Moving People SMRT CORPORATION LTD Enhancing Lives GROUP REVIEW 2018/2019 GROUP REVIEW 2018/2019 MOVING PEOPLE ENHANCING LIVES 01 SMRT Corporation Developing in Brief 02 Strong Capability Building a Forward-looking Strategy 20 24 OUR VISION Moving People 06 Serving Our Enhancing Lives Community 48 COMPANY PROFILE OUR CORE VALUES CONTENTS SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT) is a Integrity SMRT Corporation in Brief Developing Strong Capability public transport service provider. Safety and Service Milestones 02 SMRT Trains 20 Our primary business is to manage Highlights 04 Roads 24 Excellence – SMRT Buses and operate train services on the North-South Line, East-West Line, – SMRT Taxis Building a Forward-looking Strategy – SMRT Automotive Services the Circle Line, the Thomson-East Visit our corporate – Strides Transportation Coast Line (operational in 2019) and website for more Chairman’s Message 06 Engineering 32 the Bukit Panjang Light Rail Transit. information at: CEO’s Message 08 www.smrt.com.sg Experience 36 This is complemented by our bus, Our Focus & Our Four taxi and private hire vehicle services. Join us at Business Groups 10 Our People 42 SMRTCorpSG Board of Directors 12 We have set our core values to be @SMRT_Singapore Senior Management 14 Serving Our Community Integrity, Safety and Service, and SMRT Corporate Social Responsibility 50 Excellence. SMRT is committed to provide safe, reliable and comfortable SMRT Corporation Ltd Ensuring Sound Governance Commuter Engagement 54 service for our commuters. @SMRTSingapore Key Dynamics and Risk Management 16 Awards and Accolades 55 GROUP REVIEW 2018/2019 MOVING PEOPLE ENHANCING LIVES 01 SMRT Corporation Developing in Brief 02 Strong Capability Building a Forward-looking Strategy 20 24 OUR VISION Moving People 06 Serving Our Enhancing Lives Community 48 COMPANY PROFILE OUR CORE VALUES CONTENTS SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT) is a Integrity SMRT Corporation in Brief Developing Strong Capability public transport service provider. Safety and Service Milestones 02 SMRT Trains 20 Our primary business is to manage Highlights 04 Roads 24 Excellence – SMRT Buses and operate train services on the North-South Line, East-West Line, – SMRT Taxis Building a Forward-looking Strategy – SMRT Automotive Services the Circle Line, the Thomson-East Visit our corporate – Strides Transportation Coast Line (operational in 2019) and website for more Chairman’s Message 06 Engineering 32 the Bukit Panjang Light Rail Transit. information at: CEO’s Message 08 www.smrt.com.sg Experience 36 This is complemented by our bus, Our Focus & Our Four taxi and private hire vehicle services. Join us at Business Groups 10 Our People 42 SMRTCorpSG Board of Directors 12 We have set our core values to be @SMRT_Singapore Senior Management 14 Serving Our Community Integrity, Safety and Service, and SMRT Corporate Social Responsibility 50 Excellence. SMRT is committed to provide safe, reliable and comfortable SMRT Corporation Ltd Ensuring Sound Governance Commuter Engagement 54 service for our commuters. @SMRTSingapore Key Dynamics and Risk Management 16 Awards and Accolades 55 02 SMRT CORPORATION LTD GROUP REVIEW 2018/2019 MOVING PEOPLE ENHANCING