On Some Sulphosalt Minerals (Tetrahedrite and Tennantite) from Northern Japan

On Some Sulphosalt Minerals (Tetrahedrite and Tennantite) from Northern Japan

Title On Some Sulphosalt Minerals (Tetrahedrite and Tennantite) from Northern Japan Author(s) Harada, Zyunpéi; Kitahama, Masaharu Citation Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy, 8(2), 74-81 Issue Date 1952-03 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/35853 Type bulletin (article) File Information 8(2)_74-81.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP ON SOME SWLgeffOSMer MXNERAkS (rrrffTRAewM>RXrscE ANjCP [scENNANTXTE) waOM NeX[ErswXN YAPAN. By Zytmpbi :EIiARADA altd IN([asaEtharei KXTAHAMA Contvibution /from the Department of Geology [-md Mi/aeralogy, Faeulty oie Seienee, Ii[ol<kaido Univevsi'ty. No. 441 I)uring the eourse of stuclies on h'regularlt{es of erystals, the pz'esent writ・ers eolleeted a series of eoppey sulphosalt minerais. The purpose o£ t・his paper ls to pi`esent t・he yesults of erystallo- gra,ph{e, eherni-.eal anCl X-ray examinations on the speeh[nens of tetra- heclrite cand tennaiitite-eopper sulphosak minera!. i. X.ocaiities afidi lnoiSes of occurrences R. rffetrttkedirite. [l]etrahedriige is wiC{e-sp.z'eaCl in its oecurrence and va℃ied in it・s as- soeiation. It is eommonly founcl ii} copper deposit・s as a primary eon- sti't・uent in assoeiation with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, ga}ena, ete. Ie frequently beeomes an importane ore mineyal of a peeuliay metasomatic eoppey (le'posit--・"Kuroin.ono"--in northern Japaik, [l]he followillg are loeations of tetrahe(lrite, whieh x?irere eolleeteCl by the wriLuers in ChaLv dis£riet: i Kamik.ita mine, Kamil<it・a Cok'tnty, Aom.ori Pre-{ee'ture. Teh'ahedrite .is found in cracks of massive pyyiee whieh occurs in "Kuyoiifi.ono" deposit. ii Mtitu! miRe, Moura, East-Tug'aru County, Aomor'i P}ref,ecture. Te'trahedr'ite erystals are cliseoveyed in serici"L'e elay which de- yelops avound gold quartz ve.in. iii Da,t6 mine, Usu County, Ihuyi Provinee, Holckaido. It oecurs in quartz eoppev pyrite hnpregnation C{eposit with soine te}lvvfiv.in inineyals. 5ou{=lll'SIAtJJ's-e'Ii'll6k'k"al'Ii6"U'I{l'xlllts'-ell'i"v'l'VIiil-N6・",3,"igs,2・ Oii Some Solphosalt Minerals (Teti'ahedvite aiid 7'ennaRtite) from Northern Japan 75 iv Bokoi, Muroran City, Iburi Province, ffol<kaido, - Te'tyaheclrite eryst・als are found in sniail veins in propylite with zincblende and galena, v Suehiro (£ormeyly Kritosan) mine, near Kuttyan, Abuea County, Ibuyi Provinee, Hokkaido. Massive ok' granular tetrahedrites oeeur in golcl quartz veinlets with gold, pyyite and az'senopyrite, vi Tein6 mine, Sapporo Cov!nt・y, Isil<ari Provinee, Hol<kaido, Tetrahedrite is found in ,cr.old quaytz veln with na'tive tel}urium and barite. Ie usualiy forms minutely granular masses, x'arely b. 'Xerwxaneite. Tennatlte has the same oeeuryenees as tetra,hedrite, but ;'s }ess widely distributed. enly one loeality (Osarizawa mine) lkas been re- ported, here we add a new locality oi" temiantite in northern Japan, i Osarizawa mine, I<azuno Cozmty, Alcita Pre£ecture, Tennantite oecui's in graiiulai' aggregate or in fine erystals in coppey vems, . ii Zeni}<amezawa mine, Kameda Covmty, Osima Provinee, Hokkaido. Tennantite crystals ak'e assoeiated with ehaleopyrite, zinebiende aiid galeria hi veiris. Z. Crystai forxkrxs a. Tetscahedrite i Tetrahedrite from the Mutii mine, Moura, East-Tugaru County, Aomoyi Prefeetuye. [l]. If:o anCl K. S,u<mitLi (l) have deseribed tetrahe{ilrite erysta]s fi'om the Mu£u miiie as follows ; Tetyahedron with only o (111) is the most eommon erystal, but sometimes n (211) aii-d r (332) are obseyved, rarely associated wkh a (3.le) and a (100). Tri- aL・histetraheclvon ehieffy with 7b (21.1) is eon)morily found, often assoeiated with o (III) a,nd r (332). And rarely ct (t233) appears, replaeing o (11i). Styia,tions az'e observed on n (211), a (11e) and T (332). Vieina} faees dominaRtly develop on o (111). Crystals are 3-12mm in size. Sometimes it ocezurs in erys'tal aggregate or pene£ratln.cr eaeh otheir. elt eyys'tais ohtaii}ed 'h) the eoursQ-. o£ the preserit worl< the fiol- 76 Z. IIarada and