S4504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 27, 2018 the accomplishments of the town’s re- coal and forged the steel that built the was also the first recipient of the markable schools, stunning geography, guns, ships, and factories that have Charles L. Foreman Award for Innova- and outstanding local businesses. I protected and continue to protect our tion in Private Higher Education by commend the people of Falmouth for country to this day. I am so deeply the Foundation for Independent Higher drawing attention to the town’s es- proud of what West Virginians have ac- Education. In fact, he’s so beloved by teemed history and providing a driving complished and what they will con- the community that there is even a force to propel it into the future. A tinue to accomplish to preserve the towboat named after him, which you special recognition goes out to the Fal- freedoms we hold dear—life, liberty, can occasionally see floating down the mouth 300 planning committee. These and the pursuit of happiness. Kanawha River. dedicated residents have spent the last I am honored to recognize Carwood’s Furthermore, one of the most re- 2 years planning a mix of educational memory, as well as the unwavering spected aspects of Dr. Welch’s tenure is and entertaining events that will take love he had for our home State and our his relationship with students, faculty, place in the coming year. The work great Nation.∑ and staff. He once said that the life and that the Falmouth 300 committee has f work of the university is not what goes done is sure to have a lasting effect on in his office. It is what goes on in TRIBUTE TO DR. EDWIN WELCH that will be felt for years to come.∑ the interactions students have with Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I rise faculty members, staff, and adminis- f today to honor Dr. Edwin Welch upon trators. He frequently walked the cam- REMEMBERING CLIFFORD his retirement as president of the Uni- pus or sat down for lunch in the cafe- CARWOOD LIPTON versity of Charleston after a 29-year teria to hear students’ concerns, prob- ∑ Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, today legacy of innovation that has advanced lems, accomplishments, and their I wish to honor the life and legacy of the university into a world-class insti- dreams. He kept all of this in the back Clifford Carwood Lipton, a West Vir- tution. of his mind when making any signifi- ginian and a national hero who fought As a former White House employee cant decision for the university. on D-Day and at the Battle of the during the Kennedy, Johnson, and Dr. Welch sees education for the Bulge, a story made famous on the Nixon administrations, an ordained ever-changing environment that it is. HBO series Band of Brothers. In the minister, a college professor, provost, He has truly laid the groundwork for years since his passing, his heroism as and president, Dr. Welch brought a all who will follow in his footsteps, who one of the greatest Easy Company sol- wealth of experience and drive to the will constantly strive to bring the very diers has remained a treasure to the Mountain State. best opportunities to U.C. students and Huntington community. Since his first days at U.C. in 1989, to strengthen the Kanawha Valley re- Carwood was born and raised in Hun- Dr. Welch had a clear vision for the gion. The effects of this close-knit tington. He attended a year at Mar- university, keeping in mind the needs city-university relationship are pro- shall University before joining the war of the Charleston community and of found and serve as an outstanding effort as a paratrooper in 1942, and he West Virginia. Our State is so unique model for all educational establish- quickly worked his way up the ranks. to the rest of the Nation. We are home ments. He was the jumpmaster of one of the C– to the most hard-working, creative, While he is retiring and everyone is 47 Skytrains used to jump into Nor- hospitable people in the country—very certain to miss his strong leadership, mandy. Eventually, Carwood received much self-made people. Dr. Welch Dr. Welch’s dedication and commit- his battlefield commission as a second knows what a college education means ment to excellence will leave a lasting lieutenant. He and the rest of the Easy to them and to their families, and so he legacy with the countless lives he has touched. Company later liberated one of the has spent his career developing new op- Again, I congratulate and thank Dr. Nazi camps at Landsberg. portunities for them to use to their ad- Welch for his remarkable years of serv- Carwood remained with the Easy vantage. Together, with faculty, staff, ice. I am honored to wish good health Company for the rest of the war and re- and the community, Dr. Welch sought and much happiness to him and Dr. mained in the Reserves through the to forecast challenges and opportuni- Janet Welch in the days and years Korean war. Among the many recogni- ties and to create the best possible ahead. tions he has received for his service are strategies for maintaining a strong in- the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, World stitution. His collaborative vision f War II Victory Medal, Presidential brought the university back from the RECOGNIZING ABI’S ARTISAN ICE Unit Citation, and the Orange Lanyard brink of financial peril and allowed it CREAM of the Royal Netherlands army. to grow and thrive. ∑ Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, America’s After the war he was able to return Under his leadership, more than 20 entrepreneurs are known to strive to to Marshall University and complete a construction projects have reinvigo- go above and beyond by producing degree in engineering. Carwood got a rated U.C., which has also seen a dra- uniquely high-quality goods to better job with Owens Illinois, Inc., a glass matic increase in enrollment through- serve their local communities. Our Na- and plastic production facility, where, out the years. In 1994, he secured one of tion’s small businesses are often led by staying true to his character, he quick- the largest gifts in the university’s his- people who are not afraid to innovate ly worked his way through the ranks tory, which led to the construction of and bring new ideas to the market- until he became chief operator in 1952. the Clay Tower Building. More re- place. Many small businesses in my He moved to New Jersey to work in a cently, he oversaw the $20 million Rus- home State of Idaho harness this cre- similar factory and then to London sell and Martha Wehrle Innovation ative spirit and are well known for with his wife, where he was the direc- Center project, which serves to create a their locally sourced, all-natural prod- tor of manufacturing for eight different strong campus base for innovation that ucts. Today, it is my distinct pleasure glass companies in England and Scot- will extend into Charleston and the to recognize a small business from land for many years. In the early Greater Kanawha region. Additionally, Couer d’Alene, ID, that displays such eighties, he moved to Toledo, OH, and Dr. Welch’s wife, Dr. Janet Welch, has forward thinking in the food service in- retired as director of international de- made exceptional contributions to edu- dustry. As chairman of the Committee velopment. cation and the arts at U.C. and on Small Business and Entrepreneur- When visitors come to West Virginia, throughout the community. She re- ship, I am proud to recognize Abi’s Ar- I jump at the chance to tell them we ceived national recognition for the cre- tisan Ice Cream as the Small Business have more veterans per capita than ation of the Erma Byrd Galley for West of the Month for June 2018. This fam- most any State in the Nation. We have Virginia Women Artists, among her ily-owned and operated business is fought in more wars, shed more blood, many accomplishments. dedicated to providing fresh, whole- and lost more lives for the cause of For his efforts, Dr. Welch has earned some, and natural products to their freedom than most any State. We have numerous recognitions, such as the customers. always done the heavy lifting and YMCA’s Spirit of the Valley Award for Previously a healthcare consultant, never complained. We have mined the his community service efforts, and he Maren Scoggins founded Abi’s as a way VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jun 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JN6.082 S27JNPT1.
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