A Record of Official Continuous News Service U~ndergraduate News Organ for 43 Yeanrs of Technology -sl II I I I I I -s-l L III III -- I I II I I-lp-Il I -rI --- I III- I- IVol. XLIV9 No. 68 CAMBRIDGE, MABSS., WEDNESIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1925 Five Cents I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I -- - --- ITECHNOLOGY REVIIEWV IS II ISHOaW CANDIDATES MNUSICIANS BUSY OaF SIPECIAL INTEREST President Stratton ADVISORY COUNCIL i WILL GIV~E SKITS WITH MANMY Still alt WBashington I PLANS PASSES NEW7 RULE TIhe Januaryr\ is-sue: ol thLe Technology? No plaus~for thec return of Precsi- BEEFORE "MASAQQUE" Plcview. IFOR SECOND TERMU ,-hich w~ill ap~pear tomor-row, denit S. W~. Strattonl at preen~lt con- FOR COM4PETITION) is ol spe~cial historic interest in that it valescin- at ihie hc~mlic of Dr. Containis a ston, about the reccnt E~ast- NN".G.. Ewerybody Invited to Attend I Pedomneter To Decide the Lucky 111llagift. In1 honor of the dlonor ot i;Council Feels That HolQoders of Presentation Tonight In this gLift his p~ortrait appear, as frontis- Guesser at Annual Winter annlouncedd a,, vet. A lectter received plecec ot the i-,sue. Tlie fact that R\. Degrees Should Not Be NortPI Hall H. vestcrdav~ indlicated that Dr. Str-at- I K'anger 11. Nvas resp~onsiblec Concert and Dance for the de- toil is conlmumql t1 () reco\' i Eligible sign and conistruction er his of tile apparatus ' re iII.. u t~a it w\as not N.et Used In the trans-Attlantic: radio WILL CHOOSE BEST SKITS I trans- WILIL BROADCAST SOON NO( illilsioli of photographs is nioted, and conslit lered advl\isabllec for himl-t to re-· I VARSITY~BASEBALLE <0111C inlteresting picture.,, of his %v-orl-. till-I to his~,p)O.'t at Te`C'CIIl(logy.. are shoNN-u. T() inahc~eup for the lack~of the Ch~rist- CoachI Wlill Select Cast, Chorus, i Co0nditions At Institute Do Twopthel~r Technolog?- menr are givei inas trip. the Comb~inctlMusical Clubs And II Not ~Warrant a Treamn Ballet At Second re~coguition of their work in articlei; are startiing tile secolil~i terinwt IALL AVAHILABLE ROOMS~ I at Assembl~y Saturday Iab~out the nIaval architect, -N. G;. Her plenty~of plans to keel) the musicians I Present Time reshoff '70, designier of famious ibusv for the next I ii racincg i teil weeks. The fea- ARE LISTED BY T.C.A.I I v!IIya~chts, and D. W. Dougla~s '141, %Nho ture of the season, of course, w~illbe I All candidatecs for Tech Show 192F1 designecdd the airplane-, that circledl the the Winlter Conicert. which wrillhe feelt At I iiiectiimii cf the I Adtvisory ioun- \%jll preserit their skits this eveiihig in ill tile Lo~uis XLV Ballroomi of tlie Ilotell cil on Aililei'cs lielld at tile Eiigincerrs iiorth hall, W~alker, at 7.30 o'clock I Sillmierset oil the ex-cuingco cf Jantizin 23. ui- '2'6. iiialia-el- C'lub latst nilLgilt Ille iew eligiibilttv rifle Every·body illterested (if tile Rioom R egistry 1 is hivited to at It is expected. liow-,·-ver, that the intecr- Div·ision of tile I w~as broughtt ul, alid passed. tend. I Chn:,tlian Aissociation, 'The ruile A4t this timne Mlasque, the Tech co~llegiate conlcert and (lance whtich~hasr a~CCo.llilll odaliulls oil01 file hleav lbeen readls "Ali Athflete :,hall not represceit Shmv lionorary· society·, will select theI IIceen arranged with the Da~rtmouth -M~:usi b~rought UP to tile Institute if lie holds, twro best (late aiid thic exact nuin-- a degree or skits to be presented iii New cal Clulbs will run the W~inter Conicert beri of roonils ob~tainablle is a -raduate of York City.. I by~students at learililig of collegiate One of these w~ill Ibe g~ivel a close race for popularity as a social the In-~titute ascertailiedf. grade, or if at the Show~z Ab~out a dav lie is a candidate for an smoker held bN, the Tech eventt consider-ing the chil~s conccrt withl andt a halfi of tile advanced dlegree at XL llolog!, Club r D~arti-notth vacation w\as spentt in 1. T."' This iii that city-, and the other. last: vear. rule (Ioes niot go into effect until the WI'IIbe presentetl at the aiinual baii Ais a nevv venture on1 tile part ol tile fallllltate tile p~ickilip. out ofi tlicor I~cegnlimin of next teriii. so will not ap- quet of the Alunini