Gincana 5 From COP 9 to 2010 Printed in Canada ISBN: 92-9225-088-4 © 2008 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity All rights reserved Design: Em Dash Design Front cover photo: Andrew Smith, United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Back cover photo: City of Bonn 100% Recycled Supporting responsible use of forest resources Cert no. SGS-COC-003939 www.fsc.org Printed on Rolland Enviro100 Print, which contains 100% post-consumer fi bre, is Environmental ©1996 Forest Stewardship Council Choice, Processed Chlorine Free, and manufactured in Canada by Cascades using biogas energy. From COP 9 Gincana 5 to 2010 Table of Contents AHMED DJOGHLAF Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity ................................... 2 BAN KI-MOON Secretary-General, United Nations .............................................................3 ACHIM STEINER Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) .................... 4 ANGELA MERKEL Chancellor, Germany .............................................................................. 5 YASUO FUKUDA Prime Minister, Japan .............................................................................6 DR. DANILO TÜRK President, Slovenia ................................................................................ 7 (iStockphoto) W. BALDWIN SPENCER Prime Minister, Antigua and Barbuda ..........................................................8 FELIPE CALDERON President, Mexico ................................................................................ 10 ANÍBAL CAVACO SILVA Berchtesgaden, Germany Berchtesgaden, President, Portugal .............................................................................. 11 MARC RAVALOMANANA LUC GNACADJA President, Madagascar ......................................................................... 12 Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat HELEN CLARK Desertifi cation (UNCCD)......................................................................... 24 Prime Minister, New Zealand .................................................................. 13 KOFI A. ANNAN JOSÉ MANUEL BARROSO Chair, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa ............................................. 26 President, European Commission ............................................................. 14 JEFFREY SACHS SIGMAR GABRIEL Director, The Earth Institute at Columbia University ....................................... 28 Minister for the Environment, Germany ..................................................... 15 SHAKEEL BHATTI GERDA VERBURG Secretary of the Governing Body, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Netherlands .................... 17 Resources for Food and Agriculture .......................................................... 29 MARTHINUS VAN SCHALKWYK GUENTER MITLACHER Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa ............................ 18 NGO Focal Point for CBD MOP 4/COP 9, NGO Forum for the Environment and Development/German League for Nature and Environment (DNR) .................... 30 JACQUES DIOUF Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) .. 20 GÉRALD TREMBLAY Maire de Montréal, Canada .................................................................... 31 KATHERINE SIERRA Vice President, Sustainable Development, The World Bank ............................. 22 TAKEHISA MATSUBARA Mayor of Nagoya, Japan ....................................................................... 32 MONIQUE BARBUT CEO, Global Environment Facility (GEF) ..................................................... 23 BÄRBEL DIECKMANN Mayor of Bonn, Germany ....................................................................... 32 YVO DE BOER Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention BETO RICHA on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ................................................................. 24 Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil ........................................................................ 33 From COP 9 to 2010 1 Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity The Bonn Biodiversity Summit: Birthplace of a “Global Naturallianz” for Life on Earth ifteen years after its entry into force, ment was key to the success of the Bali the Convention on Biological Di- road map. A special session of the Secu- F versity faces unprecedented chal- rity Council was convened in April 2007 to lenges. Biodiversity decline and loss of consider the security dimension of climate ecosystem services continue to be ma- change. For the second time, the envi- jor global threats to life on Earth. The un- ronmental dimension of peace and se- precedented loss of biodiversity is being curity was recognized by the Norwegian seriously compounded by the negative im- Nobel Committee in awarding the presti- of more than 5,200 delegates. Therefore, pacts of climate change. The Fourth IPCC gious Nobel Peace Prize to the Intergov- the Bonn biodiversity meeting offers a Assessment Report predicts that, as a re- ernmental Panel on Climate Change and unique opportunity to build on the mo- sult of climate change, up to 30 per cent to Al Gore, the former Vice-President of mentum achieved to date and be a pivot- of all known species are likely to be at in- the United States of America. al point in the history of the Convention. It creased risk of extinction before the end The call for action is also being heard to cannot be just another meeting but rath- of this century. Unprecedented and sus- address the challenges of the biodiversity er the beginning of a new chapter in the tained efforts are urgently required at all crisis. Under the able leadership of Marina life of the convention on life on Earth and levels, by all stakeholders to address the Silva, the Minister of Environment of Brazil, the start of new era of doing business dif- planetary challenges of climate change a new phase of enhanced implementation ferently when it comes to the relationship and loss of biodiversity. of the three objectives of the Convention between man and nature. It is for this reason that following her was born in Curitiba, Brazil, at the eighth As Friedrich Hoelderlin, the great Ger- appointment as Special Envoy of the Sec- meeting of the Conference of the Parties to man lyric poet, once said, “wherever there retary-General on Climate Change, Ms the Convention. The success of this new is a danger, so too grows the solution”. Gro Harlem Brundtland stated: “It is ir- phase calls for enhanced commitment by In offering to host the ninth meeting of responsible, reckless and deeply immor- all Parties, other Governments and stake- the Convention, Germany has decided al to question the seriousness of the sit- holders. The ninth meeting of the Confer- not only to offer the necessary confer- uation. The time for diagnosis is over and ence of the Parties will take place less than ence facilities but to lead by example. The the time for action is now”. She stressed two years before the deadline of substan- “Triple German Presidency” of the Euro- the importance of 2007 as a year in which tially reducing the loss of biodiversity ad- pean Union, the G8 and the ninth meeting the wheels have to be set in motion. The opted by 110 Heads of State and Govern- of the Conference of the Parties is unique. call for action on climate change has ment in Johannesburg at the 2002 World The preparation by the host country for been heard. Summit on Sustainable Development. It the Bonn biodiversity meetings is unique The year 2007, which was the twenti- will also take place less than two years be- in the history of multilateral environmental eth anniversary of the Brundtland report fore the end of the Curitiba commitment to agreements. Germany’s part in the “Tri- Our Common Future, will be remembered nalize the negotiation of an international ple Presidency of the European Union”, as the year of renewed commitement by regime on access and bene t. It will take together with Portugal and Slovenia, for the international community as a whole to place also in less than two years before the preparation of the Bonn meetings is address the challenges of climate change. the celebration, for the rst time, of the In- unique. The inclusion of biodiversity in the Immediately upon taking up his assign- ternational Year on Biodiversity. Heiligendamm Declaration on Growth and ment, the new Secretary-General of the It is for this reason that the Secretariat Responsibility in the World Economy ad- United Nations, Mr Ban Ki-moon, decided has redoubled its effort to rise to the chal- opted by the G8 Summit in June 2007 is to make climate change as one of his pri- lenges of enhancing its support to Parties unique. The Heiligendamm biodiversity orities. He appointed three special envoys and establishing a broad- based partner- commitment is a major breakthrough as and convened, for the rst time in the his- ship with all relevant partners and stake- was endorsed by the President of the tory of the United Nations, a Summit of holders. Between Curitiba and Bonn, the United States of America, a country that the United Nations General Assembly ex- Secretariat serviced 83 meetings, includ- I sincerely hope will be able to join soon clusively devoted to climate change. The ing 10 major open-ended intergovern- the CBD family as a full member. The Secretary-General’s personal engage- mental meetings, with the participation Potsdam Initiative of the G8+5, as well as 2 Gincana 5 Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations
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