Highlight talk session 6 Wednesday 16:25 •Carniani •Sadler •Husemann •Burtscher •Scharwaechter VLT/SINFONI observations of a sample of 6 quasar: • z~ 2.3 – 2.5 47 48 • Lbol ~ 10 – 10 erg/s • Target [OIII] 5007 line The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. [OIII] velocity map Fast ( > 100 km/s ) blue-shifted emission with very large velocity dispersion (FWHM > 1000 km/s) The strong blue asymmetry of the line suggests the presence of outflow ionized gas that, given the velocities, can only be ascribed to the AGN [OIII]5100 as a tracer of ionized outflows L 1 7 C [OIII] <ne > − 4 M[OIII]outflow =3.3 10 M [O/H] 44 3 3 Te = 10 K ⇥ 10 10 erg/s 10 cm− ✓ ◆✓ ◆ ⇣ ⌘ M vout M˙ [OIII]outflow ⇡ Rout Outflow rate increases with Carniani et al. (in prep) Cicone et al., 2014 AGN luminosity 3 -3 Ionized outflow assuming ne= 10 cm 2 -3 Ionized outflow assuming ne= 10 cm Molecular outflow (local AGN) Molecular outflow (local starburst) [OIII]5100 as a tracer of ionized outflows Carniani et al. (in prep) Carniani et al. (in prep) Cicone et al., 2014 Cicone et al., 2014 The momentum rate transferred by the AGN emission to the gas is given by the average number of photon scattering The [OIII] ionized gas is accelerated far from the AGN nuclear region Star formation in the host galaxy is strongly suppressed from the outflow Narrow component Narrow component [OIII] velocity map External region flux map Nucleus In the region where the [OIII] outflow velocity is larger, the “narrow” line emission is suppressed MODEL Large&surveys&for&21cm&HI&absorp5on&& Elaine&Sadler&(University&of&Sydney/CAASTRO)&and&the&ASKAP&FLASH&team& Mo5va5on:&Use&21cm&HI&absorp5on&to&probe&neutral&atomic&hydrogen& in&distant&galaxies&&R&unlike&HI&emission,&sensi%vity)is)independent)of)z) Image:&S.&Curran& Intervening&absorbers:&&&Cosmic&evolu5on&of&HI&in&galaxies& Associated&absorbers:&&&&AGN&fuelling&and&feedback& 12&Mar&2014& E&Sadler,&&ESO&3D2014& 1& ASKAP&FLASH&–&the&First&Large&Absorp5on& Survey&in&HI&& ASKAP (3 antennas) Chengalur et al. (1999) 0.1 0 −0.1 (Jy) −0.2 S −0.3 First&ASKAP&& −0.4 HI&spectrum:& −0.5 PKS&1830R211& −400 −300 −200 −100 0 100 200 300 400 v −1 (km s ) Image:&J.&Allison/CSIRO& New)parameter)space)opened)up)by)ASKAP:) •&30&deg 2&field&of&view&(PAF)&–&survey&whole&southern&sky&(>150,000&sightlines)&& •&Wide&bandwidth&–&e.g.&simultaneous&coverage&of& redshi]&0.5&<&z&<&1&& •&RadioRquiet&site&–&RFI&levels&excep5onally&low&below&1&GHz&& FLASH&early&science&2015R16,&full&survey&from&2016R17&&& 12&Mar&2014& E&Sadler,&&ESO&3D2014& 2& 10 J. R. Allison et al. J001605-234352 HI&absorp5on&in&nearby&compact& radio&galaxies&& (with&James&Allison,&Steve&Curran,&Bjorn&J181934-634548 (2011 February) Emonts,&Ka5nka&Gereb,&Elizabeth&Mahony,& 10 J. R. Allison et al.Sarah&Reeves,&Mar5n&Zwaan)&& Australia&Telescope&Compact& Array&–&targeted&observa5ons&of& ~40&compact&radio&galaxies&at& 0.04&<&z&<&0.1.&) Used)an)automated)Bayesian)line? J181934-634548 (2011 April) finding)tool)(Allison)et)al.)2012))to) J001605-234352 find)and)fit)HI)absorp%on)lines.))) HI&detec5on&rate&~10%,&mixture& of&earlyR&and&lateRtype&galaxies.&&Broad, weak 21 cm absorption in an early type galaxy 3 J205401-424238 J181934-634548 (2011 February) Figure 4. Target sources with detected H I absorption. Left: Images from the ATCA observations (contours) and the SuperCosmos Sky Survey (grey- scale; Hambly et al. 2001). The(Allison&et&al.&2012,&2013)& contours represent intervalsof10percentofthepeakcontinuumbrightness.TheFWHMofthe ATCA synthesised beam is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of each image. Right: The corresponding spectra from the ATCA observations. The data have been simultaneously fit by a combined continuum and multiple Gaussian spectral-line model. The solid black line represents the data after subtraction of the best-fitting continuum component.12&Mar&2014& The solid red line represents the best-fitting multiple Gaussian spectral-line modeE&Sadler,&&ESO&3D2014l, andFigure the dashed 2. Results red of fittinglinesto represent spectra& from 21 cm observations in 2011 April and 2012 June with the ATCA. The radial velocity axis is given3& in the rest individual components. The solid blue line represents the best-fitting residual, including a velocity-axis offset for clarity.frame definedR refers by the to optical the detection spectroscopic redshift (vertical dashed line). The data have been simultaneously fitted by a combined continuum polynomial significance as defined by Equation 9. and a spectral line model. The solid black line represents the data after subtraction of the best-fitting (maximum-likelihood) continuum component. The red line represents the best-fitting spectral line model (see text for details). The blue line represents the best-fitting residual, including a