Qualis-CC Conferências Agosto de 2012 Sigla Nome Índice-H Estrato 3DIM International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling 29 B1 3DUI IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 18 B2 3PGCIC International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud, and Internet Computing 4 B4 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 93 A1 AAECC Applied algebra, Algebraic algorithms, and Error Correcting Codes 17 B2 AAIM Algorithmic Applications in Management 14 B3 AAIP Workshop on Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming 3 B5 AAMAS International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems 84 A1 ABiALS Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems 14 B3 ABS Agent-based Simulation Workshop 5 B4 ABZ Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z 18 B2 AC IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 9 B4 ACC American Control Conference 76 A1 ACE Australasian Conference on Computing Education 21 B2 ACE_A International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 30 B1 ACHI International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction 11 B3 ACiD Algorithms and CompleXity in Durham 6 B4 ACII International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 24 B1 ACIIDS Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems 7 B4 ACIL Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning 9 B4 ACIS-ICIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science 15 B3 ACIVS Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems Conference 18 B2 ACL International Conference of the Association of Computational Linguistics 110 A1 ACL2 Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications 12 B3 ACMC Australasian Computer Music Conference 9 B4 ACNS International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security 34 B1 ACOM International Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques 3 B5 ACRI International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry 20 B2 ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 63 A1 ACSD International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design 23 B1 Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies 18 B2 ADBIS Symposium on Advances in Database and Information Systems 24 B1 ADC Australasian Database Conference 32 B1 AdCom International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications 12 B3 ADHOC-NOW International Conference on AD-HOC Networks and Wireless 22 B1 ADHOCNETS International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks 2 B5 ADMA International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications 18 B2 ADMI International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction 3 B5 ADPRL IEEE International Symposium on ApproXimate Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning 13 B3 ADS Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium 3 B5 ADT Algorithmic Decision Theory 7 B4 AEM International Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics 6 B4 AES-Brasil Audio Engineering Society - Brasil 2 B5 AFRICACRYPT International Conference on Cryptology in Africa 15 B3 AGI Artificial General Intelligence 9 B4 Agile Agile Development Conference 26 B1 AGILE_A AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science 10 B3 AGO International Conference on Advances In Global Optimization: Methods and Applications 2 B5 AGS Agents for Games and Simulations 6 B4 AI Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 B1 AI*IA Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence 15 B3 AIA Artificial Intelligence and Applications Conference 6 B4 AIAI IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 10 B4 AICCSA ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications 23 B1 AICT Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications 22 B1 AIED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education 29 B1 AIED_A Workshop on Motivation and Affect in Educational Software 3 B5 AIIDE Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment 19 B2 AIME Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe 19 B2 AiML Advances in Modal Logic 15 B3 AIMS Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security 9 B4 AIMSA Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications 16 B2 AINA International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications 39 A2 AIRS Asia Information Retrieval Symposium 14 B3 AIS SIGED International Conference on Informatics Education and Research 2 B5 AISAT International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology 2 B5 AISC International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computing 13 B3 AISec AI & Security Workshop 9 B4 AISM Australian Information Security Management Conference 8 B4 ALAMAS European Symposium on Adaptive Learning Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 3 B5 ALENEX Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and EXperiments 27 B1 ALG Workshop on Algorithm Engineering 22 B1 AlgOR International conference on Algorithmic Operations Research and Operations Research Case Competition 8 B4 ALGOSENSORS Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks 15 B3 ALIFE IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life 6 B4 ALIFE_A International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems 19 B2 ALIO/EURO Conference on Combinatorial Optimization 3 B5 ALPIT International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology 7 B4 ALT International Conferences on Algorithmic Learning Theory 24 B1 ALTA Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 5 B4 AMAI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics 15 B3 AMAS-BT Workshop on Architectural and Microarchitectural Support for Binary Translation 1 B5 AMAST International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology 27 B1 AMCIS Americas Conference on Information Systems 32 B1 AMCS International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science 2 B5 AMIA AMIA Annual Symposium 39 A2 AMINING Active Mining 6 B4 AMS Autonome Mobile Systeme 9 B4 AMSTA Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 13 B3 AMTA Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas 4 B4 AMW Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management 5 B4 ANALCO Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics 8 B4 ANCS Symposium On Architecture For Networking And Communications Systems 25 B1 1/19 Qualis-CC Conferências Agosto de 2012 Sigla Nome Índice-H Estrato ANDESCON IEEE Andean Region International Conference 4 B4 ANIREM Workshop on Agents Norms and Institutions for Regulated Multiagent Systems 1 B5 ANNPR IAPR International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern 8 B4 ANPPOM Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música 1 B5 ANSS Annual Simulation Symposium 28 B1 ANTS International Symposium on Algorithmic Number Theory 27 B1 ANTS_A International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence 10 B4 ANTS_C International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems 6 B4 AOIS Agent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop 8 B3 AOM Aspect-Oriented Modeling Workshop 19 B2 AOSD International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 55 A1 AOSE Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 7 B3 APCIP Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing 6 B4 APEID UNESCO-APEID International Conference 3 B5 APGV Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 19 B2 APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems 28 B1 APPROX International Workshop on ApproXimation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems 31 B1 APSCC IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference 15 B3 APTC Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference 1 B5 APWEB International Asia-Pacific Web Conference 20 B2 ARC International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing 14 B3 ARCS Architecture of Computing Systems 17 B2 ARES International Conference on Availability: Reliability and Security 27 B1 ArgMas International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems 5 B4 ARM Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware 7 B4 ArtAbilitation The ArtAbilitation Conference 2 B5 ARVLSI Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI 9 B4 ASAMA International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications / International Symposium on Mobile Agents 24 B1 ASAP IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems: Architectures and Processors 29 B1 ASE IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 55 A1 ASIACCS ASIAN ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security 32 B1 ASIACRYPT International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security 69 A1 ASID International Workshop on Anti-counterfeiting, Security and Identification 6 B4 ASIS&T Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 5 B4 ASONAM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining 10 B4 ASP-DAC Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 48 A2 ASPLOS International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems 72 A1 ASRU IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding 20 B2 ASSETS International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility 38 A2 AST Automation of Software Test 14 B3 ASYNC Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems 37 A2 ATMOS Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems 8 B4 ATT Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation 4 B4 ATVA Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
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