SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Number 193: October 31, 2011 Washington, DC The Eastern Orthodox Churches Your Beatitude – indeed, not for the first N 22 OCTOBER 2011, THE GREAT time this year! – regarding similar trage- ARCHIMANDRITE OF THE ECUMENI- dies confronting our beloved and pious CAL THRONE, ATHENAGOROS CUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOL- O Coptic Christian brothers and sisters under CELEBRATED THE DIVINE LITURGY AT THE OMEW MET WITH UKRAINIAN PRESI- your spiritual and pastoral protection in PATRIARCHAL CHURCH OF ST. GEORGE DENT VICTOR YANUKOVYCH IN E Egypt. THE VICTORIOUS IN THE PHANAR TO MARK KARYES, THE ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER OF Upon hearing this painful news dur- THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ELECTION MOUNT ATHOS, GREECE, ON 7 OCTOBER ing our recent visit to the Holy Mountain, AND ENTHRONEMENT OF PATRIARCH AFTER A BUSINESS FORUM IN THESSA- we hastened to invoke the intercession of BARTHOLOMEW OF CONSTANTINOPLE. LONIKA. The Ukrainian presidential web site does not report about this meeting. the numerous saints who have led ascetic Praying at the festive divine service According to portal-credo.ru, at the lives in that monastic republic and to urge were His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew meeting with the Patriarch, President the ongoing prayers of the monks who of Constantinople; His Holiness and Beat- Yanukovych spoke about good relations currently reside there. itude Catholic-Patriarch Iliya II of All between Ukraine and the Ecumenical Pa- The remarkable and turbulent chang- Georgia; His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of triarchate. According to him, Ukraine puts es experienced by your entire historical Serbia; His Beatitude Archbishop Anasta- great hopes in the preparation of the Pan- continent and especially your biblical na- sios of Tirana and All Albania; hierarchs, Orthodox Council and expects that its tion in recent times have proved both en- clerics and laymen from the Local Ortho- decisions will have positive consequences couraging and costly. Nevertheless, the dox Churches. for the Ukrainian Church. difficult and complicated transition in the The Russian Orthodox Church was In his turn, the Patriarch of Constan- life of all citizens of Egypt can never and represented by Archbishop Justinian of tinople stated that he views the relations should never provide any pretext or ex- Naro-Fominsk, administrator of the Patri- of his cathedra with the Ukrainian Church cuse for acts of violence toward any tar- archal parishes in the USA. as relations between the “Mother-Church” geted individuals or groups, including and Metropolitan Constantine of Nicea and “amiable daughter.” especially religious communities or politi- was the first to greet His Holiness Patri- Patriarch Bartholomew also ex- cal factions. arch Bartholomew on behalf of hierarchs, pressed concern over the Church schisms It is, therefore, in the strongest possi- clergymen and laymen. in Ukraine. “The Mother Church is sad ble expression of solidarity and condo- Archbishop Justinian of Naro- and concerned about the sufferings of its lence that we deplore the unacceptable Fominsk read out the congratulatory ad- children in that country,” said Patriarch persecution and unjustifiable execution of dress of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Bartholomew about the Church situation all humble and law-abiding citizens, par- Moscow and All Russia and handed Patri- in Ukraine and noted that he intends to ticularly belonging to Christian or other arch Bartholomew the inscribed panagia visit the country. faith minorities, whether in Egypt or in the as a gift. If I am considered worthy to visit entire Middle East. The Primate of the Church of Con- Ukraine again in answer to the kind pro- The struggle for peace and democra- stantinople thanked all those who ad- posal of the President, it will be done to cy can never come at the expense of reli- dressed him for their warm wishes and strengthen the relations between it and the gious liberty and human rights. noted that August 13 marked the 50th mother Church and to let the Mother Finally, Your Beatitude, we would anniversary of his ordination as deacon, Church help to eliminate the schisms like to assure you and your faithful that we recalled his studies at the Halki Theologi- which unfortunately still exist within the always stand prayerfully beside you as we cal School and its significance for his en- Ukrainian Orthodoxy,” added Patriarch continue to journey on the difficult paths tire life. Bartholomew. – RISU, Oct. 11. of our respective Churches. May God give Lunch was given at the Beity Restau- rest to the souls of the departed and rant in honor of all the guests. strength to the families that survive them. That same day in the evening a fes- At the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the tive reception was given in the Hilton Ho- CUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOL- 17th day of October 2011. Your Beati- tel in honor of His Holiness Patriarch Ir- OMEW SENT THIS LETTER TO COPTIC tude’s beloved brother in Christ, inej of Serbia who is paying an official PATRIARCH POPE SHENOUDA III E + BARTHOLOMEW, Archbishop of visit