u Qllocr.te Rone Kaplan 3ur iltnce & Senlt- 3d ?/W Hcvor Htnce k Mayor 1 i.. operttor reploce Wm R Sno'i't retrd Mtr.ce&Sanit Bur 1-10-47 Mtnce & Sanlt Bur 9-C-47 7006o Mayor propose reallocate position MTIA Rnrtiinh Into'Vilv flfno ?^:!F^iS^:Jii^^e. 2-10-47 Mtnce 4 Senlt Bur 9-5-4? 700?*' Civil Service req 7 rao aick leav* Itflce4.3anit Dur 3-J.2-47 27381 Lewie Gaiter Htnce LaborerRcfuee C i:-tit:«afi^f»*£t lo.cate Asst Si Mtnce 4 Sanlt Bur 9-^-4? 7067c Civil Service req 7 mo elck lev' Geo Arrington,laborer Refuse Coll i .•'tnee4£onit Bur 3-24,-47 27533 Effective 0-16-47 . req fill position while on sick lv & after„retirement John Tavior Mtnce & Sonit Bur g-ie-lj? 7019? Refuse Collectn Supt-3d P7"-Meyor CS req 7 mo elck lv Sinclair ; Woode Truck oper Refuee CoU Div Mtnce4Sanit Bur 4-7-47 27807 Htnce 4 Sanlt Bur 9-15-4? 7019£ -anil- unu-.:d n/w-Movor CS req 7 mo elck lv John B Lewis Mtnce&Ssnit Bur 4-21-47 27993 Mtncp Lnborer J»n!tjii^nn Pi.ryt^ ~^~ 53^000 Mtnce Bur 9-16-4? 3020? Hayor req employ Elec Pumping Mtnce&Sanit 3ur 4-21-47 27996 ;'lent Oper retire Wra D Sirapson t^orkld-MPp/?^ ei^ereeney overtime Mtnce 4 Sonit Bur 10-1-4? 707qf, Req autii employ Induotrlal V/aste Inap death of Wilbur E Itnce&Sanlt^Bur 4-22-47 28048 Sadler-Mavor Jd f/V/ gt Mtnce Supt req outh ., iltnce 4 Sonit Bur 10-22-4? '^0^^^ employ Frank Kanne retirement-Moyoj ce req 7 mo sick leave Teraple _ur 4-24-47 28063 Thornton Truck Di-iver Req resruvev position Clk Steno Jacqueline i/ood-Mayor Mtnce 4 Senlt Bur IO-27-47 70652' Roq 1 rao alck lv Gad 3 Johneon Iiitnee&Sanit Rur £-^^-47 20185 effective 9-2'-!;7 -CG leq auTn emoIoy^uflrDenter , vac retiremtint C H'HaraicGr-Mayor Mtnce 4's/inlt Bur 11-14-4? 10820 Req 1 rao elck leave H E .Hankln St Mtnce Forraan effective 10-7-4? Malnter.ance&Sanlt Bur 26461 3d p/V/ req auth employ, eqpt Htnce & Sanlt Bur 11-19-4? 70926 Req 1 rao SICK. iv :-uc::r ol Crowley v^mmM^mm:tVt'9m^!aMm rtt-?nf^r.lvfi q-17-47-nivil Service -•Itnce 4 Sunit Bur 12-8-4? 71125 Ovdrtlne H E L'orell Acohcat Plant Forenan 4 J H Greenv/ood Asphalt Mtnce 4 San Bur 6/20/47 28911 Plant Hlxerrann ll-22-47-]-:a -or Req employ 1 Hefuse Coil Supt Mtnce 4 Sanlt Bur l2-l,--47 iipt;i fill position John R Taylor-Mayor 3'^ ?/\l req flll Dosl 5t i'itnce Foren.in vacant death R W Gf..' ^en- Mtnce & Sun Bur 6-25-47 26975 • i''*''.'or req employ mach helper-retlrnt Mtnce &Sanlt Bur 12-19-4? -128i B'r'*nlf I. r:ufl''t-MBirni' Req 1 mo sick/lv Gco K Lontirr-Ro Truck oner Refuse .Coll Dlvsn eff Mtnce & San Bur 6-25-47 26981 II-17-I17 -C5 Consri- req employ mtnce 4 const helper Mtnce 4 Srnit Bur 12-71-4? 7174? CS ebolisn C1.