E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2002 No. 28 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was The legislative clerk read the fol- In short, Dr. Russell has served his called to order by the Honorable DAN- lowing letter: Lord, his nation, stretching back over IEL K. AKAKA, a Senator from the State U.S. SENATE, 50 years. He is also privileged to be the of Hawaii. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, national chaplain of the American Le- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Dr. Washington, DC, March 13, 2002. gion, an organization of which I am David Russell, national chaplain of the To the Senate: privileged to be a member, as was my American Legion, will lead the Senate Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, father. My father served in World War in prayer. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby I as a young doctor in the trenches in appoint the Honorable DANIEL K. AKAKA, a Senator from the State of Hawaii, to perform France and proudly joined the Legion. PRAYER the duties of the Chair. I still possess the American Legion pin The guest Chaplain offered the fol- ROBERT C. BYRD, that my father carried in that period of lowing prayer: President pro tempore. time. Let us pray. Mr. AKAKA thereupon assumed the Dr. Russell’s distinguished back- Dear most gracious Heavenly Father, chair as Acting President pro tempore. ground, however, includes another pro- found and noteworthy matter. It has to we humbly come to You today to re- f quest that You grant wisdom for all do with his service as a long-time those who gather in this seat of Gov- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING member of the Chapel of Four Chap- ernment, that they might always act MAJORITY LEADER lains. In fact, he now serves as the Vir- in the best interest of this Nation and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ginia State Chaplain of the Chapel of its people whom they represent. pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- Four Chaplains. There may be some Help them, Sir, to seek Your guid- ognized. who are not familiar with the Chapel of ance and direction in all their delibera- f Four Chaplains. I would like this morn- ing to advise the Senate on this his- tions. Reach deep into their innermost WELCOME TO DR. DAVID RUSSELL hearts and minds to bring them to- toric moment in America’s history. gether in unity so that they may act as Mr. REID. On behalf of Senator WAR- The inspiration for the Chapel of one. Enable them to set aside personal NER, I welcome Dr. David Russell, who Four Chaplains and its mission of desires to seek Your divine will and has been our guest Chaplain, for his unity without uniformity comes from way for this great Nation. very timely prayer and also the rep- the courageous acts of four Army chap- May they, and we, always be mindful resentation of the American Legion lains who were serving aboard the USS that our Nation, our lives, our very which has rendered such great service Dorchester when it was hit by an enemy being rests in Thy eternal hands. to our country. torpedo and sank in the North Atlantic Bring them together in a spirit of hu- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, we are on February 3, 1943. The four chaplains, mility and love for Thee and for these grateful this morning to have a very LT George Fox, LT Alexander Goode, United States of America. These peti- distinguished member of the clergy of LT John Washington, LT Clark Poling, tions we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. Virginia participate in the opening of a Methodist, one of Jewish faith, one of today’s session as the Chaplain. It is Catholic faith, and one of the Dutch f my honor and privilege to join others Reform Church, respectively—quickly PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE this morning. My colleague, Mr. spread through the ship to tend to the The Honorable DANIEL K. AKAKA led ALLEN, was here, and Senator REID par- wounded and dying, to comfort those the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ticipated in introducing Dr. David Rus- able to attempt survival in the icy arc- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the sell. tic water. They died together, going United States of America, and to the Repub- Dr. Russell hails from Spotsylvania, down with the ship, after giving their lic for which it stands, one nation under God, VA, and is pastor of the Cornerstone lifejackets to other members of the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Baptist Church in Falmouth, VA, a crew. Of the 902 service persons aboard f community of just over 3,600 outside that merchant seaman ship and civil- Fredericksburg. He served in the Ko- ian workers on that ship, 672 died, 230 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING rean war, as did I, and he served in the survived. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE U.S. Air Force from 1949 until 1952. It is President Truman was the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The interesting that our periods over- mander in Chief under whom the dis- clerk will please read a communication lapped. I served in the Marines in tinguished guest today and I served in to the Senate from the President pro Korea in the fall of 1951 until the the Korean war, and indeed in my brief tempore (Mr. BYRD). spring of 1952. service at the conclusion of World War ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1799 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:32 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S13MR2.REC S13MR2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S1800 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 13, 2002 II when I served in the Navy, he was At 11:30, the Senate will resume con- important for our quality of life, for Commander in Chief at that time. In sideration of the Levin CAFE amend- our competitiveness as a nation. It is his dedication speech, in 1951, in a me- ment, with 20 minutes of closing debate also very important for providing good- morial to these four brave men, he prior to a vote in relation to the paying jobs for Americans. said: amendment. Technology improvements benefit This interfaith shrine will stand through Following disposition of the Levin our lives and our businesses and our long generations to teach Americans that as amendment, Senator MILLER will offer competitiveness in many ways. For ex- men can die heroically as brothers, so should his amendment regarding pickup ample, in manufacturing, it allows they live together in mutual faith and good trucks, with 10 minutes of debate prior manufacturers to manufacture what- will. to a vote in relation to that amend- ever the good or product is, more effi- These words are as important today ment. ciently, with greater quality, with less as they were 51 years ago. The Senate Following disposition of the Miller waste, and fewer toxins. In a distribu- is indeed privileged to have this distin- amendment, Senators KERRY or SNOWE tion center, if you went to a Dollar guished American before us today. or their designees will be recognized to Tree or a Family Dollar or Dollar Gen- This has been an unusual week for offer an amendment regarding CAFE. eral distribution center, you would see me in the sense that on Monday I at- We hope to dispose of all the matters how they use technology to pick dif- tended the funeral services at Arling- of fuel efficiency regarding motor vehi- ferent items for their various stores ton of Corporal Matthew Commons, cles today. We hope we can move on to and then loading them on trucks. U.S. Army, Company A, 1st Battalion, Technological improvements help other important matters on this bill. 75th Ranger Regiment, who lost his life our communications systems within As was spoken on the floor yesterday, just a few days ago in Operation Ana- our country. It also helps education op- the majority leader intends to finish conda in Afghanistan. Last night, I de- portunities, life sciences, and biologi- this bill by next Friday. During that livered a eulogy on behalf of an old cal advancements that are allowing period of time, we also have to dispose friend in Virginia, an African American people to lead better, healthier, longer of the campaign finance bill. There is a who served aboard the carrier Yorktown lives. It can help in law enforcement lot to do. We would ask those Senators and was in 11 major engagements in and coordination of law enforcement World War II. His name was Richard who have amendments dealing with efforts at the State, local, and national Hall. He worked with me down in Vir- this important energy legislation to level. And it can provide for a better ginia for these many years, and was a come and offer them because that time transportation system with smart dearly beloved friend. may run out quicker than they think. roads and smart cars, and the concept In the last 2 weeks, America experi- f of telecommunicating, teleworking, al- enced approximately nine deaths in Op- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME lowing people to have a better quality eration Anaconda. But I reflected last of life while not having to fight traffic The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- night, as I do briefly this morning, on every day and have more time with pore.
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