Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-16-1973 The BG News January 16, 1973 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 16, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2795. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2795 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Bowling Green, Ohio Independent Student Tuesday, January 16, 1973 Voice THe BG news Volumt 56 Number 54 Peace hopes soar as attacks subside KEY BISCAYNE. Fla lapi • Presi- press secretary Ronald L Ziegler and hours before the decision was an- dent Nixon halted all bombing, shelling was seen as a sign that the President nounced. and mining of North Vietnam yester- was satisfied with the outcome of Ziegler said shelling by Navy ships day, citing progress in Henry A Kissinger's six days of negotiations also was banned Mines already dotting Kissinger's Pans peace negotiations last week with Panoi's Le Due Tho. Paiphong harbor and other North Viet- The "unilateral gesture'' ordered by namese ports will remain in place, he Nixon sent peace hopes soaring and THE ORDER TO HALT all offensive said, and will be the subject of negotia- came amid a flood of reports that operations in North Vietnam effective tions. agreement to end the war had been at 10 a.m. EST yesterday was trans- As he responded to questions. Ziegler reached and would be signed soon mitted Sunday night. Ziegler said, referred several times to "negotiations The Florida White Pouse refused to following an extensive presidential which are in progress"' and "negotia- discuss the reports of an agreement, assessment of the Kissinger negotia- tions which are under way." His stressing instead that negotiations tions phrasing, coupled with disclosure that are in progress and that Kissinger Pe said South Vietnamese President Kissinger would return to Paris soon, would head back to Pans "in the rela- Nguyen Van Thieu was informed and appeared to imply that some details of tively near future consulted in advance Congressional an agreement were yet to be ham- Nixon s order was announced bv leaders also were informed several mered out. WHEN ZIEGLER was asked Allocated Press Wi-.pr.oto whether a peace accord had been 4 plead guilty reached, he again cited "an agreement Winter Wilmington College students work together picking corn by hand in on effort to with North Vietnam that we will in no save the crop from frozen field* that could not be harvested by truck last Satur- way discuss the substance of the nego- day afternoon. tiations" and added: "We will adhere harvest to that agreement " Ziegler said he had no information to in bugging case divulge on whether Panoi would, in turn, scale down its military opera- WASHINGTON I API - Four more WITH THE reduced number of lions in South Vietnam Reported crimes drop; defendants in the Democratic head- defendants, it seemed certain that the Announcement of the President's quarters bugging case pleaded guilty full story of the circumstances behind decision came after Nixon met for yesterday, saying they had done their the break-in at Democratic head- more than an hour at his bayside villa job not for pay but because it was "the quarters at the Watergate building with Kissinger right thing to do," would not come out of this trial, even if arrests increase 500% Their removal from the trial leaves it continued with only two defendants It was their fourth session since the only George Gordon Liddy. former The four defendants said again and presidential assistant for national se- By M»ry Wey so much because we're doing such a cent decrease in petty larceny counsel for the Finance Committee to again that the government's opening curity affairs returned from Pans Sufi Reporter fantastic job" but because of the sharp During December. Campus Safety Re-elect the President and James W statement to the jury last week was early Sunday. crackdown in law enforcement. issued 31 citations overall. 26 on cam- McCord Jr.. the re-election commit- accurate It also came as Gen Alexander M The number of reported crimes at pus tee's security chief, as defendants in Earl J. Silbert. chief prosecutor, Paig Jr., Nixon's chief liaison with the Univeisity dropped 38 per cent last SHAFFER said in fall 1971, 30 Shaffer said there have been three the case that started with seven men spent two hours outlining a conspiracy Thieu. flew to Indochina to confer with quarter compared to fall 1971 figures, arrests were made, whereas last quar- reports of rape since fall, all three the charged he said began with an appropriation of the South Vietnamese president and but the number of arrests rose about ter 153 arrests were made. result of women hitchhiking. E Howard Punt Jr.. a former White 1250.000 for investigative work leaders of three other countries 500 per cent. Pe said through strict law enforce- Pe said in 1971 there were two con- Pouse consultant, pleaded guilty last administered by Liddy and said that touched by the conflict-Laos. Thailand Campus Safety Chief Dale Shaffer ment Campus Safety is trying to pre- firmed rapes, again dealing with hitch- Wednesday $235,000 actually was spent and Cambodia said the crime rate has decreased "not vent crime before it happens hikers Pc said campus police are patrolling THEIR LAWYERS moved for a mis- not only on campus but on "all streets "If it had not been for hitchhikers, trial on grounds that the jury would be Residency questioned crossing and surrounding the Univer- we would not have had a verified rape left wondering why five of the original sity." in two years," Shaffer said. seven defendants suddenly were Because of a mutual aid agreement removed from the trial made with the city last spring, campus Pe said women just cannot hitchhike The federal judge trying the case police are now permitted to make ofl- and remain safe If they wont help turned down the motions, and Thomas campus arrests of both students and themselves, it's hard to help them." he OU students arrested said Gregory-the last witness on the stand- non-students. was brought in for cross-examination Before the agreement, campus HE SAID although apprehensions IS District Judge John J Sirica Two out-of-state Ohio University stu- plates 30 days after he becomes a the Ohio American Civil Liberties police could not make off-campus questioned the four defendants closely dents, who claimed Athens as their resident of the state. Union, which has proposed a suit arrests, although they patrolled off- have been made in the five rape cases reported in the past two years, "that before accepting their guilty plea on all voting residence in the last election, against the state to have residency campus areas. seven counts and ordering each held have been arrested for failure to hold SINCE THE DEADUNE for voter requirements dropped when assessing doesn't help the girls." an Ohio driver's license and Ohio registration was 30 days before the tuition. Shafer said campus safety policemen under $100,000 surety bond The men apprehended in the past two An attorney for the four Miamians license plates. election, the law requires that voters In a Post article. Wolman said he patrol the University area by car seven years in connection with the rape said his clients were not able to raise hold the licenses by election day. thought the cases of the two arrested days a week. 24 hours a day. Men are charges have never been University the bond and would remain in jail until Jeffrey Martin, 19. and Michael Randy Wynn, editor of the Ohio Uni- students demonstrate that the state is also on foot patrol students. Shaffer said sentencing Morris. 20. both from New York, were versity Post, said Martin pleaded requiring that student voters live up to FALL 1972 crime figures show a 26 The four men are Bernard L Barker. originally stopped for other traffic of- guilty to the charges and Morris is con- the responsibility of the residency they per cent decrease in breaking and Pe said he was not aware of any con- 55; Eugenio R Martinez. 50: Frank A fenses and later cited under an Ohio tinuing his case. claim for voting, while denying them entering complaints, a 25 per cent de- firmed rapes that have taken place on Sturgis. 37 and Virgilio R Gonzalez, all law requiring a person to obtain an The arrests prompted a reply from resident benefits in the form of lower crease in grand larceny, and a 37 per campus. of Miami Ohio driver's license and Ohio license Benson Wolman, executive director of tuition Hitchiri-a gome of Russian Roulette' By Curtis M. Ilazlf it experienced a tremendous growth in In the past three months in Bowling Makeup Editor hitchhiking crime in the past year. Green there have been three alleged At least one college newspaper has incidents of rape involving University women who were hitchhiking Hitchhiking, once a means of strongly urged its readers not to hitch- transportation enjoyed by thousands of hike, and the city is considering a law THE LATEST ol these occurred young Americans, may be turning into that would strictly forbid either what one veteran police officer calls hitchhiking or stopping to pick up a Wednesday night when two young women hitchhiking downtown were "a game of Russian Roulette"--in hitchhiker.
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