JCCPJCCP JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHIROPRA C TIC PEDIATRIC S Vo l u m e 11 • No. 2 • December 2010 PublicatioN o f t h e co u N c i l o N chiroPractic PeDiatrics iN t e r N at i o N a l ch i ro P r ac to r s as s o c i at i o N JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHIROPRACTIC PEDIATRICS JCCPJCCP EDITORS Cheryl Hawk, D.C., Ph.D. Sharon Vallone, D.C., F.I.C.C.P. EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Peter N. Fysh, D.C., F.I.C.C.P. Professor Emeritus Palmer College of Chiropractic-West San Jose, California Maxine McMullen, D.C., F.I.C.C.P. Professor of Pediatrics (Rtd) Port Orange, Florida Christine Hyman, D.C., F.I.C.C.P. Dallas, Texas Molly Rangnath, M.A. International Chiropractors Association Arlington, Virginia Lora Tanis, D.C., D.I.C.C.P. Hewitt, New Jersey Rosemary Valero, D.C., D.I.C.C.P. Palmer College of Chiropractic – Florida Port Orange, Florida Meghan Van Loon, P.T., D.C., D.I.C.C.P. Ithaca, New York The Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (JCCP) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics, 6400 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 800, Falls Church, Virginia 22042, U.S.A. Printed and mailed in Virginia, U.S.A. Copyright by the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the United States Copyright Law without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Printed in the United States. Editorial Correspondence: Editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editor, JCCP, ICA Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics, 6400 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 800, Falls Church, Virginia 22042, U.S.A. Email: [email protected] or [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS JOURNAL OF CLINICAL JCCP CHIROPRACTIC PEDIATRICS VOLUME 11, NUMBER 2 DECEMBER, 2010 Editorial ................................................................................................................................................................... 769 Sharon Vallone, DC, FICCP Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy: Survey of 100 Patients Presenting to a Private Clinic in Oslo, Norway ....................................................... 771 Elisabeth Aas-Jakobsen, BS, DC, MSc and Joyce E. Miller, DC, DABCO Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain of Pregnancy: Recommendations for Diagnosis and Clinical Management ................................................................... 775 Maria C. Browning, BSc, DC, MSc (Peds) Intercostal Neuralgia during Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care .............................................................. 780 Meghan Van Loon, PT, DC, DICCP Considering Non-Optimal Fetal Positioning and Pelvic Girdle Positioning and Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction in Pregnancy: Increasing the Available Space ........................................ 783 Christine G. Andrews, DC, MSc (Chiropractic), RM, MSc (Social Policy) Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ................................................................................................................... 789 Cherie L. Marriott, BS, DC, DICCP Musculoskeletal and Radicular Pain during Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery: The Concurrent Use of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT), Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and Dynamic Body Balancing Techniques (DBB): Five Case Reports .................................................... 797 Carol Phillips, DC A Review of Complementary and Alternative Care for Infertility Issues ................................................ 804 Jennifer T. Murphy, DC, DICCP Grand Rounds Case #1: Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction in Pregnancy ....................................................... 811 Presenter: Belinda Siddle, BSc, MChiro, DICCP Discussants: Trudi Cullinan, MBBS, FRACGP Shannon Morris, MA Mid Karen Wallwork, Adv Dip Ayu, Dip AT, RMT, MFR Catriona McNamara, BSc, MChiro Grand Rounds Case #2: Multi-Disciplinary Management of Pelvic Girdle Instability ........................... 816 Chiropractic Presenter: Tone Tellefsen,Hughes, BSc, DC, FCC, FAECC (Paeds) Podiatry Presenters: Maninder Barhj, BSc (Hons), MChS, HPC Yvette Mann, BSc (POD) Hons, MChS, HPC Discussants: Yvette Mann, BSc (POD) Hons, MChS, HPC Bridget Lincoln, BSc Sarah Dowdeswell, RMT, APNT Dip Tone Tellefsen Hughes, BSc, DC, FCC, FAECC (Paeds) Abstracts of Interest ............................................................................................................................................... 823 PUBLISHING OFFICES: ICA COUN ci L ON CHIROPRacTic PEDiaTRicS Phone: 703-528-5000 6400 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 800 Fax: 703-351-7893 Falls Church, Virginia 22042 U.S.A. GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS JOURNAL OF CLINICAL JCCP CHIROPRACTIC PEDIATRICS The Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics welcomes Suite 800, Falls Church, Virginia 22042, USA. Manuscript original and scholarly manuscripts for peer-review and con- should be in document style MS Word (or compatible) and sideration for publication. Topics must pertain to the field unformatted. of pediatrics which includes pregnancy and adolescence. Manuscripts should not have been published before or The first page of the manuscript must contain: submitted to another publication. 1. The title of the paper The following will be considered: 2. The first name, middle initial and last name of each author, with highest academic degree(s) Case Reports and Case Series — presentations of individual or groups of cases deemed to be of interest to the professional 3. Names of departments and institutions to which and scholarly community. the work should be attributed (if any) 4. Name, address and phone number of author Pilot Studies or Hypothesis — papers which, while very responsible for correspondence broad, present with a clear hypotheses and suggest a foun- dation for future, in-depth studies. 5. Source of funding (e.g. grants, self-funded, etc.) Literature Reviews — studies of existing papers and books 6. Conflict of interest if any presented with the intention of supporting and encouraging 7. Source of any support (e.g. equipment, organiza- new and continuing study. tions, individuals, etc.) Technical Descriptions — reports of new analytical/ The paper must include an abstract or summary. This diagnostic tools for assessment and delivery of care. abstract/summary should state the purpose of the paper Controlled, Large Scale Studies — usually, but not (objective), procedures, methods, main findings (results) necessarily, performed at a college or research facility. May and principal conclusions. Also, any key words or phrases be double-blinded. that will assist indexers should be provided. References must be cited for all materials derived from the Commentaries — presentations of opinion on trends works of other people and previously published works. Refer- within the profession or current events, pertaining to pedi- ence numbers must be assigned in the order of citation in the atric and adolescent chiropractic care. paper. References should follow the following format: Guidelines for submission From journals — Gorman JF. Automatic static perimetry in chiropractic. All manuscripts are accepted purely for consideration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1993; 16(4):481-7. They must be original works and should not be under consideration by any other journal or publisher at the time From books — Gatterman MI. Chiropractic management of spine re- of submission. They must be accompanied by a TRANS- lated disorders. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1990. FER OF COPYRIGHT form, signed by all authors and by the employer if the paper is the result of a “work for Tables — Each table or figure should be on a separate page hire.” It is understood that while the manuscript is under and not imbedded in the manuscript. If the table is from consideration it will not be sent to any other publication. another publication, permission to publish must be granted In the case of multiple authors, a transmittal letter should and the publication acknowledged. designate one author as correspondent. Photographs — Photographs should be scanned in gray- Manuscripts may be sent electronically (preferred) to scale at 300dpi with sharp contrast. pediatrics [email protected], or on a CD (with one Informed Consent — If the research/study involves hard copy) by mail to JCCP, 6400 Arlington Boulevard, experimental investigations performed on humans the 766 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHIROPRACTIC PEDIATRICS Volume 11, No. 2, December 2010 manuscript must include a statement that informed date for publication if accepted. consent was obtained from the individuals involved Manuscripts not accepted for publication will be re- in the investigation. turned to the author without comment. Patient Anonymity — Patient names or any information that could identify a specific patient should be avoided. Summary of manuscript submission Photographs accompanying a manuscript must have a 1. 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