These Want Ad Columns Are Bargain Counters for Valley People HELP WANTED LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS For Governor Urged WANTED — First-class automobile GOING TO MOVE?—Read the PURNISHED 3- room apartment: Dry On Trial rental ads on this water, Agent »• painter. Must have good references. Dage and save Close to Brownsville lights, telephone, garage. Hooks Chevrolet Co., Donna. G70 stepc, $30.00. Oas. 412 Levee. 350 KWWG I From 1-acre to 100-acre tract*. Metrn Kilocycles "THE VOICE or THE BORDER” GIRL—For office work, short REAL estate Terms to suit purchaser. Let us 6-ROOM apartment, either com- -- show you. Room 5 Cromack furnished or unfurnished. I hours, small salary. Must speak * pletely Spanish. Apply Room l McCrory • Building. Built for a home. All jonvenleneea. The Brownsville Herald Radio Station Bldg.G-I08 Realtors Garage, play ground for children. Cooperative Available before or on October first. WANTED — One cook; must be LOS EBANOS Phone 191 Phone 1337 for appointment. 05# clean. Apply Christian Sandwich .—.....i—..- Shop on highway, Pharr, Texas. NEBRASKA apartment*. furnlabed. LOT BARGAIN WILL SELL—On paved road, three Furnlabed and Radio Features G-83 Prtmdalre unfurnish- Today’s miles Brownsville, 5 or 10 acres ed cottager Pbona tlM CU KWWG PROGRAM FOR MONDAY EVENING choice land. Small payment lown, SITUATIONS WANTED East front lot. 60 feet in width. FlTCu 7:00-7:05—Complete baseball returns. balance terms 5 to 10 years. Some APARTMENTS-Large id $1380 cash Call 1381 -W eve- small tpartments; cool, modem. 7:05-7:10—Police reports. MAN with family wants employ- choice lotr paved street. Terms nings, or write P. O. Box 124, Phone 658. D-89 ment on and Beautiful 6-room cottage, pretty 7:10-7:30—Glimpses cf the world’s greatest recording artists. farm; part salary part Brownsville. * share. Route box San Be- new. Terms. Phone 178. 7:30-8:00—Request program. 1, 68, yard; EL AQUILA—Furnished 2 and 3- nito. G-89 Oil 8:00-8:15—Mrs. H. B. Galbraith, dramatic soprano. room apartments; lights, water, 8:15-8:30—Well-known violinists. hot and cold summer EXPERIENCED graduate of busl- gas. bath; Motor Car Contest. rates. Phone 896-R. 8:30-8:35—Plymouth ness college wants secretarial po- 8:35-8:50— American Legion Airplane contest—"Win an Airplay." sition in Refer- anywhere Valley. A REAL INVESTMENT OPPOR- Studio Dave tenor. ences program by DeKorte, furnished. Phone 511W. 1717 TUNITY—Beautiful 10-acre 5 and 8:50-9:00—Popular vocal selections. Grant. G-115 Del Francis 6-year old commercially bearing Apts 9:00-9:30—Program from the Matamoros Cafe. orchard within 2 miles BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES citrus fruit LOS E BANOS Los Ebanos 9:30-9:45—Dance recordings. of city limits of La Ferla. In well 9:45-10:00—Vlvier Music Co. on program. FOR SALE—Fixtures and equip- developed community, good Modern apartment* for rent road, and near electric light line. PROPERTIES ment of one of the best orange For Mr. 1830 with sale of appointment phone KWWG PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY drink stands In Houston. Lease ex- fruit crop goes orchard. 11 before Octob- James, 499 or 1478. G-41 9:00-9:15—The day's program; announcements. pires tn a few weeks, must vacate. purchased 1st. See us at once for and 9:15-10:00—Organ recital from the Capitol; Paul Kennard, organist. Valley fruit will be Just coming in er price New mtjcrn frame bungalow; terms If you want one of the Val- 5 screened 10:00-10:30—Popular program. —a good time to start up. Will large rooms; .leeping THREE-ROOM furnished apart- Aaiociated Prett Photo leys outstanding buys In a devel- 11:30-11:35—Announcements. teach you ho- to -make orange perch; built-ins; 2 porches; ga- ment. lights, water and gas In- orchard S. C. Graham ii 00 Roy C. Lyle, former prohibition 11:35-11:50—"For the Housewife." Juice, orange Julian, pineapple, and oped rage: less than $4000.00. $350 cluded. 402 Adams St. 08 Company, phone 179, Brownsville. administrator, on trial In Seattle Associated Press Photo grapefruit, a#id teach you the right down. 11:50-12:00—Popular vocal selections. Texas. G-84 charged with accepting bribes from way. Can put it In a truck and .lEL-ROY APARTMENTS Beau- 12:00—'Time signals; courtesy Star Pharmacy of McAllen. United States District Attorney rum runners. haul it down there. 