LIVES 03 SMRT CORPORATION IN BRIEF 1980s 2005 2011 2014 2017 TRAINS COMMERCIAL TRAINS CORPORATE TRAINS ƭ 6LQJDSRUH0DVV5DSLG7UDQVLW 057 ƭ 5DIIOHV;FKDQJHWKHILUVW057VWDWLRQ ƭ 7UDLQVHUYLFHIURP&DOGHFRWW ƭ 6057&RUSLQWURGXFHV ƭ 60577UDLQVFHOHEUDWHV\HDUVRI is incorporated. to be redeveloped for transit retail, is to HarbourFront CCL stations Adopt-a-Station/ MRT operations. ƭ 6LQJDSRUHƦVILUVW057V\VWHPEHJLQV launched. commences, marking the completion Adopt-an-Interchange, ƭ 6OHHSHUDQGSRZHUUDLOUHSODFHPHQW operations with inaugural service of the line. a community outreach works on the NSEWL are completed. programme with local between Yio Chu Kang and Toa Payoh BUSES ƭ 7ULDORIWKHQHZVLJQDOOLQJV\VWHPRQWKH on the North-South Line (NSL). 2006 ƭ 6057%XVHVDGGV0$1$ schools. CORPORATE NSL begins. low-floor, wheelchair-accessible, TRAINS ƭ )LIWHHQPRUHVWDWLRQVRSHQDQGWKH ƭ 6057&LWLEDQN9,6$FUHGLWDQG single-deck buses to its fleet. ƭ 60577UDLQVFURVVHVWKH ƭ 7KH7XDV:HVW([WHQVLRQRSHQVDGGLQJ MRT system is officially launched by debit cards with EZ-link functions, landmark of 10 billion four new stations on the EWL. SMRT Singapore’s first Prime Minister, the a first-of-its-kind travel rewards TAXIS passenger journeys carried. Trains is awarded the Thomson-East late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. programme, is launched. ƭ 6057ƦV‘Book a Taxi’ smartphone Coast Line (TEL) contract to operate and application makes it easier to BUSES maintain the line in stages from 2019 for book a cab on the go. ƭ 6057%XVHVSURJUHVVLYHO\ an initial nine-year period. TEL will add 2008 ƭ 60577D[LVDGGV&KHYUROHW installs buses with NPDQGQHZVWDWLRQVWRWKHH[LVWLQJ CORPORATE Epica to its fleet. telematics solutions to train network. 1990s ƭ 7KH*LIWRI0RELOLW\3URJUDPPHLV encourage safe and eco- TRAINS launched to provide taxi services for friendly driving. BUSES ƭ %RRQ/D\057VWDWLRQRQWKH(DVW individuals with physical disabilities. ƭ 6057%XVHVRSHQV%XNLW3DQMDQJ West Line (EWL) opens, marking ƭ 6057VLJQVD0HPRUDQGXP Integrated Transport Hub, its first the completion of the system. ƭ ‘SMRT is Green’ is launched of Understanding (MoU) integrated transport hub, with a host of organisation-wide as a commitment with e2i and National ƭ 7KH16/LVH[WHQGHGWR 2012 innovative, commuter-friendly features. to environmental sustainability, Transport Workers’ Union Woodlands, completing the loop. TRAINS which includes initiatives to green ƭ 7UDLQVHUYLFHIURP%D\IURQWWR0DULQD%D\ to jointly develop and TAXIS ƭ 6LQJDSRUHƦVILUVWOLJKWUDLOV\VWHP our fleet. CCL stations commences. operate the first Bus Career ƭ 60577D[LVSDUWQHUVZLWK*UDEHQDEOLQJ the Bukit Panjang Light Rail Transit all SMRT Taxis’ drivers to use Grab for taxi BUSES Development Centre. (LRT), opens for passenger service. COMMERCIAL bookings and dynamic fixed fares. ƭ 6057%XVHVSXWV6RXWKHDVW$VLDƦV ƭ 6057$OSKDDMRLQWYHQWXUHEHWZHHQ first Euro-V compliant bus on the SMRT Investments and Alpha Plus ƭ 6WULGHV7UDQVSRUWDWLRQHVWDEOLVKHVLWV roads. Investments, wins the bid to operate and first overseas joint venture, SMRT Strides manage the retail mall at Sports Hub. Toyotsu Alliance, in Yangon, offering TAXIS limousine and car rental services. 