The Baptist Herald A DENOMINATIONAL MONTHLY VOICING THE I N TERESTS OF THE GERMAN BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S AND SUNDAY SCHOOL W ORKERS' U NION Volume Three CLEVELAND, 0 ., FEBRUARY, 1925 Number Two 'Brotherhood 'Bible ( lass First <]erman 'Baptist (hurch, St. Paul, Ulfinn. , • February, 1925 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD 3 What's Happening At the Spruce Street Baptist Churr h, the call to E dmonton. Bro. Wah! has a the well-kno.wn "Everyman's Bible Class" Baptist Buffalo, Rev. Elmer Baumgartner, pas­ great and promising field in Leduc. The Herald of New Britain, which has an average tor, on New Year's day the Fraternity attendance of 600. The German church Bible Class and friends of the Spruce Our picture on the first page of the is engaged in raising $2000 balance on too much tennis, football, running, lifting. For the St. Baptist Church entertained the chil­ "Herald" this month introduces " The F ehruary in Kentucky, 1809 their mortgage; over $5000 were raisetl rest of their lives they have to "baby" those weak dren of the Protestant Home for Un­ Brotherhood Bible Class" of the Fir:;t SAW a cartoon in a newspape,~ a few ye~rs ago. protected Children. A chicken dinner German Baptist Church, St. Paul, Minn. in reducing the same during t he last points. was provided for them at the church, The object of this class is the regular two year s. The annual business meet· I The label of the cartoon was February m Ken­ Eliminating auto-toxins makes a body fit. Bath­ followed by a program consisting of a nd systematic study of the Bible un­ ing and chur ch day was held J_an. 12 tucky in 1809." The cartoonist had pictured a typ­ ing, changing underwear, keeping liver and bowels stories, songs and games. We congratu­ der competent leadership and the cul­ and included a supper by the ladies .. ical backwoods scene. The hills and hollows were functioning by drinking sufficient water and eat­ late the Fraternity Bible Class on this tivation of a Christian and social spirit white with snow. The trees were bending beneath splendid act of Christian service. among the members. In accordan.::e Rev. F. Balogh, pastor of the church ing plenty of fruits, make a clean body inside and their snowy burden. Two men had met in the c.ut. The cheapest thing is health; the most costly, with their class motto, " I Serve," they at Hebron, N. D., has accepted the call lonely road of the backwoods. One was on foot At the Bethel Baptist Church, Buffa lo, desire to help in the extension of the of the Eureka, S. D., church. br eaking laws of health. Yet many refuse the ~ol­ the renovations of the auditorium have kingdom of God. The class meets every and the other was on horseback. A dog stood by. den gift and buy the gold-brick. been practically completed. Within a Sunday for Bible study, -and once a Rev. 0 . E. Krueger of Burlington, the man on foot, all drawn up with its tail between Breathing the free air the Creator lavi::;hes on ~ew weeks the new pipe organ will be month for the discussion of current ' Iowa, one of the contributing editors of its legs suggestive of the stormy winds. The men installed. Three wei:e recently added by business problems, or to furnish lit~r­ the "Herald," has accepted the call of us makes the body fit. Yet many ar"' as niggardly wer e d;essed in the traditional way of the pioneers, in using pure air as if it cost the price of jersey letter. A baptismal service will be held ary and missionary prog rai:is. A: social the Second Chur ch, Cleveland, as suc­ with their cowhide boots, coon-skin caps, and home­ during dedication week. On Christmas hour is enjoyed in connection :v1th the cessor to Rev. 0. R. Schroeder. H e has cream. We don't give our lungs enough oxygen to Day the congregation presented the pas­ monthly meeting. We have no hst of the been pastor of the Oak Street Church, made garments. The tail and mane of the horse purify the blood, and we have pimples and rheu­ tor, Rev. E. Umbach, with a purse of class officers but we believe Rev. C. 1" . were blowing in the winds, and its breath had $'.75, and Miss Rieke, the Church Mis­ Stoeckmann, the pastor, is the teacher Burlington, since 1910. matism. If air were breathed through a meter. frozen to its nostrils. The man on foot addressed and a bill sent by the Angel Gabriel each mont h. s10nary, was surprised by a grocery of this fine class. Rev. C. F. Zummach