to the Orthodox Church of Constan- REGARDING THE TRAGIC ATTACK ON Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumeni- tinople. – Press Release, Moscow Patriar- COPTIC FAITHFUL ON OCTOBER 9: It is with heavy heart and wholeheart- cal Patriarch – Website of the Ecumenical chate, Oct. 23. ed sympathy that we communicate with Patriarchate, Oct. 17. IS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP With regard to the resignation of Met- Archdiocesan Council Vice-Chairman DEMETRIOS OF AMERICA MET ropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh, due to Michael Jaharis, St. Nicholas Parish Pres- H YESTERDAY WITH THE CONSIS- health reasons, the Synod expressed its ident John Couloukoundis and Port Au- TORY OF THE AMERICAN CARPATHO- deep gratitude and wholeheartedly recog- thority Executive Director Chris Ward. RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE of the nized his most precious and lengthy offer- Archbishop Demetrios, Governor Cuomo Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Archdio- ing to the Church, especially his decisive and NYS Senate Majority Leader Dean cese Headquarters in New York City. The contribution to the meetings and decisions Skelos signed as the formal witnesses to Consistory requested the meeting from the of the Holy Eparchial Synod. the agreement. Archbishop who is the Locum Tenens for The Synod then proceeded with the Archbishop Demetrios expressed the Diocese since the passing of the late formulation of the triprosopo –a three- particular praise for Governor Cuomo and Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos earlier person list, for the filling of the vacant said, “We are grateful to our esteemed this year. Following the meeting, the Con- seat of the Holy Metropolis of Pittsburgh, Governor and precious friend Andrew sistory attended a luncheon hosted by the to be submitted to the Holy and Sacred Cuomo for bringing to reality the dream Archbishop. Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, we have nourished for ten long years. St. This meeting is the second of its kind which will then elect the new Metropoli- Nicholas Church, rising again with the since the repose of the late Metropolitan. tan who will succeed the most worthy help of God at Ground Zero - where it Among the items for discussion were the former Metropolitan of Pittsburgh Maxi- stood spiritually important for 85 years, is following: the search for a new presiding mos. an affirmation of the significance of reli- bishop for the Diocese, administrative Further, the Synod worked on the gious freedom and experience for all New issues affecting various parishes, and rep- English translation of the original Greek Yorkers and all Americans. The covenant resentation of the Diocese at the celebra- text of the Divine Liturgy and approved stands firm. We will again light many tions at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the English translation of the hymn Christ candles in the new St. Nicholas Church honor of His All Holiness Ecumenical is Risen to be used by the parishes of the and remember those who were lost to us, Patriarch Bartholomew’s 20th Anniver- Holy Archdiocese. Issues of a pastoral and those heroes who so nobly sacrificed sary of election and enthronement as nature and the administration of the Sac- their lives. Our pledge is to be a witness Ecumenical Patriarch. Archbishop Deme- raments were also discussed. for all New Yorkers, that freedom of con- trios offered thanks to the Consistory for The Synod reviewed and approved a science and the fundamental human right their offering of stable, decisive steward- recent list of clergymen eligible for epis- of free religious expression will always ship during this season of “widowhood” copacy, and discussed general issues relat- shine forth in the resurrected St. Nicholas of the Diocese. The Archbishop also of- ing to clergy, and the ordination especially Church.” The Archbishop also expressed fered a substantial contribution to the two of new clerics, as well as issues with re- deep appreciation to Michael Jaharis and Carpatho-Russian parishes affected by the spect to the administration of parishes and Dennis Mehiel and the other members of recent floods in New Jersey. For their the Holy Archdiocese in general. the joint committee who had labored so part, the clergy of the Consistory ex- Finally, a discussion took place on the diligently to accomplish this historic pressed their gratitude to the Archbishop fruitful cooperation between the Synod agreement. for his leadership, generosity and pastoral and the Hellenic College/Holy Cross Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said, care for the Diocese. – Press Release, Greek Orthodox School of Theology, the “We lost St. Nicholas Church in the de- Greek Archdiocese, Oct. 5. Assembly of all Canonical Orthodox struction of September 11 and for too long Bishops, the special educational program its future has been uncertain. Rebuilding HE HOLY EPARCHIAL SYNOD OF THE for Deacons, the forthcoming Clergy- St. Nicholas Church, with a nondenomina- HOLY GREEK ORTHODOX ARCH- Laity Congress, and issues of pastoral care tional bereavement center, is not just good T DIOCESE OF AMERICA CONVENED of clergy and laity.
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