NAATIONALTIONAL SHROPSHIRESHROPSHIRE SHOW & SALE Held in conjunction with the NOTE: ALL SHROPS SELL SLICK-SHEARED! Illinois State Fairgrounds SHROPSHIRESHROPSHIRE SPRINGFIELD, IL FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2012 Show: 9:00 a.m. Judge: Bill Buckland, Huntington, IN P.O. Box 500 Cuba, IL 61427 SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 2012 309/785-5058 Sale: 9:00 a.m. www.bannersheepmagazine.com Auctioneer: Curt Overcash, Ottawa, Illinois GeNeRAL iNfoRMAtioN Notice: Neither sale management, sale sponsors nor consignors to the sale SALe SpoNSoR: Illinois Shropshire Breeders Association assume any risk or liability in case of accidents of any kind or losses of any kind to SALe MANAGeR: Banner Sale Management, Greg A. Deakin, PO Box 500, any person or persons in attendance at the sale. Cuba, IL 61427 309/785-5058. teRMS AND coNDitioNS SALe LocAtioN: The Show and Sale will be held in the Main Sheep Barn on teRMS: Cash. All purchases are to be settled with the clerks immediately fol - the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield, IL. Enter the fairgrounds from the lowing the sale and before the sheep are removed from the premises unless South at Gate 11, located on Sagamon Avenue at Eighth Street. Springfield is arrangements and approval have been made with the Sale Manager prior to the located on I-55 (from I-55 take Sangamon Exit 100B), 190 miles south of Chicago sale. The auctioneer’s decision is final on any disputed bids. All animals are at pur - and 100 miles North of St. Louis. chaser’s risk as soon as sold. Sheep purchased on order must be paid within five SALe phoNe: 309/338-3294 or 309/338-4835 show and sale days only. (5) days of the sale. A 10% handling fee will be added to all mail bids not paid with - AUctioNeeR: Curt Overcash, Ottawa, IL, 815/210-7000. in five days of the sale. A 20% surcharge will be assessed to any insufficient funds Show & SALe oRDeR: Yearling Rams, Fall Ram Lambs, Spring Ram Lambs check issues. Buyer shall be responsible for any and all costs of collection, includ - followed by ewes in the same order. ing attorney’s fees. Institutions may pay by requisition. Foreign buyers must pay JUNioR Show: The Junior Show will be held on Friday, June 22 with classes in U.S. funds. Registration papers will not be transferred to the new owner until interspersed with the Shropshire Spectacular classes. paid in full. 17th ANNUAL NAtioNAL JUNioR ShRopShiRe ShowMANShip SALe GUARANtee coNteSt: All Shropshire Juniors are eligible (if not showing in other classes a except foR thoSe StAteD iN the beLow GUARANtee, theRe ARe No wAR - sheep will be provided). Prizes will be awarded to the Grand Champion and RANtieS, eitheR expReSSeD of iMpLieD, AS to the MeRchANtAbiLity of fitNeSS Reserve Grand Champion. Prior winners are ineligible to compete again. foR A pARticULAR pURpoSe with ReSpect to the Sheep beiNG SoLD iN thiS SALe heADQUARteRS: Northfield Inn & Suites, 3280 Northfield Drive, SALe. Springfield, IL, 217/523-7900 the wARRANtieS AND GUARANteeS Set foRth iN the beLow GUARANtee iNfoRMAtioN RetAiNMeNt coMpLiANce fee (iRcf): There will be an ARe iN LieU of ALL otheR wARRANtieS, eitheR expReSSeD of iMpLieD, AND the IRCF of $10 per head sold on all animals added to the buyer’s settlement at this ReMeDieS pRoviDeD theReiN ShALL be the SoLe AND excLUSive ReMeDy of the bUyeR, oR ANy pARty cLAiMiNG thRoUGh the bUyeR, foR ANy bReAch of wAR - sale. This applies to all animals sold through the sale – no exceptions. Banner RANty oR GUARANtee theReiN pRoviDe, AND ALL obLiGAtioN oR LiAbiLitieS. Sale Management is required to maintain records on all animals sold through the 1 – every ram and ewe sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. it sale ring for a minimum of five years to be in compliance with regulations as set shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return the non-breeder to the seller in acceptable forth by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Packers and breeding condition. the seller, after a fair trial, and the animal is found to be a non-breed - Stockyards Administration. er, shall have the privilege of replacing the ram or ewe with one of equal value to the sat - heALth pApeRS: Your local or state veterinarian should be able to update isfaction of the seller, or refunding the purchase price. this guarantee shall not apply the you concerning the health requirements for sheep entering your state. All sheep first year to any sheep that are shown subsequent to the date of the sale. All ewe lambs sold must be in compliance with current Federal Scrapie Regulations. The