJ1 and wrilerJ1 Jo doeJ !he Ouachilu Jtudent . .J.n thiJ caJe1 the mem6er!J o/ the /acuh'j, adminiJlralion, and J!a// are lhe /oundation /or lhe production entitled '~/e o/ a Ouachilonian. " _A cla!JJ lecture, a 6it o/ perJona/ advice, and !JomelimeJ a reprimand are lho .~e fjUa/itie!J which enrich lhe 6/ood o/ knowledge in lhe clown~ h11arl. Jor lhi3 enrich­ ment, we are /orever in de6t lo tfw!Je leacher!J and admini!Jlralion who /orm an integral part o/ Ouachita BaptiJt Lo/lege. 1 Ll . .. A D M I N I s · T R A T I -V E Rl Y lBHAkr OOAtlfiT 8 lSI UNN JAMES H. EDMONDSON Vice President B. A., Jacksonville State College of Alabama, 1948; M. A., George Pea­ body College, 1951; candidacy for the doctorate, Indiana Universit~·. 1955, summer 1957. RALPH E. KIRKMAN Dean of Faculty B.A., Baylor University, 1950; M.A., Bay­ lor University, 1951; Southern Illinois University, summer 1952; Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1955; Ed.D., North Texas State College, 1957; University of Minnesota, summer 1958; Harvard University, Institute of Aca­ demic Deans, 1959. JAMES WILLIAM CADY Dean of Students B.A., University of Arkansas, 1940; M.S.E., University of Arkansas, 1949; Ed.D., University of Arkansas, 1953. JAMES E. ORR Business Manager B.A., Ouachita Baptist College, 1952; University of Omaha, summer 1957, 1958. FRANCES M. CRAWFORD Registrar B.A., B.M., Ouachita Baptist College, 1918; Columbia University, summer study; graduate study, George Peabody College. MICHAEL CAROZZA Director of Public Relations B.A., Ouachita Baptist College, 1959. 10 MILFORD F. ALLEN, Ph.D. Professor of History B.A., East Texas State College, 1939; M.A., Baylor University, 1948; Uni.
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