
Title On Some Sulphosalt Minerals (Tetrahedrite and Tennantite) from Northern Japan Author(s) Harada, Zyunpéi; Kitahama, Masaharu Citation Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy, 8(2), 74-81 Issue Date 1952-03 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/35853 Type bulletin (article) File Information 8(2)_74-81.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP ON SOME SWLgeffOSMer MXNERAkS (rrrffTRAewM>RXrscE ANjCP [scENNANTXTE) waOM NeX[ErswXN YAPAN. By Zytmpbi :EIiARADA altd IN([asaEtharei KXTAHAMA Contvibution /from the Department of Geology [-md Mi/aeralogy, Faeulty oie Seienee, Ii[ol<kaido Univevsi'ty. No. 441 I)uring the eourse of stuclies on h'regularlt{es of erystals, the pz'esent writ・ers eolleeted a series of eoppey sulphosalt minerais. The purpose o£ t・his paper ls to pi`esent t・he yesults of erystallo- gra,ph{e, eherni-.eal anCl X-ray examinations on the speeh[nens of tetra- heclrite cand tennaiitite-eopper sulphosak minera!. i. X.ocaiities afidi lnoiSes of occurrences R. rffetrttkedirite. [l]etrahedriige is wiC{e-sp.z'eaCl in its oecurrence and va℃ied in it・s as- soeiation. It is eommonly founcl ii} copper deposit・s as a primary eon- sti't・uent in assoeiation with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, ga}ena, ete. Ie frequently beeomes an importane ore mineyal of a peeuliay metasomatic eoppey (le'posit--・"Kuroin.ono"--in northern Japaik, [l]he followillg are loeations of tetrahe(lrite, whieh x?irere eolleeteCl by the wriLuers in ChaLv dis£riet: i Kamik.ita mine, Kamil<it・a Cok'tnty, Aom.ori Pre-{ee'ture. Teh'ahedrite .is found in cracks of massive pyyiee whieh occurs in "Kuyoiifi.ono" deposit. ii Mtitu! miRe, Moura, East-Tug'aru County, Aomor'i P}ref,ecture. Te'trahedr'ite erystals are cliseoveyed in serici"L'e elay which de- yelops avound gold quartz ve.in. iii Da,t6 mine, Usu County, Ihuyi Provinee, Holckaido. It oecurs in quartz eoppev pyrite hnpregnation C{eposit with soine te}lvvfiv.in inineyals. 5ou{=lll'SIAtJJ's-e'Ii'll6k'k"al'Ii6"U'I{l'xlllts'-ell'i"v'l'VIiil-N6・",3,"igs,2・ Oii Some Solphosalt Minerals (Teti'ahedvite aiid 7'ennaRtite) from Northern Japan 75 iv Bokoi, Muroran City, Iburi Province, ffol<kaido, - Te'tyaheclrite eryst・als are found in sniail veins in propylite with zincblende and galena, v Suehiro (£ormeyly Kritosan) mine, near Kuttyan, Abuea County, Ibuyi Provinee, Hokkaido. Massive ok' granular tetrahedrites oeeur in golcl quartz veinlets with gold, pyyite and az'senopyrite, vi Tein6 mine, Sapporo Cov!nt・y, Isil<ari Provinee, Hol<kaido, Tetrahedrite is found in ,cr.old quaytz veln with na'tive tel}urium and barite. Ie usualiy forms minutely granular masses, x'arely b. 'Xerwxaneite. Tennatlte has the same oeeuryenees as tetra,hedrite, but ;'s }ess widely distributed. enly one loeality (Osarizawa mine) lkas been re- ported, here we add a new locality oi" temiantite in northern Japan, i Osarizawa mine, I<azuno Cozmty, Alcita Pre£ecture, Tennantite oecui's in graiiulai' aggregate or in fine erystals in coppey vems, . ii Zeni}<amezawa mine, Kameda Covmty, Osima Provinee, Hokkaido. Tennantite crystals ak'e assoeiated with ehaleopyrite, zinebiende aiid galeria hi veiris. Z. Crystai forxkrxs a. Tetscahedrite i Tetrahedrite from the Mutii mine, Moura, East-Tugaru County, Aomoyi Prefeetuye. [l]. If:o anCl K. S,u<mitLi (l) have deseribed tetrahe{ilrite erysta]s fi'om the Mu£u miiie as follows ; Tetyahedron with only o (111) is the most eommon erystal, but sometimes n (211) aii-d r (332) are obseyved, rarely associated wkh a (3.le) and a (100). Tri- aL・histetraheclvon ehieffy with 7b (21.1) is eon)morily found, often assoeiated with o (III) a,nd r (332). And rarely ct (t233) appears, replaeing o (11i). Styia,tions az'e observed on n (211), a (11e) and T (332). Vieina} faees dominaRtly develop on o (111). Crystals are 3-12mm in size. Sometimes it ocezurs in erys'tal aggregate or pene£ratln.cr eaeh otheir. elt eyys'tais ohtaii}ed 'h) the eoursQ-. o£ the preserit worl< the fiol- 76 Z. IIarada and M. Kitahama iowing £orms were foui}d: o (l.11), 7z (2il), ?s (332), cg (llO), as <ioo). ii Tetrahedrite from the Suehiro mine, Xbrtri Pyovinee, }i{ol<l<aido. It is massive or granular, erystals are rare. Obsexved eyystal forms are : o (lll), el (ilO), n (21,1). iii [l]et・rahedyi£e from t・he Tein6 mine, Isil<ari VroviRce, .ffokl<aido. Tetrahedrite is }nainly fine granulay aggragat・e, ravely sifig}e or .osrouped crystal, Sometimes it oeeurs in twin (peitetyation twin), Crystal forms:o (lll), n (211), a (leO), o, (111), a GIO). b. rTefiixax}tite. i [I]ennantite from the Osarizawa iiiine, Kazuno County, Akita I?re- fecture. The cryst・ai foyms of t・ennanttce from the Osarizawa mine have beeit studied by IV[. HosiNxL (2), [[]he faee$ observed on crystals are o (lttl), o, (Zll), a (110), a (100) and n (211). Pbllowing two' 'types of eombinations are distinguished (3) : Tetrahedren type, doiifiinantly o (ill) deve}ops. Rhombic dodeeahedron type, ehiefiy di (liO) predominates. iii Tennanti'te from £he Zenikamezawa mine, Osima Provinee, Hol<}<aido, Crystals are of the following t・hree prineip. al habit・s: a) Simp]e Triaehistet,yahedron n (21X). (Fig・ 1) b) rl]riaehistetyaheclx'oii n (21i) wi'th a (110). (Fig. 2) e) Triaehis£etyahedron n (211) with cl (ile) ancl o (111). <Fig, 3) Observed cryst・ai foynis are as fol}ows: n (211), a (110), o (lll). I]larely large erystals (3-5ein ill diametevs) were found. n ct ?I' d n f.e Fig. l. Fig. Z. Fig・ 3・ FYennantite crystals £rom 'the Zenikamezawa mine, }'Io'Krkaido. 3. Chemiefti Compesitiofi a. Teti'akedrite. Mateiri'als foy aRaiyses obtained eofisistect off brokell fragmeilts o£ On Some Suh'}hosalt Minerals (Tetrahedvi't.e and "Ven'naiitit,e> from Nort,hev/n Iiapall 77 erystals. Butt speeii'nens froin 't}}e two }n.ine$ iiained hk the 'ta}[)le stM po$sessed zineblende and quaytz as admixtui'es, I. The results of aiialyses are given in the following 'table [I]ABT,E I Chemieal Coi:nposition of tetrahedrite. l ,l pt- L No. l 1 I 2 3 ! .- ll・ l l 4 : Local'i'ty Iviutu il ]pte, bat6 mlne Mui'ovaii T'6'iE'e'"=i-l'h/6r I 1 M. &rr.Nm)f・Nl Cli・li'lp"l.a,.Eite,Fl.f,OY l,M. Kirr.Nii,xMAII C?・fteigLa,ti2.,S.SOr M. KiT.xixxlll'l 'Sl. Krs",NTi NtsfA ABalyst i' J I・ 27,54% I I i j s I 2S.70% 24,72% ll 22.26% 30.J2% l 25.41% l I・ s.:l2 l -5.55 l.44 As OA9 i' j' s.33 l 4.Sg. I・ io.;is I Sb 20JI5 2I.OO 8.55 25,2)3 22.17 I l/ Cu ?8,S2 4e.46 l2.l9 I/ P,5.92 ?,8,69 41.57 4.i`., i [ I"e l 4.`.)9 5,l4 l5.l5 5.2,4 i.99 Zn tu l 35.01 2. g) o 2.tt)5 ! Ag ilVJ 1 o.7o l O,27 i'l l Bi I o. t') c} 3isi-i iI' E Pb l.30 I I SiOL' 13.41 O,S3 I・ i l・ 'i'li ToEa' 'i i f}t},.l6 [ {5t}.f)l 'l 1 1 IOO,OO l l- 1oo.oe I 99.86 1 99.34 4" ''''' '' " ''''bl''' ''' i ''' ' '' t .. [I]he obtained two results (1 and 2) with admixtttres dedueed and the remainder were reealcula't・ed to 100 pe'i= eent, [I]he ana}yses have been yedueed to Cu(B"e), Sb(As) and S atom yatio, whieh are given in table II. [l]iNBm", II Atom ratio o£ tetrahedrite. I' li. l I NO E 2 4 I I l 9 i i]oEaiit,y ' l I・ j Mutu min.e Dat6 rnine i Muroix-m Tein6 n.ii lie l I i 1 Cu <Fe) i 714-2,6S-3 I 694-2.50-3' i 707-3.3,5-.o, 705-2.8L)-3 I I Sb (As) I 2£17-O.93-1 1 226-O,Sl--t l 21 'l-l .OO-1 250-l.OO-1 sgr)-:.:})6-ti l s:,i6-:.;.eo-3 '1 ]l I l・ 1/ s // 606--2.$7-3 l 7SO-3.l2-3 i/ Tetyahedyite has some of t・he Cu replaeed by Fe ancl the same relation also is observed in respeet to Sb and As. The at・om yatios agi'ee elosely with that }"equiyed £or the formula: {Ca(Fe)},Sb(As)S,,. 7S Z. Harada and M, Kit',ahama b. `fel-klxalktite. The matek-ials usec'l for analyses we/ e temiantite erys'tals fyom oite }oeality in Hol<kaido, [l]he resul'ts of ehemieal anai",Tses of the tennan'tit・e aye listed hi tab}e III. An ,an,alys:/s of 'tenita.ntite fk'om the Osai'izawa inine whieh was eaken in 1908 (2) is presented for eomparison. These values are given under eoiumn 2. ' ll]ABiji・) IH Chemieal Composition of tennantiee, .Mcm ww 1,um , mamu{ . ...thijtadiew2 No. -.7--I i' "l.".o.ealit;y .......I Zen'il<ameza.wg IIiiie Osa"izawa mine 'iff' ttt' 511'{lrgile' al " I'a5o''/ ;i'E'o' fY --'-"- Analy$kL 'I ]Y[. I<IsvA}-1,".t,N I Ose.rcizawq.
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