2000 ƭ 60577D[LVGHEXWV6057(FRWD[LV ENGINEERING SERVICES CORPORATE which use compressed natural gas. ƭ 6057,QWHUQDWLRQDOSURYLGHVWHFKQLFDO ƭ 6057&RUSRUDWLRQ/WG 6057&RUS advisory services on an LRT system for is listed on Singapore Exchange COMMERCIAL the Republic of Mauritius. (SGX). ƭ &KRD&KX.DQJ;FKDQJH6057ƦV first transit retail development in the heartlands, opens. 2018 CORPORATE ƭ 6057FROODERUDWHVZLWK Singapore Red Cross’ Community Health on Wheels, a community-based mobile Milestones health programme that reaches out to the elderly in the heartlands. TRAINS ƭ 6057DQG/7$FRPPHQFH works to renew and enhance the power supply system on 2010 2013 the NSEWL. BUSES CORPORATE AND TRAINS ƭ 6057%XVHVDGGV(XUR9 ƭ :RRGODQGV057VWDWLRQLVWKHILUVW057 ƭ 6057ODXQFKHVILUVW&WUDLQV Mercedes-Benz Citaro station in Singapore to be awarded the from Bishan Depot. ZKLFKKDVJUHDWHUIXHO Building and Construction Authority’s ƭ 5HQHZDOZRUNVIRUWKH efficiency and full low-floor Green Mark (Gold). 2016 Bukit Panjang LRT system for smoother passenger flow, CORPORATE AND TRAINS commence. 2004 TRAINS ƭ 6HYHQ60577UDLQVHQJLQHHUVDUHDFFUHGLWHG CORPORATE to its bus fleet. ƭ 60577UDLQVHPEDUNVRQDPXOWL\HDU 2015 as Singapore’s first Chartered Engineers BUSES ƭ 7KH6057&RUSRUDWH COMMERCIAL Sleeper Replacement Project to ƭ &KRD&KX.DQJ%XV Volunteer Programme is CORPORATE, TRAINS AND BUSES. in Railway and Transportation Engineering. ƭ (VSODQDGH;FKDQJHRSHQV improve journey times and provide ƭ 6057FHOHEUDWHV6*ZLWKIUHHWUDYHORQ Interchange opens, offering the created with the aim of on the CCL. commuters with a smoother ride. CORPORATE first one-stop service centre in building a more inclusive SMRT trains and buses. ƭ 6057&RUSLVGHOLVWHGIURP6*;RQ2FWREHU ƭ 60570HGLDH[SDQGVLQWR ƭ 60577UDLQVHPEDUNVRQDKROLVWLF a bus interchange. society. CORPORATE ƭ 7KH-XURQJ+HDOWK0RELOLW\3DUNVSRQVRUHGE\ digital media to offer greater network-wide predictive maintenance ƭ 6057&RUSVSRQVRUVWKH%LVKDQ$QJ0R.LR BUSES interactivity and vibrancy to regime on the North-South and SMRT, is the first of its kind in Singapore where ƭ 6HUYLFHWKHILUVW Inclusive Playground, which offers play life-size public transportation models help the network. East-West Lines (NSEWL), with the features that encourage inclusive play. SMRT cross-border introduction of new technologies. with patients’ rehabilitation. service for commuters ƭ 60577HPDVHN&DUHV$('RQ:KHHOV BUSES ƭ 7KHVHFRQGLQFOXVLYHSOD\JURXQGLVODXQFKHG WUDYHOOLQJWR-RKRU%DKUX is launched, a pilot programme where ƭ 0$1$EXVHVDUHDGGHGWRWKH in Ghim Moh. Malaysia, begins. 2009 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) CORPORATE fleet, increasing the fleet size to more are installed in 100 SMRT taxis. ƭ 6057&RUSƦVLQDXJXUDO*UHHQ)RUXPIRUWKH ƭ 6057,QVWLWXWHDQDFFUHGLWHG than 1,200 buses. sharing of sustainability practices is launched. ƭ 6057&RUSHVWDEOLVKHVDQ(QYLURQPHQWDO educational institution, is TAXIS TRAINS established to develop and deliver Sustainability Committee to oversee green ƭ 60577D[LVLQWURGXFHVQHZ sustainability efforts. ƭ 60577UDLQVWUDQVLWLRQVWRWKH1HZ5DLO 2002 2003 transport-related training and wheelchair-enabled London cabs Financing Framework on 1 October, following TRAINS TAXIS education services. and 600 Prius Hybrid taxis to
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