of K ankakee, shower from the Anna J udson Mission­ th e man on horseback in some such words as these: Ill., held a series of lectures, addr essed ~ome folks would appreciate it more and use it ary Socidy. R ev. Wm. L ipphard, pastor ~f the I m­ "What's the news, neighbor?" more freely. manuel Gross Park church, Ch1ca~o , has to the young people, on the " Ideals of Then the man on horseback told about someone accepted the call extended to _him by J esus" at the Benton Harbor, Mich., Exercise is our best doctor, as well as our great­ The High Street Baptist Church, whom they both knew going down to see Madiso_n est physical enjoyment. The normal child enjoys Buff~lo, Rev. J. P. Brunner, pastor, is t he General Missionary Committee ~o church. They were highly commendc<l ushered in as President, and remarked about this making preparations for its Fiftieth An­ become General Evangelist. H e will by Pastor Jacob Herman. jumping a r ope and running r aces better than it niversary to be held in March. A num­ close his work in Chicago m March. ''Bonaparte feller" raising a row in Europe and enjoys candy. A swinging gait brings an <~dult an ber of former pastors will be present at Mrs Lipphard will accompany her hus­ The Wilmington, Del., church recently other matters of general interest, and then he in­ exhileration that no soda-fountain "tonic" can im­ th~t time. More than $700 has been band on his evangelistic e ng~ge ??ents . lost a faithful member and the Sunday quired : part. raised to make the Anniversary a suc­ Bro Lipphard is not new to this _l me of school a valuable worke1· in the passing "What's the news up this way, neighbor?" cess. The congregation observed the work, as he labored as evangelist for away of Mrs. Emma Hirzel Jones, who A young chap bought a coat that was too loose "O, no thin'," he replied; "no thin' ever happ~ns week of prayer. the denomination years ago. entered into her rest an Jan. 12. She over the chest. He proposed having the tailor make leaves a sorrowing husband and daugh­ up this way. A boy, baby was ?orn down at Lm­ Rev Michael Wolff, pastor 0 ~ 0 1:11" it over. But a friend said, "You are chickeu­ The Young People's and Sunday ter and a great circle of friends, who coln's cabin the other day. Nothm' much ever hap­ School Workers' Union of the Atlantic church in Grand Forks, N. D., died m breasted; better make the man over to fit the coat." will miss her cheerful, friendly person­ pens up here."- From Daniel Marsh, .< 'American ~onference has secured Keswick Colony th Mounds Park hospital, St. Paul, A punching-bag is better than shoulder-pads. m New Jersey for their Summer As­ somee t"1me a fter an operation performedto f . ality. Youth ." His ailment was, however, o at sembly, August 1-10. This is a tract of there. H e was in his 42nd year o.f age Common-Sense "Hows" Our Supreme Privilege 600 acres of pines with two splendid gone. wife and six children, l~kes for boating and bathing and ten­ and leaves a . He had as- REV. B. SCHLIPF, Peoria, Ill. mostly young m years. p II- How to be Physically Fit nis courts. The dormitory will house t ·n So. Bethlehem, Pa., and Bea­ The Baptist Herald T is a wonderful privilege that Christians have 150-200 in rooms for one two and three JOHN F. COWAN tora es ~ h before going to Grand to rejoice in the knowledge of their salvation'. persons, with hot and cdld running wa­ ver,l MicM.r's Wolff had the sympathy Published monthly by the I ter. ~here are ample class rooms o.f For rn. · ·t· of GERMAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY One makes bodily fit~ess, m?re than he is born The privilege is ~reat, b_ecause. t~ei~ joy concerns good size and an auditorium seating d active help of many c1 izens ~~and For ks in her bereavement. W<: 3804 Payne Avenue Cleveland, Ohio to it. Magazines and biographi_es tell of hundreds t.heir eternal destmy. It is no tr1v1al Joy, soon pass­ 400. Board for the period will be only who have overcome poor physique. Roosevelt, a $15, a price that ought to draw many extend our heartfelt sympathy. A. P. Mihm. Editor ing, as does the joy of the world, and, like it, leav­ young people when all the advantages weak-chested, near-sighted boy, hired Billy Mul­ ing us poorer than before. It is an enriching joy H Sorg and his wife were Contributing Epjtors are considered. Rev. A. Bretschneider, R ev.
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