inana-ement, the cltil), hav·e Association. By decite(I to, 01. rooll) descired bv a;1 tudeill.. i diis procedure the show mianagemnent t initiate a little surlprise for tile N~intei- liopes to armuse greater interest oii the.II (_concert -oers. The .surp~rise w\ill be ill tile i part of the Alumni and convince thernI fo~rm of a donation of free couple ticlkets I that tlicir attendance at the Iperforiii- to, tile Dartmoutli'lTechnology? Concert i aiice inl New 'lLork ivill be w\orthl while. iancl to tile Sprim, Concertt to the pei'son Important Assembly Saturday i whoic niaakes tile gcs-uess as to, the Conlsiderabll e interest has beeni ,hoN-iiI; reaatling ofr~ a pe~lonmeter which w\ill Icv In-,~ tile caiitliclates for the show this 3i carrie(I throtph-hout the eveningig v one oi k!car, alid the mlanagemecnt ecspects aII thc meitn of the clull~s. Tile pedometer will lie se~t at zero, at tile beginnin-l of the 21 p·-~ligsIrogram an(I tlhe finial reatling-i -i W\ill I,(c the thread whereon hiIangs the fatQ II -If tll()Sc who~guess'. I Clubs to Broadcast ;i Club Ml~eetings 'I'lle dubs have dr·tecided to. use tile 'N'Sl-terri ag~l~~jain~this yecar ill tllL iI lxkuct sall.c for the NN'inter C~oncert. FO-; II (). I. T~niiiiil II, 1sc ~ cc" C·-S lt tho:, ,I.II t;·c heile fit cf e whlo are not iamilim~ tarv- -eastirer ofl-o tlhe Alumm Ass~oc'~- i,-1lfls~.f 11i l;~ ; I~~iL\ c tioll, i left 130stoll last nilLght Oil a t-ip) explaini tha~t Ill buying -a ticket hv thi.". II Inc·:-··- dotrd,-~:lot pm htie fi-ill p~rice~ II tlrcc~~several TIech~nolo Cli~ t lcr i f~ thic ticket at onei time. I Every Year Il~ccing~itl irl-S. H C plalls I 0 pamiclilt or sign-up xvill first b~e i a'It ,II vi';lt four C'lubss officialiv\ alidl Olle cncof- 'I -,t nil ~erctce (]Cellic d~il Ill ()rdcr to give the Alunini a chance flclallv·. tile first four IicenIrg the C(lub~s forr tile 1xlan~ce of tile charge at auiother I cii Pl~illadeclphl't. -,nIer I,,- Technology Prize Song I Was~hingtonl, i). C., dtate.~ Si6p1n-up~s for the X~inter Cmiicert 10 : I B~altimlore·. andt Cecntral Pemisvi\l vanla. wil·il sell at $3.00 alid may be redeemedc~ 1-1 " i I)e t, I()u. the conini1ttee has decided i and1( I the nine l'in't un-til lantlarv 1; the las~t of New Yorli. -1C \\'ill forl tile Sa4aln suln. n11kalkin tie price of to t e... t ,,;. ll 117ch are to II Illect Nv.ith ttc Technology· C'lub of Phiil- ;I coupgle ticket $6.0OO. Sigil-ups w~ill bCe I)c elitered ,;liotfld be turned I adelphiIM Oil jallil~ar v 7 ;it its regllar I(,II ;Ile "tarting Icxt -Flornta\-. T~he sale In at Prole,-(-)r Pear- ,,oil'-, Office. 1,c)(1111 Ililo)lltihllc\.ntcct . m, i\will take pIlace in tile maiin lobby fnc~lm 2-281-1, oil ()r before II I Professor Jack to Speak 11 until 2 ()'clocb ceven. dav next weekk. that date. Ann~louncemenclt Ali%- TechnoloLy student or aluninus has beeni niadee that the 1, I 1011, efi-ible to eliter tile collipetit, aild addrescs numbet-c of coup~le tickets to h~e sold -forI II tile C~lub at N~;ashingtollii tile afairNvil ilot xceed \vlilcli began ill 11)22 and Nvill continue D>. C`., a~lcl~tth~at time 30, w\hile h~.llIoldlits anallo;11vanlc has becen matle for I't'l lor five ,years. A prize of $200 is I annual dimncir and meecting iii the Hiotel aix-arded sta,,-. It h~as not yet heen tlecided mlll~at for the ,()iig chosen each ycar, Lafayette. O(ther speakers ai1 I this meect- tile p~rice of these stag tickets will )c alid in addition the writer of the best ill'- xill b~e P-rofessor J. R.. Jaick. ]lead or lio-,v they wll olle of tile fiVe '011gs will receive a of the Depai-tinent b~e disposed of. of Navatl Archltec- The affil'iril is schedilled to I-till from S Sflver ('111) at flic close of tile contest. I ture-c an(I N.lanne Fcn'-Ineeringl, at~ tile fn- 'Iti3 o,'clock, tlhe concert lastin- fromn It is desirable. although not required.1 stitute. m\·io Nvill talk- oil "Aferchant 8 until ab~out3 9.30 andt tlhe dancing ftoin.-5uni that t: e 111u."Ic I)e original. The N-,701-( ;, Shippivl~Lg,. " anld Commll~ander S. P. Ful- 11cm-ever, 11111'.'t be lic,,\. and pertain to IIfinwidelc. I of the Emerge~ncy- Fleet C'or- ,[,(:Cllllolo 9.\-.
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