-« TIMBABWEAN VE LENT TAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. XCII, No. 76 28th NOVEMBER, 2014 ~ °°” Price US$2,00 General Notice 469 of 2014. - obtain the tender documentsthat consistthe instructions and scope of work from the Procurement Manager, Zimbabwe PLANT BREEDERS RIGHTS ACT [CHAPTER 18:16] Power Company Head Office, Eleventh Floor, Megawatt House, 44, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, upon payment of Application for Plant Breeders Rights anon-refundable fee ofUS$10,00,pertender. Your submission should reach the State Procurement Boardnotlaterthat the IT is herebynotified, in terms of section 12(1) of the Plant Breed- closing date, 27th January, 2015. Late submissions will not be accepted. ets Act [Chapter 18:16], that an application has been madeto the Registrar for the granting of plant breeders rights in respect of plants, the names andparticulars of which are specified in the General Notice 471 of 2014. Schedule. STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD Any person wishing to object to the granting of plant breeders rights to the applicants must do so, in wring, with the Registrar of Tenders Invited Plant Breeders Rights, P.O. Box CY 550, Causeway, within three months fromthe date of publicationof this notice. TENDERS miustbe enclosed in sealed envelopes. endorsed onthe outside with the advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted intime to be C.MUIJAIU, sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway, or delivered by hand to the 28-11-2014. Registrar of Plant Breeders Rights. Principal Officer. State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building. Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10.00 a.m. onthe closing date. SCHEDULE C. NYANHETE, 28-11-2014. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. APPLICATION 1416 Tender number ; vt ZETDC/HO.08/2014. Supply and delivery of tools and tool boxes. Nameof applicant: Selby Enterprises (Private) Limited. Building documents for the above-mentioned tenders can Date of application: 27/06/2014. be inspected and are obtainable upon payment of a non- Kindofplant: PisumSativum. refundable fee of US$10,00, payable by cash only for each Name or temporarydesignation: Sweet horizon. set of bidding document from The ZETDCProcurement Distinguishing characteristics: Seeds show abright hilumcolour.The Administrator, Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and plant is verytall with a long stem. The pods of sweet horizonare Distribution Company, Offices 223 and 227, Second Floor, remarkablyflat. Electricity Centre ,25,Samora Machel Avenue, P.O. Box 377, Harare. The closing date is 20th January, 2015. APPLICATION 1417 General Notice 472 of 2014. Name ofapplicant: HZPZ Holland B. V. Date of application: 18/8/2014. STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD Kindofplant: SolanumtuberosumL. Nanee or temporarydesignation: Panamera. Tenders Invited Distinguishing characteristics: Panameraisa late maturing, it takes 130 days. It has a very high frequencyof flowers. The plants are TENDERSmustbe enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed onthe outside with the advertised tender number,description, closing date and must be posted in time to be tall in height. sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway,or delivered by hand to the Principal Officer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building. General Notice 470 of2014. Samora Machel Avenue. Harare, before 10,00 a.m. on the closing date. C.NYANHETE, STATE PROCUREMENTBOARD 28-11-2013. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. Tenders Invited Tender number ZETDC/TRANS/03/2014. Annual contract on provision of TENDERS must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number. description. closing date and must be posted intime to be auctioneering services for ZETDC. Theclosing date is 27th sorted into Post Office Box Number CY408. Causeway,or delivered by handto the January, 2015. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building. ZETDC/TRANS/04/2014. Manufacture, supply and delivery of Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. before 10.00 a.m. onthe closing date. multi-function primary injectiontest sets complete withfull ; C. NYANHETE. sets ofhigh current andhighvoltagetests leads measurements 28-11-2014. