PRICE, lO CENTS. I ^\^S1 Agricultural and Arts Association OF ONTARIO. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE AND GUIDE THE >- .^- =^=3~r-TO <f«£^? GRAND DOMINION- ° 39th PROVINCIAL - g>eptemS>ev 22«6 fo 27i§, 1884. <_£^ EMBRACING^}-' Programme of Sports during Fair Week — UNDER THE MANAGEMENT C ->#THE LOCAL COMMITTEES CATALOGUE OF ENTRIES OF HORSES AND CATTLE ("^rALSO,^-? Description of Ottawa and its Surroundings, Bv W P. LETT, Esq. City Clerk. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY A. S. WOODBURN, OTTAWA Ottawa Temperance Cofi'ee House, 110 Sparks Street L'/V.i LS AT ALL II FULL DTXXKI!. ' The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION of CANADIANA Pi Queen's University at Do Kingston Highest Award wherever Exhibited. I© 1L© ORjR'JL-J^ «^ C 9 Wholesale and Itetail Agents, Sparks Street, OTTAWA, Ont THE CELEBRATED Cook's Friend BAKING POWDE1 — IS- Pure, Safe, Economical I always reliable It is absolutely free from any injurious ingredients, and may be used with advantage 'in food for persons of the most delicate constitution. It is as useful in the kitchen as salt, being an indispensable ingredient in Biscuits, Pancakes, Johnny Cakes, Pie Crust and any form of Pastry where lightness is valued. It saves three quarters of the usual shorten- ing when such is to be used. Purchasers should be careful to obtain the genuine Cook's Friend ; any variation from or addition to this name is not genuine. Manufactured only by "W. ID. MOLAREKT, Montreal, And may be purchased at retail from all respectable Grocers and Store- keepers in the Dominion. THE Prober Manufacturing fa. -MANUFACTURERS OF- Tie Patent Prosser Self-Fliislrii Service Cistern, The newest and most perfect system invented, combining all the advantages of the modern high priced imported closets at less than half their cost.^ Self-acting. Dry Cistern, except when in vise. So simple as to render derangement al- most impossible. Easily repair - ed, no springs, wire, or cranks. Liberal and effective flush, 2| gallons of water. No danger from freezing or leaking. Com- pact, occupying only one fourth the space of ordinary cisterns. Is assigned the lowest water rate and is approved of by all who have examined it. Msi@E8&& te^wf TO) wmm T^mm Office: 771 Craig Street, MONTREAL. JOHN R. BARBER, JOHN F. ELLIS, President. Treas. and Man. Director. E»JDiiBII t mis m PAPER MAKERS DEALERS IN ALL KIPS OF- PAPERS, BLANK BOOKS, ' PRINTERS' INK, N \ Q^xf^P / Q 125 MILL BO \ > Eh w Dinders Qeatpers and olotps, tyc, CARDBOARD, STATIONERS' SUNDRIES, &c„ &c. Nos. 15 Jordan and 12, 14 and 16 MelMa Streets, TORONTO, ONTARIO. J. B. ABBOTT, —Manufacturer of all kinks of First-Class— ZZZZ. Open *. and Covered* Buggies. "" 385, 387, 389 WELLINGTON ST., OTTAWA. None but First-Class Workmen employed. Repairing done on Shortest Notice and at Reasonable Prices. All work warranted. County of Carleton Agricultural Society, WILL BE HELD- Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 30th & Oct. 1st, 1884, BELKSON THEIR CORNERS,FAIR GROUNDS, A. ABBOTT, Nee-Treasurer. Visitors to the Exhibition. The Local Committee in connection with the EXHIBITION have opened an Office at mPMIM M*cCMiMt?