sale vet - are exempt from the breeding guarantee the first year. erinarian will prepare standard, interstate health papers for transportation between 2 – Notification of non-breeder rams must be made to the seller prior to october 1st states, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to be cognizant of and adhere to the following the sale; notification of non-breeder ewes must be made to the seller prior to entrance requirements of his own state. When entry permits are required, this can April 1st the following year. often be done prior to your arrival at the sale by contacting your state office. Your 3 – this guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only, local veterinarian can often help facilitate this process. and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, expressed of implied. MAiL biDS: If you cannot attend the sale in person, a number of individuals will 4 – Neither the Sale Managers nor sponsoring organizations can or will assume any be able to handle your bids. These include the Sale Manager, auctioneer and responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees, bloodlines, or information provided in the sale catalog, pen cards or otherwise, and the subsequent genetic performance of judge. All mail bids must have pre-approval by Sale Management prior to the start any sheep purchased. All such information must be accepted at face value. Any state - of the sale. All mail bids must be paid in full within 5 days of the sale. Mail bids ments or information given sale day supersedes cataloged information. Any special guar - not paid in full within this time frame will have an additional 10% handling fee antees or claims offered by individual consignors is strictly between the consignor and added. The above Buyer Premium applies to all mail bids. Banner Sale the buyer, and will not be enforced by the Sale Managers or the sponsoring organization. Management advises that you contact us well in advance of the sale if you are con - sidering using a mail bid at this sale. Consigned by: Consigned by: Consigned by: Elsbury’s Shropshires Brockmann Shropshires Step Ahead Shrops Mike & Karen Elsbury & Family Gary, Vicky, Brianna & Austin Stacy Josefson 5385 East 500 North Brockmann 994 Step Rd Greenfield, IN 46140 2011 Blake Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Phone: 317/326-4461 Garden Prairie, IL 61038 Cell: 309/371-4260 Cell: 317/498-1398 Phone: 815/544-4515 [email protected] [email protected] Cell: 815/509-5401 www.elsburyfarms.com Lot 21 Ewe Step Ahead Shrops 2574 Lot 8 Ram Brockmann 1293 M445593 Lot 1 Yearling Ewe B-2/18/12 Tw RR NNP B-10/30/11 S S-Mrozinski 09-18 Tw M438998 Information Sale Day S-Brockmann 1253 D-Step Ahead Shrops 2505 We kept over 30 yearling ewes through this M444015 RR NN M439292 time. We plan to bring a good one. D-Brockmann 1093 2nd Place Yearling Ewe, 2011 National M436227 RR NN Shropshire Show was sold in last year’s sale! Sire was Reserve Champion Ram NAILE. Dam Lot 22 Ewe Step Ahead Shrops 2555 Lot 2 Spring Ewe Lamb Sold by Shimm Shrops, IL to Bishop & Bishop M445589 Information Sale Day was a top yearling show ewe for us. Shrops, NY. B-2/2/11 Tw Our lamb crop looks really good at this time. S-Mrozinski 09-18 Tw M438998 We may bring more than one lamb come sale Lot 9 Ewe Brockmann 1272 D-Step Ahead Shrops 2509 Tr time depending on how the lambs turn out. B-10/22/11 Tw RR NN Consigned by: S-3-D Sheep Co 1051 M439296 M442214 RR NN SS Shrops D-Brockmann 972 Jim & Donna Gruenhagen Consigned by: M431116 RR NN 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd Consigned by: Anderson Shropshires 3-D Sheep Co 1051 was Champion Ram at Davenport, IA 52807 NAILE in 2010. 972 raised the first place fall City Limits Sheep Farm Michael L. Anderson ewe lamb at last year’s sale. A very nice lamb. Phone: 563/355-6730 Tom & Brad Slutz 346 N 1600 E Cell: 563/320-3036 Box 177 Lot 10 Ewe Brockmann 1276 Paxton, IL 60957 [email protected] LaMoille, IL 61330 Phone: 217/379-3189 B-1/20/12 S RR NNP S-3-D Sheep Co 1051 Phone: 815/638-2177 Cell: 217/781-3348 M442214 RR NN Lot 16 Ewe SS Shrops 12-10 B-1/20/12 Tw RR NN Tom: 815/866-5031 [email protected] D-Brockmann 971 Brad: 815/766-0584 M431115 RR NN S-SS Shrops 10-18 440982 RR NN Lot 3 Ram Michael L. 1051 sired some nice lambs in this his first www.citylimitssheepfarm.com lamb crop for us. 971 was the mother of our D-SS Shrops 7-3 433645 RR NN Anderson 11-05 M443695 Sire was 2011 Iowa State Fair Champion Ram. B-9/2/10 Tw RR NN first fall ewe lamb at NAILE Junior and Open Lot 23 Ram CLSF 1231 Shows last year.
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