APPENDIX 1: SPECIFIC COUNTRY/COMMODITY REQUIREMENTS General requirements All consignments of fresh cut flowers/foliage must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate attesting that the consignment has been inspected and/or tested in accordance with appropriate official procedures and is considered to be free from quarantine pests specified by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). The phytosanitary certificate must also attest that the consignment conforms with the current phytosanitary requirements of MPI. The following additional declaration to the phytosanitary certificate applies: {AD1} This is to certify that the cut flowers/foliage described herein have been inspected and/or tested according to appropriate official procedures and are considered to be free from the quarantine pests specified by MPI and to conform with the current phytosanitary requirements of MPI, including those for regulated non-quarantine pests. Note: If the phytosanitary certificate is in accordance with the model phytosanitary certificate annexed to the revised (1997) text of the FAO IPPC the above additional declaration is not required. Specific requirements Where the plant material is propagable (as shown in relevant country:commodity schedules) the material must be subject to an appropriate devitalisation treatment rendering the material non-propagable. The following additional declaration to the phytosanitary certificate will apply. {AD2} The [commodity] has been subject to an approved devitalisation treatment rendering it non-propagable. Full details of the devitalisation treatment must be included in the “Disinfestation and/or Disinfection Treatment” area of the phytosanitary certificate. Details of the date, active ingredient, concentration, treatment duration and temperature must be recorded. Where plant material has been produced and prepared for export in accordance with the Singapore Assurance Certification Scheme: {AD3} This consignment was produced and prepared for export in accordance with the Singapore Assurance Certification Scheme. Refer to specific country:commodity schedule for details of any further additional declarations that may be necessary. MPI Standard 155.02.04: Import Health Standard For Cut Flowers and Foliage 17 July 2015 version 1 APPENDIX 1 Specific Requirements: Cut Flowers from Australia Scientific Name Common Name Propagable General ADs Specific ADs Achillea spp. bunches of daises Y AD1 AD2 Aconitum napellus wolfs bane N AD1 Actinodium swamp daisy Y AD1 AD2 cunninghamii Actinotus helianthi flannel flower Y AD1 AD2 Adenanthos obovatus basket flower Y AD1 AD2 Agapanthus africanus african lily N AD1 Ageratum loustonianum ageratum N AD1 Aglaonema spp. Chinese evergreen Y AD1 AD2 Agonis flexuosa willow myrtle N AD1 Allium giganteum Giant allium N AD1 Alpinia spp. ginger-lily N AD1 Alstroemeria spp. alstroemeria N AD1 Amaranthus spp. amaranth N AD1 Amaryllis spp. amaryllis N AD1 Ammi majus Queen Anne's lace Y AD1 AD2 Ananas bracteatus mini pineapple N AD1 Anigozanthos spp. kangaroo paw N AD1 Anthurium andraeanum tail flower N AD1 Antirrhinum spp. snapdragon N AD1 Arachniodes spp. leather fern N AD1 Asclepia spp. milkweed Y AD1 AD2 Astartea fascicularis Fascicularis N AD1 myrtle Astartea heteranthera Heteranthera N AD1 myrtle Aster spp. aster Y AD1 AD2 Bacckea spp. camphor myrtle N AD1 Banksia ashbyi