^~DB EntJlneor r-tir-t "- '^ Cru ior - .Vayor Di-ector-Koyor "Mtnce & Santn Bur of 6-26-47-2897] Moyor an? realloe 16 mtnce lahorei & 1 eouicmt ren foreman .^tnco & Santn Dept 6-30-47 29021 B&E req overtime employees ...ayor- arii.ua 1 .r-is.Si. ge 13-/i-5 Refuse and Sflwoj* "ntnc^ Divisions Re conuition 4 t.ffairs i-2-45' of City yr ending ^944 Maintenence&Sanitatn Bur 29154 Establish 2 nev/ classes Asst Mayor 1-10-45 18995 , Mo roc omend Chor incr sal also Ht7cT&~Sanlt' '7-21-47* 2929S Councilraen Atty & Cont-J C Holland Reallocate from class Machinist Mayor 1-11-45 19004 Invite CouncUmen attend receptn group corabat veterana mess prod froi M&yor 19661 Message re alraort & 4-11-45 instruct ntty file eondemnation proeeealngs accuire property r.Qvor 5-31-45 29046 Gonls Puttor, k Doolittlo viait • City 6/9-IO/45 iiustin omitd^rop itnce U Senlt Jur --i-S-li? 29=;69 Council 4 obproD ontortEiiiuat exo Mfyor req enpioy 4 reallocate iijyor 7-9-45 20339 g^nge^tborer Refuse Coll Div- Roq omp experts make survoy transportatn problem of City Mayor- Apptrats 7-9-'^5 20356'?^ ?iayor 3-19-46 22718 "^ Subrait as required by Char & meet Metro area ica-yors & officieJ rensnns for not r'^appt^ I'nr-I ons :j-20-46 -2? re additional revenue mombors Millroy A Ahderson-Fire 15883 Mayor>.>^'..' 3-26-46 22305 Clifton S Snnpson-Harbor l8l29 Pasa-San Gabriel Labor Union prot• forbid -police officers union Frank Gillolcn-BPW 1506? Mayor 4-3-46 22637 Davenport roaol-req Army Air Forct> ask J Roden flight Swoosa frm Ariz Mayor 4-5-46 22951 Bd Super resol amend Bldg Code to stop black market in Bldg Mayor Fletcher Bowron 2O652 materials uouncii extended 8-13-45 i.ioyor 4-2.1-46 231.76. congratulations on birthday ^ B-13-45 - President of CouncU anpr ParL CoD.aa v/idon Vernont frn Mayor •• •- 19996 LOR Feliz tn £ line GrSff-ifi Pftrk Rec remove uniforraed l,.oyor 4-24-46 23190 • Orcinance 39,100 I..-r.^c 1—:-:! ...J re ^oute cor.r.t,-ct L*~-..'-jr 1 n-" • tq QO ll" :n"ii'»u ^0 "a Mayor 8-20-45 20667 Req conf all Councllraon 8-21-45 Mayor 5-10-46 23412 discuss trans survey-harbor invest Peoples Lobby oppose reconmendat;iOL I -tyor • 20867 - weipe raiso for empl^L A Transit Co -Huq approve Le'//is j.rnold 9-II-45 i-s rep of City to make app.L for g (Moyor 5-15-46 • 23484 j •State fund.s Tor niibilf ivk.'-, ni-nl.3^t: R/'.'/ escure ded St & s/wlk-Verdugo Rd bet Sagamore l.^ay 4 'wawona-$4420. I'avor 9-17-45 • 20906 i^ayor 5-22-46 23582 '^ & tuxicab 4 bus zones comiotfth i-ru.nsoortation s'lrvov • req ord permit park H-3 sts Cent nrea !^0 dfis nr nnt.il gt. CT." rpgnmo tla yor 10-30-45 2il65 Req use Council Charaber 10-31-45 Mayor iiu.t '5-29-46 23556 9:30 AM ceremony Rios if it rains ' Gen Mgr Civil Ssr as train Coord lis-yor ' • 21598 ' for citv 4 enpl 2 Personnel Tech Attend conf American Mun II-8-45 Assn in •'•.icago 11-15/16/17 4 ' iJavor ' • 6-11--15 '23307 Aviation Clinic-Oklalioma City Harby .