velocity-axis offset for clarity. ⃝c 2012 RAS, MNRAS 000,1–16 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION where τ(v) is the optical depth of the absorbing gas as a function of the rest-frame radial velocity. If we assume that the 21 cm 4.1 Parametrization of the 21 cm absorption absorption is optically thin (∆Sline/fScont 0.3), the above expression reduces to We implemented the analysis method outlined in Section 3, ini- tially representing the 21 cm spectral line by multiple Gaussian ∆S τ (v) components. The data in both epochs warrant the inclusion of the τ(v) line obs , (3) ⌅ fScont ⌅ f spectral line model over the continuum-only model and, by com- J181934-634548 (2011 April) paring the Bayesian evidence for different numbers of spectral where τ (v) is the observed optical depth. Since many 21 cm line components, the single-component model is favoured. How- obs absorption lines in the literature are far from being well mod- ever, while a single Gaussian does provide a good fit to the com- 2 elled by a single Gaussian component, for the purpose of com- bined data (at maximum likelihood ⇥ /d.o.f=0.94 0.06), ml ± parison, we define an effective width by upon visual inspection the spectral line profile appears more steep sided than predicted by this model. To test this hypothe- τobs(v)dv sis, we tried an empirically motivated spectral line model, which ∆v , (4) eff τ provides for a simultaneously broad and steep-sided trough-like ⇤ R obs,peak profile, and is given by the product of two Gauss error functions (R. Jurek and T. Westmeier, private communication). This is a where τobs,peak is the peak observed optical depth. This defini- simplified version of the 21 cm spectral line model developed tion of the spectral line width avoids missing the contribution by Westmeier, Jurek & Obreschkow (in preparation). Since this of broad, shallow components (as when using the FWHM), or model contains one more parameter than a single Gaussian pro- the width parameter being strongly dependent on the spectral file, which determines the steepness of the profile sides, it must uncertainty (as when using the full width at zero-intensity). For provide a significantly better representation of the data in order the special case of a single Gaussian component, the effective to be preferred. width is just a factor of 1.06 times the FWHM. In Table 1, we Again using Bayesian inference, we found that the 2011 summarize the derived spectral line parameters from the best- April data favour the single Gaussian model, while the 2012 fitting models. Parameter values estimated from the 2011 April June and combined data favour the trough-like model. This re- and 2012 June data are mostly consistent with each other and J205401-424238 sult is perhaps unsurprising given the relatively low signal-to- any significant differences are the result of the choice of model noise ratio (S/N) of the 2011 April data. In the case of the com- parametrization (the single Gaussian is intrinsically more peaked Figure 4. Target sources with detected H I absorption. Left: Images from the ATCA observations (contours) and the SuperCbined data,osmos the trough-like Sky Survey model (grey- is found to be approximately than the trough-like model). The small difference between the R scale; Hambly et al. 2001). The contours represent intervalsof10percentofthepeakcontinuumbrightness.TheFWHMoft35 times morehe likely ATCA than synthesised the single Gaussian model, with a sig- value of for our re-analysis of the 2011 April data, with that nificance above the continuum-only model of R =109.5 0.1. from the previous analysis by Allison et al. (2012a), is the result beam is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of each image. Right: The corresponding spectra from the ATCA observations. The data have been ± When we replaced the uniform prior for the redshift of the 21 cm of improvements to our data reduction method. simultaneously fit by a combined continuum and multiple Gaussian spectral-line model. The solid black line represents the data after subtraction of the 1 2 spectral-line with a normal prior of 12859 500 km s− , given The column density of atomic neutral hydrogen (in cm− ) ± 1 best-fitting continuum component. The solid red line represents the best-fitting multiple Gaussian spectral-line model, andby the the 6dFGS dashed optical red lines redshift represent (Jones et al. 2009) and typical as a function of the integrated optical depth (in km s− ) is given individual components. The solid blue line represents the best-fitting residual, including a velocity-axis offset for clarity.infall/outflowR refers gas tovelocities, the detection the spectral line significance in- by (Wolfe & Burbidge 1975) significance as defined by Equation 9.
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