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. leads, powerleads and PC communicationleads.The closing Tender number date is 3rd February, 2015. ZETDC/TRANS/05/2014. Site survey, design, engineering, ZPC/HO 40/2014. Supply and deliveryofidlers, pulleys andbearings: manufacturing, supply, delivery, training, installation and Hwange PowerStation. Interested bidders are required to commissioning of a wide area monitoring protection and 956 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 281TH Novemssr, 2014 Tender number Slate 13 10432 control system (WAMPACS) complete with application software Slate 14 11710 at specific locations. The closingdate is 3rd February, 2015. Slate 15 17h Slate 16 41742 ZETDC/TRANS/06/2014. Protection coordination consultancy Slate 17 A743 services for ZETDC. Theclosing date is 27th January, 2015. Slate 18 W714 Documents for the above-mentioned tenders are obtainable Slate 19 11715 uponpaymentof a non-refundable fee of US$ 10,00, perset of tender Slate 20 11716 document fromthe Procurement Administrator, ZETDC, Office Ne. Slate 21 1L717 723/4, South Wing, Seventh Floor, ZESA Electricity Centre, 25, Slate 22 11850 Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. Slate 23 11851 Slate 24 11852 General Notice 473 of 2014. Slate 25 11853 Slate 26 18301 MINES AND MINERALS ACT (CHAPTER 21:05} Slate 27 18302 Mars 1 7371 Application for Mining Lease: Metallon Gold Zimbabwe Mars 2 7372 (Private) Limited — Arcturus Mine: Mashonaland East Mining Mars 3 8315 District Mars 4 10178 Mars 5 10179 NOTICEis hereby given, in terms of section 138(a) of the Mines Mars 6 10180 and Minerals Act (Chapter21:05}, that Metallon Gold Zimbabwe Mars 7 10437 (Private) Limited has applied for a mining lease for an area that Arcturus 18372 is described in the Schedule. Areturus 2 10309 Arcturus 3 10310 SCHEDULE Arcturus 4 10312 DESCRIPTION OFAREA Stafford 5 9663 Stafford 6 9959 An area approximately 2468 hectares in extent, situate in Venus 9258 Mashonaland East mining district, and bounded by a line Venus 2 9264 commencingat a point whichis approximately 2 kilometres west Venus 3 9658 of the Arcturus Post Office (grid reference 36K320330); thence Venus 4 9659 proceeding on a true bearing of approximately 346°30’for a Venus 7 11011 distance of approximately 1 O kilometrestoa point (grid reference Venus 8 110i2 36K319880); thence on a tre bearing of approximately 53° for Venus 9 11328 a distance of approximately 3,2 kilometres to a point grid to a Venus 8 11012 point (grid reference 36K322390); thence ona true bearing of Venus 9 11328 approximately 144° foradistance of approximately 3 4 kilometres Venus 10 11388 to a point (grid reference 36K324370); thence on a true bearing Venus 11 11389 of approximately 93°30° for a distance of approximately 5,1 Venus 12 11593 kilometres to a point (grid reference 36K329420); thence ona true Venus 13 Li594 bearing ofapproximately 186°15~ foradistance of approximately Venus 14 11595 2,7 kilometres to a point (grid reference 36K329110), thence Venus 15 11596 on a true bearing of approximately 280°30’ for a distance Venus 16 11597 of approximately 4,6 kilometres to a point (grid reference Venus 17 19892 BM 36K324652); thence ona true bearing of approximately 284°30° Venus 18 15529 fora distance ofapproximately 4,5 kilometresto the starting point. Venus 19 17786 The mining lease will cover the following mining Jocations: Mafuta 10345 Kambenje 10787 Name Registered number Kambenje 2 10782 Kambenje 3 10783 Learig | 11519 Kambenje 4 10784 Kambenje 3 10785 Learig 2 11568 Kambenje 6 10786 Learig 3 11569 Kambenje 7 10788 Learig 4 11570 Learig 5 11938 Kambenje 8 10789 Learig 6 . 11939 Kambenje 9 10790 Learig 7 7 11940 Kambenje 10 12056 Kambenje 11 12057 Learig 8 Li941 Homestead 11243 Learig 9 LLOS1 Homestead 2 11245 Learig 10 11952 Hemestead 3 17725 Learig 11 11953 Learig 12 11954 Site 336 Site 291 Learig 13 11955 Site 140 Learig 14 11956 Site 262 Learig 15 11957 Learig 16 11958 Gladstone 6 16772 Gladstone 7 27511 Learig 17 11962 Mining Lease 15 Learig 18 19893BM Slate 1 6613 Louis Grand 6 16772 Slate 2 6614 Louis Grand 9 27600 Louis Grand 10 Slate 3 6632 27598 Slate 4 6657 Louis Grand11 27599 Louis Grand 12 Slate 5 6058 27601 Louis Grand 13 Slate 6 7116 27602 Slate 7 9175 Louis Grand 14 27603 Louis Grand 15 27604 Slate 8 7473 Slate 9 8306 Louis Grand 16 27605 Slate 10 8307 Sharpe Reef 1 12222 Slate 11 8308 Sharpe Reef 2 12224 Sharpe Reef 5 Slate 2 8312 27495 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazirre, 28TH Novemser, 2014 957 Sharpe Reef 6 27496 General Notice 474 of 2014. Sharpe Reef 7 27497 Sharpe Reef & 27498 MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 21:05] Sharpe Reef 9 27499 Sharpe Reef 10 27500 Reservation Notice 1566: MashonalandEast Mining District Sharpe Reef 11 27501 IT is hereby given notified that Mining Commissioner, upon Sharpe Reef 12 27502 instruction fromthe Secretary acting onthe authorityof the Minister, Guernsy 3 11495 has, in termsof section 35 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter Guernsy 4 11496 21:05], reserved the area described in the Schedule against Guernsy5 11502 prospecting and pegging with effect from 6.00 a.m. on Thursday Guernsy6 11503 21st March, 2015. Guernsy 7 12220 PROF. F. P. GUDYANGA, Guernsy8 12221 28-11-2014. Secretary for Mines and Mining Development. Guernsy 9 12225 Guernsy 10 12226 SCHEDULE Exodus 11522 DESCRIPTION OF AREA Exodus 2 11530 “NEW CITY” Exodus3 11592 Exodus 4
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