^csoL-uuthor Juns 14 Flag Tipy »t, Violidn" r.nmplv ' n t.'n Cnvnrnor • t^ayor ^ 11-15-45 21452 Rac endprse San Francisco perraa- Mayor 6-19-46 23905 nont site United Nations organizatn - Austin Mo 4 Fire Comsn rpt-Atty oren ord elim. frm "Mnitntain '^ist*! ' ila yor ll-lS--'^^ 21458 2 areas:S of Ventura wstly Laurel Hec uity present ship'p niiver Canyon nly Sunset to Bestor bet sorvico for 'Jr-aisor LO? Angeles Chetuaqua 4 Via de la Paz. Mayor ' 21743 Req amend Oru 76,^^,2 i^-ig./^ Mayor 7-1-46 24064 enlarge auth executf; "lnstrue^ents- ' City Eng Ord v//draw frn pub use Bd o.r Pensions . Crater Lane k Sandal Lane ifcyor 12-26-45. 21784 Mayor ' 7-5-46 24107 , Invite Counciiimen f«ttend annual diaapprv F.V for crossing PE RR m ^ Open "ouse 12-31-45 12 to 3 PM Brand Blvd at Arleta 4 Sharp Mayor l-P-46 21838 •or' 7-25-46 24306 I Annuel message le propose anend streets 4 highways code for City receive SIO oer bond for each st inp_ Mayor 1-23-46 22073 Mayor ' 7-25-46"' 24290 Carl H Chatters meet council 1-31 Proposed Ord.Health Coasn Increast, & 2-1 "'/.liere Cities Got Their Money frut4 Veg permits-identification M.ayor 1-30-46 22149 req members council to aee Mayor ' Kayor 7-26-46 24282 after ad,loum today y ' Req araend Municipal code prohibit ^ truck loading Olive St.bet 4th4Bth I.'.ayor 2-5-46 22190 7-29-46 24375 I reccnn adopt amond of ordinance Req acq 486_acre9 Rancho Provldei -•ri A *«. 1»* o+•••.,rt*- nQ-—^*y' ^•*' o'*'"'* '•'^ t-037 ' 'Mayor 1988^ Message re charges to 2-15-46 (Vavor " ' S-29-46 24824 fieq $20,000 to aid veterans hp made for Receivinc Hospital ca«, housing problem in Los Angeles City ~ ::ayor 2-28-46 22471 Mavor 8-29-46 24325 3d ; ub ..ks-Jng advise United Rex Req Atty intervene for City in • Tlpn/TO yajnnyj^n n.^ ^ ^ry^-^i r>\' J,f'CiG'"G'"" "' ease Civil Aeronautics Bd - alr I freieht - Alroort &c Mayor-Veto iiessagc 3-7-*i-6 153^7 Ro payroll deductions— l86l9-" t.:Gyorrnrrn-r_ 9-4-46 24658 oppoco deductions for L 'A Police 11,^1- ri+-v Attv. oreparf Hr.ployeoG Union 19108 2044-9 9-6-46 ...ayor 3-13-4C 22634 api^r -'li--r.'? ;,:o rc-'lor uonQc atnd VjiyoT .?.--3-46 ront rtlf'rrn*- (-Iff. ^„„„„„„„.t.Q "-it^ \ Mayor 1-2-47 , 26^ 4 < Hesol Council thank work done^ arouse public to traffic saret; Davenport S J Mayor 9-12-46 24981 X'nvn-p 1-2-47 Reo amend municipal code lirait period refuse place for collection -Mayor 9-16-46 24990 ' Req R/W land negotiate Martin Bros 8£^^4iBg^inanca C.
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