LEICESTERSHIRE FREEHOLDERS BOOK, 1630 Thomas Knight, Newton Burguland* Will. Randen. Joties Stocken. Robtus Scampton* George Clare. Will. Oldersliaw, Jories Lawrencei Will. Thorman. Thomas Alney, genti RoBt Sutton. Valentine Pembiebury. Henricus Biddle. Rothley. Difiworth. Thomas Iiebb, fen. Rogerus Walker. Swithland. Georgius Marihall. Quarndon. Joftes Parker. David Blankley. Georgius Souter. Adrian t'arnham, arm* RotStus Pager.. Robert Li]ley. John Morton, gent. Stretton. Whatton honge,. Thomas Farnham. Anjiey. Rich. Stretton. Thomas Lawrence. Flumfrey Greaseiy. Thomas Martin, Appleby. Michael 1 Cheatle. Wiifus Brandon. Rotn Bradfliaw. Matthew Svvaine. Will. Wilde. Richard Blounr. Will. Glover. Jofies Shilcock. Johes Corbett. Castle Donning ton. Biacksorby* WilK Parsons. RoBt Browne. Joties Dalvey. Will. Joyce. Ricus Weight. Thomas Foxe, gent. Gilbert Cuxley. John Smitn, gent. Cropson. Geo. Campton. Radus Joyce. Ricus Corbett. Wilr. Ainfworth. Boothorpe-. Ricus Thornton. Hemmington* Rotk Middleton. Henricus French. Radus Allen. John FuKvood. RoBt PaUons. William Beck. Thomas Shotton. Henricus Vinson. Batherm* Joties Cotton. ' Simon WaLuQey. Lokingtoii. fhurkeston. John Bainbridge, esq, Kegworth. Thomas Chawnei'. Ricus Northan. Ricns Palmer. Robert Smith. Lawrence Hartihorne, al* Ricus Boyer. Edfus Hatherby. loc. bfe. Burstall Ewstas Fielding. Gregory Brookesby, gent. Joties Smith. Loughborrow* Swepjien. Robt Jowell. Joftes Di^on. Langley. Dionisius Dudiey. Joties Olderlhaw. Edus Hinkley. Thames Gray, gent. Hundred of EAST GOSCOTT. Alkxton. South Croxton. Cuffington* Rearesby. Doraus Ivlonjoye. Will. Goodard, gent. Joties Webiter. Thomas Watts, cap. const* Loddington, Thomas Allen, gent. Will. Wild. Georgius Noble, gent. East Norton. Robert Pauley, cap. const. Joties Marshall. Georgius Hubbard. Will. Palmer. Robert Reeve. Thomas Miller. Jacobus Oliver, gent, Mathew Piummer. SHeby* William Molefwonh. Tugby. Will. Steevenlon. George Barnard. Will. Gilbert, alloc. bfe, Ricus Browne. Xpoierus-Matt. Hugo King. R^icus Weffon. Rotherby. Gaddejby. Joh'es Gibson. Sampson Wayes, gen. Skejpngton. Henricus Pilkinton, gent. Joties Dawson. Wiltus Musson. Sir John Skeffington, knt. Christopher Black. - Barrow super Sore. Ragdale. Will. Nutt. Will. Beeby. Theophilus Cave, gent. Henry Shirley, baronet, RoBt Allen, alloc. bfe. Johes Dann. Could Newton. alloc. bfe. £>ueniboroughe. Frtfbey super Wreak. Humfridus Stiles, miles. William Love. Georgius Smith, arm. William Lilley. Robert Sharpe, gent. Quenby, Thomas Bennett, gent. Arnoldus Hill. Ricus Steele, als Kitchin. Georg.us Aihby, arm. Will. Thorpe. Robert Barnard. Ricus Sharpe. Hungerton. Thomas Wilkinson, Assordbye. Coates. Henricus Kempe. Sijlon. William Gregory, gent. The Lady Skipwith. Thomas Mason. Nicholas Fletcher. John Morrice. John Clarke. John Pollard. Prestholde. William Humberston. Will. Ratcliffe. Robert Adcock, jun. Sir Henry Skipworth. Thomas Walton. Keyham, Ricus Fukes. Martinus Aller. HOIQH. John Silverwood, Radus Woodcock, gent. Joties Lacer. Joties Burrowes". Thomas Gamble. Thomas Davye. William Lewin. Thomas Rendall. Henry Austin. Thomas Neale. Thomas North. Henry Whitworth. Thomas Reade, gent. Barkely. Thomas Lacye. • Grimjlon. Will. Woodcock. Thomas Stanford, arm. Wymeswould. Sir Francis Jnglefeild. Beeby. Georgius Pochin, arm. Will. Barratt, gent. jun. Thomas Bickerton, arm.' Saxalbye. Barkby Thorpe. William Blount, Nathaniel Needham, Tilton cum Halfted.. Joties Johnson. Thomas Foxe. Mris Nicholls. Hugo Mason. John Franke, Dalby sup. Oulds. Thomas Sheldon, arm, Twiford. Will. Staford, Burton super Oulds. William Tyers, Humberston. Mrs. Ironmonger. Wartnabye. John Reeve. Johes Thiffletwayte, arm. John Kirke, cap. constab. William Noble, gent. John Day. Valentine Bale, arm. Thomas Wildman. John Wartnabye. Ricus Reeve. Thomas Harris, gent, William Henton. William Stokes. Joties Hollowell. alloc. bfe. Joties Fistier. John Pares. William Lowth. Robert Wilson. Walton super Oulds. Wickham et Cawdwell, Thorpe Sachvile. Will. Dawes. Georgius Savage, arm. Christopher Smith. Joh'es Cave, gent. William Noone. Robert Stokes. Ricus Chiffledine. Belgrave. Robert Scarborough. George Belgrave, miles. Seagrave. Dalby Jacombe. Will. Barefby. Joties Tomion. Georgius Dns Berkley, Thomas Offley, arm. Thomas Barfoote. Abraham Cooke. Joties Brittaine. Ratcliffe sup. Wreak. George Willyamfon. Thurmajlon. Arttius Franke. Joties Burbage. William Palmer,, Robert Duckett. Raifus Wells, cap. const. William Kilbey. Barejby, Thomas Wells, gent. Hoby. Andrus Picke. Thomas Wy.at. T'hruffington. The Lady Villars, Ricus Cooke. Thomas Cooper. Johes Davers, arm. Arthus Woodford. Thomas Duckett. William Wells, gent. Asby Folwell. Wiltus Gillson. William Herbert. Will. Gilbert, alloc, bfe. Sir Charles Smith, - » A Surv?y 1.
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