© Kamla-Raj 2016 Anthropologist, 26(1,2): 81-87 (2016) The Migration Landscape of Kazakhstan’s Uyghur: A Historical Perspective Svetlana Kozhirova1, Aygul Sadvokasova2 and Botagoz Rakisheva3 1L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000 2Center for Interethnic and Inter confessional Studies in Central Asian Region, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000 Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3Public Opinion Research Institute, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000 E-mail: 1<[email protected]>, 2<[email protected]>, 3<[email protected]> KEYWORDS China. East Turkestan. Russia. Semirechye. Xinjiang ABSTRACT The research article focuses on the population of Uyghurs, one of the groups whose historical struggle for identification and establishment of their own nationalism intersected with the history of Kazakhstan, especially at the end of the XIX century. Through the analysis of migratory activity of Uyghurs, the authors proceed from the fact that there were migratory stages involved in the resettlement of the Uyghurs. An opinion survey among the Uyghurs of the Kazakhstan-Chinese border-zone is presented in the article. The aim was to determine the number of the Uyghurs and features of its settlement in the Kazakhstan-Chinese border zone. The article specifically attempts to present an account of the history of resettlement of the Uyghur from western China to the territory of Semirechye in Kazakhstan. INTRODUCTION churian troops. The Uyghur state, which existed in East Turkestan, was conquered by Manchuri- Uyghurs are considered to be from the na- an governors of China by 1760. Later, these lands tion of East Turkestan (nowadays a part of the received the Chinese name of “Xinjiang” or “The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) New Territory”. of the People’s Republic of China), also inhabit- Xinjiang in PRC has the highest population ing neighboring countries of Central Asia and of the Uyghurs (8 million). More than 240 thou- Middle East. They are considered to be one of sand Uyghurs are living in Kazakhstan. Over a the most ancient Turkic nationalities of Central period of time they have settled in the border ar- Asia and find mention in the written records of eas of Almaty region in Kazakhstan. In spite of the region since the 3rd century AD. The Uygur the history and present day struggle of the Uy- state was founded in 8th century AD on Orkhon ghurs for autonomy, the Uyghur’s diaspora has River. In 840 this state was defeated by Yenisei not been studied sufficiently yet. Among the most Kyrgyzs. A part of Uyghurs moved to East Turke- well known works on the Uyghurs is that of Ch- stan and the western part of Gansu. A long-term vyr L.A., “Rites and Beliefs of Uyghurs” pub- domination of conquerors and factionalism led lished in Russian. This research is devoted to eth- to the almost annihilation of the Uyghurs. Uy- nographic study of the traditional Uyghur soci- ghurs began to be recognized based upon their ety. The foreign historiography of the Uyghur place of residence kashgarlyk (kashgarets), problem is also represented in D. Gladney’s book, turfanlyk (turfanets), or by their activities of a “Ethnic Identity in China.” “The Making of a taranchi (farmer). The Ili Uyghurs were called Muslim Minority Nationality” by Harcourt Brace taranchi. This name was assigned to the part of and Sean R. Robert’s “The Uyghurs of the Kaza- Uyghurs who moved to the valley of Ili river khstan Borderlands: Migration and the Nation.” mainly from Kashgaria. This was a forcible reset- Within the context of Kazakhstan, some prob- tlement on behest of the Manchur-Chinese ad- lems of the Uyghur diaspora have been deliber- ministration soon after conquering East Turke- ated upon in K. Syroyezhkin’s work on “Myths stan by the Tsin empire in 1759. It served a dual and Reality of Ethnic Separatism in China and purpose, that is, to weaken anti-Tsin moods and Safety in Central Asia” and “Xinjiang: A Big Is- to create new Uyghur settlements, inhabitants sue for China and Kazakhstan.” There is a lack of which were obliged to provide for the Man- of proper contextualized study of modern condi- 82 SVETLANA KOZHIROVA, AYGUL SADVOKASOVA AND BOTAGOZ RAKISHEVA tions of the Uyghurs in Kazakhstan. This article dynasty. The first ‘wave’ of migrations of Uy- is an attempt to address this lacuna regarding ghurs to Central Asia began at the end of the the Uyghurs in the academia. The purpose of XIX century and it is connected with suppres- this article is to document the patterns of migra- sion of a revolt of Dzhakhangir-Kodzha in Kash- tory ties among the Uyghurs of Kazakhstan and gar (1826-1828) by the Tsin government, when China during certain historical periods, distin- groups of Uyghurs-Kashgarets fled to Fergana guishing main stages of resettlement of Uyghurs and Semirechye areas in Central Asia. Accord- in the territory of Kazakhstan, and considering ing to some sources, 85 to 160 thousand Kashg- the current condition of the Uyghurs in border arets