UNITED; STATES ' PATENT OFFICE JULES. MEURANT, OF LIEGE,BELGIUM. ELECTROLYTIC Paco-ass. srncrrrcarron forming part-of utter-‘s Patent-.86. ee4,e5s, dated March 4, 19oz. mammals December 11,1900. smart-seats. 'mospecimmn‘ To all’ whom itnmy con/earn.- \ ‘nouose, sa'ccharose, lactose, maltose,mycose Be it known that I, J ULES MEUBANT, aft-iti or trehalose,‘ melibiose, raf?n'ose or melitose, . zen of the Kingdom of Belgium, residing at, melitriose, -melectose,also.the following mono Liege, Belgium, have invented certain new acids, the biacids, and the triabasic- acids: 55 and useful Improvements in Electrolytic Prue- the acids arabonic, aposorbinique, trioxy csses; and I do hereby declare the’ following _ glutaric, saccharonic, trioxyadipinic, desox to bea full, clear, and exact description of the alic, oxycitronic, dioxypropantricarbonic, as invention, such as willeuablc others skilled in ‘also the aldehydes. and the ketones, hexava the art to which it appertains to make and use lents-.that is to say, the aeids'mannitic, glu Go 10 the same. ' , conlc, dextrinic, mannonic, galactonic, &c., Hitherto in the electrolytic precipitation of the saccharic, mucic, isosaceharic acids, ‘850. > metals there have not yet been attained the I‘ add also all the class of gums comprising - desiderata of simultaneously realizing and in especially arabine, gunrarabic, the gums of an economical manner the highly-adherent the cou ntry obtained from plum-trees, cherry 65 I5 deposit of metals or of their alloys _ while trees, apricot-trees, &c.-, wood-gum, vegetable not absorbing an unduly large electromotive mucilage, anisie bassorin, pectic mathers. I force for the decomposition of the salts. This add also the classes of collagenous and'chan- . double ‘objecthas been attained by the pres drogenous matters containing ossein, glutine ent invention. These advantages are also or gelatine and all the kinds of glues, as also 20 very happily completed bypthe fact of being chondrin and chitine. able to constitute the baths at a low price and - The'follewing are examples of baths pre ' by the property pos'sessedby these baths of pared according to my invention, such baths‘ being durable and very resistant to evapora being composed of the materials stated in tion. ‘From all these advantages it is evident. about the proportions given. 7 75 that the above-indicated process is particu First, for the, deposit ‘of zinc I employ (a) larly suitable to be largely utilized in indus chlorid of zinc, one. kilogram; (b) carbonate try, enabling beautiful and good products to of soda, two hundred and ?fty grams; (0) be manufactured at low and remunerative chlorid of ammonium,?ve hundred grams; id)‘ prices. The ?gures, experiments, and re gum-arable, three hundred grams. The d) sults attained, on a large scale, in practical gum-arabic may be replaced by ?ve hun~ _ working (quoted below) enable this process dred grams of- sugar or seven hundred and to be appreciated at its real industrial value. _ ?fty grams ofgl‘ucose or molasses. The chlo To attain the above results, the bath con rid of zinc is precipitated by the carbonate of taining the solutions of metals oralloys and soda. Then this precipitate is dissolved in the 85 35 the substances used to favor the electric and chlorid of ammonium and gum-arabic, and it chemical action is completed by the addition is ?ltered. , ' ' * of the following substances, which, ‘according Second, for ‘the deposit of tin: (a) proto to the decompositions tobe obtained, will be chlorid of tin, one kilogram; ~(b) caustic pot added to the baths either singly or also mixed ash, ?ve hundred grams;'"(c) tartaric-acid, 40 together and in various proportions, accor -, two hundred grams; (d) gum-arabic, 'onehuh ing to the kind of metals or alloys'to‘be ob dred and ?fty grams. The, protoohloridpf tained. These substances are arabit, 'arabi tin and ca'ustic potash are dissolved together, . ' nose, 'xylose, rharmose or isodulcite, saccha likewise the tartaric acid and thegrirn-ara rin, isosaccharin, metasaccharin, mannite, bic. The whole is mixed together and'?ltered. ' 95 du'lcite, sorbite, triose or glycerose, tetrose orv The gum-arable ‘may be replaced by two hun erythrose, pentose‘, mannose, glucose, galac dred grams of sugar or three hundred grams _tose, pructose, sorbinose, formose, *acrose, of glucose or m-olasses. " . Y > - methylenitan, glucoazone, isoglucosamine, Third, for the deposit of nickel:. (a) sub osone, glucosone, glucosamiue, the mannoses, fate of nickel, ?ve hundred grams; (b) ch10; 100 methylexose,‘ mannoheptose, glucoheptose, rid of. ammonium, two hundred and ?fty. grams; (a) citric aeid,'?fty grams; (_d)v'gnu_r methylheptjos'e, mannoctose, nonose, menno g 2 - 694,658 . arabic, ?ve hundred, grams. The sulfate judged ‘by the following trials made upon of nickel and the chlorid