*8. No. 45 ELGIN STREET, WHERE ANY INFORMATION regarding Rooms, Meals, Sleeping apart- ments, &c, &c, may be procured on application, free of charge. ROBERT SURTEES, See. Local Committee, Manufacturers and Printers ST. WEST, .TORONTO, Ont. 21 .ndJJSj.WELLlNGTON : Official Catalogue and Guide TO THE GRAND DOMINION AND THIRTY-NINTH Provincial Exhibition, AT OTTAWA, September 22nd to 27th, 1884. g>ttcttt>ct A. S. WOQDBURN, PRINEER AND PUBLISHER, ELGIN ST. ADVERTISERS' INDEX. Ottawa. Page Abbott, J. B., Carriage and Sleigh-maker, (colored paper front of book) iii Allan, Hugh, & Co., Dry Goods and Tailoring, etc., (col. paper) 41 Borbridge, S. & H., Harness, Trunks, etc 29 Barry, W. H., Money to Loan 25 Bower & Davidson, Drs., Dentists 32 Brown, W. E., Wholesale and Retail, Boots and Shoes, etc., (be- tween Illustration and Title page). Canada Patent Washing Machine, Abner Giles Patentee (between Illustration and Title page). Chilton, J. P., Manufacturing Jeweller 25 Chatfield, Amos, Watches, etc. (facing illustration Exhibition Hall). Crawford, John, Agricultural Implements 41 Culbert, John, Insurance, Loan and Real Estate Agent (between Illustration and Title page). Derenzy, Matthew, Cut Flowers, etc. (colored paper) 41 Delano, C. E., & Co., 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store (colored paper facing Title page). Giles, Abner, Patent Washing Machine (colored paper between Illustration and Title page). Harris & Campbell, Fine Furniture a'j Hope, Jas., & Co., Stationery, Bookbinding, etc. (col. paper). ^41 Harvey, A., C. E., Patent Agent, etc 25 Larose, A. C, Dry Goods, Tailoring, etc a'j Low, Geo., Steam Engines, etc 31 Keough, Thos., House-Painter, etc. (colored paper) #41 McDonald, Kenneth, Agricultura 1 Implements, etc. (col. paper). 41 MacCuaig, Captain R. C. W., Exhibition Intelligence Office for Rooms, etc., (colored paper front of book) iii MacDonald, A. B., Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent (colored paper between Illustration and Title Page). May, Geo., Leather, Shoe findings, etc., facing page t,$ Mortimer & Co., Litho-Printers and Book-binders, etc., (colored paper facing Public Buildings). Martin, R. W. & Son, Piano, Organ, Sewing and Knitting Machines (inside back cover). Orme J. L. & Son, agent Dominion Piano and Organ Co. (inside front cover). Ottawa Temperance Coffee House (lines on front cover). Pritchard &: Mingard, Die Sinkers and Engravers a'j Selwyn E. A. agent for Life and Accident Insurance Co. (Ground plan page) . ;••;••• 5 6 Shepherd John, Sign Painter and House Decorator (facing illus- tration Exhibition Hall). Stimson, E. R., Commissioner from Egypt, (on Plan of Main Building) 76 Waterman H. Groceries and Provisions. 29 T W ilson, H. W., & Co., Fancy and Staple Dry Goods (on Ground plan) 56 Woodburn A. S., Printer, Bookbinder, &c 16 —A 2— ADVERTISERS' INDEX—(Continued). Woodburn Geo. H., Insurance agent (colored paper between Illustration and Title page). Workman Alex. & Co., Stoves, Hardware, &c 17 Bells Corners. Cowan, Andrew S., Patent Creamer 58 County Carleton Exhibition, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st, (col. paper, front of Book) ift Brantford. Buck, Wm., Prize Medal for Stoves, Jos. R. Esmonde, Agent, Sparks St., Ottawa a\ Wisner, J. O., Son & Co., Agricultural Implements, John Craw- ford, Agent, By Ward Market, Ottawa (colored paper) ... 