Erasmus+ strategic partnerships in the field of youth ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships in the field of youth Compendium 2015 Erasmus+ EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture Directorate B – Modernisation of Education II: Education policy and programme, Innovation, EIT and MSCA Unit EAC/B-1 – Higher Education Contact: Erasmus+ Higher Education & OLS team E-mail: [email protected] European Commission B-1049 Brussels ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships in the field of youth Compendium 2015 Getting in touch with the EU In person All over the European Union there are hundreds of Europe Direct information centres. You can find the address of the centre nearest you at: http://europa.eu/contact On the phone or by email Europe Direct is a service that answers your questions about the European Union. 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Data can be downloaded and reused for free, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes Manuscript completed in 2017 Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of the following information. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017 © European Union, 2017 Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders. Print ISBN 978-92-79-61260-2 doi:10.2766/376942 NC-AP-15-006-EN-C PDF ISBN 978-92-79-61261-9 ISSN 2467-3838 doi:10.2766/912391 NC-AP-15-006-EN-N EPUB ISBN 978-92-79-61262-6 ISSN 2467-3838 doi10.2766/904057 NC-AP-15-006-EN-E Introduction Under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 promotes cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices in the fields of education, training and youth. The action sup- ports a wide range of diverse projects best described as ‘transnational strategic partnerships between organisations involved in education, training and/or youth activities or other relevant sectors developing and implementing joint initiatives and promoting exchanges of experience and know-how’. Strategic Partnerships are expected to result in development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European level. At systemic level, they are expected to trigger modernisation and reinforce the response of education and training systems and youth policies to the main challenges of today’s world: employ- ment; the need to promote social, civic and intercultural competences; intercultural dialogue; democratic values and fundamental rights; social inclusion; non-discrimination; and active citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy. The Strategic Partnerships may address an issue in one specific field, but they also seek to promote cooperation across the education, training and youth fields and to establish links with the world of work. They may vary considerably in scale, ranging from fairly simple coop- eration projects between small organisations to large-scale projects focusing on the develop- ment and exchange of innovative outputs in all fields of education, training and youth. Over the lifetime of a project, partnership members have a broad flexibility in how best to organise the proposed activities. The emphasis is put on the achieved deliverables and expected impact. Activities organised by the projects may include development and adoption of innovative practices relating to new curricula or courses and modules; the testing and inte- gration of a greater variety of study modes (distance, part-time and modular learning); stra- tegic collaboration between learning providers, local and regional authorities, enterprises and other relevant players; joint study programmes and joint curricula; intensive programmes; and common modules between members from different countries, disciplines and economic sectors (public and private). Depending on the priority and the objectives addressed by the project, Strategic Partner- ships should involve the most appropriate and diverse range of relevant partners (local and regional authorities; enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprises; European networks; social partners; research institutions; civil society organisations; etc.) who possess the neces- sary profile, experience and expertise to ensure that activities can be implemented efficiently and effectively and to produce relevant and high-quality project results. A strong emphasis is given to potential impact inside and outside the project. This implies a timely identification of the relevant stakeholders to be reached at the most appropriate level (local, regional, national or European) as well as the identification of project results that can be transferred to and used by relevant target groups and in other European countries. Selection and management of the projects are decentralised: implemented by National Agencies located in each Programme Country. This mode of implementation enables better C4 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH consideration of the national context, brings project management closer to the beneficiaries and helps to ensure stronger relevance and maximum impact of the selected projects. While the projects are managed by National Agencies at national level, each of them pos- sess an inherent transnational dimension and is expected to generate results and an impact at the European level as well. There is, therefore, a common interest between the European Commission’s DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and the National Agencies to ensure the appropriate level of quality of funded projects. These compendia are part of the DG’s contribution to better dissemination of information about ongoing projects, and can also be used as a networking tool among project coordinators to identify the projects working on the same areas and with similar topics. The present publication is dedicated to the projects that were awarded funding in 2015. In 2015, a total of more than EUR 369 million was granted to 1 910 projects in the fields of school education, vocational and educational training, higher education, adult education and youth. The funded Strategic Partnerships involve more than 10 900 organisations and are ben- efitting over 450 000 participants in learning, training and teaching activities. It is also worth stressing that over three quarters of the projects are producing ‘intellectual outputs’ such as open educational resources, massive open online courses (MOOCs), e-learn- ing platforms or other pedagogical material. Topics covered by selected projects deal with important items on the EU policy agenda, includ- ing quality in teaching and training; new technologies and digital competencies; employabil- ity; improving the quality of education/training systems; inclusion and tolerance; and youth and education for sustainable development. Among the subjects, there are also health and medicine, research and innovation and international cooperation. In the compendium for youth, you will find a short description of each project with its objec- tives, activities, methodology of work, profile of participants and expected impact as well as the contact details of the coordinating organisations and a list of partners involved. The projects are grouped by country and by cluster of topics covered. This will allow you to easily identify projects coordinated by specific organisations or to obtain an overview of themes and subjects covered by projects in particular fields. The compendium gathering strategic partnerships of all fields is ISBN 978-92-79-61245-9. Summary Strategic Partnership Projects sorted by country ................. C7 Austria ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................C7 Belgium ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................C7 Bulgaria ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................C8 Croatia ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................C8
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