FEATURE Japan in Africa Partnering to take on a wide range of challenges and provide a better future for Japan and Africa JapanGov (https://www.japan.go.jp) is your digital gateway to Japan. Visit the website and find out more. JapanGov, the official portal of the Government of Japan, provides a wealth of information regarding various issues that Japan is tackling, and also directs you to the sites of relevant ministries and agencies. It introduces topics such as Abenomics, Japan’s economic revitalization policy, and the attractive investment environment that Abenomics has created. In addition, it highlights Japan’s contributions for international development, including efforts to spread fruit of innovation and quality infrastructure worldwide. You’ll also find the articles of all past issues of “We Are Tomodachi ”(https://www.japan.go.jp/ tomodachi). Follow us to get the latest updates! JapanGov JapanGov / Japan PMOJAPAN “ W e Are Tomodachi ” is a magaz ine pub lished with the aim of further deepening people’s understanding of the initiatives of the G overnment of Japan and the charms of Japan. Tomodachi means “ friend” in Japanese, and the magaz ine’s title ex presses that Japan is a friend of the countries of the world— one that will cooperate and grow together with them. FEATURE J ap an in A fric a M ore t h an a H elp ing H and t o A fric a 6 J ap anese T ec h nology for t h e F u t u re of A fric a 8 Unit ing A fric a and J ap an 10 C u lt iv at ing t h e Z ambian E c onomy 12 PORTRAITS OF JAPAN T h e S p lendor of A u t u mn F ields 4 R elic s of a H idden C h rist ian P ast in t h e N agasak i R egion 14 UPDATE T h e E P A B rings Shochu int o t h e E U 16 E x p erienc e J ap an in P aris and L ondon 18 POWER OF INNOVATION COVER Urban Oilfields from Garbage 20 In August 2016, Prime M inister Shinz o Ab e attended the Six th GRASSROOTS AMBASSADOR Tokyo International Conference on African Development ( TICAD V I) Japanese Individuals Contributing Worldwide in N airob i, Kenya. R w anda’ s H idden T reasu re 22 He also visited an annex event, the Japan- Africa EX PO , Friends of Japan that featured advanced technologies, B ringing J ap an t o t h e W orld 24 products, and services Friends of Japan from b oth Kenyan companies A B ridge bet w een C h ina and J ap an 26 and Japanese companies operating in Africa. The JET Programme The nex t TICAD will b e held in R einforc ing R elat ionsh ip s: K orea and J ap an 28 Y okohama, Japan in 2019 . 3 S OF J IT AP A A R N T R O 奈良 P 青森 The Splendor of Autumn Fields Autumn, when verdant trees shift to fiery yellows and burning reds, and here, where seas of cosmos flowers spring into the landscape Ikoma | NARA 奈良 Towada | AOMORI 青森 Speckles of vermilion and rust Ikoma as far as the eye can see AOMORI Japan’s wide variety of hardwoods provide a rich array of colors in autumn. The word in Japanese is kiseki no kouyou ( miraculous autumn leaves) — a replete ex perience at Tsuta Numa L ake. Tsuta Numa is located in Towada Hachimantai National Park, and many tourists visit its majestic sights and hot springs, which are nurtured by volcanic activity. The autumn colors of Tsuta Numa hold a NARA beauty of their own during the day, but the moment after sunrise awakens the real miracle of the colors. In the morning, the ocean of rich reds reflect against Towada the lake’s surface, seemingly transcending time and space. https://www.en-aomori.com/scenery-004.html from JAPAN LIBRARY The temple garnished 『 The Building of Horyu-ji with rich cosmos flowers The Technique and Wood that Made It Possible』 Horyu-ji and Hokki-ji are located in Ikoma Nara Prefecture fascinates visitors every year with its historical sites, and Hokki- and are recognized as the oldest wooden ji Temple maintains the tradition with kaleidoscopic autumn vistas. F ounded in structures in the world, and are registered as the seventh century, the temple is associated with Prince Shotoku, the father of a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site under modern Japanese culture, politics, and government. Hokki-ji is in Ikoma and is the Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area. registered together with Horyu-ji Temple as a U NE SCO W orld Cultural Heritage This book focuses on Horyu-ji and the Site under the Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area. In early October, essence of Japanese wood culture, refreshing breezes herald the coming of winter and cosmos flowers sprinkle demystifying Buddhist wooden architecture color over the fields, and Japan’s oldest three-story pagoda stands against a that has not survived in China or Korea. vibrant landscape, telling a story rich in history and beauty of the Ikoma area. http://www.jpic.or.jp/japanlibrary/en/books/001720.html