ashby's banksia N AD1 Banksia attenuata slender banksia N AD1 Banksia baxteri bird's nest banksia N AD1 Banksia burdetti burdett's banksia N AD1 Banksia coccinea scarlet banksia N AD1 Banksia ericifola heath banksia N AD1 Banksia grandis giant banskia/bull N AD1 bankisa Banksia hookerana hooker's banksia N AD1 Banksia menziesii menzies banksia N AD1 Banksia occidentalis red swamp banksia N AD1 Banksia praemorsa cut leaf banksia N AD1 MPI Standard 155.02.04: Import Health Standard For Cut Flowers and Foliage 17 July 2015 version 2 APPENDIX 1 Specific Requirements: Cut Flowers from Australia Banksia prionotes acorn banksia N AD1 Banksia quercifolia oak leaved banksia N AD1 Banksia sceptrum sceptre banksia N AD1 Banksia speciosa showy banksia N AD1 Banksia spinulosa hairpin banksia N AD1 Beaufortia sparsa red bottlebrush Y AD1 AD2 Berzelia spp. N AD1 Blandfordia grandiflora Christmas bells N AD1 Boronia spp. boronia Y AD1 AD2 Bouvardia spp. bouvardia Y AD1 AD2 Bowenia serrulata byfield fern N AD1 Brodiaea laxa brodiaea N AD1 Brunia spp. Brunia N AD1 Bupleurum spp. balloon pods Y AD1 AD2 Calathea insignis N AD1 Calathea sereina N AD1 Callistemon speciosus albany bottle Y AD1 AD2 brush Calocephalus francisii button daisy Y AD1 AD2 Campanula spp. bellflower Y AD1 AD2 Cassia fistula golden rain N AD1 Cassinia aureanitens Y AD1 AD2 Caustis blakei koala fern N AD1 Celosia argentea celosia N AD1 Ceratopetalum spp. festival bush N AD1 Chamelaucium axillare esperance U AD1 waxflower Chamelaucium ciliatum stirling wax U AD1 Chamelaucium walpole wax U AD1 floriferum Chamelaucium Geraldton U AD1 uncinatum waxflower Chrysanthemum spp. chrysanthemum Y AD1 AD2 Cirsium japonicum Japanese thistle N AD1 Clarkia spp. farewell to spring N AD1 Coccoloba spp. raisin de mer Y AD1 AD2 Codiaeum spp. variegated laurel, N AD1 croton Conospermum amoenum blue smokebush Y AD1 AD2 MPI Standard 155.02.04: Import Health Standard For Cut Flowers and Foliage 17 July 2015 version 3 3 APPENDIX 1 Specific Requirements: Cut Flowers from Australia Conospermum tassel smoke Y AD1 AD2 crassinervium Conospermum dorrienii stirling smokebush Y AD1 AD2 Conospermum huegelii smoke bush Y AD1 AD2 Conospermum incurvum plume smokebush Y AD1 AD2 Conospermum common Y AD1 AD2 stoechadis smokebush Conospermum tree smokebush Y AD1 AD2 triplinervium Convallaria majalis lily of valley N AD1 Costus spicatus spiral flag N AD1 Craspedia glauca billy buttons N AD1 Craspedia globosa N AD1 Crowea augustifolia crowea N AD1 Crowea exalata exalata pink/exalata N AD1 white Crowea saligna lanceleaf crowea N AD1 Cryptandra scortechinii cotton bush Y AD1 AD2 Curcuma alismatifolia hidden lily/siam N AD1 tulip Curcuma petiolata Thailand lily N AD1 Cycas spp. cycas N AD1 Cymbidium spp. orchid N AD1 Davallia spp. fern N AD1 AD2 Daviesia cordata bookleaf N AD1 Dasypogon saviour grass N AD1 bromeliisolias Delphinium spp. delphinium N AD1 Dendranthema spp. autumn-flowering Y AD1 AD2 chrysanthemum Dendrobium spp. orchids N AD1 Dianthus spp. carnations Y AD1 AD2 Dieffenbachia spp. dumb cane Y AD1 AD2 Dioscorea discolor ornamental yam Y AD1 AD2 Dodonaea lobulata hopbush Y AD1 AD2 Doryanthes excelsa gymea lily N AD1 Dryandra cuneata wedge leaf N AD1 dryandra Dryandra formosa showy dryandra N AD1 Dryandra nobilis golden dryandra N AD1 Dryandra patens wandoo dryandra N AD1 MPI Standard 155.02.04: Import Health Standard For Cut