of ammonium are steel tubes to be used in the Dutch navy. dissolved together. and likewise the citric acid First trial: the crushing of the tube through and gum-arabic. The whole is mixed to out its entire length, so as to completely ?at 5 gether and ?ltered. If the bath is too acid, ten it; second trial: the ?attened tubeis again - it is necessary to neutralize it. Seven hun taken and folded upon itself in the direction dred and ?fty grams of sugar or one thou of'its width; third trial: the_ ?attening of a sand grams. of glucose may replace the gum ferrule of the tube in the direction of its 75 arabic. ‘ length-that is to say, that a ferrule cut in IO Fourth, for the deposit of copper: (a) sul the tube is crushed following or in line with ' fate of copper, three hundred grams; (5) the axis of the cylinder; fourth trial: trial of cyanid of potassium, two hundred grams; (0) the traction of a tube crushed at its two ends ammonia, one hundred grains; (d) gum-ara and held in two jaws. This tube, made of 80 bic, one hundred grams. The ~ sulfate of Swedish steel, has elongated twenty-seven per 5 copper isdissolved in warm water, the am cent. and has shown forty kilograms of re monia is added to it, the whole is‘precipi si'stance to traction per square millimeter. tated by the cyanid (b) until a deep-brown All these trials, made after galvanization of ' discoloration has been obtained, the gum-ara the articles, have shown the perfect adher bic is added, and the whole ?ltered‘. One hu 0 ence of the layer of zinc upon steel, neither 2o dred and ?fty grams of sugar or-two hun the ?attening, bending, stretching, or tear dred grams of glucose may replace the, gum inghave shown the least alteration of the arabic. ' ‘ protecting layer of zinc. This latter has re-v ' , Fifth, for the deposit of silver: (a cyanid mained perfectly adherent. Even upon the of potassium, ?ve hundred grams; (b cyanid stretched tube the layer of zinc has followed 25 of silver, two hundred and ?fty grams; (0) the steel in its extension without presenting gum-arabic, two hundred and ?fty grams. the least break. All these trials of resist Three hundred and ?fty grams of sugar or ance demonstrate in addition that the process four hundred and ?fty grams of glucose. does not take away from the resisting prop 95 Two hundred and ?fty grams of silver are erties of the steel submitted to the galvaniz 30 dissolved in seven hundred and ?fty grams ing process, which is su?ioient to distinguish it of nitric acid, the nitrate obtained in four from other electrolytic, galvanizing processes. thousand ?ve hundred cubic centimeters of All the articles experimented upon have been distilled water, hydrocyanic acid is poured in addition submitted to special trials to de I00 into this solution until a precipitate is no termine the value of adherence of the zinc ‘35 longer formed, the precipitate is collected after these severe tests. Even in this case the and washed. A solution of ?ve hundred layer of zinc remains a perfect protection and grams of potassic cyanid in ten liters of water prevents the action of rust. In addition, ex receives the precipitate of cyanid of silver. amination under a magnifying-glass of’the 105 It'is dissolved in it' by a prolonged boiling articles submitted to tests of resistance has ' 40 during an hour. * Finally, after ?ltration the not shown any trace of scaling, scratching, two hundred and ?fty grams of gum-arabic or lifting. - ‘ . , are added. ,» ' The above description demonstrates be All these baths and others have been suc yond measure both the novelty and commer 110 cessively tried in the laboratory and in small cial value of the process.i ' 45 commercial installations. ‘ The success of Having now particularly described and as- I these trials has caused me and my employers certained the nature of my said invention and to make trials on a large’ scale in a factory spe in what manner the same is to be performed, - cially arranged for the purpose. These trials I declare that what I claim is- , 115 have succeeded completely and have shown 1. The process of coating easily-oxidizable 50 the practical value of the process. No'altera ‘metals with metals less oxidizable and whose tion of the baths has been found after four chlorids are soluble in water, which consists months of uninterrupted trials. ‘ in forming an aqueous solution of the chlo _ The voltage employed has varied according rids of said metals, adding thereto a com I20 to circumstances from 0.3 to one'volt without pound of a metal of the alkalies containing 55 ‘ ever exceeding this latter ?gure, with an in oxygen and adding thereto a solution of chlo-. tensity of current from one-half to one am rid of ammonia and a carbohydrate, placing ' 'pere per square decimeter of surface covered.
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