LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 18 November 6, 2016 Your Neighborhood — Your News® MP Trick-or- Treat victims RECKLESS KIDS remembered BY ARTHUR CUSANO While hundreds of children dressed in colorful Halloween costumes scurried up and down Morris Park Avenue Monday af- ternoon, a small group of mostly RIDING BIKES black-clad mourners stood silent at the corner of Bogart Avenue. The group had gathered to re- member three people killed a year Residents ask to put brakes ago in a freak auto accident. At just before 5 p.m. on Octo- ber 31, 2015, a driver jumped the on pre-teen brats curb at 939 Morris Park Avenue and struck and killed 10-year-old BY ROBERT WIRSING pre-teen boys intimidated her Nyanna Aquil and her 65-year-old Throggs Neck residents are by riding their bikes around grandfather Louis Perez, as well as asking the 45th Precinct to put her. 24-year-old Albanian immigrant the brakes on a group of unruly “I said to them, ‘You could Kristjan Leka. pre-teen bicyclists. have killed someone. What’s Aquil’s three-year-old sister On Thursday, October 13, the matter with you’,” she re- was also injured. Leka was able to Linda Perry was driving to called. push his nine-year-old sister out of Throggs Neck Pharmacy to pick Perry claimed one of the the way, and she suffered just mi- up medicine for her 80-year-old boys allegedly gave her the nor injuries. mother when a boy riding a bi- middle fi nger and made sexu- His fi ancé was also injured. cycle without a helmet cut in ally explicit remarks following Another of Aquil’s younger sisters front of her car causing her to her question. was pushed to safety by the grand- jam on the brakes. “These boys have been rid- father just before the impact. When she exited the vehicle ing their bicycles in the mid- On Monday, members of the vic- at the corner of Lafayette and dle of East Tremont Avenue tim’s families spoke of the losses East Tremont avenues, four Continued on Page 4 they endured a year ago. They also planted three fl owers at the scene in the victims’ memory. “This pain that you’re go- Housing, jobs to replace ing though is one that we share with all of you,” said Assembly- man Mark Gjonaj, who hosted the Spofford Detention Center event. The accident occurred right outside of Gjonaj’s offi ce. Natalia Perez, Aquil’s mother BY ROBERT CHRISTIE The Peninsula will also include and Perez’s daughter, said she and After years of wondering what 52,000 square feet of open recre- her family had been through a would happen to the old Spofford ational space, 21,000 square feet of lot, but urged people not to cry for Throggs Neck Halloween Juvenile Detention Center prop- ground fl oor retail and commercial them. erty, the NYC Economic Develop- space, 48,000 square feet of commu- “My daughter and my dad have Ghosts and ghouls of all ages had a scary good time celebrating the Hal- ment Corporation and the NYC nity facility space and 49,000 square helped us get through a lot of our loween season at the 33rd annual Throggs Neck Halloween Parade and Department of Housing Preserva- feet of light industrial space. days, and Kristjan as well, and I Costume Contest on Saturday, October 29. Spirits were high at the neigh- tion and Development announced In addition, the project is ex- know they are smiling down on us borhood spooktacular sponsored by Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, on Thursday, October 27 the prop- pected to create 177 permanent jobs standing here and remembering Councilman James Vacca, Senator Jeff Klein and Congressman Joseph erty’s fate. and 1,600 temporary construction them,” Perez said. The Peninsula, a campus which jobs. While Perez called the fatal Crowley which featured a parade, carnival and a costume contest. As- will include 740 units of affordable “With over 700 affordable apart- accident a horrible tragedy that semblyman Benedetto (r) congratulated third place eight to ten-years-old housing, will replace the former de- ments, space for community orga- never should have happened, she costume contest winner Ashley Santiago on her imaginative costume. See tention center. nizations and light manufacturing more photos on pages 8 and 9. Photo by Silvio Pacifi co Continued on Page 4 According to EDC press release, Continued on Page 1 A CNG Publication • Vol. 675 No. No. 45 5 • Vol. 67 No. 5 UPDATEDUPDATEDUPDATED EVERYEVERY EVERY DAYDAY DAY ATAT AT BXTIMES.COMBXTIMES.COM BXTIMES.COM Borough electeds to Apple: Open a Bronx retail location BY PATRICK ROCCHIO reports. ing an Apple retail location in “The demand is there; there Bronx elected officials are Assembly Speaker Carl the borough would ensure that is no question about it,” he said calling on Apple Incorporated, Heastie penned his own letter to the borough’s growing popula- “It would be a good thing for the maker of the devices that many Apple, Inc. on the matter. tion has access to Apple’s “world Bronx and it would be good pub- feel they cannot live without, to “Few brands are as recog- renowned products and ser- licity for Apple too – it wouldn’t open a retail location in the bor- nized and admired as Apple,” vices.” hurt.” ough. stated the letter. “It is time for “Over the past few years, the Marlene Cintron, Bronx Apple’s futuristic retail the Bronx to get its bite of the Bronx has seen billions of dol- Overall Economic Development BRONX WEEKLY November 6, 2016 2 NovemberBRONX WEEKLY 6, 2016 stores, complete with customer Apple!” lars in development and offers Corporation president, said she support for on-the-spot-trouble- That letter points out that numerous potential retail lo- believes that it would simply shooting, have opened in many an Apple Store in the borough cations for continued growth,” make good business sense for places, but not in the borough. would be yet another signal that said Heastie. “A Bronx location Apple to site a retail store in the Local elected officials here, the Bronx is ‘open for business.’ would undoubtedly prove to be borough, and believes this has including Borough President “Tens of thousands of Bronx beneficial for both Apple and so far been a missed business Ruben Diaz Jr., recently signed residents are already Apple cus- one and half million eager con- opportunity for the borough. a letter to Tim Cook, Apple’s tomers, so a new Apple store sumers here in the Bronx.” “Businesses that come to the CEO, urging the computing right here in the Bronx would Bronx Chamber of Commerce Bronx have been rewarded time juggernaut that makes smart be a perfect fit for this borough,” CEO Nunzio del Greco said that and time again; we are a bor- phones, tablet computers and stated Diaz. “I am hopeful that he was aware that the elected of- ough of 1.4 million people and laptops and desktops to consider Apple will consider our request, ficials had reached out to Apple we are the youngest borough out the borough for an Apple retail as a Bronx location would be mu- and supported the effort. of the five,” said Cintron. “Who “Tens of thousands of Bronx resi- location. tually beneficial not only to the He said having an Apple store uses Apple products more than dents are already Apple customers, Apple is the largest company company, but to the thousands here would confer prestige on our demographic?” so a new Apple Store right here in The in the world in terms of market of Bronxites who would take ad- the borough. An Apple spokeswoman did Bronx would be a perfect fi t for this capitalization, the total amount vantage of its services closer to Del Greco said that he sees not comment, adding that the borough.” - of a company’s outstanding home.” many people using its devices, company does not discuss fu- Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.. www.BXTimes.com shares, according to published Heastie stated that the hav- including iPhone and iPads. ture plans Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans www.BXTimes.com or low cost Plan premiums • Dental, vision and hearing $0 Doctor visits • Transportation Generic drugs • Over-the-counter pre-paid cards • Fitness center membership We’re here for your call. Contact us for eligibility and enrollment Toll Free 1.866.586.8044 [email protected] | agewellnewyork.com TTY/TDD 1.800.662.1220 AgeWell New York, LLC is a HMO plan with a Medicare contract and a Coordination of Benefits Agreement with New York State Department of Health. 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