M. Kitahama iowing £orms were foui}d: o (l.11), 7z (2il), ?s (332), cg (llO), as <ioo). ii Tetrahedrite from the Suehiro mine, Xbrtri Pyovinee, }i{ol<l<aido. It is massive or granular, erystals are rare. Obsexved eyystal forms are : o (lll), el (ilO), n (21,1). iii [l]et・rahedyi£e from t・he Tein6 mine, Isil<ari VroviRce, .ffokl<aido. Tetrahedrite is }nainly fine granulay aggragat・e, ravely sifig}e or .osrouped crystal, Sometimes it oeeurs in twin (peitetyation twin), Crystal forms:o (lll), n (211), a (leO), o, (111), a GIO). b. rTefiixax}tite. i [I]ennantite from the Osarizawa iiiine, Kazuno County, Akita I?re- fecture. The cryst・ai foyms of t・ennanttce from the Osarizawa mine have beeit studied by IV[. HosiNxL (2), [[]he faee$ observed on crystals are o (lttl), o, (Zll), a (110), a (100) and n (211). Pbllowing two' 'types of eombinations are distinguished (3) : Tetrahedren type, doiifiinantly o (ill) deve}ops. Rhombic dodeeahedron type, ehiefiy di (liO) predominates. iii Tennanti'te from £he Zenikamezawa mine, Osima Provinee, Hol<}<aido, Crystals are of the following t・hree prineip. al habit・s: a) Simp]e Triaehistet,yahedron n (21X). (Fig・ 1) b) rl]riaehistetyaheclx'oii n (21i) wi'th a (110). (Fig. 2) e) Triaehis£etyahedron n (211) with cl (ile) ancl o (111). <Fig, 3) Observed cryst・ai foynis are as fol}ows: n (211), a (110), o (lll). I]larely large erystals (3-5ein ill diametevs) were found. n ct ?I' d n f.e Fig. l. Fig. Z. Fig・ 3・ FYennantite crystals £rom 'the Zenikamezawa mine, }'Io'Krkaido. 3. Chemiefti Compesitiofi a. Teti'akedrite. Mateiri'als foy aRaiyses obtained eofisistect off brokell fragmeilts o£ On Some Suh'}hosalt Minerals (Tetrahedvi't.e and "Ven'naiitit,e> from Nort,hev/n Iiapall 77 erystals. Butt speeii'nens froin 't}}e two }n.ine$ iiained hk the 'ta}[)le stM po$sessed zineblende and quaytz as admixtui'es, I. The results of aiialyses are given in the following 'table [I]ABT,E I Chemieal Coi:nposition of tetrahedrite. l ,l pt- L No. l 1 I 2 3 ! .- ll・ l l 4 : Local'i'ty Iviutu il ]pte, bat6 mlne Mui'ovaii T'6'iE'e'"=i-l'h/6r I 1 M. &rr.Nm)f・Nl Cli・li'lp"l.a,.Eite,Fl.f,OY l,M. Kirr.Nii,xMAII C?・fteigLa,ti2.,S.SOr M. KiT.xixxlll'l 'Sl. Krs",NTi NtsfA ABalyst i' J I・ 27,54% I I i j s I 2S.70% 24,72% ll 22.26% 30.J2% l 25.41% l I・ s.:l2 l -5.55 l.44 As OA9 i' j' s.33 l 4.Sg. I・ io.;is I Sb 20JI5 2I.OO 8.55 25,2)3 22.17 I l/ Cu ?8,S2 4e.46 l2.l9 I/ P,5.92 ?,8,69 41.57 4.i`., i [ I"e l 4.`.)9 5,l4 l5.l5 5.2,4 i.99 Zn tu l 35.01 2. g) o 2.tt)5 ! Ag ilVJ 1 o.7o l O,27 i'l l Bi I o. t') c} 3isi-i iI' E Pb l.30 I I SiOL' 13.41 O,S3 I・ i l・ 'i'li ToEa' 'i i f}t},.l6 [ {5t}.f)l 'l 1 1 IOO,OO l l- 1oo.oe I 99.86 1 99.34 4" ''''' '' " ''''bl''' ''' i ''' ' '' t .. [I]he obtained two results (1 and 2) with admixtttres dedueed and the remainder were reealcula't・ed to 100 pe'i= eent, [I]he ana}yses have been yedueed to Cu(B"e), Sb(As) and S atom yatio, whieh are given in table II. [l]iNBm", II Atom ratio o£ tetrahedrite. I' li. l I NO E 2 4 I I l 9 i i]oEaiit,y ' l I・ j Mutu min.e Dat6 rnine i Muroix-m Tein6 n.ii lie l I i 1 Cu <Fe) i 714-2,6S-3 I 694-2.50-3' i 707-3.3,5-.o, 705-2.8L)-3 I I Sb (As) I 2£17-O.93-1 1 226-O,Sl--t l 21 'l-l .OO-1 250-l.OO-1 sgr)-:.:})6-ti l s:,i6-:.;.eo-3 '1 ]l I l・ 1/ s // 606--2.$7-3 l 7SO-3.l2-3 i/ Tetyahedyite has some of t・he Cu replaeed by Fe ancl the same relation also is observed in respeet to Sb and As. The at・om yatios agi'ee elosely with that }"equiyed £or the formula: {Ca(Fe)},Sb(As)S,,. 7S Z. Harada and M, Kit',ahama b. `fel-klxalktite. The matek-ials usec'l for analyses we/ e temiantite erys'tals fyom oite }oeality in Hol<kaido, [l]he resul'ts of ehemieal anai",Tses of the tennan'tit・e aye listed hi tab}e III. An ,an,alys:/s of 'tenita.ntite fk'om the Osai'izawa inine whieh was eaken in 1908 (2) is presented for eomparison. These values are given under eoiumn 2. ' ll]ABiji・) IH Chemieal Composition of tennantiee, .Mcm ww 1,um , mamu{ . ...thijtadiew2 No. -.7--I i' "l.".o.ealit;y .......I Zen'il<ameza.wg IIiiie Osa"izawa mine 'iff' ttt' 511'{lrgile' al " I'a5o''/ ;i'E'o' fY --'-"- Analy$kL 'I ]Y[. I<IsvA}-1,".t,N I Ose.rcizawq.

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