Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 5-4-1932 The aB tes Student - volume 60 number 04 - May 4, 1932 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 60 number 04 - May 4, 1932" (1932). The Bates Student. 491. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 13 The progress of mankind is in the hands of youth—Sir Oliver Lodge FOUNDED BATES AND N. H. IN 1873 I, SATURDAY 1 mt Buh indent 91 ffl VOL. LX No. 4 LEWISTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1932 I li CE TEN CENTS I is? * F R O M Clubs To Meet Deutscher Verein 4-A Group Plays I * * J. U. French THE Mother's Day Tuesday Nights To Full House Speaking Contest NEWS Will Stage Group TO MY FIRST LOVE, MY MOTHER 8 _._« Under New Plan Sonnets are full of love, and this my tome On Friday Night —Monday Night ••AH »ho possess political rights Of One-Act Plays Has many sonnets: so here now shall he should have the »|>|M>Hunit.v to ac- One sonnet more, a loving sonnet, from me quire to* Intowledge which will make Many Organizations Concludes Its Season First Contest Of Sort their share in the government a bless- Selects As One Play To her whose heart is my heart's quiet home, To my first Love, my Mother, on whose knee Several Seniors In At Bates To Be In ing anil not a danger"—Ulysses S. Adopt Idea "The Late Guest" (Jin iii- I learnt love-lore that is not troublesome: Farewell Little Theater Most of the clubs on campus Whose service is my special dignity. Have agreed to the Student plan of One of the most interesting of tIn- Teachers, Attention ! And she my lodestar while I go and come. having a uniform meeting night for coming events in campus activities is By VAI.KKV BCRAT1 Substantial Prizes all the organizations, with the ex. | ™e -group of one-act p'.a;•;. "The And so because you love, and because Oscar Wilde's "Lady Winder- We luive a dispatch from Augusta ; A French prize speaking contest ception of the musical clubs an!| Uta Ones!" and "Wie man es matmatch I love you. .Mother, I have woven a wreath mere's Pan", giren by the 4-A Play- dated April -!> thai may Interest some in between French students of Boston nf our seniors planning to teaeh next the Y. M. C. A. This scheme, which ! Amerika". to be given by the meem- Of rhymes where with t-> crown your honored name: ers In the Little Theater last Friday bers of the German club. May sixth, nigh) to a capacity house was a University and Bates will be held year and others planning a teaching is to go into effect next fall, thus eliminating any senior conflicts, is in the Lewiston Lutheran Church. In you not fourscore years can dim the Flame worthy pinnacle to a year of suc- next Monday at eight o'clock in the career later. subject to any changes which mav Tickets are on sale and all of tho Of love, whose blessed plow transcends the laws ies, and also a lit ending to the Little Theater. This is the second Municipal appropriations of Maine seem advisable. students who are interests-1 in Ger- French prize speaking contest to be towns and cities, made in most cases Of time and change and mortal life and death. careers of those seniors who have Idea Originated By Student man are cordially invited to at'-?nd. given four years of effort to acting, held at Bates, and the first one in ai annual .meetings in March, indicate The first play. "The Late Guest", Christina O. Kossetti producing, and managing. which Bates representatives will approximately half of the public The idea was presented last fall with the added suggestion that a Is being given In English, although With its dramatic situations and meet opposing contestants from an- school teachers in the State will Congress of Clubs be held for an it has a German setting. Elden Dus- From •'Poems"' by Christina Roseettl its by-play of wit featured by the other college. The wide interest and have to submit to reductions in open discussion. The idea came, not tin and Violet Blanchard are ta'-dug acting of Margaret Hines, '32; complimentary attention in the les, according to the Com- from the administration, as many the parts of Ilerr Amtsr'cluer and George Austin. '33: Margaret Perk- press of United States and Canada missioner of Education, Bertram E. believe, but directly from the Stu- Prau Amtsrichter. while tha part o:' ins. '3"i. and Charlotte E. Longley, concerning the contest last year for Pa kard. dent, which, because of its central | lheir daughter. Malchen, is played •35, the play captured the laughter, Bates students has directed much About 7.000 teachers are employ- bv Nine Prepares for Long Speaks to interest to the coming contest be- position. is best adapted for spon-! Gertrude Diggery. Hannchen, the compassion and the indignation < l It- said, and the average rate of soring the Congress. However, the;llle younger daughter, and heroine of its audience. tween teams from Boston University ion will be 6 or 7 per cent. Student has no idea of dictatorship, j of lhe D,ay- >* verv weiI Portrayed and Bates this year. bv Story of Play A committee was formed, composed ! Marion Blake. The role of the hc- Maine and Colby Bowdoin Liberals Tlie play tells of the sacrifice of a Bates Contestants The Summer Sales Racket of Leonard Milien, chairman, Frank ! ro- Herr Krause, is played by Robert ! mother with a scandalous past, and The Bates contestants, selected Murray, and Thelma Kittredge, Kroepsh. Betty McGrath as !be old m her efforts, although at the loss When asked to comment on the which arbitrarily arranged the! grandmother. Fran Batir Helm?;, and after trial contests from candidates announcement made yesterday by Margaret McBride as Urchei, tne After Road Trip in Open Meeting of her uphill fight to regain social of the sophomore, junior and senior eleven clubs into two groups with prestige, so that her married classes whose selections were either A. II. Crawford, President of the six In the first group, and five in the maid, are both clever in their eha- Ka-lcm College Personnel Officers daughter will not commit the same original or the product of extensive second. racter parts. The play is being coach-, T TV,,,,-.,-. r*nw\r\c* Pv Sponsored by the .student and| . caused her downfall. AsMiciatiou and Director of the e-d by Evelyn Rolfe. who has had , LOSe liiree UameS -DV err0| M research are Augusta C. Cohen '32, 1. Science and modern language faculty organization. The Liberal j jt js a story of social conventions whose subject is "Les Salons d'an- Department of Personnel Study at groups: Jordan Scientific. Rams-, ;cime experience in previous one- a:t Narrow Margin Club, of Bowdoin College, a meeting , arrayed. and largely winning, tan": Charlotte Cutts '33 with the Vale, that twenty-seven eastern col- dell Scientific, Lawrence Chemical, Piays given by the college, ui several students and faculty I against sincerity and nature: of the leges would take steps to prevent La Petite Academie. Deutsche Vere-! The utory of the play suggests the subject. "Une I'cnsee inspiree par mi mbers from the Maine colleges "good" people doing bad things and Pascal", and Frank S. Murray '34, gtidents from trading upon their, in. and Spofford clubs. old fairy tale of Cinderella. It seems The Garnet ball tossers, with the that was held at Moulton Union. Bruns- becoming bad In their sroodr.ess. As with the subject. "Un Ami de tou- college connection while selling goods II. Humanity group: Cosmos Club, i Herr Amtsriehter is not ve-y added experience of three close de- wick, Thursday, April 28. The pur- Lord Windermere says, "How hard dining the summer vacation, Sir. wealthy, therefore he can afford to jours". Men's Politics, Women's Politics, feats dehind them, are back with ;><> .--of the meeting was to bring the good women are." The rival team will include Char- Paul Whitbeck, in charge of off- Phil-Hellenic, and Sodalitas Latina. buy only one evening gown for hi.-: their noses on the old grindstone college men and faculty members two daughters, both of whom Wish to "Lady Wiodermere's Fan". al- lot;.- Ta-k '32. 'Romain Rolland au- rnmpus emplyoment made the follow- Many Clubs Adopt Plan getting ready for the coming games together In a mutual discussion of though touched by the same wist- dessus de Is melee"; James M. Fer- ing statement: go to the ball. Of course the older ! witn c0jDy and Maine the end of The outstanding feature of this :f current problems. The question of ad- fnlness as "The Importance of Be- rigno "32, "L'Amerlcaln s'amuse"; "The deeieion to curb the use of plan is* the proposed time for the girl has the preference, and gjes ° . this week. mission was. settled in a unique man- ing Earnest," produced by the play- blithely, much to the disappointe-1 xo changes appear in the line-up and Prances V.
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