41 BOWMANVILLE. Dominion Piano and Organ Co., J. L. Orme & Son, Ottawa Agents, (inside front Cover). Carleton Place. Graham, Brown & Co., Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Machinery, &c, &c 24 Gananoque. Gananoque Carriage Works, Fine Carriages, Sleighs, &., &c. 041 Hazeldean. Bradley, A., Waggons, Carriages, &c 32 Ironsides. Church & Mcllwraith, Mfrs. Blue and Perloxine for Washing (colored paper between Illustration and Title page). Merrivale. Nankin, T. G., x\yrshire Cattle, Swine, Fowl, &c 59 Montreal. Bishop Geo., the Co., limited, Steam Lithographers, Mfrs, Fancy Stationers (facing illustration Exhibition Hall). Cook's Friend Baking Powder, (colored paper, front of book) . i Canada Paper Co., Paper Stationery, Envelopes, &c 24 Canada Wire Co., Barb Wire 59 Ives, H. R., & Co., (limited), Stoves, Iron Bedstead, &c 59 McLaren & Co., Proprietor, Cook's Friend, (colored paper front of book) i Power & Dawson, Engravers & Die Sinkers, Brass Founders &c. 24 Prosser the, Manufacturing Co., Proprietor Prosser Patent, Self- flushing, Service Cistern, (colored paper, front of book) .... i Peterborough. Ontario Canoe Co., (limited), Pleasure, Fishing and Hunting Canoes (colored paper facing illustration Public Buildings). Hamilton, the William, Manufacturing Co., Perkins' Drop Tilt Shingle Machine, Steam Engines, &c, (Ground plan) .... 56 Toronto. The Barber & Ellis Co., Paper Makers, Bookbinders, & Enve- lope Makers, (colored paper, front of book) ii Kilgour Bros., Paper Bags Flour Sacks, Paper Boxes, &c. (colored paper, front of book) iv Woodstock. Karn, D. W. & Co., Organ Manufacturers, (outside back cover). —A 3— VICTORIA FOUNDRY, BRANTFORD. WILLIAM BUCK, SOLE PROPRIETOR OF Smyth's Pat. Duplex Grate FOR THE DOMINION OF CANADA, MANUFACTURER OF THE CELEBRATED it Radiant Home" Base Burner, "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE, &c, See our Display at this Exhibition, J. R. ESMONDE, AGENT, SPARKS ST., OTTAWA. PROGRAMME In addition to the Magnificent Prize List offered by the Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario, the Citizens' Committee have provided the following Programme of Sports and Amusements For the Entertainment of Visitors. All Entries must be made with Mr. Robert Surtees at the City Hall, by Nine O'Clock on Monday Evening, the Twenty-second instant. JACOB ERRATT, ROBERT SURTEES, Chairman. Secretary. Wednesday, September 24tli. Formal opening of the Exhibition by Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Premier of Canada. A Parade of the Bicycle Clubs will take place on Parliament Hill at 10.30 a.m. 2 p.m.—Grand Bicycle Parade and Competition for prizes on Lansdowne Park, Bicycle Races open to amateurs only. One Mile, open to all, Gold Medal. One Mile, open to all except those having a record of 3:40 or better. Silver Medal. Three Miles, open, Gold Medal. Three Miles, handicap, Silver Medal. Exhibition of Fancy Bicycle Riding. Quoits, heavy weight, 5 lbs. and over, 1st $10, 2nd $5, 3rd $3. do light weight, 5 lbs. and under, 1st $6, 2nd $4, 3rd $2. Distance, 18 yards. Stiff clay ends. Entrance in both classes, 50 cents. Royal Caledonian Rules. 3 p.m. —Tug-of-War, $20, Ten Men from the City vs. Ten Men from the County of Carleton. 8 p.m. —Grand Prismatic Fountain at Water-Works (Pooley's Bridge), and Open Air Band Concert at same place. Thursday, September 25th. 11 a.m. —Hurdle Jumping, on the Speeding Track, open to all horses 1st $14, 2nd $7, 3rd $4. Entrance $t. SPORTS—f Continued). i p.m. —Novel Baloon Ascension, under the direction of Prof. Low- anda, of White Haven, Pennsylvania. It will be attached to a windlass, operated by horse-power, under the control and manage- ment of Prof.
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