Flowers and Foliage 17 July 2015 version 4 APPENDIX 1 Specific Requirements: Cut Flowers from Australia Dryandra polycephala many headed N AD1 dryandra Dryandra proteoides king dryandra N AD1 Dryandra quercifolia oak dryandra N AD1 Echinops spp. globe thistle N AD1 except Echinops Prohibited ruthencius Equisetum spp. horsetail Y AD1 AD2 except Equisetum Prohibited arvense except Equisetum hyemale Eremurus spp. desert candle N AD1 Erica spp. heath Y AD1 AD2 except Erica lusitanica Prohibited Eriostemon spp. waxflower Y AD1 AD2 Eryngium spp. sea holly N AD1 Euphorbia spp. milkweed N AD1 except Euphorbia esula Prohibited Eustoma spp. lisianthus N AD1 Freesia spp. fressia N AD1 Gahnia rifida twine bush N AD1 Gahnia sieberiana saw sedge Y AD1 AD2 Gaultheria spp. salal N AD1 Gentiana spp. gentian N AD1 Gerbera spp. Transvaal daisy N AD1 Gladiolus spp. gladioli N AD1 Globba spp. globba Y AD1 AD2 Gloriosa superba Gloriosa lily N AD1 Grevillea spp. spider flower Y AD1 AD2 Gypsophila paniculata baby's breath Y AD1 AD2 Hakea cucullata cup leaf hakea Y AD1 AD2 Helichrysum everlasting Y AD1 AD2 diosmaefolium Heliconia spp. false bird of paradise N AD1 Helleborus spp. hellebore N AD1 Hippeastrum spp. amaryliss N AD1 Hybanthus floribundus shrub biolet Y AD1 AD2 Hypocalymma pink ice Y AD1 AD2 robustum Hypocalymma spp. Y AD1 AD2 MPI Standard 155.02.04: Import Health Standard For Cut Flowers and Foliage 17 July 2015 version 5 5 APPENDIX 1 Specific Requirements: Cut Flowers from Australia Iris spp. iris N AD1 except Iris foetidissima Prohibited except Iris pseudocorus Prohibited Isopogon spp. drumsticks Y AD1 AD2 Ixia spp. African corn lily N AD1 Ixodia achilleoides South Australian Y AD1 AD2 daisy Kunzea ericifolia kunzea Y AD1 AD2 Lathyrus sp. vetchling N AD1 Leptocarpus tenax seeded rush Y AD1 AD2 Leucadendron spp. N AD1 Leucopogon pulchellus bearded heath Y AD1 AD2 Leucopogon verticillatus tassle flower Y AD1 AD2 Leucospermum spp. N AD1 Liatris spp. blazing star N AD1 Lilium spp. lily Y AD1 AD2 Limonium spp. statice N AD1 Lomatia silaifolia crinkle bush Y AD1 AD2 Lycopodium cernuum coral fern N AD1 Macropidia fuliginosa black kangaroo paw N AD1 Macrozamia reidlei zamia spine N AD1 Matthiola spp. stock Y AD1 AD2 Melaleuca spp. bottlebrush Y AD1 AD2 Micromyrtus ciliata fringed heath N AD1 myrtle Moluccella laevis bells-of-Ireland N AD1 Monstera deliciosa fruit-salad plant Y AD1 AD2 Musa decora banana N AD1 Myrica cerifera myrtle Y AD1 AD2 Myrica gale myrtle Y AD1 AD2 Myrica nagi myrtle Y AD1 AD2 Myrica pensylvanica myrtle Y AD1 AD2 Myrica rubia myrtle Y AD1 AD2 Narcissus spp. daffodil N AD1 Nerine spp. nerine N AD1 Nigella damascena love-in-a-mist N AD1 Nigella orientalis nigella N AD1 Nymphaea spp. tropical water lily N AD1 Oncidium spp. orchids N AD1 Ornithogalum thyrsoides star-of-Bethlehem N AD1 Paeonia spp. peony N AD1 MPI Standard 155.02.04: Import Health Standard For Cut Flowers and Foliage 17 July 2015 version 6 APPENDIX 1 Specific Requirements: Cut Flowers from Australia Pandanus spp. screw pine N AD1 Paphiopedilum spp. slipper orchid N AD1 Persoonia longifolia cherry bush N AD1 Persoonia saccata geebung N AD1 Petrophile spp. pixie mops N AD1 Phalaenopsis spp. moth orchid N AD1 Philodendron selloum N AD1 Phoenix spp. phoenix leaf N AD1 Phylica plumosa green phylica Y AD1 AD2 Physostegia spp.
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