moved to the territory of Kokandsky Kha- areas of Kazakhstan and China. nate during the specified period (Valikhanov 1985). However, there are some other sources, Objectives which also refer to earlier settlements of Uyghurs in the territory of Central Asia, in particular Ka- The objective of the present research article zakhstan. A.N. Bernshtam notes the existence of deals with the migratory movements of the Uy- Uyghur settlements in Semirechye in the XV cen- ghurs, which defined the settlement patterns of tury. There is also a mention of the settlement of this ethnic group at the Kazakhstan-Chinese captured Kashgarets near Osh river in the XV border-zone. This research gains significant rel- century (Iskakov et al. 1980). There are historical evance in the present times owing to many prob- facts in the literature testifying that Uyghurs lems relating to the origin of Uyghurs and the lived among the population of Fergana Valley problem of creation and loss of their statehood, dating as far back as the XVI century, that is, which still have not been resolved. long before mass resettlement of Uyghurs in the XVIII-XIX centuries (Geyer 1908). METHODOLOGY The second wave of migration is connected with punitive operations of the Chinese author- General scientific and special methods have ities during the revolt of 1864-1873. During the been applied in various combinations depend- time, state of Yttishar led by Yaqub-bek was de- ing upon the specific objectives for this study. stroyed. Many people who participated actively The article is based upon general historical and in the revolt fled to semirechye. The Tsin gov- sociological methodologies and the primary data ernment deported the surviving relatives and has been collected through fieldwork among the families of revolutionaries who had fled to the Uyghurs in Kazakhstan. Fieldwork methodolo- territory of Russia from Kashgar to Vernensky gy has been primarily followed to give an ethno- and Issykkul. logical account of the Uyghur situation docu- As a result of conclusion of the St. Peters- menting their feelings, motives and attitudes, burg contract on February 12, 1881, 45,373 repre- intentions, which are reflected through their ev- sentatives of Uyghur population migrated Kaza- eryday life. Besides the studying of subjective khstan from the Kuldzhinsky region (Xinjiang) conditions, by using the method of inquiry it is (Baranova 1959). In the summer of 1881, Russian also possible to receive information on objec- authorities declared conditions of the St. Peters- tive phenomena of life of groups, which are not burg contract to residents of the Ili region. Spe- recorded in documentary sources. The article was cial commissions carried out a survey and cen- written based upon data of an opinion poll con- sus from August to December 1881 for the pur- ducted by the Public Opinion Research Institute pose of clarification of the number of persons jointly with the authors of this article among the interested to receive the citizenship of Russia Uyghurs of the Kazakhstan-Chinese border-zone and to move to its territory. It turned out that the focusing on certain issues like interethnic con- number of persons interested in moving were about flicts, change of ethnic borders, problems of eth- 100 thousand people and maximum of them where nic identity and interethnic relations. Uyghurs (11,365 families), Dungans (1,308 families) and all Kazakhs of that area. The amnesty declared OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSION by representatives of Tsin administration to resi- dents of the Ili region slightly reduced the number Having become a part of the Chinese empire, of those migrants. As of February 1882, the lists of Uyghurs repeatedly revolted against the Han migrants included 11,068 Uyghur families. They THE MIGRATION LANDSCAPE OF KAZAKHSTAN’S UYGHUR 83 were mainly Uyghurs-Taranchi. However, settle- losts headed by Volost governors, and volosts ments of Uyghurs-Kashgarlyks with the popula- are subdivided into rural communes headed by tion of more than 6 thousand people in Semirechye rural foremen. With very few exceptions, each in the territory of Vernenskiy, Dzharkentskiy and rural commune of Taranchi forms a separate set- Pishpekskiy districts took place at the same time tlement” (Baratova 1988). (CSARK). The Uyghur population settled in rural areas After migration of Uyghurs to Semirechye, in small community groups and formed a dense five “Taranchi” volosts were formed, which in- network of settlements. The sources testify that corporated all Uyghur population of Southeast they moved by whole villages and each groups Kazakhstan including Dzharkentsko-Taranchin- of migrants, who formed a rural community, was skaya, Aksu-Charynskaya, Malybayskaya, Karam- usually formed either entirely by fellow villagers skaya and Karasuyskaya volosts. In addition, or, if there was too less in numbers, by residents Uyghurs also settled in the territory of Ketmen- of several neighboring settlements.
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