8ix years in tifully furnished efficiency apart- 12:00-12:03—Weather and river forecasts. Charles H. Tuttle, New York City, business In San Antonio. Bargain ROY 8ETHMAN ments: Urge and small. Hot wa- 12:03-12:15—Request program. bean to has urged by republicans to someone. Address W. C. Beener, FOR SALE with ter. electrical refrigeration. 701 St Face* Fraud 12:15—Time signals; courtesy Aldridge-Kimmell Ca run for governorship of New York. JAMES DICKINSON COMPANY Charge 721 Main St., Houston, Texas. G94 40 7 acres vegetable and citrus Charles. Phone 642. P-61 12:16-12:30—Request program. fruit land three miles south- of the Union Mutual Life Insurance 2:30-2:40—Program Co. A HOME OF YOUR OWN can be west of San Benito. Lots A, 3-ROOM furnished apartment*, 2:40-3:00—"Old-Timers’ Club.” The correct name of whalebone 1-mi for a smaJ down payment and B. C. D. Block 52. of San Be- c e side of duplex, unfurnished. 3:00-3:03—Weather and river forecasts. 1007 West St. Is baleen and It is not a bone, balancr like rent Read the real nito Land and Water company. Charles, phone 331. 3:03-3:15—Theme songs from current movies. none of the of eitatj ads before you lay this pa- All in cultivation. No F-138 having properties Improve- _ Publix 3:15-3:20—News from the Theatres. bone. It is*found attached to the Pv.r aside. ments. Price $300.00 per acre. 3:20-3:30—Theme continued. FURNISHED ROOMS songs, upper Jaw of the whale and serves Easy payments. Box 214. Ar- FOR SALE—8 acres, 450 seven-year TREES, PLANTS AND SEED kansas Kansas. G112 3:30-4:00—Variety program. to strain water taken Into the City, okl trees, modern house. Will pay NICELY furnished room. Close In. 4:00-4:15—News flashes from The Brownsville Herald. 15 cent in 60 Box La e whale’s mouth. .-.-. per days. 393, Hot and cold water, gas heat, private Teria, Texas. 0123 4:15-4:30—Popular program. home. Phone 1024-J after 6:30 p. m. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT P-268 KRGV-HARL1N0E Left Office of the collector of customs, Only 130,000 For Subdivision COOL a 10:30-11:30 Real Estate For Sale front bedroom with garage Dally except Sunday—6:30-9:00 m.; a. ra.; 4:30—7:00 p. m. Port of Brownsville, Texas, Septem- 12 00 for two boys. 215 West St. Charles, Sunday—8:00-9:15 a. m.; noon-2 p m ber 6, 1930. Notice Is hereby given CITRUS TREES 160 Acres Finest hotel location in Browns- phore 1405J 0118 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 that on Sept. 5, 1930. there was We have plenty of %" and ville; 216 feet frontage on Adams seized from Alfonso Rodriguez, near K" citrus trees in Marsh Located 4 blocks from the high 3-ROOM 'umlshed house for rent. (Bw Th0 AtacciaUd Br—) street. Los Fresnos, Texas, for violation of school and closer to Browns- 1555 Garfield. Pivgrama In Central Standard tlma. ?. M. vnlaas otbarwiae indicated. Pink (seedless), Marsh Seed- G125 Sect. 593 Tarif Act 1930 and 3062 less, Foster Pink grapefruit ville than the exclusive Los Apartment house site; one city FURNISHED 454.3—WEAP New York—660 CNBC Chain* R. S., one Chevrolet touring auto- ani* assorted commercial Ebanos Subdivision. Winding room In private home. block on Blvd. Directly in front Meals if desired. 442 0:00—Half Hour In tha Capital—Alao 1:30—Wandall Hall and Hla Craw—Alao mobile. motor No. 4800952. Serial oranges now ready for deliv- resaca running through prop- Levee, phone of Valley View Apartments. Will 578. WIOD WJAX KFSD HOMO WFJC WOT WWJ WSAI WENR K8D WOC- No. 3AB168716. Any one claiming ery. erty offering natural lake front 028 WWJ WSAI KSD WOC-WHO WOW WHO WOW WDAF WJAX WIOD sell all or part. the above described automobi’e will If you want to see some site! for subdivision. This prop- KTW WDAF KSTP WJDX WSMB WHAB W8M WMC W8B WSMB fICE cool bedroom, upstairs. with me within real stock visit our erty is for sale by owners and KGO KVOO KPRC WOAI KOA KECA WJDX WEBC KOA KSTP WTAM llle claim twenty nursery in Summit Gentleman can be a at- New 6-rocm house preferred. 622 St. 6:30—Hour by Gypaioa Orcheatra—Alao (.>00—Phil Spitalny Danca Muaie—Alao (201 days from the date of this nurseries at San Juan and bought at very WJDX Place. Charles. Phone 658. GT WGY WWJ WSAI WGN KSD WOC- WWJ WSMB WTAM WSAI otherwise I will sell the let us quote you prices. tractive price. Also tract of*300 WHO WDAF WTAM WOW •:1S—Unela Aba and David — Only notice; Our trees were acres within city limits, adjacent — at auction at the fully pro- 7:30—Tha Family Party Alao WOT WWJ WSAI WFJC WOW WEBC automobile public Five-room house, garage at St. HOUSES to Missouri Pacific Lines on -.
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