https://www.visitnara.jp/venues/A00508/ 5 FEATURE Japan in Africa More than a Helping Hand to Africa The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), a multilateral forum for high-level policy dialogue between leaders and development partners, providing African ownership and international partnerships fter the Cold War, Commission is participating as an private sector investment is imperative. international support for organizer as well. Such an open, TICAD VI, held in Nairobi, Kenya, AAfrican development was diverse mixture of multi-stakeholders in 2016, attracted 200 private waning, so Japan launched TICAD is unique to TICAD. companies from Japan and led to to address the challenges the continent “TICAD pioneers new territory, the establishment of the Japan-Africa faced. Among these challenges were uniting Africa with countries and Public-Private Economic Forum. poverty alleviation, human resource regions from the EU and the Americas This new mechanism is expected development, and economic growth. to China, Korea, and India to to promote cooperation between Co-organizers for TICAD include participate in high-level, bilateral the public sector and private enterprises some heavy hitters, among them dialogue forums with Africa for the and helps drive commercial enterprise, international development benefi t of the continent,” says Kenzo investment, and trade in Africa. organizations such as the World Oshima, Managing Director of the In international development Bank and United Nations institutions. Africa Society of Japan. cooperation including for Africa, More recently, the African Union As the conference has evolved, Japan has laid emphasis on nurturing its focus has shifted from assistance self-reliance and on the dual to private sector-led activities, such principles of African ownership and as trade and investment—adapting international partnership. Human to Africa’s ever-changing needs. resources development accompanied Traditional government-based by skills transfer is an important facet assistance to relieve poverty such of this policy. as Offi cial Development Assistance Looking ahead, it is hoped that (ODA) remains important as a base Asia-Africa partnerships, as well as Kenzo Oshima is Managing Director of the of economic development. However, programs to promote “south-south” Africa Society of Japan and former Permanent for sustainable development, society and “triangular” cooperation will Representative of Japan to the United Nations as well as Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian needs job creation and economic be strengthened. Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator. growth, and for that to happen, 6 We are now ready for serious business. S.K. Maina Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya in Japan A quarter-century after TICAD I convened participants increasingly feel the need to Minister Abe's “Free and Open Indo- in Tokyo in 1993, this ground-breaking shift attention to Africa's competitiveness Pacific Strategy” plan unveiled in Nairobi forum for Africa-Japan dialogue on in global markets. “Japan mooted the adresses issues facing this new world development reached a major turning point TICAD process...when African countries order. “Kenya is a firm believer in rules- with TICAD VI in Nairobi in 2016. Japanese were going through very difficult times,” based international systems,” says the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe headed a huge says Ambassador Maina. Now, however, Ambassador, “we all have to trade among Japanese delegation to Kenya's capital the World Bank is forecasting 6.17% ourselves. If we don't, we all will suffer.” for the first TICAD held on African soil. per annum GDP growth for Kenya, while Yet while no one would deny the powerful Africa's population is expected to reach 2 symbolism, Ambassador of the Republic billion by 2050. of Kenya in Japan S.K. Maina likes to also TICAD participants clearly are focused recall an earlier milestone. “The defining on new dynamics. TICAD VI, for instance, moment for TICAD,” says the Ambassador, held discussions on universal health “was TICAD V in Yokohama, Japan, where care, social stability, and terrorism and the leaders first said that we need to radicalization. “Africa has moved very involve the private sector and move TICAD fast,” says the Ambassador, “and so we to Africa....It has changed TICAD's whole are saying, we are now ready for serious perspective.” business...we have now reached the level There can be little doubt that previous of ‘partnership.'” TICAD forums have had a significant From building railways and hospitals impact on African development.
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